Verfügbare Informationen zu "ALTKLEIDERSAMMLUNG"Qualität des Beitrags: Beteiligte Poster: Adminette - maisy - Bruki - Tinka - Julia - Kathrynethegreat - simone Forum: Forenbeschreibung: Das Kostüm-Film-Forum aus dem Unterforum: Sonst noch was? Antworten: 828 Forum gestartet am: Sonntag 17.06.2007 Sprache: deutsch Link zum Originaltopic: ALTKLEIDERSAMMLUNG Letzte Antwort: vor 10 Jahren, 17 Tagen, 3 Stunden, 31 Minuten
Alle Beiträge und Antworten zu "ALTKLEIDERSAMMLUNG"
Adminette - 21.02.2009, 18:58
solange maggie mit den neuigkeiten nicht nachkommt und hier, sowie hier, hier und hier nix neues steht, und natürlich auch zur wahrung des rufes als adlerauge, lade ich meinen ballast also vorerst hier ab :wink:
los gehts mit ein paar höfischen skandälchen. hab nämlich entdeckt, warum mylady castlemaine (helen mcrory charles II - the power and the passion) bei ihrem auszug aus whitehall eine derart sauertöpfische mine zieht... mußte sie doch die alte klamotte ihrer (fiktiven) konkurrenten celia clemmence (polly walker, restoration) auftragen :lol:
gleiches gilt für nell gwynn (emma pierson) und queen catherine (shirley henderson) - nur tragen es diese damen mit etwas mehr langmut.
merivel's (robert downey jr.) olle klamotte ging übrigens an den schmierigen, gattinmordenden duc d'orléans in zweitgenannter serie über.
und noch mehr modische rivalitäten in liebesdingen: lucy steele (anna madelay) trägt doch ernsthaft zum besuch bei elinor (hattie morahan) elinors (emma thompson) altes kleid auf :eek:
das wiederum bedeutet, dass jede person in dieser S&S 08 szene ein recycelten gewandungen steckt, denn elinors wurde zuvor ungefärbt von keira knightleys lizzie vorgeführt, in mariannes kleid steckte vorher harriet smith (toni collette, GP "emma") und mindestens edwards weste habe ich auch schon an jj feild (sally lockhart - shadow in the north) und dem gastgeber der regency house party gesehen :ja:
soviel für heute.
und wer jetzt meint, ich guckte definitiv zu viel fern, der hat selbstredend recht. und wer jetzt meint, er könne das eine oder andere fundstück zur sammlung beitragen, ist herzlich dazu aufgerufen.
Adminette - 21.02.2009, 22:03
nagut, ein bisschen speelkram sei mir noch gegönnt, ullis erstem weiblichen avatar zu ehren: christiona cole war in "lost in austen" mit folgenden stücken mehrwegausstattung aus ang lees S&S vertreten:
wobei ich mir sicher bin, dass sehr viel mehr mode aus "LiA" ursprünglich für andere filme und serien geschneidert wurde. mehr jedenfalls als amandas spencer und bonnet.
oder janes mantel (vormals an anne steele/S&S08, mary musgrove/persuasion 07 und maria lucas/P&P 95).
mrs bennets mantel kommt mir jedenfalls auch bekannt vor. :wink:
Adminette - 26.03.2009, 15:52
und weiter gehts im regency klamottenschrank:
so ziemlich alle zur theateraufführung in der anstalt getragenen upperclass kostüme in "quills" stammen aus dem einen oder anderen austenfilm:
emma (miramax/gwyneth paltrow):
P&P 95:
und S&S 95
am ende begegnet kate winslet sogar ihrem eigenen kostüm, das danach übrigens auch von sally hawkins' anne elliot spazieren geführt wurde.
auch in mansfield park 99 bediente sich kostümdesignerin andrea galer gernemal im cosprop- und BBC fundus:
S&S 95 - MP 99
fanny price muss wirklich ganz olle kamellen auftragen:
amelia sedley im 1967er vanity fair - MP 99
dafür wurden extra für MP entworfene kleider auch weitergereicht - an die nachfolgegeneration aus little dorrit:
von aunt norris zu mrs meagles (von letzterer fehlt mir zwar ein bild, aber sie trägt es in der allerletzten szene zu amys hochzeit).
von maria bertram an fanny dorrit:
die ärmste muss sich sowieso - wie schon erwähnt - des öfteren (und sogar nach der erbschaft) mitgebrauchtem "plunder" zufrieden geben:
molly gibson /wives and daughters 1999 - little fanny dorrit 2008
bonnet und spencer von mrs clay (ausgerechnet) / persuasion 1995 - bonnet auf mrs frank churchill in der GP emma / bonnet und spencer an fanny dorrit
zur allgemeinen beruhigung muss aber auch so ein verhätschelteskind wie pet meagles aufs geld achten und so schließt sich denn für heute der kreis über aunt gardiner (P&P 95) wieder zur gwyneth paltrow emma bzw. hiesiger mrs. weston:
Adminette - 27.03.2009, 14:14
die folgenden kostüme lustwandeln sowohl durch "marie antoinette" als auch durch "john adams":
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eines der kleider hat einen kleinen umweg über england genommen: eliza de feuillde (lucy cohu, becoming jane) muss es der lamballe (bills tochter mary nighy) wohl vom leib gerissen haben, bevor sie aus paris floh... schließlich landet es wieder in paris (vor der revolution) an einer statistin (rosa pfeile), die neben den adamses und thomas jefferson dem jungfernflug der montgolfière beiwohnt.
Adminette - 13.04.2009, 23:00
auf einem der von bruki zu "eroica" gezeigten bilder ist zu sehen, dass eine magd oder sowas das kleid trägt, das zuvor an kate winslet/marianne dashwood (S&S'95) und danach an michelle ryan/maria bertram (MP'07) zu sehen war.
colin firth umhang aus shakespeare in love steht auch in "elizabeth - the golden age" stramm bei hofe.
hattie morahan/elinor dashwood (S&S08) lustwandelt des morgens in carey mulligans/kitty bennets (P&P05) morgenmantel durch die gegend:
im gegenzug dazu tanzen diverseste kleider aus S&S 95 auf dem ball in meryton in P&P 05
zum beispiel auch dieses:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
und noch mehr modische rivalitäten in liebesdingen: lucy steele (anna madelay) trägt doch ernsthaft zum besuch bei elinor (hattie morahan) elinors (emma thompson) altes kleid auf :eek:
oder dieses:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: wo wir gerade bei der bilderschwemme sind, werde ich mal die neusten fotos aus dem k-fundus kundgeben. unter anderem noch mehr beweise dafür, dass bei mansfield park eindeutig aus der mottenkiste gefischt wurde :roll: :
selbiges trug auch mrs. pitts haushälterin im 98er vanity fair.
und dann noch dass kleid von kate winslet/marianne, dass schon von dem aschenputtel der regency house party getragen werden durfte
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zu guter letzt ein kleid vom netherfield ball, dass (luftholen) zuerst von mrs. dashwood (S&S95), dann von einer patron-matron der regencey house party, dann von lady bertram (MP 07) und dann auch noch von lady ludlow (cranford 07) getragen wurde - mal mit, mal ohne schleifchen.
Adminette - 20.04.2009, 22:17
weiter gehts
barbara leigh hunt trägt in "wives and daughters" den selben military hut wie claire skinner in S&S 08
julia sawalha trägt in "cranford" molly gibsons/justine waddels kleid aus "wives and daughters"
und miss galindo (ebenfalls "cranford") fanny thorntons/jo joyners ("north and south") purpur-kleid.
dafür trug margaret hale/daniela denby ashe ("north & south") alte blusen von laura fraser ("he knew he was right") auf.
ein kleid ging von thandie newton/sally hemmings ("jefferson in paris") über jessica oyelowo/magd sarah ("sleepy hollow") direkt an billie piper/fanny price (MP 07).
und weil wir die könige des gepflegten massenrecyclings noch garnicht dabei hatten, sei diesem umstand flugs abgeholfen:
weste an robert dudley/joseph fiennes ("elizabeth") und dem fiedler marc smeaton (the tudors staffel 2)
kleid an einer hofdame bei annes hinrichtung in "the other boleyn girl" und gleich danach an anne/natalie dormer selbst ("the tudors" season 2)
und für heute gute nacht!
Adminette - 23.04.2009, 23:18
und schon wurde es gesichtet... das erste wiederverwandte kostüm:
jodhi may als mrs. anne weston (emma 09) trägt hattie morahans bzw. elinor dashwoods (S&S08) blauen mantel:
Adminette - 14.06.2009, 14:23
emily blunts victoria trägt rosamund pikes/jane bennets fluffy-bonnet, dass im übrigen auch von lefroys junger cousine in "becoming jane" und eleanor tilney in "northanger abbey" getragen wurde:
Adminette - 28.06.2009, 13:46
reifrockgestell in "das halsband der königin" und in "marie antoinette"
dass mehrere kleider wiederverwendet wurden, steht hier ja schon.
Adminette - 13.07.2009, 12:01
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
in mariannes kleid steckte vorher harriet smith (toni collette, GP "emma") und mindestens edwards weste habe ich auch schon an jj feild in "the shadow in the north" gesehen :ja:
das gelbe kleid sah an sophia myles in mansfield park noch unscheinbarer, um nicht zu sagen schäbiger aus. dabei ist as an marianne mit unter ganz apart in szene gesetzt...
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: die erkenntnis, dass es eine weste im cosprop fundus zu geben scheint, die speziell an smarte junge männer verteilt wird... die früher oder später in einer austenverfilmung landen... :cool:
wie gesagt...
noch mehr wiederverwendete kostüme aus dem hintergrund:
auf mrs carterets ball in S&S 95:
zur theateraufführung an mary crawford in Mansfield Park 99
und auf mehreren mit mal abgedrehten bällen in Byron mit johnny lee in der hauptrolle. der ganze zweiteiler strotzt nur so vor wiederverwendeten klamotten. naja, da konnte man das geld dann wenigsten für anständige ausleuchter, make-up-artists und friseure ausgeben...
und jetzt set mal, was ich noch aufgetan habe: häßliche tapete/ugly wallpaper in P&P 05
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: (schöne 50er jahre tapete übrigens. wie hatten bis kurz nach der wende ganz ähnliche im wohnzimmer... :kreuz: )
und häßliche tapete in miramax' emma:
:shock: :shock:
Adminette - 15.07.2009, 16:43
in "madame bovary" kuschelt sich der nackichte greg wise in die selbe reich bestickte decke, unter der schon "elizabeth" nach der krönung nächtigte.
und ich bin mir noch nicht ganz sicher, aber vielleicht verstarb sogar der angetraute der comtesse de vache ("let them eat cake") - fast - auf dem schickslasschweren schmuckstück :shock:
und auch die folgenden kleidchen finden sich in "byron" wieder.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: zu guter letzt ein kleid vom netherfield ball, dass (luftholen) zuerst von mrs. dashwood (S&S95), dann von einer patron-matron der regencey house party, dann von lady bertram (MP 07) und dann auch noch von lady ludlow (cranford 07) getragen wurde - mal mit, mal ohne schleifchen.
außerdem scheint mir für die folgenden gewänder derselbe (muss sagen gefällige) stoff verwendet worden zu sein:
Adminette - 17.07.2009, 11:45
weils so unterhaltsam ist, gleich weiter: von dem stücke, das man im emma 09 trailer sieht, gehe ich mal davon aus, dass ausgerechnet mrs. elton ein gebrauchtes ensemble aufträgt. und zwar sah man das vorher schon an der von benidict cumberbatch eindeutig als solche ausgemachten boardschlampe (pardon) in "to the ends of the earth".
armes, unoriginäres ding...
PS: emmy sedley trug es in vanity fair 1998 auch.
Adminette - 22.07.2009, 12:30
weil simone mich gerade darauf aufmerksam machte heute mal ein wenig victorianische reifröcke:
ganz frisch aus "desperate romantics" die großartig bunte robe, mit der schon fanny thornton in north and south als so umfangreich auffiel, dass magaret zweifel kam, ob denn am teetisch genug platz für sie wäre. geschneidert wurde sie ursprünglich wohl für "firelight" - den jane eyre verschnitt mit sophie marceau und stephen dillane...
hintergründiges von der great exhibition in north and south bzw. an königin victoria in "florence nightingale":
und wo wir schon bei north and south sind, kann ich euch ja auch gleich sagen, dass maggie hales hübsches mit grünen blümchen bedrucktes musselinkleid schon vorher von frances o'connor als emma bovary getragen wurde.
die madame bovary trägt sowieso den einen oder anderen wohlbekannten aufzug, aber dazu später mehr. über der link der wiederverwedeten vögelchentapete gehen wir mal von north and south zu "secret life of mrs. beeton". diese mrs. trägt das folgende kleid aus der "great expectations" version mit ioan gruffudd:
purpurne stola an anna chancellor als (schwieger)mama beeton und an einem extra in great expectations:
mrs beeton trägt ein strohhütchen, an/unter dem auch mrs. tristram shandy/keeley hawes hing:
und damit ich das posting mal sprenge - nicht, dass ich nicht noch mehr hätte... - nochmal kurz zurück ins regency:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
nagut. hier jedenfalls die auflösung von links nach quer:
1.: trägerin hier: jane bennet.
2.: hier: anna weston.
3.: und hier: irgendeine statistin, die es glaub ich nicht mal zu "screentime" gebracht hat, sondern nur im making-of kurz zu sehen ist.
das kleidchen hatte auch rochesters kirre olle aufm dachboden in der 06er jane eyre an:
Adminette - 23.07.2009, 12:48
wie gesagt, zurück zum regency:
senffarbener mantel an becky sharp in vanity fair 1998, claire clairmont in byron 2003 und an mrs. jennings in S&S 08.
pfirsichfarbenes kleid an becky sharp und an zenobia? na jedenfalls der unfeinen jungen dame aus "to the ends of the earth"
lucy steeles (S&S 08) tanzt ohne schwarze verzierungen auch schon auf mrs. carterets london ball (S&S 95)
dafür gabs bei S&S 08 zuletzt anne elliots verlöbniskleid von 1996 zu sehen. 1998 tanzte es auf dem waterloo ball in "vanity fair"
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ein schwarzes mäntelchen an mrs granham (victoria hamilton) in "to the ends of the earth" und an eleanor tilney in NA 07:
pfirsichfarbenes kleid aus P&P 95, ITV Emma, to the ends of the earth und vielleicht an mrs. dashwood in der letzten S&S 95 szene bzw an mrs musgrove in persuasion 07:
Adminette - 24.07.2009, 18:48
ein bisschen rokoko zum feierabend:
zwei nette zone-front kleider an mrs. und miss linton in wuthering heights '92 und an der jubelnden menge in "the madness of king george" und miss lintons hut etwas aufgetakelt auf dem kopf der duchessa keira:
maisy - 25.07.2009, 21:17
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
molly gibson /wives and daughters 1999 - little fanny dorrit 2008
Mrs. Lupin (Lynda Bellingham) in Martin Chuzzlewit 1994.
Adminette - 26.07.2009, 11:34
hi maisy, excellent to see, that i'm no longer alone in this section.
i think the BBC dramas settled arround 1830 offer as many reused costumes, as the jane austen adaptations do. one has just to look out for them, which i haven't done yet. but i've found a pale green summer dress in "the way we live now" on anne marie duff and in "the buccaneers" on carla cugino:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
mrs bennets mantel kommt mir jedenfalls auch bekannt vor. :wink:
i knew, that i would came across that pelisse again... here it is in byron:
maisy - 26.07.2009, 14:09
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i knew, that i would came across that pelisse again... here it is in byron:
Oh, that's a very good find. I didn't notice it in Byron.
I did see it on Maxine Peake as Miss Wade in Little Dorrit (2008).
In Miss Austen Regrets (2008), on Phyllida law as Mrs. Austen.
In David Copperfield 1999, on an extra.
and on an extra in P&P 1995.
And this pelisse from Byron (Julie Cox as Annabela Milbanke) was also worn by Mrs. Philips in Pride and Prejudice 1980.
Great find you had with Buccaneers. I must admit that I notice the regency costumes more than the Victorian ones. You are so observant Anna!
Bruki - 26.07.2009, 22:10
Oje, jetzt haben sich zwei gefunden :shock: --- wir werden euch "Legolas" und "Gimli" nennen: "That still only counts as one!" :rofl:
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 27.07.2009, 09:39
ohh. ein mann im kleiderschrank. und er hat statt einem höflichen hallo wieder niiix als frechheiten von sich zu geben :aetsch:
anyway, in "marple: they do it with mirrors" penelope wilton is wearing one of hattie morahans nightgowns from S&S 08. unfortunatly i couldn't see any of charity wakefields nighties on wiltons film sister joan collins...
maria bertram wears a honeymoon dress in MP 07, that was seen on katherine parkinson as an extra in ... "extras" before.
Bruki - 27.07.2009, 09:56
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ohh. ein mann im kleiderschrank. und er hat statt einem höflichen hallo wieder niiix als frechheiten von sich zu geben :aetsch:
Sehr wohl, Gimli, Gloins Sohn :blll: ... Hallo Legolas! :bisbald: :engel:
Ansonsten hab ich meine Pflicht mit dem Erkennen der Tapetenmuster schon getan. Mehr ist nicht drin... :wink:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 27.07.2009, 15:15
LOL, so now you know that bruki visits this thread, and so now you know his secret-- that he enjoys the costumes and is curious to see the reused ones. :wink:
This one is for you, anna, because I know you love this gown from Northanger Abbey.
Lady Kiely (Allie Byrne) in Sharpe's Battle (1995) wears the same gown previously seen on Catherine Morland in NA 2007, and on Maria Bertram in Mansfield Park 1983.
Also in the sharpe series...
In Sharpe's Waterloo (1997), Lucille (Cécile Paoli) wears Lady Kiely's dinner gown from Sharpe's Battle (1995).
Also in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997), Jane Sharpe (Abigail Cruttenden) wears a yellow Spencer previously seen on Sarah Dubreton (Helena Michell) in Sharpe's Enemy (1994).
Lady Kiely in Sharpe's Battle (1995) and Jane Sharpe in Sharpe's Mission (1996) wear the same shift.
and a pelisse is worn by an extra in Sharpe's Justice (1997), an extra in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) and an extra in Mansfield Park (1983).
maisy - 27.07.2009, 19:10
Here's a costume that appears in both Sharpe and Horatio Hornblower.
Maria (Julia Sawalha) in Horatio Hornblower: Loyalty (2003) wears Lucille's print gown from Sharpe's Waterloo (1997).
Adminette - 29.07.2009, 10:24
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
This one is for you, anna, because I know you love this gown from Northanger Abbey.
Lady Kiely (Allie Byrne) in Sharpe's Battle wears the same gown previously seen on Catherine Morland, and on Maria Bertram in Mansfield Park 1983.
thats a lovely find. but a have to say, the lovelyness of the dress hugely depends on the person inside it :shock:
weren't the dresses of marias mother/barbara flynn in hornblower loyalty and duty reused as well?
maisy - 29.07.2009, 14:14
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: thats a lovely find. but a have to say, the lovelyness of the dress hugely depends on the person inside it :shock:
Indeed it does. This is one of the things I find so interesting about these reused costumes-- how they seem different on different characters. The dress does nothing for Samantha Bond. It seems so ordinary on her, yet it is very lovely on Catherine in NA 07.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: weren't the dresses of marias mother/barbara flynn in hornblower loyalty and duty reused as well?
I think they must be. This one looked very familiar to me, but I cannot think where I have seen it. Here it is; perhaps you will recognize it.
Perhaps I have found one of Barbara Flynn's (as Mrs. Mason) gowns from Horatio Hornblower Duty in Lost in Austen on Jemima Rooper as Amanda Price.
What do you think?
maisy - 29.07.2009, 22:30
Another pelisse from Lost in Austen (2008)
Mrs. Bennet (Alex Kingston) wears a pelisse worn by Anna Chancellor as Caroline Bingley in P&P 1995.
I always think the green pelisse in this scene illustrates how Miss Bingley is surely "green with envy" that Elizabeth has won Mr. Darcy's love.
Adminette - 30.07.2009, 14:57
she wouldn't even have needed a green spencer to convey that envy. her face speaks volumes... :fies:
quite another thing i've noticed a while ago:
guy ritchie probably (not 100% sure) used props (window curtains) from P&P 05 for his feature film "rock'n'rolla" (!!!) plus one of the gangsters is watching P&P 05 (and the remains of the day) in his pimped car :lol: still madonna's "british to the upper lip" influence?
maisy - 31.07.2009, 17:52
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: she wouldn't even have needed a green spencer to convey that envy. her face speaks volumes... :fies:
Oh yes! The look on her face makes me think of the Childcatcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! :kreuz:
Zitat: quite another thing i've noticed a while ago:
guy ritchie probably (not 100% sure) used props (window curtains) from P&P 05 for his feature film "rock'n'rolla" (!!!) plus one of the gangsters is watching P&P 05 (and the remains of the day) in his pimped car :lol: still madonna's "british to the upper lip" influence?
Oh, that is a very good find--what an unexpected place to find the draperies from P&P 05!
maisy - 03.08.2009, 22:35
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: a pelisse is worn by an extra in Sharpe's Justice (1997), an extra in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) and an extra in Mansfield Park (1983).
I thought this pelisse with the scalloped cape looked familiar, but I couldn't place it until today. Here it is on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion 1971.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: weren't the dresses of marias mother/barbara flynn in hornblower loyalty and duty reused as well?
I think they must be. This one looked very familiar to me, but I cannot think where I have seen it. Here it is; perhaps you will recognize it.
I found Barbara Flynn/Mrs. Mason's gown in Persuasion 1971 on Georgine Anderson as Mrs. Croft.
Adminette - 05.08.2009, 10:55
ohh. that's funny. i knew that pelisse with the scalloped neckline only from the old austen adaptations but didn't know, what you were referring to in your earlier post as i couldn see the larger pictures. so the sharpe productions probably spend all the money on boooom and fire as they certainly didn't make any of the womens dresses.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
zur allgemeinen beruhigung muss aber auch so ein verhätscheltes kind wie pet meagles aufs geld achten und so schließt sich denn für heute der kreis über aunt gardiner (P&P 95) wieder zur gwyneth paltrow emma bzw. hiesiger mrs. weston:
you've found that dress also on miss. brownings in wives and daughters. it was in there on an extra from mrs. kirkpatricks school during the making of as well.
i think the dress on the woman in the background und the left side of mrs. brownings wears that dress you've referred to on c19. i believe you've seen it in princess caraboo and probably byron or somesuch.
here is the dress worn by mrs. bennet in P&P95 and by the heiress george osbourne should marry according to his father in vanity fair 98.
pelisse on barbara leigh hunt in wives and daughters and in waterloo/vanity fair 98. it's surely reused much more often, as it looks very familiar.
unfortunatly i can't connect to your photobucket account to see the larger pictures. perhaps this is maria hornblowers/julia sawalhas wedding gown dancing on the hollingford spring charity ball in wives and daughters?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
dafür gabs bei S&S 08 zuletzt anne elliots verlöbniskleid von 1996 zu sehen. 1998 tanzte es auf dem waterloo ball in "vanity fair"
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in 1999 it was also on mrs. kirkpatrick during the first dinner scene in wives and daughters.
maisy - 05.08.2009, 23:06
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ohh. that's funny. i knew that pelisse with the scalloped neckline only from the old austen adaptations but didn't know, what you were referring to in your earlier post as i couldn see the larger pictures. so the sharpe productions probably spend all the money on boooom and fire as they certainly didn't make any of the womens dresses.
I've adjusted the settings in my photobucket account. You should be able to see the larger images now, when you click on the thumbnails. I had completely forgotten about that pelisse in Persuasion 1971 (I don't watch it very often) but I noticed it a few times recently in MP 83, then found it in two Sharpe's films. It's one of the nicer pieces in Persuasion 71, don't you think? (Lol, some of the colors and patterns in p71 are extreme!)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
zur allgemeinen beruhigung muss aber auch so ein verhätscheltes kind wie pet meagles aufs geld achten und so schließt sich denn für heute der kreis über aunt gardiner (P&P 95) wieder zur gwyneth paltrow emma bzw. hiesiger mrs. weston:
you've found that dress also on miss. brownings in wives and daughters. it was in there on an extra from mrs. kirkpatricks school during the making of as well.
Oh, very good. I haven't watched the making of feature in a long time. I should do that. I find it so interesting that the filmmakers would use a gown on multiple actresses in the SAME production. I suppose they think they can hide it in the background....but they better watch out because Anna will find it! :wink:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i think the dress on the woman in the background und the left side of mrs. brownings wears that dress you've referred to on c19. i believe you've seen it in princess caraboo and probably byron or somesuch.
Oh, you're right! The image has so much brightness that I didn't see the detail in the brocade strip on the sleeve. Yes, here it is on Lady Jane Crawley in Vanity Fair 98, and on Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here is the dress worn by mrs. bennet in P&P95 and by the heiress george osbourne should marry according to his father in vanity fair 98.
Thank you.
Goodness, I had not recognized it on Miss Swartz. Her bosom looks ridiculous in that gown. It doesn't seem to fit her! :eek:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: pelisse on barbara leigh hunt in wives and daughters and in waterloo/vanity fair 98. it's surely reused much more often, as it looks very familiar.
I missed that one. I don't recall noticing it before.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: unfortunatly i can't connect to your photobucket account to see the larger pictures. perhaps this is maria hornblowers/julia sawalhas wedding gown dancing on the hollingford spring charity ball in wives and daughters?
Yes, I believe you are correct. It seems there are quite a few familiar gowns in Wives and Daughters, especially at the beginning, and in the Easter Ball scene.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
dafür gabs bei S&S 08 zuletzt anne elliots verlöbniskleid von 1996 zu sehen. 1998 tanzte es auf dem waterloo ball in "vanity fair"
- -
in 1999 it was also on mrs. kirkpatrick during the first dinner scene in wives and daughters.
Oh, very good. I like the pink on Mrs. Kirkpatrick, but her hair, Louisa! :lol:
Adminette - 06.08.2009, 11:04
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Persuasion 1971 (I don't watch it very often)
i can see why. no need to punish oneself too often... not only are the colors and patterns truely extreme, as you say, to an extent that it makes quite an entertainment for its own merit... also to let the main character go with such a hairdo the whole time... :eek: even truely accomplished louisa or better miss bingley would fail on words to describe something THAT horrid. in german, french or other modern languages :wink:
Zitat: Oh, very good. I haven't watched the making of feature in a long time. I should do that. I find it so interesting that the filmmakers would use a gown on multiple actresses in the SAME production.
that's what i thought. perhaps one prop member didn't know, that it was already used and that's why the poor extra's scenes were all cut from the actual production...
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: unfortunatly i can't connect to your photobucket account to see the larger pictures. perhaps this is maria hornblowers/julia sawalhas wedding gown dancing on the hollingford spring charity ball in wives and daughters?
ohh, your so quick, wanting to adjust your account. thanks for that. but i actually meant, that i can't get any connenction to your account with my recent computer for no understandable reason. it sometimes does things like that, you know. with my laptop i had no problem seeing the pictures at all. but now it seems, that i would have to log in or register to view the account :nixweiss:
maisy - 06.08.2009, 17:04
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Another pelisse from Lost in Austen:
Mrs. Bennet (Alex Kingston) wears a pelisse worn by Anna Chancellor as Caroline Bingley in P&P 1995.
I also found this pelisse on an extra in Vanity Fair 2004 (right).
If I post the image this size, can you see it well enough, Anna? I'm wondering if the problem with your computer might be a browser setting? Do you use Firefox Mozzilla? Perhaps you have a block turned on. I want to figure this out, so we can discuss and enjoy each others discoveries. :-)
Changed the above image to thumbnail size. Glad you can see everything again. :)
Adminette - 06.08.2009, 17:24
of course the size works fine for my eyes as it is now. but as this is a very "picturesque" thread, i'd say it takes too much time to load when one threadpage has got over five postings. and it outsizes the text window. no really, the thumbnails are just fine. usually they're enough to get the meaning. plus usually i use firefox on both computers and had no problem before. i remember beeing able to open larger piccies in your account with this pc as well, so it's perhaps just a temporary computer PMS kind of thing. as i said. sometimes IT really does things like that... :roll: so i'll try it once more, when you've set everything back to normal and tell you if it worked or not.
EDIT: ah, i see, you've already done so, and guess what: it works :sauber:
and you're calling me sharpeyed :wink: mira nairs vanity fair? i've not seen it in a long time and probably won't ever again, not even for costumespotting as i'd prefer the monster of the book anyday. it's more diverting and i like my becky more vicious and less dramatic. but i remember thinking, that some of the women's white gowns with red shawls and stolas (don't exactly remember which scene. something at court perhaps as it was so uniform?) and some extra-garments during mass-scenes could certainly be reused.
maisy - 07.08.2009, 03:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and you're calling me sharpeyed :wink: mira nairs vanity fair? i've not seen it in a long time and probably won't ever again, not even for costumespotting as i'd prefer the monster of the book anyday. it's more diverting and i like my becky more vicious and less dramatic. but i remember thinking, that some of the women's white gowns with red shawls and stolas (don't exactly remember which scene. something at court perhaps as it was so uniform?) and some extra-garments during mass-scenes could certainly be reused.
Lol. Yes, I borrowed Nair's Vanity fair from my library. Isn't it horrible? I don't care for it at all, although there are some very good actors in it (and some not-so-good, imo). I was curious to see the costumes again, not just for recycled ones, but because I couldn't recall the extent of the Indian influence on the art direction, color schemes, etc. I love the Natasha Little version. I prefer my Becky more vicious too. Reese W. was extremely painful to watch. I skipped quite a bit and took a few costume screen caps.
I also borrowed the Poldark abomination from 1996 (the one with Ioan Gruffud). I'm planning to skip most of that one, too. :kreuz:
maisy - 09.08.2009, 20:33
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
pelisse on barbara leigh hunt in wives and daughters and in waterloo/vanity fair 98. it's surely reused much more often, as it looks very familiar.
I would not have recognized this costume if you hadn't brought it to my attention. Here it is on Jerry Hall as Lady Motley in Princess Caraboo.
Francesca Annis as Mrs. Kirkpatrick in Wives and Daughters (1999) wears a lilac and mauve costume from Princess Caraboo 1994, worn by Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville.
Also worn by Amy Dorrit in Little Dorrit 2008.
Remember this costume from Maggie's website? I found it in Vanity Fair 1998, on an extra at the Waterloo ball.
Natasha Little as Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair 1998 wears the same gown as Lucy Robinson as Mrs. Hurst in P&P 1995.
Adminette - 19.08.2009, 15:44
sorry, been out of town for a while...
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Francesca Annis as Mrs. Kirkpatrick in Wives and Daughters (1999) wears a lilac and mauve costume from Princess Caraboo 1994, worn by Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville.
Also worn by Amy Dorrit in Little Dorrit 2008.
i've just seen that costume as well, (not in little dorrit), but had no proper fotos, as you'll see. i probably have seen another costume from that seen. again i really am not certain, as it's always only shortly shown. so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
maisy - 21.08.2009, 18:53
I agree with you that's it's difficult to tell, but I think you're right about this costume being the same in all three projects. LOL, I've been watching Let them eat cake online. What a hoot!
maisy - 24.08.2009, 17:29
I believe this costume from To the Ends of the Earth, worn by Joanna Page as Marion Chumley, is the wedding gown from Byron (Julie Cox as Annabella Milbanke) and 1996-tv Emma (Samantha Morton as Harriet Smith). Also seen in David Copperfield 1999 on Emelia Fox as Clara Copperfield.
The blue trim was added, but notice that the bands over the sleeves are still on the gown, which is how I recognized it.
maisy - 30.08.2009, 02:45
Remember this coat from Emma 1972, worn by Ellen Dryden as Mrs. Weston? Here it is again on an extra in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Also worn by Imelda Staunton as Mrs. Cottisloe in a sketch called "Plots & Proposals" from Victoria Wood With All the Trimmings (2000).
and worn by Mrs. Bennet in P&P80
And this daydress worn by Debbie Bowen as Harriet Smith in Emma 1972 is seen on Kate Ashfieldas Ella the maid in Princess Caraboo.
Here's an image showing the print in brighter lighting, and a close-up of the fabric.
Also worn by the maid at Hunsford Parsonage in P&P80.
maisy - 31.08.2009, 13:39
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
I think this might be the same gown, but I'm not sure. This is an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1995.
Adminette - 31.08.2009, 22:11
yes, i think it's the same one. just without the little flower in the front. well, i guess, that clearly shows, that the lighting in P&P95 wasn't anything it should have been... the pale peach colour of the dress is hardly visible.
maisy - 01.09.2009, 01:58
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: yes, i think it's the same one. just without the little flower in the front. well, i guess, that clearly shows, that the lighting in P&P95 wasn't anything it should have been... the pale peach colour of the dress is hardly visible.
Actually, I think the little flower is there but not visible due to poor contrast in the screencap. The region 1 (U.S.) P&P 95 DVD is known for the color being very washed out. The US vhs release had better color.
Adminette - 01.09.2009, 20:20
i stopped watching P&P95 some years ago, because of the poor colours of my R2 dvd for ONE reason, so that's not much better. but i've seen pictures of the blue ray which seem to be much more fun.
anyway here's a little eclair found by some austenblog user on youtube. despite being crudely funny - and of absolutely poor quality - i believe i've spottet that dress from jane bennet 95/w&d, ITV's emma and jane eyre 06 on a dancer and the little black spencer/waistcoat again from ITV's emma on one lady on the sofa. if that's right, there are surely more. for example caroline bingley's dress.
maisy - 01.09.2009, 23:03
Excellent discovery, Anna! I made a screencap.
I also noticed the lady in the middle is wearing Lady Lucas' (Norma Streader) gown from P&P 1995. (Also seen in Mansfield Park 99, Byron, and Quills.) And I think the woman in the vest is also wearing Emma's (Kate Beckinsale) gown from Emma -96-tv.
The gown and vest were worn together in Vanity Fair 1998.
Adminette - 01.09.2009, 23:22
thanks, "unfortunatly" i've been a bit faster and posted some low-quality youtube pictures to katie from recycled movie costumes...
did you take this picture from monte christo to point to this black and blue cubed jane fairfax dress? (miramax and bbc 09 emma)?
Adminette - 02.09.2009, 22:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
und wo wir schon bei north and south sind, kann ich euch ja auch gleich sagen, dass maggie hales hübsches mit grünen blümchen bedrucktes musselinkleid schon vorher von frances o'connor als emma bovary getragen wurde.
das kleid war auch in daniel deronda:
hi maisy, excellent to see, that i'm no longer alone in this section.
Zitat: i've found a pale green summer dress in "the way we live now" on anne marie duff and in "the buccaneers" on carla cugino:
and i am sure this one is also jodhy mays dress from the very last scene. though nothing more of it is shown.
do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Adminette - 03.09.2009, 11:06
okay, time for the light blues:
joana david/mrs. longstaffe in "the way we live now" and georgie glen/lady mallinger in "daniel deronda"
cheryl campell/lady carbury in "the way we live now" and anna steel/catherine arrowpoint (not sure about character and actor name) in "daniel deronda"
probably the same: lightblue evening gown on extra in "the way we live now" and i suppose it was georgie glan as lady mallinger (background, middle) again in "daniel deronda"
billie piper/sally lockhart in "the ruby in the smoke" and anne marie duff/georgiana longstaffe in "the way we live now".
Adminette - 03.09.2009, 15:15
Zitat: plus i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
maisy - 03.09.2009, 20:41
An extra in the 1972 Emma (left corner) Donwell Abbey strawberry-picking party wears Nancy Steele's (Maggie Jones) dress from S&S 1971 .
maisy - 03.09.2009, 22:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: thanks, "unfortunatly" i've been a bit faster and posted some low-quality youtube pictures to katie from recycled movie costumes...
did you take this picture from monte christo to point to this black and blue cubed jane fairfax dress? (miramax and bbc 09 emma)?
No, I spotted the black and gold dress from Monte Cristo (Helen McCory as Mme Villfort) on an extra in a street scene in Little Dorrit. (on the far right, at the edge of the image)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Carloline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
Nice discovery in Daniel Deronda. :-)
maisy - 03.09.2009, 22:45
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: okay, time for the light blues:
joana david/mrs. longstaffe in "the way we live now" and georgie glen/lady mallinger in "daniel deronda"
cheryl campell/lady carbury in "the way we live now" and anna steel/catherine arrowpoint (not sure about character and actor name) in "daniel deronda"
probably the same: lightblue evening gown on extra in "the way we live now" and i suppose it was georgie glan as lady mallinger (background, middle) again in "daniel deronda"
billie piper/sally lockhart in "the ruby in the smoke" and anne marie duff/georgiana longstaffe in "the way we live now".
These are such lovely gowns! Blue is my favourite colour. :-)
(I've never seen The Way We Live Now. My library doesn't have it!)
maisy - 03.09.2009, 23:07
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PS: how did you find poldark? ioan was lovely, even as a "not-much-older-than-a-teen-ager" wasn't he? i've watched it at the beginning of this years summer-break, well as you said, skipped through most of it as it seemed pretty boring and a bit low key. i thought that maybe some of kelly reillys costumes might have been reused for the meryton dance in P&P05 but didn't check back and found nothing else really.
I like parts of Poldark, but mostly it's very rushed and poorly done. I love the original Poldark series done by BBC in the 1970s. I own both series 1 and series 2 on DVd. Sadly, they're very grainy due to the 1970s video quality. The Poldark novels are very good also. But this film wasn't good. Ioan was one of the only things in it I liked (and Kelly Reilly). I've spotted a few costumes from it, posted in my misc costumes thread on c-19. (A lavender gown, a yellow gown, a brown gown, a black spencer.) I also added some things from regency house party to the same thread.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: this bronze overgown first seen on juliet stevenson/mrs. elton (miramax emma) is worn by jemima rooper/amanda price in the 3rd part of lost in austen. later in 2008 it was also seen on an extra at the dance-hall in one of the first episodes in little dorrit (will attach picture later). not sure, but i seem to remember having seen it in byron as well.
Yes, you found the gold overdress in Byron, and pointed it out to me. Here it is.
I've found a few more costumes in Lost in Austen, and posted them in the LiA thread on C-19. (pages 69, 70)
I need to watch that version of Jane Eyre again. I really enjoy it. My school library has it, so maybe I'll borrow it this weekend. :-) I've only watched a few clips from Ruby and the Smoke. I wish my library had this one. I'll have to check youtube. It looks very good. (JJ Feild!) :hurra:
I've never heard of Affinity! I'll have to look for that one, too!
I haven't seen the Frances O'Connor Mme Bovary in years. I hardly remember it. Another one to add to my list (it's getting long!) :)
Adminette - 03.09.2009, 23:14
yes, i think i remember that dress from little dorrit. i've wanted to rewatch that one for a long time as i found it very lovely and much more colorful than one usually expects when hearing of a dickens adaptation. but it's sooo long. well. maybe for christmas. such things are really a reason to long for the "dark" season of the year :ja:
thank you very much for the clip-capture. now i can even see those military clasps of the dress.
i like that light cornflower blue as well. actually i'm redecorating my room in sand brown and light blue just now :lol:
i can recommend "the way we live now". it's quite a high-profile production and really sarcastic. maybe you could ask your library to expand their ouevre with a copy of that anthony trollope adaptation. maybe they even do so, if you promise very earnestly to borrow and read the book as well :wink:
anyway, i think mr. bennet/hugh bonneville from lost in austen wears mr. louis trevelyans/oliver dimsdales dressing gown.
maisy - 03.09.2009, 23:21
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: yes, i think i remember that dress from little dorrit. i've wanted to rewatch that one for a long time as i found it very lovely and much more colorful than one usually expects when hearing of a dickens adaptation. but it's sooo long. well. maybe for christmas. such things are really a reason to long for the "dark" season of the year :ja:
thank you very much for the clip-capture. now i can even see those military clasps of the dress.
i like that light cornflower blue as well. actually i'm redecorating my room in sand brown and light blue just now :lol:
i can recommend "the way we live now". it's quite a high-profile production and really sarcastic. maybe you could ask you library to expand their ouevre with a copy of that anthony trollope novel. maybe they even do so, if you promise to borrow and read the book as well :wink:
anyway, i think mr. bennet/hugh bonneville from lost in austen wears mr. louis trevelyans/oliver dimsdales dressing gown.
Aha! I thought that dressing gown looked familiar! I thought it might have been in regency house party, but I rewatched that last week and it wasn't there. :-)
Did you ever find any recycled costumes in wide sargasso sea? There are some lovely victorian gowns in it, but I don't usually recognize the victorian gowns. Regency is my speciality. :cool:
Adminette - 03.09.2009, 23:44
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Yes, you found the gold overdress in Byron, and pointed it out to me. Here it is.
oh, thanks for that one!
Zitat: I need to watch that version of Jane Eyre again. I really enjoy it.
seems, we have similar taste. i also did like this version best.
Zitat: My school library has it, so maybe I'll borrow it this weekend. :-) I've only watched a few clips from Ruby in the Smoke. I wish my library had this one. I'll have to check youtube. It looks very good.
i'd advise you to try the second part "the shadow in the north". it's a bit catchier and has better costumes in it
Zitat: (JJ Feild!) :hurra:
jup, i second that ;D but then, you should perhaps avoid the second part :MM:
Zitat: I've never heard of Affinity! I'll have to look for that one, too!
yes do that. it did get some soso critics as it was not as thrilling, fast, funny and rompy as other sarah waters adaptations ("tipping the velvet" and "fingersmith"). but i did like it best of them as it was very dense, bleak and sad. i always enjoy seeing most, no really all of the actresses and the costumes are drop dead gorgiously put together (borrowed, i believe, not specially designed and made) here are some more pictures. uhh, well at least they were their once. have to look if i still have them somewhere to repost them.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Did you ever find any recycled costumes in wide sargasso sea? There are some lovely victorian gowns in it, but I don't usually recognize the victorian gowns. Regency is my speciality. :cool:
no. but that's due to never having seen that. :wink: i should think there are reused ones in it as i believe it was a BBC side production, wasn't it?
maisy - 03.09.2009, 23:55
Thank you for the clip. :)
Adminette - 04.09.2009, 12:44
you're welcome.
next on: i believe, mrs. hale/leslie manville is wearing lady rowley's/geraldine james' (he knew he was right 2004) dress at edith's wedding in north and south 2004.
while aunt shaw/jane booker (n&s) is dressed in mother frenchs/barbara flynns (he knew he was right) purple dotted gown.
green satin evening gown with black and white trimmings at the neckline on molly holland/sally dexter in the 1997 feature film firelight and in 2004 on caroline spalding/anna louise plowman in he knew he was right
anna louise plowman as caroline spalding is also wearing madame bovarys/frances o'connor's dark blue ball gown - with some huge lace at the neckline - from 2000.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
probably the same: lightblue evening gown on extra in "the way we live now" and i suppose it was georgie glen as lady mallinger (background, middle) again in "daniel deronda"
that dress is also in "he knew he was right" on christina cole/nora rowley (for once a lovely role) and it's not light blue but lilac.
back to some more formal chic: some gowns that are in aristocrats and in fanny hill 2007:
frock worn by horace wallpole (? actor uncredited) and that very enthusiastic father, whose son was to be "educated" by fanny.
dressing gown worn by lady emily/geraldine somerville and by fanny/rebecca knight
white daydress with draker trimmings worn by lady louisa/anne marie duff and again by fanny/rebecca knight
dress worn by the old lady emily/sian phillips and by phoebe/carli norris
costumes that were in "tom jones - the history of a foundling"(1997) and then in "aristocrats":
flowered dress with an embroided tucker worn by aunt western/frances de la tour and some extra attending a biological lesson in the first aristocrats episode:
yellow dress worn by aunt western/frances de la tour (with another, quilted underskirt) and an extra on lady saras second wedding.
garments from "the madness of king george":
earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and lady caroline/serena gordon.
another pair worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and king george II wife/lover/daughter whatever in aristocrats.
dress worn by an extra at the cow-bell-concert and by lady louisa/anne marie duff at court.
maisy - 05.09.2009, 03:01
modified to add: I've replaced the photos from I Remember Nelson with screencaps taken from a DVD copy of the series.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
I think this might be the same gown, but I'm not sure. This is an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1995.
I think this is also the same gown, worn by Geraldine James as Emma, Lady Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982).
Sorry about the image quality. This screencap, and the others following, are taken from a very old VHS copy. (I photographed the images from the television using a digital camera.)
Maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i think the dress on the woman in the background und the left side of mrs. brownings wears that dress you've referred to on c19. i believe you've seen it in princess caraboo and probably byron or somesuch.
Oh, you're right! The image has so much brightness that I didn't see the detail in the brocade strip on the sleeve. Yes, here it is on Lady Jane Crawley in Vanity Fair 98, and on Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo.
I also found this gown on Geraldine James as Lady Hamilton in I Remember Nelson.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: auf mrs carterets ball in S&S 95:
zur theateraufführung an mary crawford in Mansfield Park 99
und auf mehreren mit mal abgedrehten bällen in Byron mit johnny lee in der hauptrolle. der ganze zweiteiler strotzt nur so vor wiederverwendeten klamotten. naja, da konnte man das geld dann wenigsten für anständige ausleuchter, make-up-artists und friseure ausgeben...
Here is Anna Massey as Lady Frances Nelson in I Remember Nelson. It looks like more sequins was added at some time before the gown shows up again in Princess Caraboo.
maisy - 05.09.2009, 03:10
Oh wow! I love the gowns you posted from the Victorian period, and 18th century! And you've given me another program to look for: Fanny Hill. :-)
maisy - 05.09.2009, 22:38
I've found some 18th century gowns too.
Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005)
Again, Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005). The stomacher is re-trimmed.
An extra in Aristocrats and an extra in the BBC documentary A History of Britain (I'm not certain which episode, but I think it was "Forces of Nature" (2002).)
Adminette - 06.09.2009, 10:47
congratulations. i thought you would spot dresses from other periods as well.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
maria bertram wears a honeymoon dress in MP 07, that was seen on katherine parkinson as an extra in ... "extras" before.
this dress was also on the older mary, 3rd duchess of richmond/carmen du sautoy in the end of the aristocrats series.
old dress, new sighting:
this dress using a very courageous combination of colour was first seen on mme de volange/swoosie kurtz in "dangerous liasons" in 1989 and after that on lady linton/jennifer daniel in peter kosminskiy's wuthering hights in 1992. james acheson did the costumes for both movies. one year earlier year it was reused on clarissa/saskia wickham for BBCs clarissa, a production in which designer ken trew reused even more gowns from dangerous liaisons. lastly the gown rushed through the background on an extra at lady bellastones party in BBCs 1997 "tom jones - a history of a foundling", costume designer was rosalind ebbutt (well at least for one episode, according to the imdb :nixweiss:). so i'd say, even though clarissa predates wuthering hights (again according to the imdb), the scenes using the costume where shot before the ones in clarissa, where the dress left designer james achesons hands to stay at the BBCs costume inventory.
Adminette - 06.09.2009, 19:30
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat: plus i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
OHH well, i guess, that had to happen once. mixed the "quote" with the "edit" button and deleted the oter half of that posting... am a bit confused right now as to which dresses i've been referring in it. we'll see. or not...
maisy - 07.09.2009, 16:34
I've really been enjoying watching 18th century lately. I've been re-watching Tom Jones, Dangerous Liaisons, Aristocrats, and Scarlet Pimpernel. And I was finally able to see Clarissa with Sean Bean. (Poor Clarissa!) I love all your new finds. That pink and green gown of Swoosie Kurtz really is striking. I'm surprised I've missed it! ;)
I think I probably sent you this beaded necklace one a long time ago (or perhaps I sent it to Maggie). Geraldine Somerville as Lady Emily in Aristocrats and Kate Beckinsale in Emma. I noticed yesterday that Sian Philips (as the older Lady Emily) also wears the necklace.
maisy - 08.09.2009, 00:23
Perhaps you have already found this one? I'm not certain, so I would appreciate your opinion on whether this gown Louisa Musgrove wears on the long walk to Winthrop in Persuasion 07 is the same gown Gwyneth Paltrow wears in Emma 96 miramax?
I also noticed that Tanya Samuel in Regency House Party (2004) wears Emma's green day dress.
Jennifer Higham as Louisa Musgrove in Persuasion 2007 wears a white gown also worn by Frances Grey as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair 1998.
Rosamund Stephen as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion 2007 wears a pink velvet Spencer worn by Justine Waddell as Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park 1999.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: this bronze overgown first seen on juliet stevenson/mrs. elton (miramax emma) is worn by jemima rooper/amanda price in the 3rd part of lost in austen. later in 2008 it was also seen on an extra at the dance-hall in one of the first episodes in little dorrit. not sure, but i seem to remember having seen it in byron as well.
Yes, you found the gold overdress in Byron, and pointed it out to me. Here it is.
Do you think this might be the same overgown? I think it might be, but I'm not sure. We only see a very brief glimpse of it on Stella Gonet as Mrs. Musgrove in Persuasion 2007.
Do you think this is the same Spencer on Emelia Fox/Georgiana Darcy P&P95 and Justine Waddell/Julia Bertram Mansfield Park 99?
Adminette - 08.09.2009, 20:48
dear maisy,
just in case you've been wondering: i've put your posts into one. hope, that's alright with you. if not, just say so.
anyway, i'd say yeah, yeah, yeah to all you sightings. even the not so undetemined ones :wink: is there a picture of emma in the church without her hands in front of her bust? this strange string was added for louisa musgrove's wearing that outfit, wasn't it?
i've started seeing little dorrit again, and if i manage to restrain myself to one or two episodes per day, the amount of time is manageable. i still like this adaption immensly. and i believe, mrs. merdle (what a dragon) is wearing charlotte palmers (S&S 07) earings.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
peach coloured dress on mrs. phillips in "P&P 95", mrs. elton in "ITV's Emma", an extra in "to the ends of the earth", perhaps on mrs. dashwood in the last scene of "S&S 95" and on mrs musgrove in "persuasion 07":
i think, this dress was also on an extra in the background of pet gowans wedding.
maisy - 08.09.2009, 23:40
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: dear maisy,
just in case you've been wondering: i've put your posts into one. hope, that's alright with you. if not, just say so.
It's alright with me! :)
Thank you for confirming my discoveries; it's good to have the perspective of someone else.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: is there a picture of emma in the church without her hands in front of her bust? this strange string was added for louisa musgrove's wearing that outfit, wasn't it?
No, the gold cord was present when Paltrow wore this gown in emma96. You can see it in the screencaps posted at this link. (It's referred to, on this web page, as Emma's "pouting dress." Find it in left column, 6th row.)
I enjoy using this web site to refresh my memory about the costumes from these adaptations.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i've started seeing little dorrit again, and if i manage to restrain myself to one or two episodes per day, the amount of time is manageable. i still like this adaption immensly. and i believe, mrs. merdle (what a dragon) is wearing charlotte palmers (S&S 07) earings.
Ha, Mrs. Merdle IS a dragon. I've been watching Little Dorrit again too, (online) a little bit at a time. I cried (again!) when I rewatched the scene when Mr. Dorrit tries to convince Amy she should marry Russell Tovey.
Lovely find on the earrings. Those are so pretty, I'd like a pair myself! I think you're correct about the dress.
maisy - 14.09.2009, 02:42
Here's another costume from Emma 2009. Mrs. Weston/Jodhi May is wearing a lavender gown previously seen on Mrs. Bennet/Alex Kingston in Lost in Austen (2009) and Mrs. Brocklebank/Denise Black in To the Ends of the Earth (2005).
Adminette - 14.09.2009, 23:33
to be honest, i'm not really happy, that they've reused so many costumes in emma. i would have liked to see some new, more elaborate ones. but the crises... what can even the BBC do in the face of that crisis :wink:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat: plus i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
OHH well, i guess, that had to happen once. mixed the "quote" with the "edit" button and deleted the oter half of that posting... am a bit confused right now as to which dresses i've been referring in it. we'll see. or not...
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
and i'm not certain but i think it possible, that emily blunt/the young victoria is wearing fanny prices/billy pipers (mansfield park 07)amber cross:
as you might already have seen on recycled movie costumes margaret hales/daniela denby ashes dinner dress from "north and south" is reused on jennie jaques as anne miller in "desperate romantics". but the purple jacket on annie was reused as well and to be seen on elaine cassidy as maude lilly in "fingersmith" before.
- -
the dress mauds first maid (not sure about her name, perhaps it was agnes/laura dos santos) is wearing in that picture was seen before on dorothy stanbury/caroline martin in "he knew he was right"
i believe, that brocade waistcoat worn by kevin kline in "princess caraboo" and later by an extra at the london ball in "S&S 95" was reused on tom courtenay/mr. dorrit in "little dorrit":
for today - last but not least: that lovely blue velvet bustle gown worn by margaret prior/anna madeley in "affinity" was seen before on kitty butler/keeley hawes in "tipping the velvet"
maisy - 15.09.2009, 02:47
Nice discoveries, Anna. What gorgeous costumes. The cross is particularly interesting, and I have not yet seen Young Victoria. I've started watching Affinity (found it online). It's very dramatic! :-)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: to be honest, i'm not really happy, that they've reused so many costumes in emma. i would have liked to see some new, more elaborate ones. but the crises... what can even the BBC do in the face of that crisis :wink:
I'm not happy either. This mini series could have been something special, but it's not. I'm really disappointed in the decisions and choices made for this mini. :-(
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i believe, that brocade waistcoat worn by kevin kline in "princess caraboo" and later by an extra at the london ball in "S&S 95" was reused on tom courtenay/mr. dorrit in "little dorrit":
In case you didn't see it in my Princess Caraboo thread, I also spotted this waistcoat on James Caviezel as Edmond Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Adminette - 15.09.2009, 19:25
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I'm not happy either. This mini series could have been something special, but it's not. I'm really disappointed in the decisions and choices made for this mini. :-(
my sentiments exactly... and to underline that: waistcoat on henry crawford/joseph beattie in mansfield park 07 (and almost certainly not used for the first time in taht one) and on johnny lee miller as mr. knightley in this years emma, who looks as if he knew...
maisy - 15.09.2009, 22:08
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: who looks as if he knew...
(Nice find.) :-)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: (and almost certainly not used for the first time in taht one)
Thinking about the most recent Austen adaptations, it seems the new trend is to make only one new gown (for the lead) and hire everything else.
Lost in Austen - made the blue gown Amanda wears to Hammersmith in pursuit of Lydia with Mr. Bingley.
MP 2007 - designer Mike O'Neill admits he spent most of the costume budget on Fanny's wedding gown.
NA 2007 - I can't think of any new gown that was found in that production, can you? Catherine's prettiest gowns were all reused.
Persuasion 2007 - I think Andrea Galer was quoted in an early press release about the production as saying that the budget was so low, it did not allow for "makes" (as she referred to it), so she was hiring everything. She did use some new lace items for clothing worn under the gowns, as per this article (and other previous articles) found on Galer's website:
Miss Austen Regrets - perhaps had a slightly larger budget than the ITV films. Fanny's wedding gown was new, as stated in Galer's article (see link above), and perhaps some of Jane's gowns were new, but I can't say for certain. They're not very remarkable anyhow (very simple and plain).
S&S 2008 - Perhaps Elinor's purple overdress and pelisse are new, but most everything else seems to have been worn before, or simply does not look new.
Becoming Jane - a cinematic release, and therefore more money in the costume budget. But most of Jane's outfits were plain and unremarkable, in my opinion, and the film borrowed many pieces from P&P 2005. (They also shot many scenes in the same locations as Northanger Abbey 2007.) Not so original. :-/
So which gown (gowns?) of Emma/Romola Garai do you think might be new for this production?
Adminette - 15.09.2009, 23:07
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Thinking about the most recent Austen adaptations, it seems the new trend is to make only one new gown (for the lead) and hire everything else.
that's the thing about the austens lately. use familiar faces, keep the budget low, everything else nice and simple, be sure to go for the happiest ending possible and wait for great numbers to pull in automatically.
Zitat: Lost in Austen - made the blue gown Amanda wears to Hammersmith in pursuit of Lydia with Mr. Bingley.
was it really? well, not the type of figurehead i would proudly boast about.
Zitat: MP 2007 - designer Mike O'Neill admits he spent most of the costume budget on Fanny's wedding gown.
yes, i've seen HQ pics of it lately in it does look rather expensive by closer inspection. but nothing of that could be seen on screen unfortunatly.
Zitat: NA 2007 - I can't think of any new gown that was found in that production, can you? Catherine's prettiest gowns were all reused.
that is one of the few examples where i didn't mind one bit, that there were no new clothes as the old ones were carefully chosen, mostly displayed for the better and really pretty ones among them (p.e. most of isabellas). a solid example for what a little taste and creativity can do with a low budget.
Zitat: Persuasion 2007 - the budget was so low
and doesn't it show.
Zitat: Miss Austen Regrets - perhaps had a slightly larger budget than the ITV films. Fanny's wedding gown was new, as stated in Galer's article (see link above), and perhaps some of Jane's gowns were new, but I can't say for certain. They're not very remarkable anyhow (very simple and plain).
another one i didn't find too aggravating as they may appear plain but were elegantly worn and the entire film was so beautifully shot and funny, bitter, sad in short: moving. it's visual sensibility reminded me a bit of john adams or even marie antoinette and that suited me exactly.
Zitat: S&S 2008 - Perhaps Elinor's purple overdress and pelisse are new, but most everything else seems to have been worn before, or simply does not look new.
a mixed bag. sometimes i start to think how great it could have been. but then i find myself so much drawn in by the actors (hattie morahan and dan stevens especially) that i no longer care about any "ailments" :yay:
Zitat: Becoming Jane - a cinematic release
more of a downright cinematic catastrophe. but don't get me started :pflaster:.
Zitat: Not so original. :-/
you can say that aloud. and the costumes aren't the worst about it by far and they are bad. especially janes, who was made to look ahead of her time (almost 1820ies waist when almost everyone alse was still in - much better - 1780 to 1795 garments).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: So which gown (gowns?) of Emma/Romola Garai do you think might be new for this production?
bit of a tough question to judge on some tidbits. but if there are any new ones at all i'd go for the pinkish-red one from the promos. one would have noticed that one before, wouldn't one? and it's not bad at all.
good night,
Adminette - 15.09.2009, 23:14
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
NA 2007 - I can't think of any new gown that was found in that production, can you? Catherine's prettiest gowns were all reused. And speaking of Catherine's gowns, can someone please explain how THIS monstrosity was chosen to appear on catherine in this propduction? Oh. My. Goodness.
yeah, okay. the exception that cements the rule. perhaps the costume-storer forced the designer to borrow this one as well - for a main character - in exchange for all the pretty ones ;D and on the other hand, it does fit catherines character as a bit of a country bumpkin in the fashionable abbey. plus i find the stripey dress she wore arriving in bath slightly (much) worse.
maisy - 15.09.2009, 23:27
Well, I agree with you completely about all of the above. ;)
I thought you were already gone for the night, so I had edited my above reply and included the following, which I was going to add here instead. Now I see that you've quoted it while I was moving it. Oh well, that will teach me to leave things well enough alone, lol. ;) I'll just repost it anyhow.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: And speaking of Catherine's gowns, can someone please explain how THIS monstrosity was chosen to appear on Felicity Jones? Oh. My. Goodness.
Re: the blue gown in Lost in Austen, I believe Jemima Rooper tells this information in the "making of" show on ITV.
I agree about Fanny's/Billie Piper's wedding gown in MP 07. To spend the entire budget on a gown that doesn't show up well in the program seems such a waste, imo.
re: Persuasion 2007 - I think Galer was more concerned with using the film to support her sri lanka lace-makers project. I am impressed with her desire and efforts to help, but I worry that she did so to the detriment of the costume design of this film. She was too distracted to fully research the recycled costumes. A little more research would have shown her that Sally Hawkins' Spencer had already appeared on Amanda Root in the same role in the other version.
Galer mentions the Persuasion costumes in this interview about Jane Eyre 2006
Why didn't she at least select costumes that fit Sally Hawkins' body size? The spencers are HUGE on her, and she's dressed more like a servant than the daughter of a baronet moving in Bath society!
Yes, I didn't mind the plainness of the Miss Austen Regrets clothing, as they seemed to suit the roles (Jane & Cassandra Austen) very well. And as you said, they were elegantly worn. Likewise with S&S 2008. I just find it curious that the only NEW costumes created for these productions were simple and plain (there must be simple and plain clothing a-plenty in the costume vaults).
maisy - 20.09.2009, 04:00
I rewatched Middlemarch (1994) and noticed several recycled gowns.
Juliet Aubrey as Dorothea Brooke wears a gray gown later worn by Francesca Annis as Mrs. Gibson in Wives and Daughters (1999).
Trevyn McDowell as Rosamund Vincy in Middlemarch wears the same gown worn by Georgia King as Pet Meagles in Little Dorrit. Also seen on an extra in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Mary Hanefey as Lady Chettham in Middlemarch wears a gown also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994). Note the trim added to the skirt, sleeves and bodice.
An extra in Middlemarch wears Molly's red print from Wives and Daughters.
An extra in Middlemarch wears Jerry Hall's/Lady Motley gown from Princess Caraboo. (Also seen on an extra in Sense & Sensibility 1995.)
maisy - 20.09.2009, 16:45
Here's another from Middlemarch 1994.
Rachel Power as Mary Garth wears a blue dress seen earlier on Pippa Guard as Maggie Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss 1979.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: julia sawalha trägt in "cranford" molly gibsons/justine waddels kleid aus "wives and daughters"
I also found this gown on Pippa Guard as Maggie Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss 1979.
Adminette - 20.09.2009, 17:36
great catches. i'm beginning to wonder from which show fanny dorrit's/molly gibsons reddish striped dress may originate. and i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: plus i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
another pair worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and king george II wife/lover/daughter whatever in aristocrats.
those were also on catherine zeta jones as catherine the great.
maisy - 21.09.2009, 15:54
Yes, I am curious to see where else I might find the red print gown Molly wears in W&D.
Nice jewelry discoveries. :) I haven't seen Cherie yet. It did not appear in a cinema near me. I'll have to rent/borrow the dvd from someone. The costumes are interesting. I have not seen Catherine the Great either. I noticed last week that my library has it though.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in the 1972 Emma (left corner) Donwell Abbey strawberry-picking party wears Nancy Steele's (Maggie Jones) dress from S&S 1971 .
The BBC costume dept. must have purchased large quantities of these fabrics in the 1960s or 70s because here is another gown made up with the same fabrics as the gowns worn by the Steele sisters in S&S 1971.
Faith Brook as Countess Rostova in War & Peace 1972 BBC mini series.
More costumes in War & Peace.
Here's a brown evening gown worn by Faith Brook as Countess Rostova, also seen on an extra in in Poldark 1996, on Kelly Hunter as Lady Steyne in Vanity Fair 2004, and on an extra at a London ball in Poldark 1977 (series 2, episode 12).
Remember this gown from P&P 1980? Here it is again on Alison Frazer as Princess Lisa Bolkonskya in War & Peace.
Adminette - 21.09.2009, 21:56
wow, your library really must have an enviable stock of literature-adaptations, when even the old BBC ones, that are hardly available on DVD round here are there!!!
Zitat: I haven't seen Cherie yet. It did not appear in a cinema near me.
it's been available on DVD in the UK and subsequently here already. how about your library and new films?
could this be amandas (lost in austen) dress on some girl from mrs. goddard's (i presume) in emma 09 do you think? and i'm curious to see that girl next to her from a better angle as hers looks quite familiar to lizzie's pemberley gown.
and i believe, in the next emma harriet smith could be wearing mariannes (S&S 95) coat that was also in regency house party. this time the collar is put up and a pink velvet ribbon is added round the waist. but i'm not sure, as the colors do not really fit and feel like i've seen that pink velvet somewhere else.
- -
maisy - 22.09.2009, 03:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: wow, your library really must have an enviable stock of literature-adaptations, when even the old BBC ones, that are hardly available on DVD round here are there!!!
I am fortunate, although there are some titles available only on vhs, such as War & Peace and I Remember Nelson. (My War & Peace images are digital photographs of the film on the television.)
Zitat: could this be amandas (lost in austen) dress on some girl from mrs. goddard's (i presume) in emma 09 do you think? and i'm curious to see that girl next to her from a better angle as hers looks quite familiar to lizzie's pemberley gown.
I think you're right about Amanda's dress. It does look like the same dress. That's an interesting discovery on the girl next to her too, as I agree that it does look like Keira's dress from P&P 05!
Zitat: and i believe, in the next emma harriet smith could be wearing mariannes (S&S 95) coat that was also in regency house party. this time the collar is put up and a pink velvet ribbon is added round the waist. but i'm not sure, as the colors do not really fit and feel like i've seen that pink velvet somewhere else.
- -
Yes, the collar is tricky, but the sleeve cuffs are also important. Can the cuffs be seen on the trailer or in the photos? I found a similar pelisse recently on Emma Fielding as Frances Groves in The Scarlet Tunic 1998 (another vhs from my library), then realized that there were no cuffs on the sleeves, so it was not Marianne's pelisse after all.
The velvet ribbon on the waist looks familiar to me, too. There is one like it on the scalloped-caped pelisse Ann Firbank wears as Anne Elliot on Persuasion 1971.
Here's another costume from War & Peace. Angela Down as Princess Maria Bolkonskya wears an embroidered spencer later worn by Jackie Smith-Wood as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park 1983.
Adminette - 22.09.2009, 16:44
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I am fortunate, although there are some titles available only on vhs, such as War & Peace and I Remember Nelson. (My War & Peace images are digital photographs of the film on the television.)
still better, than having nothing at all, ey? i also still have hundreds of vhs tapes with older TV-recordings such as catherine the great. but i haven't seen it in a long while as it was very cheesy. perhaps i should at least take a look into the costumes again (stumbled across the earings on youtube).
Zitat: Yes, the collar is tricky, but the sleeve cuffs are also important. Can the cuffs be seen on the trailer or in the photos?
no, i'm afraid we actually have to wait until the whole thing airs.
i think, mrs. weston (emma 09) is wearing the brooch fanny presented to "little" amy dorrit last year.
PS: so, how did you find affinity?
maisy - 22.09.2009, 23:19
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: still better, than having nothing at all, ey? i also still have hundreds of vhs tapes with older TV-recordings such as catherine the great. but i haven't seen it in a long while as it was very cheesy. perhaps i should at least take a look into the costumes again (stumbled across the earings on youtube).
Definitely better than nothing at all. :)
LOL @ cheesy. Well, perhaps when I watch CtG I will fast forward through some of those parts. ;)
Did you ever see the version of Catherine the Great starring Julia Ormond? I enjoyed that one very much, although I believe it took liberties with history, and combined some of Catherine's lovers into one character.
Zitat: i think, mrs. weston (emma 09) is wearing the brooch fanny presented to "little" amy dorrit last year.
Oh, I'll have to look at Little Dorrit again, to see it! Thanks.
Zitat: PS: so, how did you find affinity?
I haven't finished watching it yet. I've been watching it online, and the website sometimes freezes up. It's more dark/gothic than the sorts of things I usually watch, but I'm enjoying it. It has an amazing cast, and the performances are drawing me in, just as they did in Fingersmith and Tipping the Velvet.
Now, more costumes in War & Peace 1972.
Faith Brook as Countess Rostova wears a gown seen the previous year on Patricia Routledge as Mrs. Jennings in S&S 71.
Jessica Spencer as Anna Malvintseva in w&p wears the same print dress previously seen on Isabel Dean as Mrs. Dashwood in s&s 71.
maisy - 23.09.2009, 00:31
One more costume from War & Peace 1972.
This dress has me wondering. There are many similarities and many differences to make me wonder if they are the same costume. Even more perplexing is that they are both worn by the same actress, one year apart!
Joanna David as Sonya in w&p wears a gown with very similar stripes on the fabric that are in the same place as the stripes of a gown she wears as Elinor Dashwood in S&S 71.
Adminette - 24.09.2009, 18:06
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Zitat: i think, mrs. weston (emma 09) is wearing the brooch fanny presented to "little" amy dorrit last year.
Oh, I'll have to look at Little Dorrit again, to see it! Thanks.
nevermind. or, if you do, see little dorrit for itself. the brooch isn't the same which is why i've deleted the pictures and just missed the textline in my post.
maisy - 30.09.2009, 21:20
Here is Miranda Richardson wearing a blue striped gown as Amy Hardwood in the "Amy and Amiability" episode of Blackadder the Third. The second image is from John Adams episode 4: "Reunion." See the extra on the left of Adams' daughter, wearing the same blue striped gown.
maisy - 01.10.2009, 12:57
Here's another one from John Adams. An extra in part six: "Unnecessary War" wears Emma's gown from Emma 1972.
Adminette - 02.10.2009, 20:53
oh, cool ones!i really did enjoy that john adams series!! HBO made some outstanding television stuff, such as "the wire". i'm courious to see "the grey gardens".
i have some more from the upcoming emma. some parts of "typecostuming" or "typedressing" that is: miss bates seems to wear the "it-dress" for elderly, slightly clownish women (previously seen on aunt norris/anna massey in mansfield park 83, mrs. price/lindsey duncan in mansfield park 09, mrs. bates/phyllida law (!) in GB emma, mrs. jennings in the most recent version of sense and sensibility and lastly on mrs. meagles in "little dorrit")
then there is this stripey dress for bitchy characters previously seen on miss bingley/anna chancellor in P&P 95, mrs. bute crawley in VF98, lady cathrine de bourgh/lindsey duncan in lost in austen and lastly again on an extra in little dorrit.
here it is on mrs. elton, if im not mistaken. so if christina cole has a good remembrance of her time in LiA, she must have felt quite familiar with that dress.
and then there is this dress from P&P 95 (jane bennet/susannah harker), ITV emma (wrs weston/samantha bond), wives and daughters (extra at the spring ball), jane eyre 06 (bertha mason rochester) and that mitchell and webb look.
golden dress with black trimmings on an extra next to emma at the highbury crown ball.
and at last i have spotted one yet unseen and therefore probably new outfit on emma, which i rather like:
maisy - 02.10.2009, 21:44
Oh, I was just coming here to post the same findings! (Except the gold dress with black trimmings.)
I also noticed that Romola Garai as Emma wears a print dress worn by Dagmara Dominczyk as Mercedès Iguanada in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
And I've confirmed your earlier sighting of Harriet wearing Marianne Dashwood's pelisse. Here is an image showing the cuffs.
maisy - 02.10.2009, 21:53
I think Emma has more than one "new" gown. Have you seen this one, pictured on the cover of The Radio Times?
Adminette - 02.10.2009, 22:09
aww, thank's so much for the link, i haven't seen that one before. speaking of new gowns, i believe, the reddish one on all the promos is new as well as the dress in the box hill scenes and the yellow jumper dress. (it would have been a little embarrassing if the handsome clever RICH title character hadn't got more than one new dress, wouldn't it?) but i still like the stripey jacket (remember elinors and lizzies fashionable stripey dresses?) best.
maisy - 02.10.2009, 22:15
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: aww, thank's so much for the link, i haven't seen that one before. speaking of new gowns, i believe, the reddish one on all the promos is new as well as the dress in the box hill scenes and the yellow jumper dress. (it would have been a little embarrassing if the handsome clever RICH title character hadn't got more than one new dress, wouldn't it?) but i still like the stripey jacket (remember elinors and lizzies fashionable stripey dresses?) best.
I agree. I was very pleased to see the number of new gowns in the recent press publications and this new Behind the Scenes clip on youtube. From earlier clips and trailers, it looked like Emma got only one or two new costumes. It's nice to see that they splurged out on Emma's wardrobe. :-)
Adminette - 02.10.2009, 22:25
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And I've confirmed your earlier sighting of Harriet wearing Marianne Dashwood's pelisse. Here is an image showing the cuffs.
were those cuffs on marianne's?
maisy - 02.10.2009, 22:58
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And I've confirmed your earlier sighting of Harriet wearing Marianne Dashwood's pelisse. Here is an image showing the cuffs.
were those cuffs on marianne's?
Yes. Here is Billie Piper wearing it in MP07.
link to marianne's coat in regency house party
Adminette - 02.10.2009, 23:01
i couldn't see them in the aforeposted picture, but it was admittedly quite small. and i do not have the film with me.
by the way, were is your avatar picture from? looks like a lovely 18th century graphic?
maisy - 02.10.2009, 23:04
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i couldn't see them in the aforeposted picture, but it was admittedly quite small. and i do not have the film with me.
by the way, were is your avatar picture from? looks like a lovely 18th century graphic?
See the image I posted in my edited message above.
My avatar graphic is from an image of some toile fabric I spotted online.
Adminette - 02.10.2009, 23:14
ahh, great catch. so it's been in at least 3 austen movies.
maisy - 04.10.2009, 18:26
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: One more costume from War & Peace 1972.
This dress has me wondering. There are many similarities and many differences to make me wonder if they are the same costume. Even more perplexing is that they are both worn by the same actress, one year apart!
Joanna David as Sonya in w&p wears a gown with very similar stripes on the fabric that are in the same place as the stripes of a gown she wears as Elinor Dashwood in S&S 71.
Aha, I solved it. It's a two-piece dress (worn with a chemisette). Here is another photo of David as Elinor Dashwood, this time wearing the same chemisette she wears as Sonya in War & Peace. (So it is the same costume after all!) :)
Adminette - 04.10.2009, 22:11
i believe an extra in the 5th or 6th episode of BBCs desperate romantics is wearing heather grahams/mary kellys blue dress as seen in "from hell".
nathalie thomes/jane burden wears margaret hales/daniela denby ashes brown "last season" from "north and south"
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
and from the same predecessor: rose de la touche/poppy lee friar is wearing janes eyres babyblue velvet cape.
this dress was in the show as well.
maisy - 05.10.2009, 01:25
Great finds, Anna! Lol at Margaret's "last season" dress. Bessie told her she would need smarter clothes to win Thornton! ;)
I've been reading comments about the first episode of Emma-- a mixture of bad reviews, and lukewarm praise. It's as we expected, I'm afraid.
P.S. I've watched 1.5 episodes of Desperate Romantics.
Here's an Emma 09 costume
Mrs. Bates wears Mrs. Norris' dress from Mansfield park 2007.
maisy - 05.10.2009, 16:52
More from episode 1 of Emma 09.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S.
Perhaps I have found one of Barbara Flynn's (as Mrs. Mason) gowns from Horatio Hornblower Duty in Lost in Austen on Jemima Rooper as Amanda Price.
Here is the same gown from LiA and Hornblower on Sarah Ovens as Miss Martin #2 in Emma09.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: und dann noch dass kleid von kate winslet/marianne, dass schon von dem aschenputtel der regency house party getragen werden durfte
- -
Here is Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 in the same scene, wearing Marianne's purple dress from S&S95.
Jodhi May as Mrs. Weston wears a spencer previously seen on Lady Elizabeth Devonport in Regency House Party.
Adminette - 05.10.2009, 23:08
so you've seen it as well? i have to say i'm still curious and will hold a final judgment till i've seen the last installment. allthough there are many pros and cons i was quite starved for exactly such a thing today (mondays, you know). and i really liked the final battle. so, due to watching it i now haven't much time to pick the photos but mrs. weston or miss taylor as she still was in those scenes, wore a dress lately seen on nancy steele (S&S08) at the london ball and some extra in byron.
maisy - 05.10.2009, 23:21
I posted about the comments before I watched the episode. I don't hate it, but I'm glad I lowered my expectations; it's not the new favorite adaptation I was hoping for.
I'm glad you got to see it too.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. weston or miss taylor as she still was in those scenes, wore a dress lately seen on nancy steele (S&S08) at the london ball and some extra in byron.
Do you mean this one? I didn't think it was the same dress. The fabric seems different, and the one from Byron and S&S08 has a vee-shaped neckline while this one does not. What do you think?
Adminette - 05.10.2009, 23:44
that you are right, that's what i think :wink: as i said, i had not yet time to look out for pictures...
good night to you,
maisy - 06.10.2009, 02:25
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: that you are right, that's what i think :wink: as i said, i had not yet time to look out for pictures...
good night to you,
Got it. :wink:
maisy - 08.10.2009, 14:20
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: außerdem scheint mir für die folgenden gewänder derselbe (muss sagen gefällige) stoff verwendet worden zu sein:
I went to see Bright Star last night. I'm not certain, but I think Fanny Brawne's little sister, Toots, might also wear a gown made of the same fabric. (No images, sorry!)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here is the dress worn by mrs. bennet in P&P95 and by the heiress george osbourne should marry according to his father in vanity fair 98.
I found this dress again, this time on an extra at the Crown Ball in Emma 1996-tv (Beckinsale).
Adminette - 08.10.2009, 19:21
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: außerdem scheint mir für die folgenden gewänder derselbe (muss sagen gefällige) stoff verwendet worden zu sein:
I went to see Bright Star last night. I'm not certain, but I think Fanny Brawne's little sister, Toots, might also wear a gown made of the same fabric. (No images, sorry!)
might it be that dress? anyway, that would be a nice touch of logic/practicability in a financially restricted household like the brawne's
maisy - 08.10.2009, 21:13
I think that might be it, but I can't be certain. I was so involved in the story, but for one moment, during a close-up, I noticed the fabric on the little girl's dress. :)
Adminette - 12.10.2009, 22:52
okay, costume watch emma 09, part the 2nd:
as last time, i've got no time. and no piccies. but i think i've seen marianne dashwoods (S&S 08) odd yellow spencer (the one she's wearing at sea going on about brandon being too old and herself not being able to speak to him again in her modest maidenhood) on a little highbury girl at about 44:57 and in te preview at about 57:58 jane fairfax is wearing emmas dress (KB, ITV 96).
maisy - 12.10.2009, 22:54
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: okay, costume watch emma 09, part the 2nd:
as last time, i've got no time. and no piccies. but i think i've seen marianne dashwoods (S&S 08) odd yellow spencer (the one she's wearing at sea going on about brandon being to old and herself not being able to speak to him again) on a little highbury girl at about 44:57 and in te preview at about 57:58 jane fairfax is wearing emmas dress (KB, ITV 96).
Oooh, these sound good. I missed them!
I did notice this one in episode 2:
Amy Loughton as Miss Campbell wears a lilac Spencer previously seen on Jackie Smith-Wood as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park 1983.
Edited to add:
Here is a screencap of the dress you referred to worn by Jane Fairfax in the previews. Im not cetain, but I think it might be Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma dress rather than Kate Beckinsale's?
I also noticed an extra wearing the plaid spencer previously worn by Toni Collette as Harriet Smith in Emma 1996 (paltrow).
As you can see in this behind-the-scenes photo from Emma 09, taken by C-19's cobwebs, the front of the costume is the same as the one Harriet/Toni Collette wears in Emma-96.
And Laura Pyper as Jane Fairfax is wearing the navy spencer Jemima Rooper as Amanda Price wears in Lost in Austen 2008.
Adminette - 13.10.2009, 19:41
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Edited to add:
Here is a screencap of the dress you referred to worn by Jane Fairfax in the previews. Im not cetain, but I think it might be Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma dress rather than Kate Beckinsale's?
well, what can i say. i've mixed up those two emma dresses very successfully in the first place, so why should i stop doing so, now? :wink:
maisy - 13.10.2009, 20:29
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Edited to add:
Here is a screencap of the dress you referred to worn by Jane Fairfax in the previews. Im not cetain, but I think it might be Gwyneth Paltrow's Emma dress rather than Kate Beckinsale's?
well, what can i say. i've mixed up those two emma dresses very successfully in the first place, so why should i stop doing so, now? :wink:
No! :oelig:
I'm glad you spotted the dress, as I did not. And I get them mixed up too! (I always have to look them up and try to figure out which is which!) :lol:
What do you make of Jane Fairfax's sleeves, compared to Paltrow's?
Adminette - 13.10.2009, 21:40
not sure. the neckline seems strange as well.
could it be, that emma really is wearing elinors blackish spencer, when miss taylor stands next to her in elinorsblue pelisse?
maisy - 14.10.2009, 02:00
Yes! I think you're right on the Spencer! There are several dark Spencers in the new EMma that seem familiar, but I cannot place them. E.g. both of the Miss Martins in ep. 1 wear dark Spencers.
maisy - 15.10.2009, 19:40
I finally got a chance to take some screenshots for you of the costumes you discovered in Emma.
You were right about the little girl in Emma wearing Charity Wakefield's/Marianne's yellow Spencer from S&S 08. (It is much too large for the little girl!)
And here is Romola Garai's/Emma's dark Spencer--as you said, it is Elinor's/Hattie Morahan's from S&S 08.
What do you think of Mr. Weston's waistcoat? Is it the one Sir John wears in S&S 08?
Adminette - 15.10.2009, 19:57
i wonder if the sea-shell chains from the latest "sense and sensibility" might have been reused for rosettis atelier/flat in "desperate romantics":
maisy - 16.10.2009, 22:36
Anna, have you seen this? This image accompanied a review of the Emma 2009 BBC mini.
LOL, only the orange military-style dress actually "belongs" to Emma and the other two costumes are obviously Victorian.
The pale blue one is from BLEAK HOUSE and JANE EYRE 06. The green one was worn by Lady Dedlock in Bleak House.
Adminette - 16.10.2009, 23:01
yes it does.
i've read the review before and found it very ... joyless. and the "artist" might at least have bothered to put garai in regency underclothing. i'm running short of corsets for my "carriages and corsets" header anyway and i suspect i won't be getting any out of the actual BBC mini :wink:
anyway, while you're at it: when i've read the review i stumbled across this picture of esther summerson and lady dedlock:
i believe, esthers dress was also in jane eyre 06, on rosamund oliver. probably on hetta in "the way we live now" as well, but i don't know, if i remember that one correctly.
PS: ah. that must be it on hetta.
maisy - 16.10.2009, 23:26
LOL, you were posting the green dress at the same time I was was posting it (editing my post). :wink:
I still haven't seen The Way We Live Now. I'm anxious to watch it.
Adminette - 16.10.2009, 23:35
well, just for relaxing after a somewhat stressy week (well, the whole last month has been so. after-summer-holiday-season as it is) i'll dare to take a second look at "valmont". but i suspect i'll be so annoyed, that i'll have to rewatch dangerous liaisons right after that in order to sleep well :wink:
PS: have you already heard of the film "the white ribbon" in the states?
maisy - 17.10.2009, 04:42
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: well, just for relaxing after a somewhat stressy week (well, the whole last month has been so. after-summer-holiday-season as it is) i'll dare to take a second look at "valmont". but i suspect i'll be so annoyed, that i'll have to rewatch dangerous liaisons right after that in order to sleep well :wink:
LOL Anna! But at least you have the wonderful Sian Phillips in place of Swoosie Kurtz!
Zitat: PS: have you already heard of the film "the white ribbon" in the states?
I've heard about it (following Cannes) but it hasn't opened yet in the U.S.
Bruki - 17.10.2009, 10:33
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ...have you already heard of the film "the white ribbon" in the states?
I've heard about it (following Cannes) but it hasn't opened yet in the U.S.
Oi, Anna... don't spoil poor maisy. She may not have your strong stomach and partial to german bedeutungsschwere. :wink:
And look what I've found (some time ago):
Same costume in Whit Stillman's "Barcelona" and "Dangerous Liaisons"...
And it is said the other two Costumes in "Barcelona" are also reused from this film... but I couldn't find them there :nixweiss:
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 17.10.2009, 16:17
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben:
And it is said the other two Costumes in "Barcelona" are also reused from this film... but I couldn't find them there :nixweiss:
war das jetzt n amtlicher suchauftrag?
Bruki - 17.10.2009, 18:14
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: war das jetzt n amtlicher suchauftrag?
Ui, würdest Du, würdest Du?? :struppi: Wo Du's doch eh gerade ansiehst? :oelig:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 19.10.2009, 00:53
Well done, Bruki!
Adminette - 19.10.2009, 21:52
first of: :thanx:
and because of that, let's open the third round, shall we?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: emily blunts victoria trägt rosamund pikes/jane bennets fluffy-bonnet, dass im übrigen auch von lefroys junger cousine in "becoming jane" und eleanor tilney in "northanger abbey" getragen wurde:
mrs. augusta elton née hawkins (christina cole) has even more pink in her closet than emma. ouhhhff! exhausting. but for her first outing she wears this very bonnet, royaled by emily blunts young victoria. her the yellow, a bit clownish looking spencer is great! i wonder, were they've found it.
isn't emma wearing the black spencer found by you in the new poldark, vanity fair and lost in austen?
mrs elton's brightest pink has also been on paula jennings as zenobia in "to the ends of the earth" so costume designer rosalind ebbutt must be really fond of it.
then there is this yellow dress seen on aunt norris (MP99) and on mrs. meagles (little dorrit) before, this time it's on an extra at the ball and we're allowed a glimpse of it's back.
mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
and i'm beginning to wonder, if they might have reused costumes from bright star already (which reminds me: how did you find iT???) as the brown ballgown on an extra looked very much like the one fanny is wearing during the "are you sleeping in my bed" conversation with keats without the little waistcoat and the sash! unfortunatly i can't find a picture of the whole dress.
you've found a dress on helen mcrory, if i remeber correctly it was in montechristo. is it the same, jodhi mays mrs. weston wears for the ball?
maisy - 20.10.2009, 04:07
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: first of: :thanx:
You are most welcome.
Zitat: and because of that, let's open the third round, shall we?
Indeed! Let's!
I also recognized Zenobia's bright pink gown from To The Ends of the Earth. :-) And I recognized the gold dress and overdress from MP99. I didn't recognize the bonnet/hat Mrs. Elton wore to church, though. Nice catch!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
mrs. augusta elton née hawkins (christina cole) has even more pink in her closet than emma. ouhhhff! exhausting. but for her first outing she wears this very bonnet, royaled by emily blunts young victoria. her the yellow, a bit clownish looking spencer is great! i wonder, were they've found it.
I thought the yellow spencer was a nice touch too. I have no idea where they found it, but I recognize the dress. Francesca Martin wore it in The Regency House Party (2004). You might recall hearing her talk about how she didn't know how to sew, and she was afraid she would ruin the dress. Miss Martin and Miss Connick were the ladies who did not purchase new gowns for the ball; they added new trimmings to their "old" dresses. The 1st image is Miss Martin sewing the new trim on the gown, in preparation for the ball on RHP. The second image is what the gown looked like before the trim was added. Incidentally, Miss Martin did not wear this gown to the ball after all; she wore a pink gown instead.
Emma is wearing a familiar black spencer in the same image. It was previously worn by Natasha Little/Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair 98, Gemma Arterton/Elizabeth Bennet in a publicity photo that appeared in teh RADIO TIMES for Lost in Austen, and on Sarah Carpenter as Lady Harriet in Poldark 1996.
Zitat: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
I'm not recognizing the gown, but the turban was worn by Victoria Hamilton/Mrs. Forster in P&P95.
More recycled costume in Emma09, ep. 3.
Harriet wears a pink spencer worn by Polly Maberly as Kitty Bennet in P&P95, and by Frances Grey as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair 1998.
Christina Cole/Mrs. Elton wears Emelia Fox's/Georgiana Darcy's pink gown from P&P95. (From the "dream sequence" when Jane Bennet reads Caroline Bingley's letter, in which CB tries to convince Jane that Charles and Georgiana will eventually marry.)
An extra at the Crown Ball wears a plaid dress previously worn by Julia Davis/Elizabeth ELliot in Persuasion 2007.
Jodhi May/Mrs. Weston wears a gown previously seen on Natasha Little/Augusta Leigh in Byron, on Victoria Hopkins in Regency House Prty, and on Mme Villefort in The Count of MOnte Cristo.
Liza Sadovy/Mrs. Cole wears a gown to the Crown Ball that was previously seen on Rosie Hammond in Regency House Party. Notice how the sleeves have been removed?
Christina Cole/Mrs. Elton wears a plaid dress worn by Tanya Samuel in RHP.
maisy - 20.10.2009, 04:10
Ahh, I see that I reposted some of your finds. Sorry about that! . C'est la vie! I'll just leave up the repeated findings in my previous message.
Goodnight! :-)
P.S. Poppy Miller/Isabella Knightley wears a blue gown worn in To the The Ends of the Earth by Cheryl Campbell as Lady Somerset.
Also worn by Sue Perkins in Supersizers Go: Regency (2008).
Adminette - 21.10.2009, 01:03
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And here is Romola Garai's/Emma's dark Spencer--as you said, it is Elinor's/Hattie Morahan's from S&S 08.
What do you think of Mr. Weston's waistcoat? Is it the one Sir John wears in S&S 08?
oh, i only saw this message just now. and i'm not sure which waistcoat of sir john's you mean?
Zitat: I also noticed that Tanya Samuel in Regency House Party (2004) wears Emma's green day dress.
could this be the same dress dancing through the crown ball on an extra on the left side of emma?
btw: great find ofmrs eltons first pinkgown on emilia fox. i would never have looked for it there, as the colour appears to be so much darker. but i was searching my mind for it as wellas i think it looks quite distinguished. more so, than most of the other new gowns.
maisy - 21.10.2009, 03:32
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And here is Romola Garai's/Emma's dark Spencer--as you said, it is Elinor's/Hattie Morahan's from S&S 08.
What do you think of Mr. Weston's waistcoat? Is it the one Sir John wears in S&S 08?
oh, i only saw this message just now. and i'm not sure which waistcoat of sir john's you mean?
Sir John wears a waistcoat that is also seen on the Merdles' butler in Little Dorrit. It's on Maggie's website. I don't think it's the same as Mr. Weston's waistcoat, but I'm not sure.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I also noticed that Tanya Samuel in Regency House Party (2004) wears Emma's green day dress.
could this be the same dress dancing through the crown ball on an extra on the left side of emma?
I've been wondering the same thing. Do you think Paltrow's gown is the same fabric? The one in Emma09 seems shinier, but I can't be certain. And it also has some sort of train that appears to be pinned up in the back? I don't think the Paltrow gown had that, but I could be wrong.
Zitat: btw: great find ofmrs eltons first pinkgown on emilia fox. i would never have looked for it there, as the colour appears to be so much darker. but i was searching my mind for it as wellas i think it looks quite distinguished. more so, than most of the other new gowns.
Thank you. And you were correct that Mrs. Elton's Crown Ball gown is familiar. I suddenly realized it's the same one Lucy Steele wears to the London Ball in S&S08.
Edited to add:
Hmmmm....upon looking at your images again, I think it is the same green gown. I want to look at the GP Emma again, to try and see the back of the gown. I think there is a close-up of the back in RHP, too. I might have to go to the library to borrow RHP again! lol :wink:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i'm beginning to wonder, if they might have reused costumes from bright star already (which reminds me: how did you find iT???) as the brown ballgown on an extra looked very much like the one fanny is wearing during the "are you sleeping in my bed" conversation with keats without the little waistcoat and the sash! unfortunatly i can't find a picture of the whole dress.
Here's a better look, so you can compare. It has similarities and differences. What do you think?
Adminette - 22.10.2009, 13:47
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And here is Romola Garai's/Emma's dark Spencer--as you said, it is Elinor's/Hattie Morahan's from S&S 08.
What do you think of Mr. Weston's waistcoat? Is it the one Sir John wears in S&S 08?
oh, i only saw this message just now. and i'm not sure which waistcoat of sir john's you mean?
Sir John wears a waistcoat that is also seen on the Merdles' butler in Little Dorrit. It's on Maggie's website. I don't think it's the same as Mr. Weston's waistcoat, but I'm not sure.
ahh. sorry, i have just mistaken waistcoat for great coat. i've asked myself as well if this could be sir johns waistcoat. but i tend to say no, as the stripes seem to be narrower,twocoloured instead of three/four and the doublerowed button-facing seems to be tapered on mr. westons.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i'm beginning to wonder, if they might have reused costumes from bright star already (which reminds me: how did you find iT???) as the brown ballgown on an extra looked very much like the one fanny is wearing during the "are you sleeping in my bed" conversation with keats without the little waistcoat and the sash! unfortunatly i can't find a picture of the whole dress.
Here's a better look, so you can compare. It has similarities and differences. What do you think?
no, that (white arrow) is not the dress i've meant (yellow arrow). but it is indeed so similar in colour, style and fabric, that i wouldn't be surprised, to find it in bright star (was it really that disappointing?!?) as well. but the one i did mean was standing behind abandoned harriet during the 2nd dance.
- -
by now i am pretty positive that it is fannys lovely dress without the little turkish-style vest and the sash. take a look a the sleeves and the fabric of the shift dress.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
Tinka - 22.10.2009, 18:32
Wow, ich komme immer wieder ins Staunen ob eurer Detailkenntnis und eures Gedächtnis! Beeindruckend! :ovation:
maisy - 22.10.2009, 21:16
Thanks for clarifying about the Bright Star dress, Anna. I'll have to look for it later, when I get a chance to re-watch Emma again.
(And I have finally posted in the Bright Star thread.) :-)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. augusta elton née hawkins (christina cole) has even more pink in her closet than emma. ouhhhff! exhausting. but for her first outing she wears this very bonnet, royaled by emily blunts young victoria. her the yellow, a bit clownish looking spencer is great! i wonder, were they've found it.
Katie identified the Spencer and posted it on her website.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I thought the yellow spencer was a nice touch too. I have no idea where they found it, but I recognize the dress. Francesca Martin wore it in The Regency House Party (2004). You might recall hearing her talk about how she didn't know how to sew, and she was afraid she would ruin the dress. Miss Martin and Miss Connick were the ladies who did not purchase new gowns for the ball; they added new trimmings to their "old" dresses. The 1st image is Miss Martin sewing the new trim on the gown, in preparation for the ball on RHP. The second image is what the gown looked like before the trim was added. Incidentally, Miss Martin did not wear this gown to the ball after all; she wore a pink gown instead.
I also found this dress in Vanity Fair 98, on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Jodhi May as Mrs. Weston wears a spencer previously seen on Lady Elizabeth Devonport in Regency House Party.
I also found this spencer in Vanity Fair 98, on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp. And Lady Devonport must have shared this spencer with another chaperone, Mrs. Rosemary Enright, during Regency House Party.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
no, that (white arrow) is not the dress i've meant (yellow arrow). but it is indeed so similar in colour, style and fabric, that i wouldn't be surprised, to find it in bright star (was it really that disappointing?!?) as well. but the one i did mean was standing behind abandoned harriet during the 2nd dance.
- -
by now i am pretty positive that it is fannys lovely dress without the little turkish-style vest and the sash. take a look a the sleeves and the fabric of the shift dress.
A gown I spotted in Vanity Fair 1998 intrigues me a bit, as it has some features on common with this gown (2nd image from left, above).
Rosalind Ebbutt, costume designer for VF98, RHP, and To the Ends of the Earth, is also the costume designer for Emma 09.
Adminette - 24.10.2009, 23:54
isn't the salmon dress harriet is supposed to wear for the weston's christmas party the one worn by an extra at the crown ball?
i was also wondering, if there is a slight chance of harriets white crown ball gown with white work at the front and on the sleeves beeing originally a fanny brawne/bright star dress as well. but i'm afraid that remains to be seen until i have the possibility to see the movie.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Katie identified the Spencer and posted it on her website.
dr. who? i certainly would never have found it there. bruki is our who-cialist in here :wink: now i know, why fashionably mrs. elton wears it opend - looks much better/less theatrical
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
A gown I spotted in Vanity Fair 1998 intrigues me a bit, as it has some features on common with this gown (2nd image from left, above).
from what i see, it certainly looks to be the same. are there any pictures of the full dress in VF?
here are some better pictures showing mr westons waistcoat. at least, i believe it is the same one as before. if that is so, it clearly shows: it's not sir john's/merdle's butler's one.
PS: :danke: @ tinka für das fette lob!
maisy - 25.10.2009, 00:39
I will look again, but I do not think there is a view of the full gown on VF98. (The gown is seen during the ball the evening before the battle of Waterloo.)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Liza Sadovy/Mrs. Cole wears a gown to the Crown Ball that was previously seen on Rosie Hammond in Regency House Party. Notice how the sleeves have been removed?
I also found this gown in To the Ends of the Earth. Here is Cheryl Campbell as Lady Somerset.
Bruki - 25.10.2009, 15:57
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
Kann man dieses Dings nicht im Trailer # 2 von "Bright Star" sehen?
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 25.10.2009, 20:41
in case you mean mrs. eltons crown-ball-gown with "that thing" (:wink:) i have not been able to spot it in the said trailer.
so, before the finale round is up, let's have a little bit of diversion:
dressing gown on mrs. mann/julie walters in 1999ies oliver twist (unfortunatly i have only made some detail caps of the fabric and the sleeves, but i'm sure it's the same) and on flora flinching/ruth jones in little dorrit.
once more i'm not 100%certain, but i think amy dorrit/claire foy (little dorrit) is wearing a light rosé dress seen on rose fleming/keira knightley (oliver twist 99) before.
yet another maybe due to the dark picture: dark red velvet spencer on mrs. elizabeth leeford/lindsay duncan in oliver twist 99 and on an thornfield hall party guest in jane eyre 06.
back to austen and still maybe: moirée waistcoat on john knightley (emma 1972) and on edwin leeford/tim dutton (oliver twist 99)
Adminette - 26.10.2009, 17:33
to start with another waistcoat:
mr. knightley/jonny lee miller is wearing this green and white interwoven one seen first on my/the one and only mr. bennet/benjamin withrow (P&P95) or mr. palmer/hugh laurie (S&S95) and after that on the lord and master of the regency house party, tom lefroy/james mcavoy in becoming jane and on ???esthers future husband i believe he was in bleak house.
and guess which necklace emma is wearing for her honeymoon?
maisy - 26.10.2009, 20:28
Oh, very nice! I haven't even watched the 4th episode yet!
I also wanted to say I enjoyed your analysis of Harriet's white ball gown. I really don't remember that one in Bright Star, I was so caught up in the story. :-)
Adminette - 26.10.2009, 21:34
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I was so caught up in the story. :-)
yes, but that is a rather good thing, isn't it?
bonnetwatch: next to the dark green velvet spencer for emma this bonnet from lost in austen (lizzie bennet/gemma arteton) was reused as well. for laura pypers jane fairfax.
harriet is wearing the white bonnet for her wedding seen on the first bride in "miss austen regrets". it probably originates from miramax (GP) emma, but i have to confirm that.
isabella knightley/poppy miller is wearing a dress seen on mrs. jennings/linda basset in the 08 S&S before.
plus i'm wondering, if this extra at the coles dinnerparty (far right) is wearing this dress mrs. jennings (far left) as well.
mrs. goddard/veronica robert is wearing hill/marlene sidaway's dress from P&P95
and mrs. weston/jodhi may is wearing mrs. bennet/alison steadmans' copper gown
who, harriet or emma, might be wearing this coral necklace seen on jane bennet/susannah harker before?
maisy - 27.10.2009, 02:42
Oh, what fun! Those are great! I immediately recognized Mr. Knightley's waistcoat, and I knew Isabella's and Mrs. Goddard's gowns looked familiar, but I never would have placed either of them.
I didn't recognize any of your other finds. I'm wondering if you recognize Mr. Weston's Box Hill waistcoat? I know I've seen it before, but I cannot think where.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I was so caught up in the story. :-)
yes, but that is a rather good thing, isn't it?
Yes! Of course! :-)
Zitat: bonnetwatch: next to the dark green velvet spencer for emma this bonnet from lost in austen (lizzie bennet/gemma arteton) was reused as well. for laura pypers jane fairfax.
Oh, nice promo pic from Lost in Austen. I rewatched LiA several times this summer and I never did find that dark green Spencer actually in the program. I wonder if the scenes were cut, or if it was used only in the promotional images?
Zitat: plus i'm wondering, if this extra at the coles dinnerparty (far right) is wearing this dress mrs. jennings (far left) as well.
I think you're correct. It does look like the same gown to me.
Zitat: and mrs. weston/jodhi may is wearing mrs. bennet/alison steadmans' copper gown
Lovely find. I thought this gown was very becoming on Jodhi May. I didn't recognize it; the color is much lighter on my P&P dvd.
Zitat: who, harriet or emma, might be wearing this coral necklace seen on jane bennet/susannah harker before?
Interesting. Are both images from the same scene in Emma?
P.S. I have not seen Oliver Twist 99. How did you like it? I don't think my library has it. I might have to see if I can find a cheap used dvd on ebay.
Adminette - 27.10.2009, 15:21
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Oh, nice promo pic from Lost in Austen. I rewatched LiA several times this summer and I never did find that dark green Spencer actually in the program. I wonder if the scenes were cut, or if it was used only in the promotional images?
i have only seen it on those promo pics. as i don't know, if those pics are made before or after the actual scenes are shot, i can't really say, wether she was just given the spencer for the photos or wether the costume manager decided for the plaid green-greyish one to fit better. but: the bonnet is used in the series as well.
Zitat: Zitat: who, harriet or emma, might be wearing this coral necklace seen on jane bennet/susannah harker before?
Interesting. Are both images from the same scene in Emma?
no, emma is from the 1st episode, harriet from the last. but the necklaces are worn throughout, 1stly of course by emma who is then copied by harriet. as i've pointed out in the austen-thread, there are interesting costume-interactions throughout the series between emma and mrs. weston (who seem to influence each other gradually, emma 1st wearing a pale yellow jumper dress, mrs. weston being the first to wear ribbons with her chignon, both being adapted by the respective other),
emma and harriet (harriet shamelessly copies emma to the extent of her hairdo in the last episode, but doesn't always get the sense behind it p.e. the her sash matching the colour of her dress instead of accentuating it)
and emma, harriet and mrs. elton. mrs elton somewhat being the antipode of harriet with emma being the perfect middle between the two or the other way round harriet (insecure but natural country wench) and mrs. elton (factitious urbane snob) being the possible carricatures or poles of the perfection that is "M" and "A" :wink:
Zitat: P.S. I have not seen Oliver Twist 99. How did you like it?
i have my problems with dickens. especially with his boy scout novels, if you know what i mean. the first of his adaptions i could fully and wholeheartedly enjoy for what it was, was in fact the new little dorrit. that being said, i enjoyed the james d'arcy version of nicholas nickleby for it's casting and more so for it's visual presentation. the said oliver twist version is very close to that (and it has sophia myles in it as well), so i was happy to sit through mhh say two thirds of it. plus i think the part devoted to the background of the story (oliver's mother's fate) is hugely broadened, great liberties (to the extent of marital murder) were taken, as i understand. but i liked it the better for it, as the relations were explored and explained, the viewer was more easily engaged from the start instead of being fed with the missing links in the last fantastically revealing moments. so while i wouldn't want to watch it over and over again, i quite liked that one.
as to mr. westons waistcoat: yes, i've pondered quite a while on that as well. after all, it does not look like one to be easily overlooked or forgotten. but i couldn't make it out. the stripes remind me a bit (in style, not in colour) of the frock you have found in the old poldark and NA. one more thing:
the extra on the right side wears mrs. gardiners gown from P&P95.
maisy - 27.10.2009, 17:16
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: as i've pointed out in the austen-thread, there are interesting costume-interactions throughout the series between emma and mrs. weston (who seem to influence each other gradually, emma 1st wearing a pale yellow jumper dress, mrs. weston being the first to wear ribbons with her chignon, both being adapted by the respective other),
emma and harriet (harriet shamelessly copies emma to the extent of her hairdo in the last episode, but doesn't always get the sense behind it p.e. the her sash matching the colour of her dress instead of accentuating it)
and emma, harriet and mrs. elton. mrs elton somewhat being the antipode of harriet with emma being the perfect middle between the two or the other way round harriet (insecure but natural country wench) and mrs. elton (factitious urbane snob) being the possible carricatures or poles of the perfection that is "M" and "A" :wink:
Oh, lovely! Thank you for sharing this. I haven't read the entire Austen thread yet. I'll have to go back and read more of it.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat: P.S. I have not seen Oliver Twist 99. How did you like it?
i have my problems with dickens. especially with his boy scout novels, if you know what i mean. the first of his adaptions i could fully and wholeheartedly enjoy for what it was, was in fact the new little dorrit. that being said, i enjoyed the james d'arcy version of nicholas nickleby for it's casting and more so for it's visual presentation. the said oliver twist version is very close to that (and it has sophia myles in it as well), so i was happy to sit through mhh say two thirds of it. plus i think the part devoted to the background of the story (oliver's mother's fate) is hugely broadened, great liberties (to the extent of marital murder) were taken, as i understand. but i liked it the better for it, as the relations were explored and explained, the viewer was more easily engaged from the start instead of being fed with the missing links in the last fantastically revealing moments. so while i wouldn't want to watch it over and over again, i quite liked that one.
Ah, thank you for the insight and the link. :-)
Zitat: as to mr. westons waistcoat: yes, i've pondered quite a while on that as well. after all, it does not look like one to be easily overlooked or forgotten. but i couldn't make it out. the stripes remind me a bit (in style, not in colour) of the frock you have found in the old poldark and NA.
Okay, that gives me a hint of where I might find it; the next time I watch Poldark perhaps I'll spot Mr. Weston's waistcoat.
Zitat: one more thing:
the extra on the right side wears mrs. gardiners gown from P&P95.
Oh lovely. Very nice find. I've always liked that gown on Mrs. Gardiner and wondered if we would ever see it again. :wink:
Adminette - 27.10.2009, 23:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I haven't read the entire Austen thread yet. I'll have to go back and read more of it.
you know i'm flattered, but please, only take it as far as it is still fun for you. i mean, the entire austen-thread, that's 40+ pages, some of it really old with broken pictures and so on... so, alone with a google-translator and my weird sentences, that must be really hard work :shock: but if you're really going on, feel free to comment :wink:
back to the costumes: i believe, harriet is wearing this dress seen on nancy steele (S&S 08) before.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
and guess which necklace emma/romola garai is wearing for her honeymoon?
now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
jane fairfax/laura pyper is wearing a dress seen on emma/gwyneth paltrow before:
during looking for nancy's dress, it struck me, that both edward and elinor often wear striped fabrics as to underline the imprisoned emotions.
maisy - 28.10.2009, 13:18
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: you know i'm flattered, but please, only take it as far as it is still fun for you. i mean, the entire austen-thread, that's 40+ pages, some of it really old with broken pictures and so on... so, alone with a google-translator and my weird sentences, that must be really hard work :shock: but if you're really going on, feel free to comment :wink:
LOL Anna. I actually meant the posts about Emma 09. You're correct in that it is difficult using a translator. The word order is challenging to follow sometimes, and there are often words that are left un-translated. But I enjoy reading your unique perspective, so it's worth the difficulty. :-)
Zitat: back to the costumes: i believe, harriet is wearing this dress seen on nancy steele (S&S 08) before.
Wow. That's a great find. And I like how we get a better view of the gown in Emma. I've felt before that we don't get to see some of the costumes very well in S&S08 (like the ones worn by the Steele sisters in various scenes). I don't want to complain about it though, as I think S&S08 is wonderful and I enjoy it so much!
Zitat: now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
Now that you point it out, I have noticed the necklace on Lizzy before!
Zitat: jane fairfax/laura pyper is wearing a dress seen on emma/gwyneth paltrow before:
I thought the blue gown looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. I even took a lot of screencaps of it while rewatching episodes of Emma last week. I never connected it with Paltrow!
Zitat: during looking for nancy's dress, it struck me, that both edward and elinor often wear striped fabrics as to underline the imprisoned emotions.
This is a great example of the kinds of insights I enjoy reading in your posts in the discussion forum! :wink:
P.S. If you're not too busy, I'm sure C-19 readers would enjoy seeing some of your costume finds from episode 3 & 4.
maisy - 29.10.2009, 00:21
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005). The stomacher is re-trimmed.
I believe this is the same gown, on Gemma Redgrave as Lady Bertram in Mansfield Park 2007.
The white dress Harriet wears to her first Hartfield dinner (ep. 1) has been niggling me since I first watched the episode. I finally realized where I'd seen it before. Here it is on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004).
In ep. 4, Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 wears a Spencer to Harriet's wedding that was previously seen on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rosamund Stephen as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion 2007 wears a pink velvet Spencer worn by Justine Waddell as Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park 1999.
Sarah Ovens as Miss Martin #2 is wearing the same pink Spencer.
Pauline Stone/Mrs. Martin is wearing a gown previously worn by Anna Massey as Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park 1983, Miss Crawley's maid in Vanity Fair 1998, and Samantha Bond as Mrs. Weston in 1996 tv version of Emma.
Adminette - 30.10.2009, 01:07
i am watching onegin on TV right now. phew. what a beautifully shot, melancholic, sumptuous, eligiac ("russian") film. and who'd have thought that ralph fiennes could ever look so dashing.
anyway, i believe, that there are serveral dresses that have been reused in little dorrit. e.g. mrs. merdles red one. maybe, harriet walter wears the same dress in the two productions. i also think, that fiennes wears knightleys waistcoat. or the other way round. i will see, if i can find some pictures.
maisy - 30.10.2009, 02:21
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i am watching onegin on TV right now. phew. what a beautifully shot, melancholic, sumptuous, eligiac ("russian") film. and who'd have thought that ralph fiennes could ever look so dashing.
anyway, i believe, that there are serveral dresses that have been reused in little dorrit. e.g. mrs. merdles red one. maybe, harriet walter wears the same dress in the two productions. i also think, that fiennes wears knightleys waistcoat. or the other way round. i will see, if i can find some pictures.
Check the cosprops website. They have quite a few images from the Onegin costumes there.
P.S. seems that cosprops have changed their online exhibit; there are not so many costumes worn by Fiennes as their used to be.
Here is Liza Sadovy/Mrs. Cole in Emma 2009 wearing the same gold and red gown and turban previously seen on Denise Black/Mrs. Brocklebank in To the Ends of the Earth (2004).
Adminette - 30.10.2009, 23:49
P.S. seems that cosprops have changed their online exhibit; there are not so many costumes worn by Fiennes as their used to be.
yes, i thought so, too. i had almost forgotten this site. but they still have those interesting articles about BBC PD's from some years ago.
i could take some pictures, but they are not sharp enough for recognition or comparison.
while i'm not sure, if it is the same dress two times on harriet walter (have to check my tape sometime). in any case it isthe same dress on her in little dorrit and on sophie in jane eyre 06
- -
i'm pretty sure to have seen this dress from olga/lena headey before. probably also on fanny dorrit/emma pierson. have to look for it some more :wink:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The white dress Harriet wears to her first Hartfield dinner (ep. 1) has been niggling me since I first watched the episode. I finally realized where I'd seen it before. Here it is on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004).
uh, that's great! i have been running mad (well, almost ) trying to remember, where i'd seen the dress... so, thanks for relieving :wink:
maisy - 31.10.2009, 22:16
Finding more Emma gowns in Regency House Party sent me back to the library last night to borrow the DVD again.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: jane fairfax/laura pyper is wearing a dress seen on emma/gwyneth paltrow before:
I believe this is the same dress, worn by Lisa Braund in RHP (2005). Miss Braund loaned it to one of the maids to wear on the festival celebration day (4th image).
I also found this brown print dress, worn by Mrs. Goddard's maid in Emma 09, on Mrs. Rogers' maid in RHP, and on Vanessa Pike as Mrs. Pike in To the Ends of the Earth. Rosalind Ebbutt designed all the gowns worn by maids in RHP (according to the companion book to the series, p. 85).
Vanessa Pike as Mrs. Pike in To the Ends of the Earth (2005) also wears the blue dress worn by one of the maids in RHP (2004).
This one really surprised me, as the two women have very different body types, but here is the evidence that Jane Fairfax's blue dress was previously worn by Hayley Connick in RHP.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. augusta elton née hawkins (christina cole) has even more pink in her closet than emma. ouhhhff! exhausting. but for her first outing she wears this very bonnet, royaled by emily blunts young victoria. her the yellow, a bit clownish looking spencer is great! i wonder, were they've found it.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I thought the yellow spencer was a nice touch too. I have no idea where they found it, but I recognize the dress. Francesca Martin wore it in The Regency House Party (2004). You might recall hearing her talk about how she didn't know how to sew, and she was afraid she would ruin the dress. Miss Martin and Miss Connick were the ladies who did not purchase new gowns for the ball; they added new trimmings to their "old" dresses. The 1st image is Miss Martin sewing the new trim on the gown, in preparation for the ball on RHP. The second image is what the gown looked like before the trim was added. Incidentally, Miss Martin did not wear this gown to the ball after all; she wore a pink gown instead.
I also found this dress in Vanity Fair 98, on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp.
I made a screen cap of Francesca Martin wearing this dress in RHP.
Also found in Supersizers Go: Regency (2008) worn by Sue Perkins.
Caroline Corrie as Louisa Catherine Adams in John Adams: Peacefield (2008) (ep. 7) wears a dress seen the previous year on Bernadette McKenna as Mrs. Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 2007.
Another look at Mrs. Thorpe's gown
maisy - 02.11.2009, 02:49
Tamsin Greig as Miss Bates's in EMMA-09 wears a coat that was previously worn by Maisie Dimbleby as Mrs. Smith in Persuasion 2007.
Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2005) wears Imogen Stubbs's/Lucy Steele's purple gown from the London ball in Sense and Sensibility 1995.
REMOVED Hayley Connick in The Regency House Party because the pelisse she wears is not Emma Thompson's/Elinor Dashwood's after all.
maisy - 03.11.2009, 04:10
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ein kleid ging von thandie newton/sally hemmings ("jefferson in paris") über jessica oyelowo/magd sarah ("sleepy hollow") direkt an billie piper/fanny price (MP 07).
Also worn by a servant in the first episode of Garrow's Law.
maisy - 04.11.2009, 14:27
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: wie gesagt, zurück zum regency:
senffarbener mantel an becky sharp in vanity fair 1998, claire clairmont in byron 2003 und an mrs. jennings in S&S 08.
Jodhi May/Mrs. Weston wears the same pelisse in episode 3 of Emma-09.
Adminette - 05.11.2009, 21:09
that ony clearly escaped me. good catch. i really hope there will be some cut scenes on the DVD!
you did watch sharpe's last episode, didn't you? i've found the following dress on the cover of the german DVD. the dress reminds me of mariannes (charity wakefield S&S08) one when she's "meeting" willoughby for the first time. but the color of the cover seems so strange, the whole things seems sooo photoshopped... can you tell?
maisy - 05.11.2009, 23:34
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: that ony clearly escaped me. good catch. i really hope there will be some cut scenes on the DVD!
Oh, me too!
Zitat: you did watch sharpe's last episode, didn't you? i've found the following dress on the cover of the german DVD. the dress reminds me of mariannes (charity wakefield S&S08) one when she's "meeting" willoughby for the first time. but the color of the cover seems so strange, the whole things seems sooo photoshopped... can you tell?
It appears in the film as well. Here are some screencaps I just made. It does seem to be the same costume.
Adminette - 06.11.2009, 14:08
thank you!
i have just found another contender: the sovereign's servant not only is the german title (pakt der bestien) clearly lend from "the brotherhood of the wolves" (pakt der wölfe) but also does the main character (if the man in the middle is indeed the main character) wear grégoire de fronsac's/samuel le bihan's high-necked coat.
there are certainly more reused costumes to be spotted in this one!
maisy - 06.11.2009, 14:23
This is very interesting, I've not seen either of these films, and I had never heard of Brotherhood of the Wolves (le pacte des loups) before seeing the costumes on Katie's website. And this is the first I've heard of the sovereign's servant.
Adminette - 06.11.2009, 15:04
i have not heard of the newer film as well. but as i was browsing through new amazon-stuff i constantly came across this one. it looks like a little eastern or south european production. they do quite a lot pre19th-c-period-adventure stuff. but nothing of it is up to the mark, yet. not even if they adapt the british classics as done with this wuthering heights version.
i knew the brotherhood of the wolves before and as a very huge fan of "sleepy hollow" and of vincent cassel i enjoyed quite a bit. but i do not know, how much you would do so, as many people find the rather gory parts too appaling.
maisy - 07.11.2009, 00:33
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: many people find the rather gory parts too appaling.
Thank you for the warning. :anonym:
maisy - 10.11.2009, 00:02
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've found some 18th century gowns too.
Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005)
I think this might be the same costume worn by an extra near the beginning of Garrow's Law, episode 1.
maisy - 10.11.2009, 02:29
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
maria bertram wears a honeymoon dress in MP 07, that was seen on katherine parkinson as an extra in ... "extras" before.
this dress was also on the older mary, 3rd duchess of richmond/carmen du sautoy in the end of the aristocrats series.
In the previews for episode 3 of Garrow's Law, I noticed that Lyndsey Marshal as Lady Sarah is wearing the same striped dress.
Hi-res image from Garrow's Law
Adminette - 10.11.2009, 17:24
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've found some 18th century gowns too.
Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005)
I think this might be the same costume worn by an extra near the beginning of Garrow's Law, episode 1.
not so sure abouth this one. the fabric seems different and the applications on the neckline do not seem to form a horizontal "8", if you know what i mean. is this al that is shown of the dress?
maisy - 10.11.2009, 17:45
Thanks. Yes, that's all that is shown. Re: the figure 8-- I've noticed with other 18th century gowns that they sometimes have more than one stomacher made up for the costume, so I wasn't as concerned about that. But I couldn't see enough of the gown to be convinced. Perhaps it will show up again in another episode of Garrows Law.
Anna, I just learned that some costumes from Bright Star are on display at Keats House in Hampstead. Here's a link to the museum's website:
Christina Cole/Mrs. Elton in Emma 09 wears yet another pink Spencer, this one previously worn by Frances Grey/Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair 98.
Adminette - 13.11.2009, 22:23
Zitat: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
i'd like to know, how many gowns mrs. elton actually wears here. so in character for her. my count stands at 3 now, which makes one more than on lucy steele/anna madeley in S&S 08. 2 gauze dresses and a pink one. the upper gauze dress is worn as a nighty/negligée by st. ives' french maitresse/cécile pallas in st. ives 98.
Zitat: An extra at the Crown Ball wears a plaid dress previously worn by Julia Davis/Elizabeth ELliot in Persuasion 2007.
extra at the scottish open-air ball in st. ives '98
different extra, same ball, same dress, same film
and look, what i found miranda richardson/susan gilchrist wearing:
for comparison: lindsay marshals dressfrom garrow's law:
the fabric in st. ives seems to be rather blue, but the colors in the film are very unnatural and high pitched. and the fabric looks rather glossy, too. similar to those the regency dresses in these comments are made of. due to details in the cut of the dresses i'd say it is not a altered version of miranda richardson's dress on lindsay marshall. although the fabric print looks very similar to the victorian dresses from N&S, tSitN and bleak house.
i'm sure, there are much more reused gowns but i only managed to take a peek into the movie, yet.
PS: a bit faded cape, originally worn by marianne dashwood/kate winslet in the iconic marianne dashwood scene in S&S 95, then seen on an extra at the prison fortress in st. ives, in the '99 david copperfield, probably on dora spenlow/joanna page but i'm not sure, again in '99 but another dickens: young rose fleming/charlotte de moignan in oliver twist 99 and lastly on sophie hutton/kimberly nixon in cranford 07
Bruki - 13.11.2009, 22:37
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i'm sure, there are much more reused gowns but i only managed to take a peek into the movie, yet.
Ui, was Du für abwegige Filme kuckst :rofl: ... jetzt fehlt bloß noch Tara Fitzgerald als Cromwellsche Piratenbraut - und ich weiß, wo der Hase hoppelt ... :engel:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 14.11.2009, 22:11
Wow, Anna. Nice finds! I especially love that you found Victoria Hamilton's pink gown again. And your research on the striped fabric is very interesting. I've been wondering about St. Ives for a while. My library has it on VHS, I think, but I've never heard anything about it. How did you enjoy it?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PS: a bit faded cape, originally worn by marianne dashwood/kate winslet in the iconic marianne dashwood scene in S&S 95, then seen on an extra at the prison fortress in st. ives, in the '99 david copperfield, probably on dora spenlow/joanna page but i'm not sure, again in '99 but another dickens: young rose fleming/charlotte de moignan in oliver twist 99 and lastly on sophie hutton/kimberly nixon in cranford 07
Oh, this cape does seem to turn up quite a bit! I spotted it over the summer in Byron and in The Real Jane Austen documentary on youtube. I recognized it from your earlier finds posted on Maggie's website.
Here are Julie Cox as Annabella Milbanke in Byron, and Gillian Kearney as Jane Austen in The Real Jane Austen (2002).
Might that be Emily in David Copperfield 1999, when she sails to Australia with Dan Pegotty to begin a new life?
I also want to mention that this week I watched the 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel mini series with Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour. What fun!
Adminette - 15.11.2009, 13:12
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've been wondering about St. Ives for a while. My library has it on VHS, I think, but I've never heard anything about it. How did you enjoy it?
i have to admit, that i fastforwarded from female costume to female costume after say ten minutes. :anonym: if i do want an intereuropean adventuring military man i'd prefer the umptienth revisiting of barry lyndon anyday. this st. ives at least seemed a bit downmarket and miramax had certainly better, rightfully honored, period pics in 98.
Zitat: Might that be Emily in David Copperfield 1999, when she sails to Australia with Dan Pegotty to begin a new life?
yes, that may very well be. i snatched the picture from maggies site and have not seen the series, yet (dickens boys and me, remember?). although maggie transcribed it as my finding, it wasn't, as i have already pointed out to her. i only reorganised and sent it back to her. i guess she hadn't time to change it, yet.
Zitat: I also want to mention that this week I watched the 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel mini series with Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour. What fun!
yes, that was anthony andrews in his prime, wasn't it.
two more costumes:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
for today - last but not least: that lovely blue velvet bustle gown worn by margaret prior/anna madeley in "affinity" was seen before on kitty butler/keeley hawes in "tipping the velvet"
i've seen the bodice/jacket of this gown again in "murder rooms - mysteries of the real sherlock holmes - the white knight stratagem" on mrs. milburn/beatie edney. i also found a picture that allows a better look at the dress on anna madeley.
embroided (or printed to image emboidery) dress on sarah smart as cathy jr. in ITV's wuthering heights '98 and on anna friel as flora gilchrist in st. ives.
Adminette - 15.11.2009, 15:33
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ein kleid ging von thandie newton/sally hemmings ("jefferson in paris") über jessica oyelowo/magd sarah ("sleepy hollow") direkt an billie piper/fanny price (MP 07).
Also worn by a servant in the first episode of Garrow's Law.
still one more: found this one on cathy sr./orla brady in wuthering heights 98.
and i fell in love with this gorn of isabellas:
maisy - 15.11.2009, 18:09
Thank you for the information/recommendations.
Nice find from Tipping the Velvet. I just rewatched it this week. My husband watched it with me (his first time) and he really enjoyed the story. (Then I showed him the French & Saunders spoof on youtube. lol)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: embroided (or printed to image emboidery) dress on sarah smart as cathy jr. in ITV's wuthering heights '98 and on anna friel as flora gilchrist in st. ives.
Oh, that's pretty. And it looks familiar. I'll bet I've seen it before, but I cannot think where.
Nice find on the gray gown from Jefferson in Paris, too.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i fell in love with this gorn of isabellas:
I immediately recognized Isabella's gown from Blackadder the Third: Ink & Incapability (1987). Here is Helen Atkinson-Woodas Mrs. Miggins. Note the matching mob cap.
I finally watched both Sally Lockhart Mysteries a few weeks ago. (I was crushed over what happened to J.J Feild!) I recognized this waistcoat on Jared Harris as Axel Bellmann in The Shadow in the North but I didn't identify it until a couple of days ago. Here it is on Jonathan Stephens as Mr. Rushworth in Mansfield Park 1983. See how they've altered the lapels?
I'm pretty sure I've seen this waistcoat somewhere else, too, but I can't recall where. I thought it might have been on Hugh Bonneville/Mr. Bennet in Lost in Austen, but I was mistaken.
Here's a promo image of the waistcoat
Rae Kelly as Anne de Bourgh in Lost in Austen (2008) wears a red print day dress previously seen on Jackie Smith-Wood as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park (1983).
Here is a white gown worn by an extra in P&P 95 which is also worn by an extra at the Crown Inn Ball in Emma 96-tv.
Here's a rather obscure gown with some interesting needlework. It first shows up in Persuasion 71 on Beatrix Mackey as Lady Dalrymple at Elizabeth Elliot's evening party at Camden Place in Bath (first 2 images). Then it appears in Northanger Abbey 86 on an extra at the ball in Bath (3rd image). Finally, the gown appears yet again on an extra, this time at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 05 (4th image).
Adminette - 18.11.2009, 19:46
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Note the matching mob cap.
:ohhhh: oh dear, now i'm no longer sure of being in love with that dress... :wink:
what about the greenish dress next to that? i remember having seen that in more than one of the old austens?
anyway, i've finally found out, why mrs. westons/jodhi may's emma 09 christmas dinner dress seemed so familiar to me: it was worn for dinner as well by fanny dashwood/claire skinner in S&S '08.
i came across this one looking for screencaps of the oddly styled room that was used as mrs. jennings london drawing and dining room in S&S 08 and hartfield's great drawing room in emma 09
the window in the head side of the room was shut for S&S which suggests that the room is part of an eaves-sided (not sure about the translation) town house instead of a freestanding manor with views to all four orientations like hartfield. while the rather camp'n corny murals from mrs. jenning's have been whitewashed and decorated with paintings, there has been a very modern ikea-like brocade-wallpaper added to the lower lambris-wallzones.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
and guess which necklace emma/romola garai is wearing for her honeymoon?
now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
the same necklace that was on haley atwell in the last part is worn by georgia king as lady mary in the shadow in the north (just rediscovered my copy)
more to follow.
maisy - 19.11.2009, 13:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat:
what about the greenish dress next to that? i remember having seen that in more than one of the old austens?
Indeed you have. I posted images last summer (on the other site). Here it is on extras in Emma 72 and P&P80.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anyway, i've finally found out, why mrs. westons/jodhi may's emma 09 christmas dinner dress seemed so familiar to me: it was worn for dinner as well by fanny dashwood/claire skinner in S&S '08.
Thank you for that. I've been trying to figure out where I've seen it, too. I thought it might have been Lost in Austen, Regency House Party, or To the Ends of the Earth, but did not find it there.
Thank you for sharing your interesting research about the interiors of Hartfield and Mrs. Jennings' London flat. Have you seen this article?
And lol, I knew you would "LOVE" that mob cap. :wink:
This extra (right) in Princess Caraboo is wearing Mrs. Weston's (Ellen Dryden) gown from the Crown Ball in Emma 1972. Also seen on an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1980, on Mrs. Kenwig in The Royal Shakespeare Company's 1982 stage presentation of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, in Quills on an extra (center) attending the play, and on an extra at the Crown Ball in 1996-tv Emma.
Adminette - 19.11.2009, 21:37
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Thank you for sharing your interesting research about the interiors of Hartfield and Mrs. Jennings' London flat. Have you seen this article?
no i haven't. thanks for the link. so emma's bedchamber had real chinese/"indian" wallpaper in it? i'm envious!
more costumes from "the shadow in the north":
unmissable bright pink plaid daydress on jessie saxon/adjoa andoh and on mira sorvino as conchita closson in "the buccaneers"
mauve dress on sally lockhart/billie piper and on anne reid as mrs. brink in "affinity"
intricately embroided waistcoat on extra (far right) at evening party and on rosetti/aidan turner in "desperate romantics" that looks a bit like emmas chinese wallpaper :wink:
light blue walking gown on georgiana king/lady mary and the second american woman in "he knew he was right"
pastell orange evening gown worn by an extra (far right again) at the evening party and on the hilarious mrs. melmotte/helen schlesinger in "the way we live now"
and a dress worn by mrs. holland/julie walters in "the ruby in the smoke" and on mother prior/domini blythe in "affinity"
the dress we've referred to here and here was also on the seamstress in "interview with the vampire"
maisy - 20.11.2009, 05:08
These are great! (But I can't watch scary movies! Yikes! I have bad dreams!) :anonym:
A long time ago, I did watch some of Interview with a Vampire and I couldn't sleep afterward!
maisy - 21.11.2009, 16:55
I borrowed St. Ives DVD from my library. The costumes are a puzzling mix of 18th century, empire/regency, and Victorian styles. :nixweiss:
I recognized this gown, worn by an extra at the masked ball in St. Ives, from Quills, worn by an extra attending the play. Also worn by an extra in Byron.
Another extra (in the back) wears Lucy Robinson/Mrs. Hurst's gown from P&P95.
Another extra (left) in St. Ives wears a gown previously worn by Susan Edmonstone as Mrs. Grant in Mansfield Park 83, and by an extra at the Netherfield Ball in Lost in Austen.
The gown Anna Friel/Flora Gilchrist wears to the masked ball in St. Ives (1998) is seen two years later on Amelia Warner/Simone in Quills (2000).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
i'd like to know, how many gowns mrs. elton actually wears here. so in character for her. my count stands at 3 now, which makes one more than on lucy steele/anna madeley in S&S 08. 2 gauze dresses and a pink one. the upper gauze dress is worn as a nighty/negligée by st. ives' french maitresse/cécile pallas in st. ives 98.
Is this the same costume, do you think? From Byron -- the scene in which Byron is shunned at a ball/party for escorting his sister, Mrs. Leigh.
I suspect that this dotted coat/pelisse, worn by an extra in the Paris restaurant in St. Ives, is the same one worn by an extra in Byron.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: oder janes mantel (vormals an anne steele/S&S08, mary musgrove/persuasion 07 und maria lucas/P&P 95).
I think this is the same pelisse, worn by an extra in Byron (scene in Venice).
Pennie Downie as Lady Judith Milbanke in Byron wears a paisley pelisse also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrell in Princess Caraboo.
Adminette - 23.11.2009, 20:58
found a certain lace that was used for catherine morland's (not yet felicity jones) christening gown as well as for elanor tilney's (catherine walker) opera gown in northanger abbey '07. perhaps not probably but with a tiny little chance it is also on queen victoria's (emily blunt) opera gown - in folded up form.
- -
and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
maisy - 24.11.2009, 00:20
I've always loved that lace. It's a shame we don't get to see Eleanor's theatre gown better. And I'm still waiting for Young Victoria to open here in the U.S.!
Nice find on the fabric, though I don't think I had seen that episode yet of Desp. Romantics, back when we discussed the waistcoat.
maisy - 25.11.2009, 04:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: could this be amandas (lost in austen) dress on some girl from mrs. goddard's (i presume) in emma 09 do you think?
Here is the same gown, on Gillian Kearney as Jane Austen in The Real Jane Austen (2002).
maisy - 27.11.2009, 21:52
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: In ep. 4, Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 wears a Spencer to Harriet's wedding that was previously seen on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004).
Anna Madeley/Lucy Steele wears the same Spencer in S&S 08.
Zitat: mrs. goddard/veronica robert is wearing hill/marlene sidaway's dress from P&P95
This dress also appears in S&S 08 on a maid at Sir John Middleton's house (Barton Park).
This aquamarine gown, worn by Poppy Miller/Isabella Knightley in Emma 09, was previously worn by an extra at the London ball in S&S 08.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I suspect that this dotted coat/pelisse, worn by an extra in the Paris restaurant in St. Ives, is the same one worn by an extra in Byron.
Perhaps this is the same pelisse, worn by an extra in the London street in S&S 08.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Miranda Richardson wearing a blue striped gown as Amy Hardwood in the "Amy and Amiability" episode of Blackadder the Third. The second image is from John Adams episode 4: "Reunion." See the extra on the left of Adams' daughter, wearing the same blue striped gown.
Here it is on an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999). And again, on an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i fell in love with this gorn of isabellas:
I immediately recognized Isabella's gown from Blackadder the Third: Ink & Incapability (1987). Here is Helen Atkinson-Woodas Mrs. Miggins. Note the matching mob cap.
Here is the same dress on an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here are Jill Townsend as Elizabeth Poldark Warleggan in the original Poldark series from 1975 (ep. 16), and Jane Seymour as Marguerite St. Just from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982, wearing a gorgeous dressing gown.
Adminette - 28.11.2009, 21:25
wow, that's quite a lot. the dressing gown looks a lot like it originally has been designed for a tudor-era-based production.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren in "the madness of king george" and lady caroline/serena gordon in aristocrats.
same earrings on hayley atwell as elizabeth foster in "the duchess".
maisy - 28.11.2009, 22:34
Oh, more pretty earrings! Lovely.
Thanks for the comment about the dressing gown. That had not occurred to me, but you're right, it makes sense that it would have been for a Tudor project.
I also found a mens dressing gown. Here are Anthony Andrews/Sir Percy Blakeney in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) and Ralph Bates/George Warleggan in Poldark 1977 (ep. 6).
P.S. Here are more costumes that appear in both Poldark and Pimpernel.
Here is Christopher Biggins as Osborne Whitworth in Poldark 1977 (ep. 11) wearing a floral suit later seen on an extra about to be guillotined in The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982.
And here is an extra in Poldark 1975 (ep. 9) wearing a coat with embroidered trim which is later seen on James Villiers as Baron de Batz in The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982.
The same extra in Poldark 1975 (ep. 9), same scene, is also wearing a matching waistcoat with the same embroidered trim. The same waistcoat is also worn by James Villiers as Baron de Batz in a different scene from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982.
Here is Peter Clay (center) as Unwin Trevaunance in Poldark, episode 9 of series 1 (1975) wearing a green-striped coat. Eleven years later, here's Jonathan Coy as John Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 1986. Notice that he is wearing a coordinating striped waistcoat. And in 1999, the green-striped coat appears again, sans striped waistcoat. Here it is on an extra in a party scene from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1999 (first installment of the series).
Here's just the waistcoat, this time in Poldark series 2, episode 10 (1977), seen on Christopher Biggins as Rev. Osborne Whitworth.
This pink-striped coat appears in two episodes of the second season of the original Poldark series. First is Timothy Morand as Vicomte de Maresi in episode two, followed by an extra at the Warleggan's party in episode 11 (both from 1977). The same pink-striped coat appears in the 1982 mini series of The Scarlet Pimpernel, worn by Malcolm Jamieson as Armand St. Just. Then the same pink-striped coat appears yet again, this time in the 1999 series of The Scarlet Pimpernel (first installment), worn by an extra at a party in Paris.
And here is Tim McInnerny as Le Comte de Frou Frou in Blackadder the Third: Nob and Nobility (1987), wearing a coat made from the same fabric. (The BBC costume dept. must have procured a bolt of this stuff.)
Here is an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) wearing a dress made of the same pink striped fabric.
Bruki - 28.11.2009, 23:52
... und ich hab eure berühmte Period-Drama-Perlenkette um Vera Lynns Hals entdeckt. :wink:
... und kuckt mal, welches putzige Kostüm hier in "Small Dark Places" wiederauftauchte:
und wie die long sleeves rearranged wurden und der Puschel aufgerüscht... :prust:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 30.11.2009, 19:41
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and look, what i found miranda richardson/susan gilchrist wearing:
for comparison: lindsay marshals dressfrom garrow's law:
the fabric in st. ives seems to be rather blue, but the colors in the film are very unnatural and high pitched. and the fabric looks rather glossy, too. similar to those the regency dresses in these comments are made of. due to details in the cut of the dresses i'd say it is not a altered version of miranda richardson's dress on lindsay marshall. although the fabric print looks very similar to the victorian dresses from N&S, tSitN and bleak house.
Here is Ronan Vibert as Robespierre in The Scarlet Pimpernel: The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999). This costume can also bee seen on a tailor's form in the shop of Robespierre's tailor in the previous installment, The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999).
maisy - 01.12.2009, 17:56
The first image shows the livery worn by Nicholas Warleggan's footmen at the Truro Ball in the original Poldark series (1975), episode 6. The second and third images are Lord and Lady's Grenville's footmen wearing the same livery, as seen in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Adminette - 01.12.2009, 18:02
ahh, yes. i think livrees are reused quite often. i remember having seen the one from the netherfield butler in the latest P&P and also the french court livree, e.g. in marie antoinette serveral times. the same with other uniforms such as the victorian policemen e.g. seen in the third episode in "north and south".
rainy november (still feels like it anyway, it's just getting colder) greets ,
Adminette - 06.12.2009, 20:27
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: außerdem scheint mir für die folgenden gewänder derselbe (muss sagen gefällige) stoff verwendet worden zu sein:
I went to see Bright Star last night. I'm not certain, but I think Fanny Brawne's little sister, Toots, might also wear a gown made of the same fabric. (No images, sorry!)
i wouldn't be surprised if toots constantly wears doubles of fannys fashion designs throughout the film. this fabric worked into loose cardigans is also seen on fanny and on toots:
maisy - 07.12.2009, 16:37
Nice discovery about Bright Star; I love it when costume designers give such attention to detail!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: back to some more formal chic: some gowns that are in aristocrats and in fanny hill 2007:
frock worn by horace wallpole (? actor uncredited) and that very enthusiastic father, whose son was to be "educated" by fanny.
I've recently been watching Aristocrats again, and the character wearing that coat is George Selwyn (played by Frank Kelly) who is introduced to Lady Sarah in the same scene with Horace Walpole. The character wearing the coat in Fanny Hill is Tim Wallers as Mr. Harding.
More later.
P.S. I just learned what "bis bald" means! :-) (And we got our first dusting of snow last night, here in northern New England!)
maisy - 08.12.2009, 03:36
An extra in Fanny Hill (2007) wears a coat previously seen on Julian Fellowes/Duke of Richmond in Aristocrats (1999).
Mrs. Cole/Samantha Bond in Fanny Hill wears a blue gown previously seen on Lady Sarah Lennox/Jodhi May in Aristocrats. (Notice that Samantha Bond wears it with a different stomacher than the one Jodhi May wears, and with added lace trimming.)
Rebecca Knight/Fanny Hill wears a gown previously seen on Serena Gordon/Lady Caroline Lennox in Aristocrats.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've found some 18th century gowns too.
Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005)
I think this might be the same costume worn by an extra near the beginning of Garrow's Law, episode 1.
Here is another view of the gown from Aristocrats, this time with the same stomacher seen in Garrow's Law.
Adminette - 08.12.2009, 23:24
here is the inspiration for emma's (romola garai) red military redingote: straight from the collection of the kyoto costume institute. i knew i knew that redingote from somewhere. of course i only remembered, when rosalind ebbut told where to look... that being said, i still love my taschen-book of the said collection. :hearty:
maisy - 11.12.2009, 01:25
Ahh, thanks for that. Is the information from the bonus features on the DVD?
maisy - 15.12.2009, 02:30
I found the same parasol used by Phyllida Law as Mrs. Austen in Miss Austen Regrets (2008) and by Geraldine James as Lady Rowley in He Knew He Was Right (2004).
Adminette - 29.12.2009, 00:37
all quiet on the reused front. but i have found out that fanny ardant is wearing a reproduction of a 1816 spencer from the snowshill manor/wade collection. the original, which is also shown in nancy bradfields "costume in detail" p. 109-110, is made out of black silk.
maisy - 29.12.2009, 21:49
Yes, it's been v. quiet here in recycled-costume-land. ;)
I hope you're enjoying your holiday from classes! Happy New Year!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: this dress using a very courageous combination of colour was first seen on mme de volange/swoosie kurtz in "dangerous liasons" in 1989 and after that on lady linton/jennifer daniel in peter kosminskiy's wuthering hights in 1992. james acheson did the costumes for both movies. one year earlier year it was reused on clarissa/saskia wickham for BBCs clarissa, a production in which designer ken trew reused even more gowns from dangerous liaisons. lastly the gown rushed through the background on an extra at lady bellastones party in BBCs 1997 "tom jones - a history of a foundling", costume designer was rosalind ebbutt (well at least for one episode, according to the imdb :nixweiss:). so i'd say, even though clarissa predates wuthering hights (again according to the imdb), the scenes using the costume where shot before the ones in clarissa, where the dress left designer james achesons hands to stay at the BBCs costume inventory.
This gown is worn by another character in Clarissa-- Lucy Robinson as Deb wears it (briefly!) in the scene when she impersonates Clarissa and tricks Lovelace.
Adminette - 29.12.2009, 22:40
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: miranda richardson in st. ives:
for comparison: lindsay marshals dressfrom garrow's law:
looks very similar to the victorian dresses from N&S, tSitN and bleak house.
Here is Ronan Vibert as Robespierre in The Scarlet Pimpernel: The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
:hurra: :hurra:
mystery solved. look, what i have just seen in the first christmas special of cranford: margaret hales iconic train station dress - intact. worn by michelle dockery as erminia whyte.
just had to post that, now i can quietly complete the watch :wink:
PS: of course: happy new year to you as well. how was christmas? we've had snow for the first time in years around the 24th, which i enjoyed most. inculding making snow angels :engel:
Adminette - 30.12.2009, 17:57
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
mrs. ruskins/georgie glens dress - although it most certainly does not originate from "desperate romantics" as none of the costumes seem to have been made specially for he series - is also worn by michelle dockery as erminia whyte.
she wears another dress, seen on effie ruskin/zoe tapper before.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
and guess which necklace emma/romola garai is wearing for her honeymoon?
now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
the same necklace that was on haley atwell in the last part is worn by georgia king as lady mary in the shadow in the north (just rediscovered my copy)
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: ... und ich hab eure berühmte Period-Drama-Perlenkette um Vera Lynns Hals entdeckt. :wink:
bist du sicher? das bild ist etwas unscharf bzw. kann ich nicht genau sagen, ob die perlen zur mitte hin größer werden, oder mit schatten und unschärfe einen streich spielen?
anyway: mother and margot fontayn/penelope wilton and anne marie duff are wearing a strongly similiarly necklace, which is only double-rowed. or are they two necklaces worn together? in any case, that would account for it being seen so often and looking sometimes longer, sometimes narrower. apart from the size of the different actresses necks...
Adminette - 31.12.2009, 00:34
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: wow, that's quite a lot. the dressing gown looks a lot like it originally has been designed for a tudor-era-based production.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren in "the madness of king george" and lady caroline/serena gordon in aristocrats.
same earrings on hayley atwell as elizabeth foster in "the duchess".
also on rose byrne as yolande de polignac in marie antoinette
maisy - 01.01.2010, 23:35
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: happy new year to you as well. how was christmas? we've had snow for the first time in years around the 24th, which i enjoyed most. inculding making snow angels :engel:
Hey, if you love snow so much, I will gladly send you ALL of mine! I took this photo of my back yard a couple of days ago, to show my family in Florida and California what they are "missing" this holiday!
This isn't much snow, by New England standards, but we're expecting more soon. A "nor'easter" is expected sometime tomorrow and will continue into Sunday, with another 8-12 inches of snow expected.
Great discovery on Margaret Hale's train dress! Mystery solved!
You've made lots of interesting discoveries. Cranford Christmas looks good. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet--perhaps Sunday during the storm.
Happy New Year!
Adminette - 10.01.2010, 16:59
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Hey, if you love snow so much, I will gladly send you ALL of mine!
now look, what you've done :wink: we did not have as decent a winter in such a long time, that the media thinks it fit, to call this a weather chaos and so on... if you'd ask me, it might still be more, so people would be forced to stand still for just one moment. of course i'm only that happy about winter because the heating system works again.
still no news on the reused front, though.
maisy - 10.01.2010, 21:24
Ahh, pretty pictures of the snow, anna. :)
We didn't get 8-12 inches of snow last weekend--we got 30 inches.
Back to reused's another poldark/pimpernel connection:
This embroidered coat, worn by an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999) was previously worn by Ralph Bates as George Warleggan in Poldark series 1, ep 6 (1975).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i fell in love with this gorn of isabellas:
I immediately recognized Isabella's gown from Blackadder the Third: Ink & Incapability (1987). Here is Helen Atkinson-Woodas Mrs. Miggins. Note the matching mob cap.
Here is the same dress on an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Do you think this might be the same dress, worn by an extra in Becoming Jane (left)?
Adminette - 16.01.2010, 19:32
somtime ago, i've snatched this picture with natasha little as becky sharp (vanity fair 1998) from. i just do not remember, where else you've gylmpsed that dress/if you already mentioned this double sighting: it's also on bertha rochester/claudia coulter in jane eyre 2006
maisy - 17.01.2010, 01:07
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: somtime ago, i've snatched this picture with natasha little as becky sharp (vanity fair 1998) from. i just do not remember, where else you've gylmpsed that dress/if you already mentioned this double sighting: it's also on bertha rochester/claudia coulter in jane eyre 2006
That green dress is in my misc. costume thread, but I had not seen it in JE 2006. Nice discovery! It also appears in The Regency House Party, worn by both Victoria Hopkins and Francesca Martin.
I'm pretty certain that this ivory gown, worn by Geraldine James as Lady Emma Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982), was modified and then appeared in Little Dorrit (2008) on Ruth Jones as Flora Finching.
This waistcoat, worn by Dominic Jephcott as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) was previously seen on Donald Eccles as Mr. Woodhouse in Emma 1972.
This brown silk coat, worn by Mike Hall as Sir Francis Basset in Poldark 1977 (series 2, ep. 6) is later seen on an extra in the court of King Ferdinando of Italy in I Remember Nelson (1982).
I know how much you love jewelry. :wink: Check out this earring on Denise Black as Gabrielle Damiens/Mademoiselle Guillotine in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999).
Do you know anything about this film?
maisy - 17.01.2010, 15:53
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: another pair worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and king george II wife/lover/daughter whatever in aristocrats.
those were also on catherine zeta jones as catherine the great.
I found the same girandole earrings in The Affair of the Necklace (2001), worn by on extra attending the spiritualism gathering conducted by Christopher Walken's character.
maisy - 20.01.2010, 17:11
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: thanks, "unfortunatly" i've been a bit faster and posted some low-quality youtube pictures to katie from recycled movie costumes...
did you take this picture from monte christo to point to this black and blue cubed jane fairfax dress? (miramax and bbc 09 emma)?
This dress also appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001), worn by Kitty Lee as Miss Ledrock, portraying Juliet in Mr. Crummles's production of R&J.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Caroline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
Also spotted this gown in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001), worn by one of the players in Mr. Crummles' troupe.
And the yellow and green turban in the above image, worn by Jacqueline Tong as Mrs. Crummles in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) was previously seen on Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Adminette - 21.01.2010, 20:27
oh, really. one of these two pairs of earrings originating from "the madness of king george" must have been in every major film production set in the courts of the 18th century since then!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: isn't the salmon dress harriet is supposed to wear for the weston's christmas party the one worn by an extra at the crown ball?
i think this dress danced through the first ball in "bright star".
anna madeley/mariana belcombe is wearing this redingote in "the secret diairies of miss anne lister", previously seen on phoebe nicholls as elizabeth elliot in "persuasion"
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and look, what i found miranda richardson/susan gilchrist wearing in st. ives
for comparison: lindsay marshals dressfrom garrow's law:
those the regency dresses in these comments ... the fabric from the victorian dresses from N&S, tSitN and bleak house.
Here is Ronan Vibert as Robespierre in The Scarlet Pimpernel: The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999). This costume can also bee seen on a tailor's form in the shop of Robespierre's tailor in the previous installment, The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999).
look, what i have just seen in the first christmas special of cranford: margaret hales iconic train station dress - intact. worn by michelle dockery as erminia whyte.
aaand the most used fabric. now it goes big. for the silverscreen. emma darwins/jennifer connelly's (strangely cut) dress in "creation" is made of it and claudie blakely definitely wears a second regency gown (compared to that one that was on harriet walter in little dorrit and on somebody else monte christo) out of it in bright star.
maisy - 21.01.2010, 22:07
Nice finds!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anna madeley/mariana belcombe is wearing this redingote in "the secret diairies of miss anne lister", previously seen on phoebe nicholls as elizabeth elliot in "persuasion"
Yes, that collar is very distinctive, isn't it? I also noticed this coat on an extra in Persuasion 2007, at the end, during Anne's run through Bath.
Adminette - 21.01.2010, 22:23
oops, now you were faster with replying than i was with rewriting. can't post without mentioning the necklace :wink: it was also in the latest "wallander" episode "the man who smiled" (BBC version with kenneth branagh) on the elderly secretary of the murdered lawyer.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
and guess which necklace emma/romola garai is wearing for her honeymoon?
now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
the same necklace that was on haley atwell in the last part is worn by georgia king as lady mary in the shadow in the north (just rediscovered my copy)
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: ... und ich hab eure berühmte Period-Drama-Perlenkette um Vera Lynns Hals entdeckt. :wink:
news from the necklace. it was also worn throughout the 2001 feature film "enigma" by saffron borrows by claire
and the twoparter has been worn by gemma craven as mrs. joan parker in the first episode of "pennies from heaven - down sunnyside lane" (1978)
Zitat: anyway: mother and margot fontayn/penelope wilton and anne marie duff are wearing a strongly similiarly necklace, which is only double-rowed. or are they two necklaces worn together? in any case, that would account for it being seen so often and looking sometimes longer, sometimes narrower. apart from the size of the different actresses necks...
maisy - 28.01.2010, 14:57
Samantha Morton as Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 97, and Victoria Hamilton as Queen Victoria in Victoria and Albert (2001).
maisy - 31.01.2010, 00:37
This green caped coat is worn by Michelle Duncan as Charlotte Lucas in Lost in Austen, Mali Harries as Ann Rood in Byron, Cathryn Harrison as Tilda Price in the Royal Shakespeare Company's 1982 stage presentation of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, and an extra in a street scene in Middlemarch 1994.
maisy - 31.01.2010, 04:49
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Mrs. Cole/Samantha Bond in Fanny Hill wears a blue gown previously seen on Lady Sarah Lennox/Jodhi May in Aristocrats. (Notice that Samantha Bond wears it with a different stomacher than the one Jodhi May wears, and with added lace trimming.)
This gown is also worn by an extra in Marie Antoinette (2006).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i fell in love with this gorn of isabellas:
I immediately recognized Isabella's gown from Blackadder the Third: Ink & Incapability (1987). Here is Helen Atkinson-Woodas Mrs. Miggins. Note the matching mob cap.
Here is the same dress on an extra in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Do you think this might be the same dress, worn by an extra in Becoming Jane (left)?
This gown is also worn in Marie Antoinette (2006) at le Petit Trianon by one of the queen's ladies.
This striped gown, worn by an extra in Marie Antoinette (2006), is also seen on Aristocrats (1999) on Diane Fletcher as Lady Lennox, Duchess of Richmond.
This turquoise floral gown worn by an extra in The Madness of King George also appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) on a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe.
maisy - 03.02.2010, 16:48
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren in "the madness of king george" and lady caroline/serena gordon in aristocrats.
same earrings on hayley atwell as elizabeth foster in "the duchess".
also on rose byrne as yolande de polignac in marie antoinette
Du Barry also wears these earrings in Marie Antoinette. I see that Polignac and du Barry wear them differently from queen charlotte/helen mirren and lady caroline/serena gordon. The top stone hangs below the ear lobe instead of directly on the front of the ear lobe.
Here are two paintings of Queen Charlotte wearing girandole earrings similar to the two pair you have found in multiple films.
maisy - 18.02.2010, 21:41
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here are Jill Townsend as Elizabeth Poldark Warleggan in the original Poldark series from 1975 (ep. 16), and Jane Seymour as Marguerite St. Just from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982, wearing a gorgeous dressing gown.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: the dressing gown looks a lot like it originally has been designed for a tudor-era-based production
You were extremely close! :cool:
James has identified this costume from The Four Musketeers.
(scroll down to comments)
Adminette - 07.03.2010, 18:19
hi maisy.
still nothing much new as i still don't have time. but i've seen this original dress (and others) from the umberto tirelli collection in the museum where it said that it was worn by liza minelli for screen tests of "the lady of the camelias" (1981), although she obviously didn't play a part in the actual movie, and by virna lisi in "beyond good and evil" (1976). not to speak of the original owner of the dress.
maisy - 15.03.2010, 14:06
I've been busy too, Anna, plus I recently returned from a trip to California, so still catching up on errands and such. I've finally found something to add to this thread.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I suspect that this dotted coat/pelisse, worn by an extra in the Paris restaurant in St. Ives, is the same one worn by an extra in Byron.
I was watching P&P95 recently and realized that the dotted pelisse is Lydia's "Going to Brighton" traveling outfit.
Also worn by an extra in the London street in S&S 2008.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I finally got a chance to take some screenshots for you of the costumes you discovered in Emma.
You were right about the little girl in Emma wearing Charity Wakefield's/Marianne's yellow Spencer from S&S 08. (It is much too large for the little girl!)
I'm not so sure anymore about this yellow Spencer. I spotted another one, very similar, with the same sleeve caps found in Emma 09, but the buttons are arranged more like the ones on Marianne's Spencer in S&S 08. This is one of the Gardiner children in P&P95.
What do you think?
Adminette - 19.03.2010, 18:02
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i do believe, that hayley atwell/rose garland is wearing ruth wilsons/jane eyres pearl necklace.
the same necklace is most probably also worn by jean/claire skinner in the first film of "a dance to the music of time".
the necklace was also on lucy montgomery as april in ep. 04 "the speech" season 03 of "the IT crowd".
i wonder, if this is really the same necklace everytime. in any case felicity jones wears it as edmé in chéri.
lizzy siddal/amy manson wears that famous pearl necklace for her wedding
andrea riseborough/margaret thatcher made this necklace her constant (!) ornamental companion in "the long walk to finchley". well who else should wear pearl necklaces so excessivley than the leader of the conservative party :wink:
and guess which necklace emma/romola garai is wearing for her honeymoon?
now, that's the earliest sighting of the famous pearl-necklace (if it is the same everytime): elizabeth garvie/elizabeth bennet wore it in P&P79.
the same necklace that was on haley atwell in the last part is worn by georgia king as lady mary in the shadow in the north (just rediscovered my copy)
news from the necklace. it was also worn throughout the 2001 feature film "enigma" by saffron borrows by claire
also in the latest "wallander" episode "the man who smiled" (BBC version with kenneth branagh) on the elderly secretary of the murdered lawyer.
more news from the necklace: it was also worn by the definite english cinderella/lady: minty marchmont/arabella weir in BBC's the posh nosh.
furthermore some reused fabrics: found the following ones in "le retour de casanova"
madame la marquise/violetta sanchez wears a dress made out of the same on es marie antoinette's/kirsten dunst's.
marcolina/elsa lunghini wears a dress made of the famous rubelli strawberry fabric already seen on fairuza balk/cecile de volanges in valmont, uma thurman/cecile de volanges in dangerous liaisons, catherine zeta jones as catherine the great, some extra in the affair of the necklace and finally as well on kirsten dunst as marie antoinette
finally the very shoes for two of the greatest seducers known to mankind (not my day for understatment). and very much like man's antique louboutins they appear: shown to the vicomte sébastien de valmont/john malkovich in dangerous liaisons and worn by giacomo girolamo casanova/alain delon in le retour de casanova
maisy - 19.03.2010, 21:31
Nice finds. How did you like this story of Casanova? My library has it and I've been meaning to borrow it.
In Jane Eyre 2006, Bethany Gill as Young Eliza Reed sits for a portrait wearing a gown that was previously worn in Victoria & Albert (2001) by Emily Raymond, playing an actress on stage appearing in a production of "The Rivals."
Adminette - 20.03.2010, 20:32
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: How did you like this story of Casanova? My library has it and I've been meaning to borrow it.
well to borrow it is certainly less risky than buying it, so you might as well give it a try. i found it a consistent movie. but also consistently unsympathetic (rather disagreeable characters throughout) and subsequently not very enjoyable. here are some more pictures for collecting some more impressions, if you like :wink:
maisy - 24.03.2010, 12:43
I think this plaid dress, worn by Lucy Briers as Mary Bennet in P&P95, is the same one worn by Imelda Staunton as Mrs. Cottisloe in the sketch "Plots & Proposals" from Victoria Wood With All the Trimmings (2000).
Thanks for letting me know that my post had disappeared. Here it is again.
Vanessa Redgrave as Lady Melbourne in Byron (2002) wears the same pelisse previously worn by Barbara leigh Hunt as Lady Catherine de Bourgh in P&P 95.
Adminette - 25.03.2010, 22:40
thanks for reposting it.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
it certainly looks the same. plus: i thinks it's the same room used as salon in the latest emma. see? they even hung the same paintings (the smaller over the dado).
and guess what: i've just the seen the necklace once more: it was worn by charlotte rampling as hermione in "angel", which might be the first production showing the necklace having nothing to do with the BBC whatsoever. what do you think?
Bruki - 26.03.2010, 08:48
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: charlotte rampling as hermione in "angel"...
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 26.03.2010, 13:54
I think there must be more than one of those pearl necklaces. (My mother used to have one.) :-)
Nice catch on the salon!
(P.S. I own this on DVD; if you'd like any specific screencaps, just let me know.)
Adminette - 26.03.2010, 16:23
of course i know, that the world has seen more than one pearl necklace. especially on well bred (english and not so english) ladies' necks. but nevertheless i think the mentioned ones look strikingly similar in shape, refulgence, color and size of the pearls. as far as the quality of the pictures goes, that is. plus most of the sightings occured in BBC-related productions. so while i'm admittedly doubtfull about ALL of these, i think some might very well show the very same necklace. too bad nobody would tell us for sure.
can you please capture a close up of the fabric used on victoria woods character?
maisy - 26.03.2010, 23:42
Happy to oblige. :-)
And on further investigation, I'm afraid that the red plaid is not the same dress after all. Imelda Staunton's has buttons down the front.
Adminette - 26.03.2010, 23:48
yes, i've recognized the buttons as well but was too lazy to check back on marys dress. i mean, they might have been attached later on. is there a closer look at the plaid fabric of mary's dress?
thanks anyway for the fabric close up. looks very much like one of those, don't you think?
PS: oh. katherine has her weekend update up already.
PPS: i have another one that has been keeping me up for quite a while but which i can't place anywhere: i know i've seen the fabric of this black dress before. here it is on tom keats' nurse or landlady or somesuch in "bright star".
maisy - 27.03.2010, 01:12
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: yes, i've recognized the buttons as well but was too lazy to check back on marys dress. i mean, they might have been attached later on. is there a closer look at the plaid fabric of mary's dress?
I'll have to take another look, hopefully I can get to it tonight or tomorrow.
Zitat: thanks anyway for the fabric close up. looks very much like one of those, don't you think?
PS: oh. katherine has her weekend update up already.
Yes, I thought the same thing about the fabric, and I also noticed the weekend update a few minutes ago. I do look forward to those! I enjoy seeing what others submit.
Zitat: PPS: i have another one that has been keeping me up for quite a while but which i can't place anywhere: i know i've seen the fabric of this black dress before. here it is on tom keats' nurse or landlady or somesuch in "bright star".
It doesn't seem familiar to me, but I will certainly keep an eye out for it.
You won't believe what I am currently watching...Bogdanovich's Daisy Miller (1974). Shepherd's performance is grating, but the costumes are lovely. I just popped in here to refresh my memory about the Rubelli strawberry fabric. I wonder if this is it, on Cloris Leachman as Mrs. Miller?
Post script:
I've finished watching Daisy Miller. Over all, I enjoyed quite a bit of it and found that Cybill Shepherd's portrayal eventually grew on me, although I'd have preferred a younger, slightly softer Daisy.
maisy - 29.03.2010, 00:24
In watching A Tale of Two Cities (1989), I noticed that Serena Gordon as Lucie Manet wears two costumes previously seen on Jane Seymour as Marguerite St. Just in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Lucie's wedding gown is seen on Marguerite at Blakeney Manor
Lucie also travels from England to Paris wearing the redingote Marguerite wears to travel from England to Paris.
maisy - 19.04.2010, 20:34
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And the yellow and green turban in the above image, worn by Jacqueline Tong as Mrs. Crummles in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) was previously seen on Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville in Princess Caraboo (1994).
The same turban (cap? hat?) appears on an extra in Ever After (1998).
Adminette - 05.05.2010, 19:29
finally... got round to see some films... even make my way through the pallisers - and find some reused costumes :wink: most of them i've seen in "the buccaneers" (1995) before, but unfortunatly i don't remember the names of the characters and don't know the actresses in general. anyway, here they are:
dress on madame max goesler/barbara murray in episode 16
and on a lady, that looks a bit like, and perhaps even was, nan st georges stepmother (yes, confirmed, it is sheila hancock as the dowager duchess of trevenick.
dress, again on madam max goesler in episode 8
and the elderly lady in the coach (right side) in one of if not the first episode of the buccaneers.
dress on the companion of the blonde love interest of lord silverbridge/anthony andrews in episode 22
and in the buccaneers:
glencora palliser/susan hampshire wears a (or the?) pearl necklace in ep. 02.
do you remember this heavily golden brocade trim/embroidery on salahadin/ghassan massoud in "the kingdom of heaven"? the one that looks so similar to the one used on this cape which was worn by colin firth in "shakespeare in love" and a courtier in "elizabeth - the golden age".
it looks, like it was used for a costume of glencora/susan hampshire in episode 23 as well:
Adminette - 05.05.2010, 21:20
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I finally got a chance to take some screenshots for you of the costumes you discovered in Emma.
You were right about the little girl in Emma wearing Charity Wakefield's/Marianne's yellow Spencer from S&S 08. (It is much too large for the little girl!)
I'm not so sure anymore about this yellow Spencer. I spotted another one, very similar, with the same sleeve caps found in Emma 09, but the buttons are arranged more like the ones on Marianne's Spencer in S&S 08. This is one of the Gardiner children in P&P95.
What do you think?
i think that you are right. mariannes spencer has a much more eccentric button-facing. but guess what: i've found the spencer in pride and prejudice as well. on lizzy. and this time, i'm 100% sure :wink: see?
there are much more copies from the film(s, taken from P&P 05) as well, which i think is a bit embarrassing for the artist fantasy. why should one bother looking at the comic, if it just looks like the film from before and adds little to nothing new? however, as the comic was a hit for marvel (and i as well ordered it out of curiosity)... more next time.
maisy - 13.05.2010, 01:45
Hi Anna. I just noticed these two postings today. :oops:
Wow, nice discoveries. I knew you would spot costumes in The Pallisers. These are great!
Nice discovery in the S&S comic, too. I had read somewhere that the P&P comic had taken a lot from the film versions (mostly 2005). Thanks for illustrating the point. :-)
Adminette - 14.05.2010, 00:08
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Nice discovery in the S&S comic, too. I had read somewhere that the P&P comic had taken a lot from the film versions (mostly 2005)
it actually is from the said P&P comic, which has lend it's general tone from P&P05 but couriously enough more costumes from S&S08. anyway, i'm really anticipating the new S&S comic (quite a guilty pleasure, i know) as it looks like it will at least develop it's own graphic style. although it also borrows some dresses as well. see elinor on the cover of the second volume? looks remarkably like hattie morahans ensemble, doesn't it? not to mention the coast and the freshly coloured landscape.
the dress lizzy is drawn in walking with the colonel in rosings, as well as the posture, resembles it too.
lady catherine looks like mrs. ferrars at her dinner party (again, observe the posture):
and on other occasions she looks very much like mrs. dashwood/janet mcteer
than there is this dress of elinors, again on marvels lizzy.
this short sleeved dress, that lookes similar to the former but might be more orientated on lizzys/keira knightleys pemberley dress (i am sure now, that elinors and lizzys are not one and the same. the film costumes i mean). plus the ensemble the comic-lydia (second on the right side, next to wickham, who again looked very much like what the 2005 film made of him) is drawn in remembers me of the dress jennifer ehles lizzy wore when she went through rosings parks with the colonel.
lizzys 2005 ballgown:
elinors (2008) blue outdoor ensemble on marvel's mrs. charlotte collins:
and last but not least: the brown coat first seen on (the 2005) lizzy, again on marvel's lizzy (next to the butler who annonced a miss bennet, miss bennet, miss bennet and a... miss bennet in 2005) as elinor wore it in 2008.
there is also a scene drawn for the comic, showing lizzy "scampering about the woods" on her way to ill jane at netherfield, that was only shown in this film trailer for P&P05 (observe 1:26-28).
so much for marvel's originality and from me for today.
Adminette - 14.05.2010, 20:12
although the film has not yet been shown by the BBC i've found some new piccies and it looks like the foolowing costumes will be reused in "the secret diaries of anne lister":
1st the lovely red gown worn by kelly reilly as caroline bingley in P&P05, on anna madeley/mariana belcombe.
2nd this black striped gown worn by mamie gummer (i think) as sally smith adams in the last episode (peacefield) of john adams and on maxine peake as anne lister.
maisy - 15.05.2010, 20:04
Nice work on the comic book costumes. :-)
And thanks for posting the images from Anne Lister.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: although the film has not yet been shown by the BBC i've found some new piccies and it looks like the foolowing costumes will be reused in "the secret diaries of anne lister":
2nd this black striped gown worn by mamie gummer (i think) as sally smith adams in the last episode (peacefield) of john adams and on maxine peake as anne lister.
I'm pretty sure the brown costume on the left is the same one worn by Natasha Little as Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair 1998.
Elodie Kendall as Mercer Elphinstone in Byron (2003) wears this peacock ruff/collar previously worn by Megan Dodds as Marguerite De Ghent in Ever After (1998).
And Jonny Lee Miller's above costume must have been inspired by the 1813 Thomas Phillips portrait of Byron wearing Albanian dress.
Adminette - 16.05.2010, 22:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I'm pretty sure the brown costume on the left is the same one worn by Natasha Little as Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair 1998.
so am i. nice captures of becky by the way :ja: i dare say, anne lister will have no specially designed costumes. too expensive, i should think. so, peel your eyes, there will be plenty to be found, when it's aired. and then let's hope, that the BBC finds it's way out of the "no-risk-and-no-fun" valley and rises to some ups again. i for one am pretty bored by all those post-WWII-dramas such as "land-girls" or "a passionate woman". they really can do so much better.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S.
And Jonny Lee Miller's above costume must have been inspired by the 1813 Thomas Phillips portrait of Byron wearing Albanian dress.
hey, that's a good one. i hadn't realized that, when i've looked for portraits of byron. do you read byron at the moment, or how is it, that you're so in to it again? (the jlm-article and so on). anyway, i like that. although the shawl on JLM does not exactly look like the costumier knew, what he/she was doing/how to make a proper turban. not that i would.
i probaby have another reused object. just came upon it today and have not checked back. but, might jane eyres/samantha mortons (ITV 1997) "returning-bonnet" be the same as marianne dashwoods/charity wakefields (S&S 08) somewhat ill-fitting mourning-bonnet?
EDIT: picture proof
maisy - 16.05.2010, 23:11
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i dare say, anne lister will have no specially designed costumes. too expensive, i should think. so, peel your eyes, there will be plenty to be found, when it's aired.
I very much doubt it will ever be aired in the U.S. So many of these "smaller" BBC projects never come here. I end up watching them on youtube or some other vid site. If a program is really good, I order the DVD from the UK.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and then let's hope, that the BBC finds it's way out of the "no-risk-and-no-fun" valley and rises to some ups again. i for one am pretty bored by all those post-WWII-dramas such as "land-girls" or "a passionate woman". they really can do so much better.
Here, here! (although I wouldn't mind at least trying out "Land Girls" and I've never heard of "A Passionate Woman"; they're probably better than what we get on US tv!) ;)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: hey, that's a good one. i hadn't realized that, when i've looked for portraits of byron. do you read byron at the moment, or how is it, that you're so in to it again? (the jlm-article and so on). anyway, i like that. although the shawl on JLM does not exactly look like the costumier knew, what he/she was doing/how to make a proper turban. not that i would.
:wink: Hehe. Well, I recently rewatched Ever After and immediately recognized the peacock collar. I recalled seeing some nice high resolution production stills a while ago, in a thread on the other site, so when I went looking for them I came across the article. I thought people here might enjoy reading it too. As for the painting, I saw it again on something months ago (Regency House Party, perhaps? I can't recall the context) and realized it had inspired JLM's costume, but I just hadn't remembered to post it until now.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i probaby have another reused object. just came upon it today and have not checked back. but, might jane eyres/samantha mortons (ITV 1997) "returning-bonnet" be the same as marianne dashwoods/charity wakefields (S&S 08) somewhat ill-fitting mourning-bonnet?
EDIT: picture proof
Oh, that's fantastic. Nice find. And so funny to think of Marianne and Jane Eyre in the same costume!
P.S. It is shockingly shameless, how much was copied from S&S for that comic book! :eek:
maisy - 23.05.2010, 17:09
French and Saunders must have reused costumes from The House of Eliott in their spoof The House of Idiot (1993). Here is Jennifer Saunders as Beatrice Idiot wearing the same jacket worn by Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott (from episode 2.2, dated 1993).
Adminette - 23.05.2010, 21:08
well, then they did an accurate job of recreation :wink:
apropos recreation: in the famous balcony scene of romeo and juliet (filmversion of 1954) julias dress is clearly made after the dress of venus in botticellis "venus & mars" or "la primavera".
maisy - 24.05.2010, 22:13
Lovely comparison on the paintings/costume. :-)
I viewed the trailer for "Anne Lister" today. It looks to be a good program. I believe you're correct about no new costumes-- I recognized several.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Poppy Miller/Isabella Knightley wears a blue gown worn in To the The Ends of the Earth by Cheryl Campbell as Lady Somerset.
Also worn by Sue Perkins in Supersizers Go: Regency (2008).
Also seen on Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 wears a Spencer to Harriet's wedding that was previously seen on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004). Anna Madeley/Lucy Steele wears the same Spencer in S&S 08.
I think this is Anna Madeley wearing the same spencer she wore in S&S 2008.
(Does the red pelisse belong to Fanny Price from Mansfield Park 1999?)
Here's another view.
(Or does it belong to Fanny Brawne from Bright Star, perhaps?)
I think this might perhaps be the same furry cloak on Anna Madeley previously worn by Gwyneth Paltrow in Emma (with the hood removed?), but I don't think I will know for certain until I've seen the full program.
Adminette - 25.05.2010, 00:39
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
(Does the red pelisse belong to Fanny Price from Mansfield Park 1999?)
Here's another view.
(Or does it belong to Fanny Brawne from Bright Star, perhaps?)
neither i would say. fannys pink one... and fannys darker red velvet coat. but the red is very distinct, so we'll find it's origin sooner or later. and thank you for the trailer!! although it looks a tad melodramatic. better a melodramatic costume drama, than none at all :wink:
maisy - 25.05.2010, 22:56
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: thank you for the trailer!! although it looks a tad melodramatic. better a melodramatic costume drama, than none at all :wink:
Exactly how I was thinking! :wink:
Bruki - 28.05.2010, 16:41
Da bin ich jetzt gerade zufällig drauf gestoßen als ich was über William Houston auf IMDB nachgelesen hab... Clothes on Film... wenn ich das richtig verstehe, wird da endlos über Kleider in Filmen gebabbelt... Ich hab mal in den Artikel über "Sherlock Holmes" reingelesen, aber das ist mir zu speziell... vielleicht ist das was für euch?
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 30.05.2010, 17:26
kommt mir bekannt vor, ich glaube, auf die seite hatte es mich ehedem auch schonmal verschlagen. war mir allerdings zu wenig speziell :wink:
anyway, in zefirellis production of romeo & juliet an extra at the capulet ball seems to wear that minium colored ensemble, tybalt later wears when fighting mercutio and romeo. thanks to this colour beeing very special i've noticed that also the 1954 tybalt dies in it.
maisy - 31.05.2010, 19:17
Well spotted! I love Michael York as Tybalt!
Have you seen the version with Alan Rickman as Tybalt?
Adminette - 31.05.2010, 19:26
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Well spotted! I love Michael York as Tybalt!
Have you seen the version with Alan Rickman as Tybalt?
no, it doesn't seem available here, so: please tell me more. if you can and like also via pictures as i am in quite a frenzy about shakespear's italian renaissance piece. who knows were that might lead. i barely have time for the films, let alone the plays. but i intend to read at least the italian based ones now once more.
:hurra: :hurra:
good bless that indestructable man. :wink:
maisy - 31.05.2010, 19:52
Okay, I'll have to borrow the DVD from the school library. It's from BBC's Complete Shakespeare. (Low production values, I'm afraid.) :)
Adminette - 31.05.2010, 21:57
yes, that would be great, indeed. i've just looked it up on imdb and saw, that anthony andrews himself played mercutio. now, the low production values cannot be that bad :ja: anyway: overdue greetings to your local library and their period drama aquiring staff from germany.
Bruki - 01.06.2010, 08:11
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: now, the low production values cannot be that bad :ja:
I will remember that :rofl:
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 01.06.2010, 15:46
well, try if you dare. but keep in mind the premiss: master shakespeare and some well liked actors.
Adminette - 03.06.2010, 20:18
haven't seen anne lister just yet but bruki thankfully posted some pictures. they must have used most of the costumes from the stock still in the house after shooting emma...
gemma jones appears shockingly old. but she wears the dress from hill-P&P95 that was also on mrs. goddard in emma and a servant in S&S'08
Zitat: Zitat: mrs. goddard/veronica robert is wearing hill/marlene sidaway's dress from P&P95
This dress also appears in S&S 08 on a maid at Sir John Middleton's house (Barton Park).
lydia bennets "off-for-brighton" cloak:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I suspect that this dotted coat/pelisse, worn by an extra in the Paris restaurant in St. Ives, is the same one worn by an extra in Byron.
I was watching P&P95 recently and realized that the dotted pelisse is Lydia's "Going to Brighton" traveling outfit.
Also worn by an extra in the London street in S&S 2008.
green evening gown, before on claire skinner aka fanny dashwood S&S08/johdi may aka mrs. weston emma09
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
anyway, i've finally found out, why mrs. westons/jodhi may's emma 09 christmas dinner dress seemed so familiar to me: it was worn for dinner as well by fanny dashwood/claire skinner in S&S '08.
that odd gown you have seen before in princess caraboo and on the admirals wife in persuasion 07
and the flamboyant one (far right) seen in last year's emma on mrs. whatshername. the tradesman's wife, whose invitation emma is waiting for.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Here is Liza Sadovy/Mrs. Cole in Emma 2009 wearing the same gold and red gown and turban previously seen on Denise Black/Mrs. Brocklebank in To the Ends of the Earth (2004).
PS: the spencer at least is not used on anna madeley again but on another actress.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 wears a Spencer to Harriet's wedding that was previously seen on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004). Anna Madeley/Lucy Steele wears the same Spencer in S&S 08.
I think this is Anna Madeley wearing the same spencer she wore in S&S 2008.
maisy - 03.06.2010, 20:30
Well spotted! We can compare notes after we've both watched it. You are correct in your earlier suggestion that everything appears recycled. There are so many!
Adminette - 03.06.2010, 23:50
saw some more:
elinors blue coat (the one that was on jodhi may as mrs. weston in emma09 as well), mariannes pinkish coat (S&S08) both on mrs. priestley.
- -
here we have one mrs. dashwood (jemma jones as aunt lister) wearing the dress of another (janet mcteer from the 08 S&S):
than we have susan lynch/isabella 'tib' norcliffe wearing this dark striped dress first seen on lady catherine de bourgh (barbara leigh hunt) in the 95P&P and later in persuasion07 and the regency house party (if i'm correct.
and once more aunt lister/gemma jones in this greyish dress with the bow pattern seen so many times before, that i have to try and find all of the predecessors another time, if we have not got them listed somewhere here. or were there not more than there is already listed at costumer's guide?
... (some) more later. that is, if you haven't already found it by yourself :wink: i for one really have t get some sleept now. excited, what you might have found by the time i'll be next looking in.
maisy - 04.06.2010, 01:47
I noticed those too, especially the purple pelisse from S&S08 (blue coat). But I didn't recognize the black gown or the pinkish coat.
Maxine Peak wears so many black costumes that I wouldn't be surprised to find more of them among the Dashwood mourning clothes from various versions of S&S. :) I also suspect the Lister's maid's black dress might have been from one of the Mariannes.
I immediately recognized Aunt Lister/Gemma Jones's gold trimmed evening gown as one worn by Chaperone/Hostess Mrs. Rogers in Regency House Party (2004).
And this teal pelisse worn by an extra at church (left) is from Becky Sharp/Natasha Little in Vanity Fair 1998, Rosie Hammond in RHP (2004), an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), an extra in the Assembly Room in Persuasion 2007, and a character in BYRON (2003).
Christine Bottomley as Ann Walker wears this striped gown, previously worn by Emilia Fox/Clara Copperfield in 1999 David Copperfield.
Richenda Carey as Mrs. Priestly wears this costume previously seen on Anna Chancellor as Mrs. Peake in Princess Caraboo (1994), Sheila Gish as Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park '99, an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), Mrs. Croft (Marion Bailey) in Persuasion 2007, and an extra in Goya's Ghosts (2006).
And you (Anna) found it in Vanity Fair 1998 on Janine Duvitski as Mrs. Bute Crawley.
Is this dress, worn by Maxine Peake/Anne Lister, from S&S08?
I suspect that this green pelisse, worn by an extra, might be the same one worn by Sally Hawkins as Mary Shelley in Byron.
And I also suspect that this costume, worn by Miss Walker's maid, might previously have been seen on Sylvestra leTouzel/Fanny Price (or some other austen heroine/adaptation).
And I'm still suspicious that Anna Madeley's fuzzy cape is from Paltrow Emma and Byron.
maisy - 04.06.2010, 13:19
LOL Anna, I have to admit that I got excited, thinking of how you would find that bow print dress again! And I knew you would recognize Lady Catherine's striped dress. I have images of that striped dress from several projects, so I'll post them in later, along with the odd paisley dress and the others that we have mentioned.
Adminette - 04.06.2010, 22:45
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: 2nd this black striped gown worn by mamie gummer (i think) as sally smith adams in the last episode (peacefield) of john adams and on maxine peake as anne lister.
i think mrs. bates from the 09 emma may be wearing that dress as well.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Is this dress, worn by Maxine Peake/Anne Lister, from S&S08?
i don't know who should have worn it, unless it is the undergown of elinors cover-ensemble. though the neckline looks different, and this cannot only be due to her ... well ... less filling chest. anyhow, this should very well be the last time, this dress was used. one doesn't see that very often, that a costume is destroyes by the actor/screenplay :wink:
maisy - 06.06.2010, 00:53
I was actually picturing it on Charity Wakefield/Marianne-- for some reason, I keep thinking of her in that lilac dress!
I've added images to my post above (the beige satin, checked coat-dress).
Zitat: than we have susan lynch/isabella 'tib' norcliffe wearing this dark striped dress first seen on lady catherine de bourgh (barbara leigh hunt) in the 95P&P and later in persuasion07 and the regency house party (if i'm correct.
As promised, here are the other images for this one.
Here are Mrs. Curtain (far left, played by Pauline Moran) in Byron (2003), Lady Catherine DeBourgh (Barbara Leigh-Hunt) in P&P95, chaperone Rosemary Enright in Regency House Party (2004), an extra in the Pump Room in Persuasion 07.
Adminette - 06.06.2010, 11:00
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I was actually picturing it on Charity Wakefield/Marianne-- for some reason, I keep thinking of her in that lilac dress!
well right now, i don't know, on which occasion i might have seen her in it. but i was hoping to be able to take a look at the miniserie anyway. perhaps today i'll find time.
anyway: dress with and without collar on lady de lesseps/jill baker in "shakespeare in love" and with the collar but sadly without the matching undergarments on beatrice/sarrah parrish in the "much ado about nothing" episode of "shakespeaRetold".
dress on an extra at wessex' wedding in shakespeare in love (woman far right side) and a dancer at the coronation banquet in "elizabeth" (third woman on the right), probably from an older movie production.
maisy - 06.06.2010, 17:44
These are fun to see, Anna. I've been watching projects of this period too, lately. (Thanks to my wonderful library!)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: probably from an older movie production.
I recently watched The Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R (both early '70s BBC). Both series had costumes with the same kind of sleeves.
P.S. Remember this costume on Victoria Wood as Miss Tweed in the sketch, "Plots & Proposals" from her 2000 Christmas special called, Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings? I think it must have been from 1999 David Copperfield, on Pauline Quirk as Pegotty.
And I was looking again at Cobwebs's behind-the-scenes photos from the set of Emma 2009. I noticed that one of the extras is wearing countess griaznov's gray pelisse from Regency House Party.
This is Richenda Carey as Mrs. Priestly in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) wearing that brocade print previously seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994), and Marion Bailey as Mrs. Croft in Persuasion 2007.
maisy - 14.06.2010, 19:11
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Tamsin Greig as Miss Bates's in EMMA-09 wears a coat that was previously worn by Maisie Dimbleby as Mrs. Smith in Persuasion 2007.
And by Felicity Dean as Mrs. Clay in Persuasion 1995.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I'm pretty certain that this ivory gown, worn by Geraldine James as Lady Emma Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982), was modified and then appeared in Little Dorrit (2008) on Ruth Jones as Flora Finching.
Also worn by an extra at the Assembly Room in Persuasion 1995, by an extra (bottom, left) in P&P 95, and by an extra at the Crown Inn Ball in Emma 96-tv.
maisy - 16.06.2010, 21:20
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
(Does the red pelisse belong to Fanny Price from Mansfield Park 1999?)
Here's another view.
(Or does it belong to Fanny Brawne from Bright Star, perhaps?)
Found it. It's not a pelisse after all. Susan Lynch (above) as Tib Norcliffe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) is wearing Mary Crawford's (Hayley Atwell) riding habit from Mansfield Park 2007. (But it must have been made for some other production, and not MP07.)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This turquoise floral gown worn by an extra in The Madness of King George also appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) on a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe.
This same gown also serves as Mary Crawford's (Hayley Atwell) costume for "Lover's Vows" in Mansfield Park 2007.
An extra attending Fanny and Edmund's wedding in Mansfield Park 07 wears this paisley jacket previously seen on Natasha Little as Augusta Leigh in Byron 2003.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This pink-striped coat appears in two episodes of the second season of the original Poldark series. First is Timothy Morand as Vicomte de Maresi in episode two, followed by an extra at the Warleggan's party in episode 11 (both from 1977). The same pink-striped coat appears in the 1982 mini series of The Scarlet Pimpernel, worn by Malcolm Jamieson as Armand St. Just. Then the same pink-striped coat appears yet again, this time in the 1999 series of The Scarlet Pimpernel (first installment), worn by an extra at a party in Paris.
And here is Jonathan Aris as Worcester in Beau Brummell: This Charming Man (2006).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i believe, that brocade waistcoat worn by kevin kline in "princess caraboo" and later by an extra at the london ball in "S&S 95" was reused on tom courtenay/mr. dorrit in "little dorrit":
In case you didn't see it in my Princess Caraboo thread, I also spotted this waistcoat on James Caviezel as Edmond Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
And on Matthew Rhys as Lord Byron in Beau Brummell: This Charming Man (2006).
Adminette - 19.06.2010, 18:47
i have only one small addition: that loveley red jumper with a bow attached to the neckline, that what first seen on romola garai as anne keyes in stephen poliakoffs "glorious 39" and after that on jaime winstone as sheila webb in "poirot: the clocks"
maisy - 21.06.2010, 23:33
Nice one. And pretty, too. :)
Here is an extra in the 1999 series of The Scarlet Pimpernel (first installment) wearing the costume seen on Maria Bertram (Michelle Ryan) in Mansfield Park 2007, during the rehearsal scenes for "Lover's Vows."
maisy - 24.06.2010, 14:07
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: :wink: Check out this earring on Denise Black as Gabrielle Damiens/Mademoiselle Guillotine in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999).
Not to be outdone in Execution Fashions by the French, here is an English "Tyburn Tree" hat, worn by an extra in Plunkett & Macleane (1999).
Note: I had to piece two screencaps together to show the full hat in one image, as the entire hat is only seen in close-up, panning down from top to bottom.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: In A Tale of Two Cities (1989), Lucie Manet's (Serena Gordon) wedding gown was previously seen on Jane Seymour as Marguerite St. Just at Marguerite at Blakeney Manor in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
This costume also appears in The Affair of the Necklace (2001). I noticed it at the beginning of a DVD special feature about the costumes. It is briefly seen on an extra in the Hall of Mirrors.
Adminette - 24.06.2010, 18:30
sorry if i'm doubling now, but did we already mention this article on the BBC's costume department?
PS: we always knew, that the english pride themselves to be just a tad more shrewed, than the french. didn't we? and that they are as mad as a hatter about ... uhm... mad hats, as well. :wink:
maisy - 25.06.2010, 02:48
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: sorry if i'm doubling now, but did we already mention this article on the BBC's costume department?
I hadn't seen that particular article yet, but I had read others about the costume collection sale. There was discussion about it back then on AustenBlog. Someone who worked in the BBC costume dept. had commented on the sale, and the loss of her job.
Zitat: PS: we always knew, that the english pride themselves to be just a tad more shrewed, than the french. didn't we? and that they are as mad as a hatter about ... uhm... mad hats, as well. :wink:
LOL, I knew you would enjoy that hat! :)
Adminette - 27.06.2010, 12:41
serveral male costumes for today:
from "the merchant of venice" (2004)
the french nobleman "lebon" courting portia (tom leick) wears christopher marlowes' (rupert everett) whole costume from "shakespeare in love" and the duke of anjous (my favourite vincent cassel) barret from "elizabeth" whose remaining costume is worn by the english nobleman falkenbridge (pieter riemens) courting portia as well, but alas, keeping his breath to cool his porridge. oh. and the hat he wears appears to be the retrimmed one from the french courtier standing in for anjou at the arriveal.
having done the gentlepeople's costumes, there is this waistcoat first seen on barnaby kay as master nol in shakespeare in love (i think he later plays benvolio in the piece), later again in joseph fiennes (this time as bassanio) circle on his taylor and after that, again in "la serenissima" on an extra in "dr. who: the vampires of venice" (2010)
- -
and last but not least a female addition:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
anyway, in "marple: they do it with mirrors" penelope wilton is wearing one of hattie morahans nightgowns from S&S 08. unfortunatly i couldn't see any of charity wakefields nighties on wiltons film sister joan collins...
it's probably also worn by pet gowan/georgiana king in "little dorrit". though i'm not 100% sure about these. what do you think?
maisy - 28.06.2010, 20:51
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ein kleid ging von thandie newton/sally hemmings ("jefferson in paris") über jessica oyelowo/magd sarah ("sleepy hollow") direkt an billie piper/fanny price (MP 07).
Also worn by a servant in the first episode of Garrow's Law.
still one more: found this one on cathy sr./orla brady in wuthering heights 98.
I just spotted this costume again! This time it's on an extra attending the play in The Scarlet Pimpernel: The Kidnapped King (1999).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The first image shows the livery worn by Nicholas Warleggan's footmen at the Truro Ball in the original Poldark series (1975), episode 6. The second and third images are Lord and Lady Grenville's footmen wearing the same livery, as seen in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Here is the same livery, this time in BBC's 1972 mini series War and Peace (ep. 1).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Zitat: in Persuasion 71 on an extra at Elizabeth Elliot's evening party at Camden Place in Bath
what about the greenish dress next to that? i remember having seen that in more than one of the old austens?
Indeed you have. I posted images last summer (on the other site). Here it is in Emma 72 and P&P80.
Here it is again, this time on an extra in ATV's 1972 mini series about The Strauss Family . (Digital photo taken of vhs on tv screen.)
Also from The Strauss family (1972), here is an extra at a dance wearing a dress seen the previous year on Valerie Gearon as Elizabeth Elliot in Persuasion 1971.
Another from The Strauss Family 1972 : here is another extra wearing the print day dress seen in Persuasion 71 on Noel Dyson as Mrs. Musgrove.
And yet another reused costume from The Strauss Family 72. Another extra is wearing the green silk evening gown worn by Georgine Anderson as Mrs. Croft in Persuasion 71.
It was difficult getting good photos of these gowns, as the extras were dancing constantly.
You are very good at finding these Shakespearean costumes, anna! Sometimes I think I've seen one that looks familiar, but I can never figure out where/if I have seen it before!
Regarding that night dress: I can't see the one on Elinor very well (the detail doesn't show well in that screencap), but it looks very similar. I think the other two are the same, for sure. :-)
Adminette - 28.06.2010, 22:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: You are very good at finding these Shakespearean costumes, anna! Sometimes I think I've seen one that looks familiar, but I can never figure out where/if I have seen it before!
thank you. that's probably because i perceive the male shakespearean fashion as very becoming. the airy, wide sleeved shirts with open collars, slightly fitted, colourful waistcoats with emphasised shoulders made of not too elegant and smooth (meaning: rather female) but heavy fabrics, rugged brown leather boots, longer hair, chin-beards and three day stubbles, barrets ... not 100%sure about the trousers though. yes, all in all, i think i find that quite memorable :wink:
maisy - 29.06.2010, 15:04
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... the airy, wide sleeved shirts with open collars, slightly fitted, colourful waistcoats with emphasised shoulders made of not too elegant and smooth (meaning: rather female) but heavy fabrics, rugged brown leather boots, longer hair, chin-beards and three day stubbles, barrets ... not 100%sure about the trousers though. yes, all in all, i think i find that quite memorable :wink:
Adminette - 29.06.2010, 20:49
look: the fabric is back. and big time. (meaning probably with a little "cinematic" difference"): hermine (emma watson) wears it somewhere in "harry potter and the deathly hollows".
maisy - 29.06.2010, 22:51
Ha! Good spotting, Anna. this is too funny! :lol:
maisy - 03.07.2010, 22:40
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here is the same waistcoat worn by an uncredited actor as James McHenry in John Adams: Unnecessary War (ep 6) (2008).
The officers' uniforms of the 95th Rifles from the Sharpe's films have been useful in other productions. Here is Julian Fellowes as Major Dunnett in Sharpe's Rifles (1993).
I think his jacket is the only one large enough for Chris Walker as Oldmeadow in To the Ends of the Earth (2005).
And here is an extra at the Easter ball in Wives and Daughters (1999).
Here are the 95th Rifles under Major Dunnett's command in Sharpe's Rifles (1993), followed by Oldmeadow and his men in To the Ends of the Earth (2005).
Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe with the Chosen Men of the 95th in Sharpe's Rifles (1993).
maisy - 05.07.2010, 00:20
I've been watching Yorkshire Television's 1976 mini series Dickens of London. I noticed that Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens (Charles's mother) wears the same brown dress seen on Priscilla Morgan as Mrs. Bennet in P&P 1980.
Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens in Dickens of London (1976) wears a paisley day dress later seen on Shirley Cain as Mrs. Philips in P&P 1980, and Alex Kingston as Mrs. Bennet in Lost in Austen (2008).
(3rd image hi-resolution, fabric close-up)
Adminette - 06.07.2010, 11:12
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens in Dickens of London (1976) wears a paisley day dress later seen on Shirley Cain as Mrs. Philips in P&P 1980, and Alex Kingston as Mrs. Bennet in Lost in Austen (2008).
(3rd image hi-resolution, fabric close-up)
cool, i was sure, kingstons dress would turn up sooner or later. but admittedly, although i might have seen it in P&P79 (therefore that familiar feeling) i would never have found it on mrs. phillips. let alone the dickens-film (for lacking of seeing it). let me guess, the library again? :wink: they really wouldn't happen to have the old gaskels like "north and south" or "wives and daughters" or even "cranford"? you see, nothing new at the BBC-front, all been there before... gosh, i am really really curious to see those, to see if the stories are able to stand even the old filming-fashion. but i'm afraid, they are not to be got anywhere :-(
maisy - 07.07.2010, 15:21
Yes, my wonderful library!
I realized last year that Kingston's dress was from P&P. I thought I had posted the screencaps here; I looked through all the posts in this thread, trying to find it! But I must have posted them on the other site (in a thread for Lost in Austen) before I started posting my findings here. And I think I've seen the paisley dress in another program, but I've forgotten which one.
It really does look nice on Kingston, doesn't it? She has a very striking physique, and she's not wearing unattractive underclothes with it!
I wish my library had those old Gaskells, but they have never been released on home video in the US (or anywhere). There are so many people who would like to see those old programs, I'm rather surprised that they have not appeared in recent years on the Yesterday channel in the UK. If they ever do appear on tv, you know someone will upload them to YouTube! :-)
My library also has two dvds of Onedin Line (both are parts of series 1). I really enjoyed this program and I wish the library had more of it! But that is all that has been released in the US. I've watched nearly all of the costume drama at my libraries. In these difficult economic times, they are not adding so many new dvd titles as they used to. (And besides, many of the older programs were donated to the libraries years ago, by a video distribution company operating in our town.)
I think it's so interesting when a piece from a really old production appears in one of the new ones, like the dresses in LiA from Mansfield Park 83 and Dickens of London!
The first two images show Anne Stallybrass as Anna Strauss in The Strauss Family (1972) wearing a day dress with vandyked collar, followed by an image of Adrienne Burgess as Catherine Hogarth Dickens (Charles's wife) wearing the same day dress in Dickens of London (1976).
And, I also spotted this dress in Dickens of London!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i'm pretty sure to have seen this dress from olga/lena headey before. probably also on fanny dorrit/emma pierson. have to look for it some more :wink:
When you posted this dress last year (late October), I immediately remembered this dress from Oliver Twist (1985), but I forgot to look for it again, until now. I recalled this dress because when I first noticed it (last summer), I thought it might have been Molly Gibson's red print from wives and daughters. but when I compared the screencaps, I decided it was not Molly's dress. I don't think it's Olga's dress either. What do you think?
maisy - 09.07.2010, 21:27
I've been watching BBC's 1998 mini series A Respectable Trade adapted from Philippa Gregory's historical novel. Sally Hemmings's dress got another airing on Emma Fielding as Frances Scott Cole.
This striped dress, worn by Emma Fielding as Frances Scott Cole in A Respectable Trade, was previously seen on Serena Gordon as Lucie Manette in A Tale of Two Cities (1989).
And here is Anna Massey as Sarah Cole in A Respectable Trade wearing a costume similar to the one she wore as Miss Pross in A Tale of Two Cities (1989).
(The images below are from A Tale of Two Cities (1989).
Perhaps not the same costume, after all?
maisy - 12.07.2010, 15:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this daydress worn by Debbie Bowen as Harriet Smith in Emma 1972 is seen on Kate Ashfieldas Ella the maid in Princess Caraboo.
Also worn by the maid at Hunsford Parsonage in P&P80.
Here's the same dress on Suzanna Hamiltonas Harriet Wantage in Barbara Cartland's Duel of Hearts (1991).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: auf mrs carterets ball in S&S 95:
zur theateraufführung an mary crawford in Mansfield Park 99
und auf mehreren mit mal abgedrehten bällen in Byron mit johnny lee in der hauptrolle. der ganze zweiteiler strotzt nur so vor wiederverwendeten klamotten. naja, da konnte man das geld dann wenigsten für anständige ausleuchter, make-up-artists und friseure ausgeben...
Here is Anna Massey as Lady Frances Nelson in I Remember Nelson. It looks like more sequins was added at some time before the gown shows up again in Princess Caraboo.
Here it is again, on an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
Suzanna Hamiltonas Harriet Wantage in Barbara Cartland's Duel of Hearts (1991).
Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a blue pelisse later seen on Abigail Thaw as Jane Osborne in Vanity Fair (1998), and Deborah Findlay as Miss Phoebe in Wives and Daughters (1999).
--- ---
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Peter Clay (center) as Unwin Trevaunance in Poldark, episode 9 of series 1 (1975) wearing a green-striped coat. Eleven years later, here's Jonathan Coy as John Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 1986. Notice that he is wearing a coordinating striped waistcoat. And in 1999, the green-striped coat appears again, sans striped waistcoat. Here it is on an extra in a party scene from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1999 (first installment of the series).
Here's just the waistcoat, this time in Poldark series 2, episode 10 (1977), seen on Christopher Biggins as Rev. Osborne Whitworth.
Michael York as Gervaise Warlingham in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears both the green striped coat, and the striped waistcoat.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville in Princess Caraboo wears a yellow and green gown to the Prince Regent's ball that is also seen in Vanity Fair 1998 on Frances Tomelty as Mrs. O'Dowd.
And Lady Neville's turban/hat from the above image appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) on Jacqueline Tong as Mrs. Crummles, and on an extra in Ever After (1998).
Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller wears the same yellow and green evening gown, with matching cap, in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears this blue pelisse with white lapels previously seen on Anna Massey in I Remember Nelson (1982), and later seen on extra in Sense and Sensibility 1995 (right, just above Mrs. Jennings' shoulder), and Victoria Hopkins in The Regency House Party (2004).
Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a pearl headpiece previously seen on Doran Godwin as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 1972.
Adminette - 12.07.2010, 17:34
sorry, wayyyy to hot to write or read or even watch some movies attentively... :sweat:
PS: gosh, geraldine chaplin looks so frightfully hungry, i feel obliged to go and search my fridge.
maisy - 13.07.2010, 18:26
Yes, it's been extremely hot here too, hence the movie-watching.
LOL, yes, G. chaplin does look frightfully thin-faced in this production!
P.S. I have added images of two costumes from A Tale of Two Cities to my earlier post containing costumes from A Respectable Trade.
Adminette - 16.07.2010, 15:58
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anyway, in zefirellis production of romeo & juliet an extra at the capulet ball seems to wear that minium colored ensemble, tybalt later wears when fighting mercutio and romeo. thanks to this colour beeing very special i've noticed that also the 1954 tybalt dies in it (it being the colour, not the costume).
considering the fact that even tybalts eye catching costume is infilmreused, i've asked myself, if he, tybalt, is also wearing the red headpiece of the prince. or better the other way round, as the prince wears the darker red one only in the final scene. but then again, there are so many similar hats...
- -
more probable: i think the torch bearer on the right side of the picture is wearing mercutios (the - to my knowledge - yet unsurpassed john mcenery) brocade doublet.
then, there is this fabric again:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
P.S. Remember this costume on Victoria Wood as Miss Tweed in the sketch, "Plots & Proposals" from her 2000 Christmas special called, Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings? I think it must have been from 1999 David Copperfield, on Pauline Quirk as Pegotty.
a simple, late victrorian day dress of it is worn by claudie blakely in the 9th episode of the 3rd season of "lark rise to candleford". at first i thought, it might by an altered version of the dress, alec d'urberville bestowed upon tess (gemma arterton) but now i don't think so. the fabric on tess' one is slightly different (bigger feather print).
PS: oh look, here this is for the first time, on meg wynn owen as d'huberts sister in ridley scott's "the duellists" from 1977. the costume designer later did "princess caraboo" and "the count of monte christo" as well. he also must be well connected to the BBC's costume houses over the years. that, or there existed more than one dress and he kept one for himself? who knows...
maisy - 17.07.2010, 15:49
Nice find of that feather print fabric again. I haven't watched Lark Rise s.3 yet, nor most of s.2 -- how did you enjoy them?
GREAT find in The Duellists! Yes, it's interesting to note that Tom Rand, who was costume designer on The Duellists, also designed the costumes for Princess Caraboo and Count of Monte Cristo! (I read your message to Katie -- nice work!) Once again we find a designer reusing pieces from their earlier work in later projects.
Zitat: he also must be well connected to the BBC's costume houses over the years. that, or there existed more than one dress and he kept one for himself? who knows...
If the BBC did purchase the gown after The Duellists finished using it, Rand probably rented it back from them for the other projects. I have read that BBC Costume Stores used to rent out some of their pieces for film work and high-level theatre projects (such as RSC). In fact, BBC Costumes is listed in the credits for Goya's Ghosts.
The costume designer for P&P80 was Joan Ellacott who also designed the costumes for Emma72, which is why so many of the Emma72 costumes reappear in P&P80. It's possible that Ellacott may have acquired costumes from other sources as well.
I am so excited about this discovery, Anna! Now the paisley dress is tied with the red one for 9 appearances!
btw, I took some screen shots of this gown last night, thanks to a tip from bella, who posted it on Katie's website last November.
Adminette - 17.07.2010, 16:05
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I haven't watched Lark Rise s.3 yet, nor most of s.2 -- how did you enjoy them?
not much, to sirupy and yet petty for my taste. i've just watched the one episode preceding the said one, because hattie morahan had a cameo that startet off nicely (in her colorcode from sense and sensibility) but went down when she was put in this pathetic fairy tale suit... but the series seems very costly costumed otherwise. at least some characters are. so, plenty of reused stuff i should think.
Zitat: GREAT find in The Duellists!
thanks. have you yet seen this film? my recommendations for it. visually as beautiful as barry lyndon, if not that substancially important and not so well stocked with money for shooting in different european locations.
Zitat: btw, I took some screen shots of this gown last night, thanks to a tip from bella, who posted it on Katie's website last November.
what kind of a program was that? a documentary?
maisy - 17.07.2010, 16:24
I just looked up Joan Ellacott's imdb page and noticed that she did the costumes for Barbara Cartland's Duel of Hearts (see above). No wonder I found costumes from P&P80 and Emma72. Here is one on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye that I know I've seen before, but cannot place. I thought perhaps I'd seen it on Elizabeth Garvie as Elizabeth Bennet in P&P80, but I didn't find it there. Any thoughts?
Re: tom brown's school days, it's not a documentary. It's a drama done memoir-style. Very Dickensian -- (not your favorite, right?) :wink: Harsh bullies at school, with Fry as a new headmaster trying to change the cruel traditions.
P.S. I have been wanting to see The Duellists since last summer, when I finally watched Barry Lyndon. None of my libraries has it. I might have to just purchase it from ebay, on your recommendation. :-)
Adminette - 17.07.2010, 20:49
no, i've no idea, were to place the white dress. don't remember having seen such a neckline before.
about the duellists: oh yes do. i would suggest a double-pack with a barry lyndon dvd, if you haven't purchased the latter already, as no film collection, especially costume-based ones, should lack it ;D but if the market on the states is anything like the one here, the duellists will only be available for collector's prices. or through very generous donators. :wink:
Bruki - 17.07.2010, 21:20
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... but if the market on the states is anything like the one here, the duellists will only be available for collector's prices. or through very generous donators. :wink:
In general you're right, but in this case you're wrong: One can get the UK version of "The Duellists" for less than 10 Euros (reg.code 2) and the US version (reg.code 1) for more than $25 ...
Bruki :bruki:
PS: A german one (english and german audio and subtitles) also for less than 10 Euros (second hand market).
maisy - 18.07.2010, 20:00
I forgot to mention that I enjoyed your research for Romeo & Juliet. :-)
And thank you, anna and Bruki, for the recommendations and suggestions. I actually found a VHS copy at a nearby library, so I'll be watching The Duellists soon!
And now for a bit of recycled costume news:
Emma Fielding as Frances Scott Cole in A Respectable Trade (1998) wears a floral print 18th century costume previously seen on Susan Wooldridge as Judith Anderson in BBC's 1987 production of George Bernard Shaw's The Devil's Disciple .
Adminette - 18.07.2010, 20:07
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: George Bernard Shaw's The Devil's Disciple .
never heard of it. but the casting looks interesting. is it really only a live recording of a theatre performance as the title suggests?
maisy - 18.07.2010, 21:43
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: George Bernard Shaw's The Devil's Disciple .
never heard of it. but the casting looks interesting. is it really only a live recording of a theatre performance as the title suggests?
No, it was made for television, with outdoor scenes even. I borrowed three GB Shaw's from this set, and this was by far the best of the lot. I quite enjoyed it. An interesting plot, well-written, and well-acted--indeed, an excellent cast.
The other GBS titles I borrowed: Heartbreak House and Arms and the Man , which also included a bonus play: The Man of Destiny .
I couldn't finish Heartbreak House. I found most of the characters so annoying that I couldn't go on. I skimmed through Arms and the Man. The story was a bit interesting, but it dragged too slowly and I had no patience for it. Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal was insipid, and Patsy Kensit seemed typecast and predictable as the maid. I watched a bit of The Man of Destiny, skipping through much of it due to finding Simon Callow utterly unconvincing as Bonaparte.
In summary, I really enjoyed The Devil's Disciple, but the other three bored or irritated me so much I couldn't be bothered.
maisy - 19.07.2010, 20:06
I've finally located a DVD of BBC's 1972 adaptation of War & Peace and borrowed it, so I'm replacing all my earlier photographs with screencaps.
I also noticed this dress:
Ania Marson as Jane Fairfax in Emma 1971 and Ciaran Madden as Marianne Dashwood in S&S 71
Here it is on Joanna David as Sonya in War & Peace 72.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here's a rather obscure gown with some interesting needlework. It first shows up in Persuasion 71 on Beatrix Mackey as Lady Dalrymple at Elizabeth Elliot's evening party at Camden Place in Bath (first 2 images). Then it appears in Northanger Abbey 86 on an extra at the ball in Bath (3rd image). Finally, the gown appears yet again on an extra, this time at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 05 (4th image).
Here is the same gown in War & Peace 72.
maisy - 21.07.2010, 21:36
I located a DVD of Duel of Hearts (1991), so I've replaced my earlier screen caps from youtube. And noticed in the credits that the costumes were supplied by COSPROP.
I also made a couple of interesting discoveries.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Polly Walker as Jane Fairfax in Miramax's Emma 96 wears this blue-striped gown to Emma's wedding. The same costume also appears in Persuasion 07, worn by Amanda Hale as Mary Musgrove; in Vanity Fair 98, worn by Abigail Thaw as Jane Osborne; and in The Regency House Party (2004), worn by Tanya Samuel.
I'm quite certain that this is the same dress, worn by Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991). The sleeves have been altered, but the trim above the hem is the same and even the original buttons remained on the bodice and sleeves when Polly Walker wore it in Emma-96.
This red paisley day dress has also been altered. maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrell in Princess Caraboo (1994), Phyllida Law as Mrs. Austen in Miss Austen Regrets 2008, and Lady Elizabeth Devonport in Regency House Party (2004).
This is what it looked like in 1991 on Madeleine Newbury as Lady Faversham in Duel of Hearts.
I also spotted this plain dress again. maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Ashfield as Ella, the Worrell's maid in Princess Caraboo (1994); Sylvestra Le Touzel as Fanny Price in Mansfield Park (1983).
Elisabeth Barat as Maria, Lady Caroline's maid in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Barbara Hicks as Lady Bullingham in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a lilac costume with paisley print previously seen on Anna Massey as Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park (1983).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This extra (right) in Princess Caraboo is wearing Mrs. Weston's (Ellen Dryden) gown from the Crown Ball in Emma 1972. Also seen on an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1980, on Mrs. Kenwig in The Royal Shakespeare Company's 1982 stage presentation of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, in Quills on an extra (center) attending the play, and on an extra at the Crown Ball in 1996-tv Emma.
Also worn by an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991).
maisy - 22.07.2010, 23:52
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rebecca Knight/Fanny Hill in Fanny Hill (2007) wears a gown previously seen on Serena Gordon/Lady Caroline Lennox in Aristocrats (1999).
Here is the same costume on an extra in Longitude (2000).
maisy - 27.07.2010, 23:09
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This brown Spencer seen on Mel Martin as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion 1971 is later found on an extra (or perhaps on two extras) in Vanity Fair 2004.
Here is the same brown spencer on an extra attending Cathy's wedding in Wuthering Heights (2009).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Caroline Corrie as Louisa Catherine Adams in John Adams: Peacefield (2008) (ep. 7) wears a dress seen the previous year on Bernadette McKenna as Mrs. Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 2007.
Here is the same costume, on another wedding guest / extra in Wuthering Heights (2009).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: you did watch sharpe's last episode, didn't you? i've found the following dress on the cover of the german DVD. the dress reminds me of mariannes (charity wakefield S&S08) one when she's "meeting" willoughby for the first time. but the color of the cover seems so strange, the whole things seems sooo photoshopped... can you tell?
It appears in the film as well. Here are some screencaps I just made. It does seem to be the same costume.
I think this might be the same dress, worn by Rosalind Halstead as Isabella in Wuthering Heights (2009). What do you think? (I tried to find high resolution images of the dress in WH-09 online, but failed to locate any.)
And the dress above worn by Charlotte Riley as Cathy was previously worn by Kelly Reilly as Clowance Poldark in Poldark (1996).
maisy - 29.07.2010, 22:40
Barbara Shelley as Mrs. Gardiner in P&P80 in her "apricot silk with the long sleeves." Eleven years later we find it on Virginia McKenna as Lady Brecon in Duel of Hearts (1991).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I suspect that this green pelisse, worn by an extra, might be the same one worn by Sally Hawkins as Mary Shelley in Byron.
Emma Jacobs as Miss Georgiana Darcy in P&P80.
Suzanna Hamilton as Harriet Wantage in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a restoration period gown to the costume ball that was previously worn by Lysette Anthony as Lady Panthea Vyne in The Lady and the Highwayman (1989).
A guest/extra at the ball in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a red restoration period gown which was previously seen on Emma Samms as Barbara Castlemaine in The Lady and the Highwayman (1989).
Duel of Hearts (1991), P&P80, and The Lady and the Highwayman all have the same costume designer, Joan Ellacott.
maisy - 30.07.2010, 18:38
More costumes (presumably designed by Joan Ellacott) found in both Duel of Hearts (1991) and The Lady and the Highwayman (1989).
An extra in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a coat previously seen on Michael York as Charles II in The Lady and the Highwayman (1989).
For a laugh, here is Michael York as Gervaise Warlingham in Duel of Hearts (1991), and the extra wearing his costume from The Lady and the Highwayman (1989) is seen behind his left shoulder. I wonder if York knows that is his costume? :wink:
Another extra in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears this ivory gown previously seen on Emma Samms as Barbara Castlemaine in The Lady and the Highwayman (1989).
Joan Ellacott also designed the costumes for Vanity Fair (1967), and The First Churchills (1969). I wouldn't be surprised to find some of her designs from these earlier projects in the later films.
P.S. Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: oh look, here this is for the first time, on meg wynn owen as d'huberts sister in ridley scott's "the duellists" from 1977. the costume designer later did "princess caraboo" and "the count of monte christo" as well. he also must be well connected to the BBC's costume houses over the years. that, or there existed more than one dress and he kept one for himself? who knows...
Guess what I just discovered on an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991)? The paisley is barely visible, but while the dvd is playing I can see the swirls on the fabric (at the knee) as the extra walks along, and the horizontal stripe above! Joan Ellacott (costume designer for DoH & P&P80) must have liked this dress when she used it in P&P80, so she used it again in DoH.
Bruki - 31.07.2010, 13:32
Oh look, look: in Paretz gibt es ein Fashion Victim zu besichtigen... Oh, not our Fashion Queen Anna, but our old Queenie, Luise of Prussia, including some pictures of old clothes :wink: ...
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 31.07.2010, 14:33
Great links, thanks Bruki. (Most of the website was available in English, too.) :-)
Adminette - 05.08.2010, 21:18
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And the dress above worn by Charlotte Riley as Cathy was previously worn by Kelly Reilly as Clowance Poldark in Poldark (1996).
hey that's a great find. i literally sat in front of the two when i saw the movies and just couldn't place them.
my small addition for today: "the pillars of the earth" reused ibelins military tunics fromm "the kingdom of heaven", both being ridley scott productions. and if i remember rightly, the will not only be used on shiring's (or the royal court's) formal musicians (not sure, they really put so much consideration for curatorial detail into the series) but also for fighting hords in later episodes. mhh. i think i really need to revisit the KoH once more. love it!
maisy - 05.08.2010, 22:15
Oh, wonderful find Anna. I have not watched Pillars of the Earth yet, despite subscribing to the cable channel airing it!
I have watched a lot of costume drama lately, thanks to upgrading my library account to include libraries throughout the county. I have recently watched: Lillie (Francesca Annis), Lark Rise s2, Lady Windermere's Fan, some depressing Catherine Cookson, The Way We Live Now, 1776, Anna Karenina (Nicola Paget), and Grubin's Marie Antoinette documentary.
I have seen so many Victorian bustles! Sadly though, I failed to recognize any from one program to another. :)
I did spot one reused costume, which I will post in a couple of days. (Nothing exciting, and not a bustle!) :wink:
maisy - 06.08.2010, 15:59
Here is the find I mentioned yesterday.
Julia Sawalha as Dorcas Lane in Lark Rise to Candleford (series 2, ep. 5, 2009) wears a dressing gown previously seen on Elaine Cassidy as Maud Lilly in Fingersmith (2005).
I think the same fabric from the above costume is also used on the following pieces: Kate Beckinsale as Emma Woodhouse in Emma (1996-TV), Lucy Brown as Celia Burroughs in Sharpe's Challenge, and Ruth Wilson as Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 2006. The same fabric appears yet again on a costume worn by Helena Bonham-Carter as Serena Staverley in A Hazard of Hearts (1987).
The fabric appears yet again on this costume, used as a prop in Oliver Twist (2007). I suspect that this might be one of the costumes pictured above, but I can't tell which one--it could be any of them!
This next one surprised me. I had always thought that Molly's "outlandish" plaid dress had been created especially for the mini series, since it is mentioned in Gaskell's novel:
Miss Rose's ready-made resources and Molly's taste combined, did not arrive at a very great success. She bought a lilac print, because it would wash, and would be cool and pleasant for the mornings; and this Betty could make at home before Saturday. And for high-days and holidays--by which was understood afternoons and Sundays--Miss Rose persuaded her to order a gay-coloured, flimsy plaid silk, which she assured her was quite the latest fashion in London, and which Molly thought would please her father's Scotch blood. But when he saw the scrap which she had brought home as a pattern, he cried out that the plaid belonged to no clan in existence, and that Molly ought to have known this by instinct. It was too late to change it, however, for Miss Rose had promised to cut the dress out as soon as Molly had left her shop (Ch. 5).
Here is Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wearing the bright plaid silk eight years before Justine Waddell as Molly Gibson wears it in Wives and Daughters (1999).
I found another sighting of this costume
maisy - 11.08.2010, 01:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've been watching Yorkshire Television's 1976 mini series Dickens of London. I noticed that Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens (Charles's mother) wears the same brown dress seen on Priscilla Morgan as Mrs. Bennet in P&P 1980.
Here is the same costume on Janine Duvitski as Mrs. Bute Crawley in Vanity Fair (1998).
Adminette - 12.08.2010, 18:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This next one surprised me. I had always thought that Molly's "outlandish" plaid dress had been created especially for the mini series, since it is mentioned in Gaskell's novel:
Miss Rose's ready-made resources and Molly's taste combined, did not arrive at a very great success. She bought a lilac print, because it would wash, and would be cool and pleasant for the mornings; and this Betty could make at home before Saturday. And for high-days and holidays--by which was understood afternoons and Sundays--Miss Rose persuaded her to order a gay-coloured, flimsy plaid silk, which she assured her was quite the latest fashion in London, and which Molly thought would please her father's Scotch blood. But when he saw the scrap which she had brought home as a pattern, he cried out that the plaid belonged to no clan in existence, and that Molly ought to have known this by instinct. It was too late to change it, however, for Miss Rose had promised to cut the dress out as soon as Molly had left her shop (Ch. 5).
Here is Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wearing the bright plaid silk eight years before Justine Waddell as Molly Gibson wears it in Wives and Daughters (1999).
hey, that's really really neat. especially since this is one of my favourite BBC dresses, and despite geraldine chaplins looking even hungrier and sadder than before.
i've found the two yellow dresses from katies repostet "magnum temptation add" in marie antoinette. i've postet a differently cut clip of that to maggie some time ago but due to the bad quality i couldn't be sure. here is the striped one worn by a lady in waiting to marie antoinette and i am pretty sure the other pale yellow gown is the one worn by aurore clément as duchesse du char.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren in "the madness of king george" and lady caroline/serena gordon in aristocrats.
same earrings on hayley atwell as elizabeth foster in "the duchess".
also on rose byrne as yolande de polignac in marie antoinette
Du Barry also wears these earrings in Marie Antoinette. I see that Polignac and du Barry wear them differently from queen charlotte/helen mirren and lady caroline/serena gordon. The top stone hangs below the ear lobe instead of directly on the front of the ear lobe.
Here are two paintings of Queen Charlotte wearing girandole earrings similar to the two pair you have found in multiple films.
i think they're also worn by susan lynch as caroline von braunschweig in "a royal scandal", a 1996 movie that also reuses the other ensemble, including the matching necklace, worn by helen mirren as queen charlotte on frances barber as lady jersey.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: another pair worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and king george II wife/lover/daughter whatever in aristocrats.
those were also on catherine zeta jones as catherine the great.
I found the same girandole earrings in The Affair of the Necklace (2001), worn by on extra attending the spiritualism gathering conducted by Christopher Walken's character.
and last but not least: this green striped under gown first seen on anna chancellor as caroline bingley reused in "a royal scandal as well" on bridget mcconnell as "lady"
maisy - 13.08.2010, 13:38
Oh what fun reading your message this morning and seeing what you've found! :hurra:
I've never heard of A Royal Scandal. It looks like I must watch it! I love that you found those earrings, and gowns! What fun!
The image of the striped dress from A royal Scandal makes me think there might be two dresses like this, because the stripes on the bodice are vertical in Vanity Fair 1998, but diagonal in Little Dorrit and A Royal Scandal. I had previously thought that the bodice had been redesigned for Little Dorrit, but now it looks like it might have been a different dress. What do you think?
Do you ever see the bottom of it in A Royal Scandal? Paola posted a hi-res image from Little Dorrit on Katie's website. The bottom has some trim in Little Dorrit. And shootastic (link is on katie's website) has more hi-res images of it in Little Dorrit.
Oh, this is so exciting! I have an image somewhere of a similar costume-- I think on an extra in P&P95. I'll look for it when I get home from my holiday.
P.S. I love the finds in marie anotinette.
Bruki - 13.08.2010, 21:03
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... only the screenshots bruki made of it.
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 13.08.2010, 21:08
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The image of the striped dress from A royal Scandal makes me think there might be two dresses like this, because the stripes on the bodice are vertical in Vanity Fair 1998, but diagonal in Little Dorrit and A Royal Scandal. I had previously thought that the bodice had been redesigned for Little Dorrit, but now it looks like it might have been a different dress. What do you think?
i'm with you on the two different dresses as the sleeves on the one for fanny dorrit and the "lady" are short and a bit "puffed" whereas the others are long. but i haven't seen the film. only the screenshots bruki made of it.
as for annie lennox' "walking on broken glass" music-video: i think john malkovich's new one is wearing madame de volanges' opera gown while he himself is wearing his/valmonts own ensemble (at least the justaucorps but i think it's the complete one).
maisy - 14.08.2010, 12:26
Great! Love those finds in the music vid.
And I'm pretty sure I've seen the striped dress in P&P95, at one of the parties. Maybe at Lucas Lodge, or the Bennets Christmas party? I'll check when I get home. :-)
Adminette - 18.08.2010, 18:26
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
(Does the red pelisse belong to Fanny Price from Mansfield Park 1999?)
Here's another view.
(Or does it belong to Fanny Brawne from Bright Star, perhaps?)
Found it. It's not a pelisse after all. Susan Lynch (above) as Tib Norcliffe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) is wearing Mary Crawford's (Hayley Atwell) riding habit from Mansfield Park 2007. (But it must have been made for some other production, and not MP07.)
i think it was also on carice van houten as maria oldknow in "from time to time".
as well as this waistcot, that is worn by douglas booth as sefton in the same movie. i think, the yellow dress, again on carice van houten, might be the yellow one dancing through the first ball in "bright star". but i'm not sure, will have to check.
Zitat: lucy steeles (S&S 08) tanzt ohne schwarze verzierungen auch schon auf mrs. carterets london ball (S&S 95)
plus: this dress of lucy steeles/anna madeleys from "S&S08" is probably worn by the extra in the blurry backround of this picture.
- .
and there is a new picture of emma watson as hermine in the new potter-film. it's not "THE" fabric (this one) after all.
maisy - 19.08.2010, 23:36
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and last but not least: this green striped under gown first seen on anna chancellor as caroline bingley reused in "a royal scandal as well" on bridget mcconnell as "lady"
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... only the screenshots bruki made of it.
Bruki :bruki:
Here is the dress I was referring to, as seen on an extra at the Meryton Assembly Ball in P&P95 (ep. 1).
P.S. LOL, I just noticed in my misc. costume thread that I had also spotted this same dress on Natasha Little as Becky Sharpe in Vanity Fair 1998.
This costume from P&P seems to match the costume you spotted in A Royal Scandal, so it seems that there are two different costumes after all!
Good spotting in From Time to Time. I just watched the trailer on YouTube. It seems interesting. I'll probably never get to see it, though!
maisy - 20.08.2010, 18:31
An extra in a street scene in ep. 5 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wears a red plaid dress later seen on Selena Griffiths as Caroline Tompkinson in series one of Cranford (2007).
Cranford Promo image
P.S. I found out that A Royal Scandal (1996) is a bonus feature on the region 1 DVD of The Queen's Sister (2005). My library has it!
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
I think this might be the same gown, but I'm not sure. This is an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1995.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I think this is also the same gown, worn by Geraldine James as Emma, Lady Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982).
I think this is the same costume, seen here on Irene Richard as Maria Fitzherbert in A Royal Scandal (1996). But I'm starting to think that the costume in ROYAL SCANDAL and P&P might not be the same one you spotted in Byron, Caraboo, and Let them Eat Cake. Maybe we have two different dresses here? Actually, I've changed my mind and I believe they are all the same costume after all. :wink:
Here is an image of the girandole earrings you spotted on Susan Lynch as Caroline of Brunswick in A Royal Scandal (1996).
Remember this dress? Zitat: An extra in Byron (2003) and Daisy Haggard as Anne Steele in S&S 08.
I just spotted it on Rosalind Knight as Lady Charlotte in A Royal Scandal (1996).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This coat-dress from Persuasion 1995 seen on Lady Willoughby [actress is uncredited on IMDb] is later seen on the dance mistress in The Regency House Party (2004), on an extra in Goya's Ghosts (2006), and on an extra in the Pump Room in Persuasion (2007).
-- -- --
This extra playing a harlot in Goya's Ghosts (2006) also wears the same vest seen above on Lady Willoughby in Persuasion (1995).
Here is the same orange coat-dress and vest on Susan Lynch as Caroline of Brunswick in A Royal Scandal (1996).
maisy - 23.08.2010, 13:16
Here is Barbara Hicks as Aunt Glegg in The Mill on the Floss (1978) wearing the same costume already posted here
maisy - 05.09.2010, 17:11
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: from The Strauss family (1972), here is an extra at a dance wearing a dress seen the previous year on Valerie Gearon as Elizabeth Elliot in Persuasion 1971.
Here is the same costume worn by Liz Cuti as Janet, Aunt Betsey Trottwood's maid in David Copperfield (2000, Hugh Dancy version).
maisy - 08.09.2010, 02:30
I was watching Poldark (1996) this afternoon when I noticed that Rosalind Ebbutt was listed in the credits as the costume designer. She also did Vanity Fair 98, Regency House Party, To the Ends of the Earth, and Emma 2009.
No wonder this Spencer worn by Christina Cole as Mrs. Elton in Emma 09 looked familiar to me last autumn; it was previously worn by Amanda Ryan as Cuby Trevanion in Poldark (1996).
Adminette - 08.09.2010, 15:03
ahh. the actress also looks familiar. did she play norfolks mistress in "elizabeth".
i just had the chance to catch up with "a royal scandal". frances barbers blue hat was reworn by jodhy mays mrs. weston in emma 09
i also think, that the red cloak worn by one of the women supporting the queen/karoline von braunschweig originates from either kitty or lydia bennet of P&P95 (you know, the ones they were wearing when meeting the officers in meryton).
maisy - 08.09.2010, 20:47
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ahh. the actress also looks familiar. did she play norfolks mistress in "elizabeth".
Could be, I just don't remember. I haven't watched Elizabeth in a long time. But I do recall her as Agnes in David Copperfield 99, and as Rupert Graves's daughter in Forsyte Saga. (She plays Ioan's love interest in Poldark!)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I was watching Poldark (1996) this afternoon when I noticed that Rosalind Ebbutt was listed in the credits as the costume designer. She also did Vanity Fair 98, Regency House Party, To the Ends of the Earth, and Emma 2009.
See these:
Zitat: i also think, that the red cloak worn by one of the women supporting the queen/karoline von braunschweig originates from either kitty or lydia bennet of P&P95 (you know, the ones they were wearing when meeting the officers in meryton).
I agree! I thought the same thing but hadn't had a chance to check it in P&P95! :)
maisy - 09.09.2010, 14:39
Here's a costume from Emma 2009 posted by klau on C-19: Zitat: Mr. Knightley is wearing the same jacket in which Benedict Cumberbatch is walking around half the time he's on screen in "To the Ends of the Earth".
maisy - 10.09.2010, 01:18
I suspect the white dress seen on Romola Garai as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 09 might be this one on Tanya Samuel in The Regency House Party. (I'll have to borrow the RHP dvd from my library again to get a better look.)
This dress on Romoa Garai as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 09 was previously seen on Natasha Little as Augusta Leigh in Byron (2003).
Adminette - 10.09.2010, 11:27
hey, those are great finds, love the coat, suspected the dress right from the start :wink:
but i don't think the white dress from tRHP and youngish emma match. observe the lenght of the sleeves, the white embroidery and the front closure on one dress and the other.
maisy - 10.09.2010, 12:32
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: hey, those are great finds, love the coat, suspected the dress right from the start :wink:
Me too, I just kept forgetting to look it up, lol.
Zitat: but i don't think the white dress from tRHP and youngish emma match. observe the lenght of the sleeves, the white embroidery and the front closure on one dress and the other.
Sorry, I should have mentioned it's the dress on the right in the image from RHP. (Tanya Samuel is singer Seal's sister.) Not a good angle, so I have to do a little more research and try to get a better screencap. :)
Adminette - 10.09.2010, 15:19
ah. so is see. yes, i think that's far more possible ;D
maisy - 12.09.2010, 01:10
Emma Ferguson as cousin Edith Lennox in North & South (2004) wears a blue gown previously seen on Julie Cox as Dora Spenlow in David Copperfield (2000, Hugh Dancy version).
maisy - 13.09.2010, 01:12
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Somerville as Lady Emily in Aristocrats and Kate Beckinsale in Emma. I noticed yesterday that Sian Philips (as the older Lady Emily) also wears the necklace.
I found the necklace again. Here is Jennifer Saunders as Colombine, la Comtesse de Vache in Let Them Eat Cake (1999) (ep. 1, "The Pox").
maisy - 15.09.2010, 21:02
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The first image shows the livery worn by Nicholas Warleggan's footmen at the Truro Ball in the original Poldark series (1975), episode 6. The second and third images are Lord and Lady Grenville's footmen wearing the same livery, as seen in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Here is the same livery, this time in BBC's 1972 mini series War and Peace (ep. 1).
I've found the same livery yet again, this time seen in BBC's four-part mini series Madame Bovary (1975), starring Francesca Annis. Here the livery is worn by extras playing the footmen at the marquis' ball in episode one.
Adminette - 15.09.2010, 21:13
do you happen to have a full shot of francesca annis gown in that scene? reminds me of this one worn by frances o'connor as emma bovary at the very ball if i'm not mistaken :wink: do you know the book? perhaps flaubert neatly described what emma wore for the evening? now, that would be an almost singular case of two versions, not a reused one, of such a literary dress.
maisy - 15.09.2010, 22:50
I've just returned the tape to the library! But I can tell you that the bodice and skirt of the gown are bright yellow, to match the flowers at the shoulders.
Modified 18 October 2010 to add: The dress isn't as bright as I'd remembered. Here is a screenshot.
I've never read the novel, so I just looked up the chapter describing the ball (using online texts in English and in French).
Here is what Flaubert says about Emma's gown: "She wore a gown of pale saffron trimmed with three bouquets of pompon roses mixed with green (book 1, chapter 8).
and in French: "Elle avait une robe de safran pâle, relevée par trois bouquets de roses pompon mêlées de verdure."
P.S I have never seen more than a few minutes of the Frances O'Connor version (caught the ending). It is impossible to find around here. I've been wanting to watch it for years.
maisy - 16.09.2010, 13:16
Recycled costumes found in the 2001 tv series Micawber.
The wedding attire worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) was previously seen on Annabelle Apsion as Emma Micawber in ep. 1 of Micawber (2001).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This coat-dress from Persuasion 1995 seen on Lady Willoughby [actress is uncredited on IMDb] is later seen on the dance mistress in The Regency House Party (2004), on an extra in Goya's Ghosts (2006), and on an extra in the Pump Room in Persuasion (2007).
-- -- --
This extra playing a harlot in Goya's Ghosts (2006) also wears the same vest seen above on Lady Willoughby in Persuasion (1995).
Here is the same orange coat-dress and vest on Susan Lynch as Caroline of Brunswick in A Royal Scandal (1996).
Here is the orange coat-dress and vest again, worn as a pelisse by Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield in ep. 4 of Micawber (2001).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: than we have susan lynch/isabella 'tib' norcliffe wearing this dark striped dress first seen on lady catherine de bourgh (barbara leigh hunt) in the 95P&P and later in persuasion07 and the regency house party (if i'm correct.
As promised, here are the other images for this one.
Here are Mrs. Curtain (far left, played by Pauline Moran) in Byron (2003), Lady Catherine DeBourgh (Barbara Leigh-Hunt) in P&P95, chaperone Rosemary Enright in Regency House Party (2004), an extra in the Pump Room in Persuasion 07.
The striped dress was worn by Elizabeth Bennett as Mama Sturgeon in ep. 1 of Micawber (2001).
I've also spotted this costume again, on Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in Micawber, episode 1.
And this costume on Annabelle Apsion as Emma Micawber in Micawber episode 2.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Another pelisse from Lost in Austen:
Mrs. Bennet (Alex Kingston) wears a pelisse worn by Anna Chancellor as Caroline Bingley in P&P 1995.
I also found this pelisse on an extra in Vanity Fair 2004 (right).
Worn in Micawber (2001) by Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield in ep. 4.
You might recall this image of an extra in The Count of Monte Cristo. I'd posted it to Katie as a possible match for the famous fabric. I think I have found the same costume in Micawber, seen here on Elizabeth Bennett as Mama Sturgeon.
Also worn by Mary Hanefey as Lady Chettam in Middlemarch (1994.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ..... "quills" [...] und S&S 95
An extra in Quills and Fanny Dashwood (Harriet Walter) in S&S95.
You also spotted it on Lady Holland (played by Jane How) in Byron.
Also seen in Micawber on Elizabeth Bennett as Mama Sturgeon in ep. 1.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Carloline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Edit: I think I'm done adding costumes from Micawber to this message.
maisy - 17.09.2010, 23:57
This is Max Benitz as Huband in Tom Brown's School Days (2005) wearing a blue-flowered waistcoat previously seen on Ciarán McMenamin as David Copperfield in David Copperfield (1999).
Adminette - 19.09.2010, 13:32
benitz looks a bit more than he used to in "master and commander"... :engel: but what's micawber, and how is it? i'm sure, i've never heard of it.
maisy - 19.09.2010, 19:19
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: what's micawber, and how is it? i'm sure, i've never heard of it.
Micawber is a short, four-episode series based on the character Mr. Wilkins Micawber from Dickens's David Copperfield. The series is actually well done, imo. Mrs. Micawber and the little Micawbers feature in the stories and Mrs. Micawber's family, including the story of how Mr. and Mrs. Micawber met. But the character DAVID COPPERFIELD does not appear in the series.
I think this series makes a nice companion to the 1999 version of David Copperfield in which Mr. Micawber is played by Bob Hoskins, and young Davy Copperfield is played by a very young Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter). The Micawbers are very sweet characters, and quite fun in the 1999 adaptation (and this series).
P.S. I spotted this costume again.
Bruki - 19.09.2010, 19:51
Oh, I'm sure Anna had noticed Mr. W.C. Fields in this role :wink: ... and if not: I'm quite happy to assist her :engel: ...
The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger (1935)
Bruki :bruki:
Adminette - 20.09.2010, 22:21
found a reused carriage. not the first one, but a very distiguished :wink: here and here it takes marie antoinette to france and here it is on the set for the new "three musketieers" movie that is recently being shot in southern germany.
Adminette - 21.09.2010, 17:44
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This is Max Benitz as Huband in Tom Brown's School Days (2005) wearing a blue-flowered waistcoat previously seen on Ciarán McMenamin as David Copperfield in David Copperfield (1999).
look, dominic cooper wore it as well: willoughby in S&S08
maisy - 21.09.2010, 20:33
Good spotting! It looked so familiar when I saw it in Tom Brown's School Days so I took that screencap. It wouldn't surprise me to find it again in something else. :-)
Adminette - 21.09.2010, 23:23
good luck hunting. i do not remember any familiarity with such a bright, fresh and bloomy waistcoat. but i'll look forward to seeing some more of it.
anyways, speaking of S&S08, i think that year's miss grey (uncredited but very fierce looking actress) is rewearing the dress previously ssen on cecile varens (uncredited as well) in the 2006 jane eyre.
maisy - 22.09.2010, 16:03
Ah, another great find, Anna. :-)
Here is an extra in David Copperfield (1999) wearing the dark dress seen here on Keeley Hawes as Cynthia Kirkpatrick in Wives and Daughters (1999). (I can't recall when Hawes wears it in the program; she is seen in this gown on the US dvd cover.)
Modified to ad: MTA: Hawes wears it at the London ball when she stays with her uncle (Thanks to Klau!)
Adminette - 22.09.2010, 21:19
i was just going to add, that cynthia wore this flashy dress after her london make over, but you were faster.
anyhow: i believe, marianne (S&S 08, charity wakefield) is wearing the "pick me up, because i'm soaked through'n through"-shoes of marianne (S&S95, kate winslet. only with ribbons attached to them instead of the rosette. what do you think?
then there are those stoneware candlesticks, first seen in jane eyre 06 now on the dashwoods table in S&S08. to think, they've started off with this lovely blue wedgewood candlestick. poor girls.
and: back at norland, margaret dashwood (S&S08) played with the same puppet theatre adèle varens had before in jane eyre 06.
last but not least for today: gown on sophie thompson as mrs. hogarth in "a harlot's progress" and on mrs. dickinson (i think it's her, but i couldn't find an actress listed for such a part) in the beginning of the second episode of "john adams".
maisy - 24.09.2010, 13:41
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anyhow: i believe, marianne (S&S 08, charity wakefield) is wearing the "pick me up, because i'm soaked through'n through"-shoes of marianne (S&S95, kate winslet. only with ribbons attached to them instead of the rosette. what do you think?
They're easily the same model shoes. I think the costume suppliers have quite a few of these in stock, as they show up in a lot of English costume projects. Perhaps all the principle female characters were wearing them in the final dance scene in Emma 96-tv?
They look like the kind that can be dyed any color. We find similar shoes here in the US at retailers that deal in formal attire for weddings and other formal occasions. (Incidentally, I just love the shoes roses. Have you ever seen this article?)
I really enjoyed seeing the props you've found. :-)
Zitat: but i couldn't find an actress listed for such a part) in the beginning of the second episode of "john adams".
There must be several characters whom we know by name, but whom are not listed in the credits for John Adams. I already found one of them wearing Mr. Weston's striped waistcoat from Emma09. It's a little annoying, when we're trying to document our reused costume finds, lol! :-)
Adminette - 25.09.2010, 09:38
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
They're easily the same model shoes. I think the costume suppliers have quite a few of these in stock, as they show up in a lot of English costume projects. Perhaps all the principle female characters were wearing them in the final dance scene in Emma 96-tv?
well, they certainly wear ballerinas with roses attached to them but as to the form, the heels and the leather cords structuring the general appearance of the shoe :nixweiss:
Zitat: They look like the kind that can be dyed any color. We find similar shoes here in the US at retailers that deal in formal attire for weddings and other formal occasions. (Incidentally, I just love the shoes roses. Have you ever seen this article?)
does that mean, they're available?!? :heiss: i love the ankleboots shown in the article. but i have to say, i'd prefer them simple, without further ornament/roses.
Zitat: I really enjoyed seeing the props you've found. :-)
thanks. then i'll have one more :wink: : the bed jane eyre (2006) sleeps in at thornefield is the same that was used in mauds room for "tipping the velvet". i have no picture-proof at hand, but i know that i once informed maggie of the costumer's guide about it.
Adminette - 26.09.2010, 12:05
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PPS: i have another one that has been keeping me up for quite a while but which i can't place anywhere: i know i've seen the fabric of this black dress before. here it is on tom keats' nurse or landlady or somesuch in "bright star".
there, found it. it was worn by mrs. austen/julie walters in becoming jane before.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This is Max Benitz as Huband in Tom Brown's School Days (2005) wearing a blue-flowered waistcoat previously seen on Ciarán McMenamin as David Copperfield in David Copperfield (1999).
look, dominic cooper wore it as well: willoughby in S&S08
It wouldn't surprise me to find it again in something else. :-)
you were absolutely right: here it is again on tom mison as mister bingley in "lost in austen"
the overgown worn by amanda price/jemima rooper here in lost in austen was worn before by nancy steele/daisy haggard in S&S08. and i believe the fabric is the very same one this small bustle-waistcoat-thingy of mrs. weston/greta scacchi for emmaGP was made of.
- -
i also suspect lucy steeles/anna madeley's dress to be the same annie/jennie jaques is wearing here in desperate romantics with the addition of a thin kerchief to the neckline.
waistcoat worn by tom hollander as john ruskin in "desperate romantics" and by blake ritson as mr. elton in "emma09". at least i think it's the same. but i am not entirly sure, as it is not so wellto be seen in emma.
maisy - 27.09.2010, 00:13
Wow Anna! You've been busy! :wink:
I've thought Lucy Steele's dress looks familiar too, but I don't think I was remembering it on annie/jennie jaques from Desperate Romantics. No doubt it has appeared elsewhere!
Loved your other finds, especially the waistcoat from Copperfield. I bet we'll find it again yet!
Zitat: well, they certainly wear ballerinas with roses attached to them but as to the form, the heels and the leather cords structuring the general appearance of the shoe :nixweiss:
I know! We never get a proper look at the shoes in that scene from Emma! I wish we could see them better.
The ankle boots are actually in the Victoria and Albert Museum. I saw them on a costume site. (And I agree that they are nicer without the rosette.) :)
Although they do not have Marianne's exact shoes (hers are prettier, imo), there are some simple ballerina flats here, which can be dyed any color:,-flat.asp
or with ribbons,flat.asp
Or a slight heel
But I really like these 1920s style Mary Janes
P.S. I was going to mention that there are so many reused costumes in Lost in Austen. I have posted quite a few on the other site and I'm sure there must be more.
maisy - 27.09.2010, 20:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
P.S. Remember this costume on Victoria Wood as Miss Tweed in the sketch, "Plots & Proposals" from her 2000 Christmas special called, Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings? I think it must have been from 1999 David Copperfield, on Pauline Quirk as Pegotty. Also worn by Eleanor McCready as Mrs. Bunting in Sense and Sensibility (1995).
--- ---
I was looking through my book about the making of Emma (1996-tv) and noticed a photo of Prunella Scales as Miss Bates in which I'm pretty sure she is wearing this same dress.
And here's a link to a hi-resolution image from Emma
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: In Emma 2009 Harriet wears a pink spencer worn by Polly Maberly as Kitty Bennet in P&P95, and by Frances Grey as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair 1998.
And while I was looking up that dress, I spotted this spencer on an extra in Emma 1996-tv.
An extra in Oliver Twist (1999) wears an orange-ish pelisse seen two years later on Annabelle Apsion as Mrs. Emma Micawber in Micawber (2001).
Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a necklace that I am convinced I have seen before!
maisy - 27.09.2010, 23:34
My turn to post some recycled props. :-)
The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis. (I'll have to get a screen shot of that one, too!)
10 October 2010: Here is the screencap.
The breakfast set from Regency House Party also appears in North & South.
Adminette - 28.09.2010, 17:32
hey. i've just learned a new vocab, thanks to you. and: uhhm. that is one scary bassinet to lie in. :kreuz:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a necklace that I am convinced I have seen before!
at first i was going to mention, that, after nicole kidman wore this kind of huge necklace in "moulin rouge", i saw them emerging in all kinds of shops, magazines and films. especially the black gagat-necklaces. and that i wasn't sure, if it was the same because they came up so often. but now that you got me looking: here is one on monica belucci in "brotherhood of the wolves". looks the same to me. at least as far as the design goes.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: My turn to post some recycled props. :-)
The breakfast set from Regency House Party also appears in North & South.
yes, i remember that as being one of the first reused props that ever struck me. i also remember having written to maggie about it an could swear i 've had other examples of it's use as well. of course, i don't remember, were else i've ssen it. only: i let it go after realizing the different colours. so: probably same table-set-supplier, but: different series. for example catherine drinks from a similar cup at "northanger abbey". it just appears to be one of the blue series instead of the one with the purple underglaze decors from RHP and the black decors from N&S.
as for the shoes:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: They're easily the same model shoes. I think the costume suppliers have quite a few of these in stock, as they show up in a lot of English costume projects. Perhaps all the principle female characters were wearing them in the final dance scene in Emma 96-tv?
of course they loosley fit into the ballrina-model of shoes that represent the typical regency women's slippers and are as well featured in your shopable links (thanks for those and the article as well, which had lovely examples. i should really learn the craft, can't be that hard to conquer it and make some decent leather shoes after those classical prototypes, can it?). but i think mariannes genuine leather slippers so similar in detail, that i'd still venture to say: they're reused.
PS: speaking of catherine in northanger abbey: i believe she's wearing the white muslin with little dark feathers juliette binoche established as cathy jr. in peter kosminsky's "wuthering heights". the latest catherine wore it better. apart from the ugly spencer. or is it just the red wall, that's doing the magic?
PPS: did we have this one before? gosh, i've clearly seen too many reused regency gowns. time for new ones :bg:
maisy - 28.09.2010, 20:31
LOL about the bassinet. :-D
Glad you recognized the necklace. But you know I don't watch scary films, so I must have seen it in something other than Brotherhood of the Wolves, (lol @ myself!). :wink:
I'll have to keep watch for it.
Yes, I've noticed the dishes elsewhere too, and in other colors. This topic has been widely discussed at C-19 (where I learned it was also discussed at length on another Richard Armitage message forum). LOL.
I think you might be right about that print dress, although I'm not a very good judge about prints sometimes unless I can get a good close-up to compare. There's a dotted dress on Honeysuckle Weeks in the Victoria Wood sketch (Plots & Proposals) that I suspect we've seen before, but I just can't see it well enough. There's also a dress on Pet Meagles in Little Dorrit that I think might have come from P&P95, but again, I can't see the print close-up enough.
Zitat: PPS: did we have this one before? gosh, i've clearly seen too many reused regency gowns. time for new ones :bg:
I'm not sure either! :lol:
Yes, bring on some NEW ones!
I've been watching The Slipper and the Rose. GORGEOUS costumes in that!
Forgot to mention that I agree that those shoes are the same--the same seams, etc. I like them better than the others on that website. They look a lot like ones that were popular here 25 years ago. (I almost got them for my wedding, but decided on higher heels instead.) :-)
Adminette - 28.09.2010, 21:07
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Glad you recognized the necklace. But you know I don't watch scary films, so I must have seen it in something other than Brotherhood of the Wolves, (lol @ myself!). :wink:
I'll have to keep watch for it.
as i've said, they've shown up so often, that i failed to take note of it. but now you've got me started... we'll sniff them out :wink:
Zitat: I think you might be right about that print dress, although I'm not a very good judge about prints sometimes unless I can get a good close-up to compare. There's a dotted dress on Honeysuckle Weeks in the Victoria Wood sketch (Plots & Proposals) that I suspect we've seen before, but I just can't see it well enough. There's also a dress on Pet Meagles in Little Dorrit that I think might have come from P&P95, but again, I can't see the print close-up enough.
bring 'em up, i say. then we can discuss. perhaps the cut of the dresses offers enough material to decide. that's also why i am pretty positive the catherine's dress is the same. observe the frilly sleeves, the middled frontclosure and the waistband. plus: because of the fabric close-up from wuthering heights, you can tell how the feathers are antidromic (to speak medically) and that you can also see in cathy morlands gown, even if you cannot identify the printing detail as feathers.
Zitat: PS
I've been watching The Slipper and the Rose. GORGEOUS costumes in that!
:lol: all that talk of slippers... reminded me instantly of the film as well. i've heard of it, because of the costumes as well. that's why i ventured to take a look at it some years ago, when there was no financially suitable version to be got. friend youtube had one. but not the quality to make me admire and love the costumes :confused: that and, bluntly, i was never (really never. not even, when i was a little girl) convinced by richard chamberlaines princly qualities. at least not the ones needed by fairy tale princes ;D same, no, worse with nicholas clay as sleeping beauty (or spine-, spur- or thorn-rosy [-floweret], as we literally call her)'s prince. :panic: which reminds me: yay!! winter season = märchenfilm-saison. i love fairy tales.
maisy - 29.09.2010, 12:25
(I'm getting ready for work, so I only have time for a short response.)
LOL re: slipper and the rose. I'd never seen this film until this summer, and immediately I was so much more interested in the prince's friend John, than in the prince! :wink:
But what a cast, and I love the dance numbers. Such fun!
I've never heard of the sleeping beauty you mentioned. I'll look it up.
Have a great day!
Adminette - 30.09.2010, 20:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've never heard of the sleeping beauty you mentioned. I'll look it up.
Have a great day!
it's part of a whole series of grimms tales that were filmed during the 80ies. they were american-israeli-coproductions, i think. with singing an dancing and such. it's the first film my father ever taped for me, that's why i still love to rediscover it now and then. all sentimentalilty. other than that, i don't think, there was much to the series. but of course, i hardly know any otherpart of it. only: i usually prefer czechslovakian fairy-tale-movies (do you actually call "märchenfilme" fairy-tale-movies? sounds and writes really odd :wink:) such as václav vorlícek's films (aschenbrödel/cinderella) and könig drosselbart/king thrushbeard and so on. but i'm thrilled, to find out, where the latest hollywood fashion of refilming those classics will lead us.
oh, and speaking of reused costumes, imdb says about the USA/Israeli films:
To save money, the Cannon Movie Tales were shot two or three at-a-time. "Sleeping Beauty" was shot simultaneously with Hansel and Gretel. This wasn't the best of situations in that often the two crews would be competing for limited equipment, costumes, and sets.
and last but not least back to business: the pink salmon gown worn by lady motley/jerry hall in "princess caraboo" shows up again on an extra at the highbury ball in ITVs emma
maisy - 01.10.2010, 03:33
Thank you for sharing that information about fairy tale films. I've never seen any that are non-English. I will look them up!
Nice find in Emma. :-)
I watched The Wyvern Mystery (2000) last night (with all the lights on, of course!). :wink:
I found this costume again
And this one:
Remember this spencer on Olivia Williams as Jane Fairfax in Emma 96-tv?
Here it is on an extra playing Reverend Cray's daughter in The Wyvern Mystery (2000).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville in Princess Caraboo wears a yellow and green gown to the Prince Regent's ball that is also seen in Vanity Fair 1998 on Frances Tomelty as Mrs. O'Dowd.
And Lady Neville's turban/hat from the above image appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) on Jacqueline Tong as Mrs. Crummles, and on an extra in Ever After (1998).
Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller wears the same yellow and green evening gown, with matching cap, in Duel of Hearts (1991).
I also spotted this costume on an extra in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
maisy - 01.10.2010, 16:19
I've been saving this one until I had a chance to look it up. This extra in Micawber (2001) is wearing the same brown evening gown previously seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Adminette - 01.10.2010, 21:34
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I watched The Wyvern Mystery (2000) last night (with all the lights on, of course!). :wink:
i've seen it a whole while ago. but i remember having found the woman breaking through the wall on top of the bed quite impressive :kreuz:
heres a dress worn by the princesse de lamballe/mary nighy (second on the left) in "marie antoinette" and reworn by an extra at the first ball in "becoming jane" (second on the right side). you can see a bigger MA picture of it here
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here is the same waistcoat worn by an uncredited actor as James McHenry in John Adams: Unnecessary War (ep 6) (2008).
i have recently rewatched "jefferson in paris" which has to die for gorrrgeous costumes. in fact, i believe the whole decors to be the best researched and recreated ones for that period on a feature film (the servants livrees at versailles, textiles, wallpapers everything, really) so far. btw: the livree of the palace guards is reused in other versailles movies such as "marie antoinette" and "the affair of the necklace". anyway, one of greta scacchis costumes is made of the fabric. and it will probably end up as one of my favourite movie costumes to date, including, of course, that alien of a hat :heiss:
then there is marianne dashwood/charity wakefield (S&S08) rewearing this bonnet most likely specially made for anna holtz/diane (heid)krüger in "copying beethoven".
rather expensive looking necklace on lady emily/geraldine somerville in "aristocrats" and as legacy of her in-laws on tess durbeyfield-clare/gemma arterton
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you remember this heavily golden brocade trim/embroidery on salahadin/ghassan massoud in "the kingdom of heaven"? the one that looks so similar to the one used on this cape which was worn by colin firth in "shakespeare in love" and a courtier in "elizabeth - the golden age" and this waistcoat? it looks, like it was used for a costume of glencora/susan hampshire in episode 23 as well:
and look whom we have here on lady louisas husband in "aristocrats". looks like a part of that series of supposedly readymade embroidery/trimmings as well.
stark pink anglaise worn by lady sarah/jodhi may in "aristocrats" and by mary collins/zoe tapper in "a harlot's progress".
and one worn by i don't remember whom in "aristocrats" and aunt victoire/molly shannon in "marie antoinette". picture showing more detail here.
dress on the same woman in "aristocrats" (probably a sister in law to the lennox girls) and on mrs. hogarth/sophie thompson in a "harlot's progress"
more to come
Adminette - 02.10.2010, 00:58
continuing in a new post before the older gets too long an confusing
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: 2nd this black striped gown worn by mamie gummer (i think) as sally smith adams in the last episode (peacefield) of john adams and on maxine peake as anne lister.
i think mrs. bates from the 09 emma may be wearing that dress as well.
i think, i may have finally found it's origin. at least i believe, that most of the costumes in the feature film "copying beethoven" were specially created for it. the mourning gown is to be seen on anna holtz/diane (heid)krüger in it.
in "the affair of the necklace" milena canonero reused this dress from an extra (middle) in "a royal scandal" for a courtier at the hall of mirrors/versailles (background, far right).
and finally for today: sandy powell heavily altered and reused a dress, she had designed for the lady in waiting to elizabeth (actually played by quentin crisp) on the far left behind the bowing man in "orlando" on this other courtier at elizabeth' court in greenwich in "shakespeare in love" (far right, behind the bowing wessex).
maisy - 02.10.2010, 16:26
Wow, anna! More fabulous finds! I love seeing them. :-)
I've got to see "The Harlot's Progress" now, if only to admire the gorgeous costumes. (And I love Zoe Tapper.)
I just recently watched Une vieille maîtresse (2007) on tv.
I loved the costumes, and I enjoyed the story, but I got a bit bored with the feminine appearance of the lead actor (and his amazing lips -- they practically filled up the screen-- ick.) I enjoyed Asia Argento, but I felt that her role was so similar to the one she played in Marie Antoinette. The actress playing Hermangarde was a bit insipid, and her eyebrows were a distraction. (So petty of me to think so!)
Anyhow, two pieces in the film seemed familiar to me. Vellini's snaky bracelet, and the embroidery on the waistcoat Ryno is wearing when he tells the story of his affair with Vellini to his fiancée's grandmother.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and one worn by i don't remember whom in "aristocrats"
Katherine Wogan as Mary, Third Duchess of Richmond.
Incidentally, have you seen this book?
P.S. What did you think of Copying Beethoven?
P.S.S. There are HUGE, high resolution images from Anne Lister at Shootastic.
Adminette - 02.10.2010, 17:37
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've got to see "The Harlot's Progress" now, if only to admire the gorgeous costumes. (And I love Zoe Tapper.)
watch it for zoe tapper instead of the costumes, i suspect that to be more satisfying. i doubt that there is any new costume plus: "it's the story inside, that determines this film, not the outer show" :wink:
Zitat: Une vieille maîtresse (2007) I loved the costumes, and I enjoyed the story, but I got a bit bored with the feminine appearance of the lead actor (and his amazing lips -- they practically filled up the screen-- ick.)
:lol: i know exactly what you mean. twice than what angelina and scarjo have to offer. at least. :rofl:
Zitat: I enjoyed Asia Argento, but I felt that her role was so similar to the one she played in Marie Antoinette.
i watched some time ago, but i found her to be much more vulnerable, even delicate and passionate than the tomboyish dubarry. but i have my problems with the dramatic level of french ... well ... dramas in general.
Zitat: The actress playing Hermangarde was a bit insipid, and her eyebrows were a distraction. (So petty of me to think so!)
well. then i am petty, too. although i found her freshly bleached hair worse than the unbleached brows :bg: i have only a taped version of this film. and my player broke in union with my TV so... but here and here are some pictures. perhaps you find what you've meant there? this netty thing on the first picture of the second link looks like something worn by natalie portman in "goya's ghosts", doesn't it? unfortunatly theres no picture of the whole costume.
Zitat: Incidentally, have you seen this book?
yes, bought it some time ago. found it more substantially informative, than i would have thought. thanks for the actress name and part :ja:
Zitat: P.S. What did you think of Copying Beethoven?
not much. forgot most of it.
Zitat: There are HUGE, high resolution images from Anne Lister at Shootastic.
cool. do you have a link, or better, can you please extract some significant ones, as i think it was restricted and i'm sure after all the "emma09" buzz slowed down, i forgot my password :confused:
EDIT: ah. here's the costume from natalie portman. the one on asia argento. not the same but like two parts of the same... and the probable inspiration for it: goya's "maya vestida".
- -
maisy - 02.10.2010, 20:44
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i watched some time ago, but i found her to be much more vulnerable, even delicate and passionate than the tomboyish dubarry. but i have my problems with the dramatic level of french ... well ... dramas in general.
You make very good points about the vulnerability of her character, and the dramatic level of french films. I also have difficulty comprehending some things in foreign film, and misinterpret the subtexts, and subtleties of emotion. I'm sure my declining French language skills, along with the poor English subtitles, affected my viewing. I should watch it again.
Zitat: cool. do you have a link, or better, can you please extract some significant ones, as i think it was restricted and i'm sure after all the "emma09" buzz slowed down, i forgot my password :confused:Done. Check your private messages. :-)
Zitat: EDIT: ah. here's the costume from natalie portman. the one on asia argento. not the same but like two parts of the same... and the probable inspiration for it: goya's "maya vestida".
- -
This is brilliant, Anna. Excellent connecting it to Goya's painting. (I knew the meshy thing seemed familiar. You've pinpointed it exactly.) And they do seem like two parts of the same costume, don't they? Well done. :-)
(Is it shallow of me to admit that I like the jacket better than the skirt?) :wink:
Adminette - 02.10.2010, 21:52
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: You make very good points about the vulnerability of her character, and the dramatic level of french films. I also have difficulty comprehending some things in foreign film, and misinterpret the subtexts, and subtleties of emotion. I'm sure my declining French language skills, along with the poor English subtitles, affected my viewing. I should watch it again.
i also only had insufficient german subtitles and my even more insufficient public college french. but i simply couldn't imagine this vellini burping over the whole dining table and, right after that, finding fault with her general perception as a lady of the court :rofl:
Zitat: (Is it shallow of me to admit that I like the jacket better than the skirt?) :wink:
why should it be? in a thread concering other peoples handed down clothing? and when the skirt looks that much like a woolworth-stores' idea of a piratesses party-costume cross-interpreted with a decisive biene-maja-look. do you know biene maja? :lol: having said that, i must admit, that i kind of liked the edgyness of the costumes originally made for "goya's ghosts".
back to serious, academic business, shall we? so here we are: reused costumes, haughty hats edition.
i suspect maria cosways huge brown velvet barret from jefferson in paris to be the same kate beckinsale wears as ITV's emma with changed ornaments (minus big bow, plus geometrically structured decor, but the big dark reddish feathers are as well attached to it's left side). but it's either overshadowed by darkness, scacchis big hair or it's own big ornameterie. so :nixweiss:
the man introducing jefferson to king louis XVI is wearing the justaucorps later seen on rip torn as louis XV in "marie antoinette".
extra in "affair of the necklace" probably wearing maria cosways/greta scacchis alien hat (JiP). but again, too briefly shown for certainty.
i also believe, that rip torn as louis XV is rewearing the golden brocade waistcoat at "marie antoinettes" wedding, the one that was on simon shackleton/louis XVI in the above scene in "the affair of the necklace". just don't have a picture of hin right now. some of the clergy's chasubles and pluvials certainly were worn in both scenes in both films. and the black waistcoat on the comte d'artois/al weaver was worn by nicolas de la motte/adrien brody (ahem. speaking of shallow pettiness. only happen to have pics of latter gentlemen in shirtsleeves - or entirely without. will add proper ones later).
extra at versailles (JiP) wearing the francaise seen on mme. de volanges/swoosie kurtz in "dangerous liaisons" before.
carpet-like ensemble worn by valmont/john malkovich in DL and by lord kildare/ben daniels in aristocrats. or so i think. still have to find fuller view of it on valmont.
Adminette - 03.10.2010, 22:43
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i also believe, that rip torn as louis XV is rewearing the golden brocade waistcoat at "marie antoinettes" wedding, the one that was on simon shackleton/louis XVI in the above scene in "the affair of the necklace". just don't have a picture of hin right now.
Zitat: and the black waistcoat on the comte d'artois/al weaver was worn by nicolas de la motte/adrien brody (ahem. speaking of shallow pettiness. only happen to have pics of latter gentlemen in shirtsleeves - or entirely without. will add proper ones later).
there you have it. must have been so taken with adrien brody, that i completely mistook him for retaux/simon baker, who was actually the one wearing the waistcoat in "the affair of the necklace" :anonym:
Zitat: extra at versailles (JiP) wearing the francaise seen on mme. de volanges/swoosie kurtz in "dangerous liaisons" before.
i think this (on the left) is it again. and again on a crowdmember hallooing the royal family. this time the british and therefore considerably grumpier one in "the madness of king george".
maisy - 04.10.2010, 00:23
Oh what fun I have had looking through all your finds, Anna. :-)
maisy - 07.10.2010, 14:41
While watching Jane Eyre (1983) with Timothy Dalton as Rochester, I spotted a couple of familiar costumes.
Zelah Clark as Jane Eyre wears this paisley dress seen years later on Annette Crosbie as Mrs Bedwin in Oliver Twist (1999).
Kate David as Bessie, Mrs. Reid's house maid in Jane Eyre (1983), wears this print dress seen a few years earlier on Priscilla Morgan as Mrs. Bennet in P&P80. Also seen a few years later on Elisabeth Barat as Maria, Lady Caroline's maid, in Duel of Hearts (1991).
--- ---
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This red paisley day dress has also been altered. maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrell in Princess Caraboo (1994), Phyllida Law as Mrs. Austen in Miss Austen Regrets 2008, and Lady Elizabeth Devonport in Regency House Party (2004).
This is what it looked like in 1991 on Madeleine Newbury as Lady Faversham in Duel of Hearts.
I've found an earlier appearance of the red paisley dress. Here it is in P&P80 on an extra attending Mrs. Philips's card party. (See the sleeve detail in the 2nd image?) Modified to ad: The red paisley also appears on at extra at the Sir William Lucas's evening party, when Elizabeth plays the pianoforte and sings "The Ash Grove."
maisy - 08.10.2010, 18:14
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rebecca Knight/Fanny Hill in Fanny Hill (2007) wears a gown previously seen on Serena Gordon/Lady Caroline Lennox in Aristocrats (1999).
Here is the same costume on an extra in Longitude (2000).
I've just spotted it again, on Zoe Tapper as Mary Collins in A Harlot's Progress (2006). (Sorry about the poor quality--that's the best I could do with streaming video.)
maisy - 11.10.2010, 21:38
Donald Sutherland in 1970 as Charles (pretending to be Pierre) in Start the Revolution Without Me. Five years later, an extra in Poldark series 1 (1975) wears the same coat to the Truro Ball.
P.S. I've found some reused costumes in screencaps from Napoléon (2002), but I've not seen the film so I cannot identify the character(s). Do you recognize these actresses? (Or it might even be the same person?)
Actress in Napoléon (2002) wears this familiar velvet costume we have seen before.
Actress in Napoléon (2002) wears this white sparkly gown previously seen on Phoebe Cates as Princess Caraboo in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Adminette - 13.10.2010, 13:44
hey, that's interesting. i know, i wanted to research those intereuropean productions for costumes. i just can't bring myself to either purchase the dvds or find the time, because i remember them to be rather lukewarm. so: unfortunately i can only name the actress next to the woman in the white dress, because she (marie bäumer) is familiar to the german audience. but as that was not the question... :nixweiss: it might be florence pernel as madame tallien, but i'm not sure.
taha. donald sutherland certainly looks great. better, surely, than as fellinis casanova (abhor men with plucked eyebrows).
what do you think about this one from the "burke and hare" trailer? altered and recycled or really new?
PS: i think the pelisse on the extra behind the pouting countess marie walewska (alexandra maria lara) looks quite familier, don't you? i'd vote for this one :wink:
maisy - 13.10.2010, 23:32
I've never seen Start the Revolution Without Me, either, but I'd like to see it. I'd like to see Napoléon, too, but I haven't found it in the libraries (yet -- I'm still looking), and like you, I'm unwilling to purchase it (for the same reasons).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: what do you think about this one from the "burke and hare" trailer? altered and recycled or really new?
You know what? It kind of looks familiar. It could be that I'm remembering it from the trailer (when I watched it a while ago). Either that fabric has been chosen again, or the costume could be altered and recycled, I don't know?
Zitat: PS: i think the pelisse on the extra behind the pouting countess marie walewska (alexandra maria lara) looks quite familier, don't you? i'd vote for this one :wink:
I agree! That's it! :ja:
maisy - 17.10.2010, 19:59
This bonnet probably originated on Emilie François as Margaret Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility (1995). Also seen on Julie Cox as Annabella in Byron (2003), and the following year on Victoria Hopkins in The Regency House Party (2004).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The wedding attire worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) was previously seen on Annabelle Apsion as Emma Micawber in ep. 1 of Micawber (2001).
Also worn by an extra in Venice in Byron (2003). (The second image below is a longer view from Micawber.)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Caroline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Also seen on an extra in Byron (2003).
Blue floral waistcoat on Henry Cavill as Albert Mondego in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) and an extra in Byron (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
I'm not recognizing the gown, but the turban was worn by Victoria Hamilton/Mrs. Forster in P&P95.
The same turban is seen on an extra in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Patricia Routledge as Mrs. Jennings in Sense and Sensibility (1971) wears a print day dress seen the following year on Anne Blake as Princess Drubetskoya in War & Peace (1972). (It was so difficult to take a good image of Mrs. Jennings, as she is very animated!) :wink:
P.S. I finally found a dvd of Madame Bovary (1975) at a different library. I have updated my digital photos to screencaps, plus I added an image to the post about Flaubert's description of Emma's saffron dress, and a screencap to the message with recycled baby bassinets (going back one page, and two pages in this thread).
maisy - 20.10.2010, 00:23
This striped dress is worn by Alison Fiske as Mrs Price in the 1983 version of Mansfield Park, by Sophia Myles as Susan Price in Mansfield Park 1999, and by an extra playing a kitchen servant in Eroica (2003).
I also spotted this dress again, on a kitchen servant in Eroica (2003).
maisy - 20.10.2010, 20:56
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in a street scene in ep. 5 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wears a red plaid dress later seen on Selena Griffiths as Caroline Tompkinson in series one of Cranford (2007).
Cranford Promo image
Seen here on a street extra in ep. 5 of Dombey & Son (1983).
Adminette - 24.10.2010, 18:21
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This striped dress is worn by Alison Fiske as Mrs Price in the 1983 version of Mansfield Park, by Sophia Myles as Susan Price in Mansfield Park 1999, and by an extra playing a kitchen servant in Eroica (2003).
I also spotted this dress again, on a kitchen servant in Eroica (2003).
everytime i saw mansfield park, i knew, that dress would turn up again. it's plain. but the pretty sort of plain.
well. nothing new from my side. not even from downton abbey. though i like, what sabine found over at katie's :ja:
maisy - 26.10.2010, 15:26
Yes, I liked sabine's discovery too, and the star trek one was fun. :wink:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Mary Hanefey as Lady Chettham in Middlemarch wears a gown also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994). Note the trim added to the skirt, sleeves and bodice.
I believe this is the same costume, worn here by Amanda Elwes as Lady Charlotte Douglas in A Royal Scandal (1996).
P.S. Who is that on your avatar? lol
Adminette - 26.10.2010, 20:39
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S. Who is that on your avatar? lol
that, my dear maisy, is the unmissable but very much missed ida blankenship. devoted caretaker, astronaut, hellcat and executive secretary to bertram cooper, and lastly donald draper. so you see: i'm quite taken with AMC's Mad Men :wink:
and as if to make my point: i was wondering (probably with more fun than good reason), if these greenish bathing shorts from S4Ep13 "tomorrowland" might be the same ones, tom ripley (matt damon) was wearing, if my memory serves... have to check back on "the talented mister ripley" when i'm home. :bg:
PS: it's visible in the trailer at 00:24. not unsimilar at all. anyway. i hope (for the actors) and do not really think, that undergarments are reused :nixweiss:
maisy - 26.10.2010, 22:31
Ummmm....well maybe they do recycle swimwear because those shorts do look the same. But you know, since it was a film, they probably had multiple pieces, so maybe the ones in Mad Men weren't actually worn in the film, and were still new? (Just keep telling yourself that!) :wink:
P.S. Might as well throw on a couple of costumes. I'm sure you'll recognize these two.
Sarah Finch as Arabella Allen in ep. 8 of The Pickwick Papers (1985). So now we know that Molly's dress has been around as early as 1985.
Tamsin Heatley as Mary in ep. 7 of The Pickwick Papers (1985).
Adminette - 28.10.2010, 20:31
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: (Just keep telling yourself that!)
i sure will ;D
and: yay, it's mollys costume again. and it looked well even 14 yearsbefore. where they all original costumes in the pickwick papers, do you think?
maisy - 29.10.2010, 00:16
I don't think the costumes were new. There were so many productions around that time (late 70s - early 80s) set in that period -- mostly Dickens, but I believe there was an earlier production of Wives and Daughters (1971 I think), and other projects, too. I have seen only a small portion of what is available, so I wouldn't like to presume that Molly's red print dress first appeared in The Pickwick Papers. (Also, the red print dress is seen only briefly in The Pickwick Papers, in one or two short scenes.)
Here's an example of a recycled dress in The Pickwick Papers. Freda Dowie as Rachel Wardle in The Pickwick Papers (1985) wears a blue day dress previously seen on Sandra Payne as Mrs Quilp in The Old Curiosty Shop (1979).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Tamsin Heatley as Mary in ep. 7 of The Pickwick Papers (1985).
The same plaid dress on an extra in The Old Curiosity Shop (1979), and on Sheila Raynor as Tabitha Aykroyd in The Brontës of Haworth (1973).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in a street scene in ep. 5 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wears a red plaid dress later seen on Selena Griffiths as Caroline Tompkinson in series one of Cranford (2007).
--- Cranford Promo image
Seen here on a street extra in ep. 5 of Dombey & Son (1983).
This plaid dress also appears on an extra in The Old Curiosity Shop (1979).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: While watching Jane Eyre (1983) with Timothy Dalton as Rochester, I spotted a couple of familiar costumes.
Zelah Clark as Jane Eyre wears this paisley dress seen years later on Annette Crosbie as Mrs Bedwin in Oliver Twist (1999).
I believe this is the same dress, seen here on Vickery Turner as Charlotte Brontë in The Brontës of Haworth (1973).
P.S. Here it is again on Judy Cornwell as Bessy Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (1978).
And again, on Rachel Power as Mary Garth in Middlemarch (1994).
And again, on an extra working in Madame Mantalini's/Miss Knag's establishment in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001).
maisy - 29.10.2010, 20:12
It was difficult to get decent screencaps of this next costume. Here is Rosemary McHale as Emily Bronte in The Brontës of Haworth (1971) wearing a print dress seen a few years later on Natalie Ogle as Little Nell in The Old Curiosity Shop (1979).
Adminette - 30.10.2010, 14:52
wow, you've been busy. i have been busy myself. so busy indeed, that i haven't watched a costume pic in ages (felt ages anyway) :-( luckily, katie has her new edition up already :wink:
PS: how are "the brontës of haworth"? compared to téchinés "les soeurs brontës" perhaps?
maisy - 30.10.2010, 15:32
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: how are "the brontës of haworth"? compared to téchinés "les soeurs brontës" perhaps?
I've never seen the French one (though I'd love to).
The Yorkshire Television series (The Brontës of Haworth) is not well lit, and the filming quality is poor (by modern standards), but the actresses are really very good. Brother Branwell is played by a very young Michael Kitchen, who plays the role well, but I don't care for the character. (Branwell as tortured artist is so annoying!) I've watched this series a few times over the past couple of years; I enjoy the relationship between the sisters, and the acting--especially Anne.
Freda Dowie as Miss Branwell (aunt) in The Brontës of Haworth (1971) wears a dress seen a few years later on Gillian Martell as Aunt Pullet The Mill on the Floss (1978).
P.S. I've seen the Florence Nightingale film with Jaclyn Smith a few times over the years, but not in a long time. It's out on DVD in the US. I'll have to see if any of the libraries have it. :wink:
maisy - 31.10.2010, 21:10
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This is Max Benitz as Huband in Tom Brown's School Days (2005) wearing a blue-flowered waistcoat previously seen on Ciarán McMenamin as David Copperfield in David Copperfield (1999).
look, dominic cooper wore it as well: willoughby in S&S08
here it is again on tom mison as mister bingley in "lost in austen"
Also worn by Douglas Hodge as Dr. Lydgate in Middlemarch (1994), and by an extra playing someone named James in Mansfield Park (2007).
And I found this costume again
And I added above another sighting of the gray paisley.
Ian Driver as Ned Plymdale in Middlemarch (1994) wears a stiped waistcoat seen three years earlier on Jeremy Kemp as Lord Milborne in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Rosalind March as Miss Knag in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a dress also seen on an extra in Middlemarch 1994.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Caroline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Here's that costume again, on an extra playing a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001).
Marian McLoughlin as Madame Mantalini in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a yellow gown previously seen on an extra in Middlemarch 1994.
Adminette - 01.11.2010, 19:34
reused costumes, bright star edition - once more, and after all, only to confirm: remember this brown dress at a ball-extra in emma09? i think, it's definetly one of fanny ensembles from bright star. she wears the brown jumper througout with various chemises/shift dresses under it and the turkish vest/sashes over it. in emma it is seen with the goldenish shift dress that is tied at the wrists by ribbons.
than there is this yellow evening gown, from a dancer at the first ball (it probably originates from another movie) on carice van houten as maria oldknow in "from time to time".
maria oldknow probably wears this green dress from a bright star ball extra (rigt behind thomas sangster as samuel brawne) as well. have to wait, until the film comes out on DVD to check that.
and lastly, there is the issue of harriet smith's ball gown from emma09. when i first saw bright star, i thought, it couldn't be the same dress, as the sleeves do not fit. than i saw, that harriet wears at least two white gauze dresses (not including undergarments), of which one might be sleeveless and still be taken from fanny brawnes . unfortunatly the dress is showns so briefly and "badly" lit in bright star. after all, i'd go for not the same, because the embroidery on fanny's dressfront doesn't reach up that high to the seam as harriet's does. what a headache ;o)
so for fun: the bathingshorts-piccies from "mad man - tomorrowland" and "the talented mr. ripley". still feel a bit silly having taken those caps :bg: and still am not entirely convinced, they are the same. though i know, that the difference on colour is due to the lightning/filters on the cameras. hoping against hope?
PS: love the yellow gown from middlemarch/NN. love all yellow gowns. love the first reused yellow gown from the late 1820ies. :wink:
maisy - 04.11.2010, 22:55
Enjoyed looking over your finds in Bright Star. Nice!
In David Copperfield (2000), Emily Hamilton as Agnes Wickfield wears a silk dress previously seen on Paloma Baeza as Bathsheba Everdene in Far From the Madding Crowd (1998). Also worn by Kate Maberly as Princess Alice in Victoria & Albert (2001).
Also in David Copperfield (2000), Emily Hamilton as Agnes Wickfield wears a striped dress later seen on Victoria Hamilton as Queen Victoria in Victoria & Albert (2001).
Marian McLoughlin as Madame Mantalini in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a gown seen the same year on Penelope Wilton as Princess Mary Louise Victoria, Duchess of Kent in Victoria & ALbert (2001).
Another gown worn by both Marian McLoughlin as Madame Mantalini in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) and Penelope Wilton as Princess Mary Louise Victoria, Duchess of Kent in Victoria & ALbert (2001).
maisy - 06.11.2010, 18:35
I've previously posted a couple of these, but here they are together to illustrate how many costumes were used in 1971 Granada Television adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion and the musical film production Scrooge (1970). Most of the brightest costumes seen in Persuasion (1971) appear in Scrooge at Fezziwig's Christmas party.
An extra at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears the green plaid dress seen on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1971). Also seen on an extra in the street in Vanity Fair (1998).
-- --
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears this bright paisley dress seen a year later on Valerie Gearon as Elizabeth Elliot in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by a dancer in the Granada Television production The Strauss family (1972); and by Liz Cuti as Janet, Aunt Betsey Trottwood's maid in David Copperfield (2000, Hugh Dancy version).
-- --
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a ribbon-trimmed print seen on Noel Dyson as Mrs. Musgrove in Persuasion (1971). Also seen on a dancer in The Strauss family (1972).
-- --
Another dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears this funky brown print also worn by Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1971).
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears this white satin flounced gown with blue top and ribbon trim also worn by Valerie Gearon as Elizabeth Elliot in Persuasion (1971).
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a green print dress with matching green velvet Spencer, also worn by Charlotte Mitchell as Mrs. Clay in Persuasion (1971).
An extra at at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a black paisley print seen on Gabrielle Daye as Mrs. Rooke in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by a dancer in the Granada Television production The Strauss family (1972).
-- --
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a blue satin dress with velvet spencer scalloped at waist, also seen on Marian Spencer as Lady Russell in Persuasion (1971).
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a gold dress and bright green Spencer, also seen on Charlotte Mitchell as Mrs. Clay in Persuasion (1971).
An extra at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a pink striped dress also seen on Mel Martin as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion (1971).
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a striped dress with Spencer trimmed in matching striped fabric at the cuffs, also worn by Charlotte Mitchell as Mrs. Clay in Persuasion (1971). (It looks like cording and tassel trims were added to the front of the Spencer for Persuasion.)
A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a brown Spencer seen on Mel Martin as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by an extra in Vanity Fair (2004), and an extra attending Cathy's wedding in Wuthering Heights (2009).
-- --- --
Kay Walsh as Mrs. Fezziwig in Scrooge (1970) wearing a brown costume that appears years later on a member of the chorus in BBC's Gilbert & Sullivan's The Sorcerer (1982).
An extra in the archery scene in Scrooge (1970) wears a print dress also seen on Morag Hood as Mary Musgrove in Persuasion (1971).
maisy - 10.11.2010, 14:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis.
The same bassinet appears again in The Cazalets (2001), for Zoe's baby.
Adminette - 10.11.2010, 18:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this funky brown print also worn by Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1971).
funky being the word :bg: honestly, i couldn't bring myself to watch persuasion completly. and that was my few tryings of the old 70ies teleplays :kreuz:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: A dancer at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a brown Spencer seen on Mel Martin as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by an extra in Vanity Fair (2004), and an extra attending Cathy's wedding in Wuthering Heights (2009).
-- --- --
i know, it's only barely visible. but i think this is the same spencer on an extra in the 1994 feature film "immortal beloved". by the looks of it, there are far more of the older, lesser fitting costumes reused on extras.
and look what a great old BBC documentary charley brown has found.
maisy - 11.11.2010, 23:23
I believe you're correct about the brown spencer. And aren't those BBC film clips fantastic? I saw them on charleybrown's blog a couple of days ago. :-)
maisy - 18.11.2010, 03:38
Here is Debbie Bowen as Harriet Smith in Emma (1972) wearing a blue gown at the Crown Inn ball that is later seen on Irene Richard as Charlotte Lucas in P&P80.
Adminette - 18.11.2010, 18:59
good catch! apropos emma: here's one of mr. knightley's/johnny lee millers paisley waistcoats, definitely seen before on ralph fiennes as eugen onegin.
and arguably the same, due to the different lighting and it's effect on the structure: a spanish wall/screen made out of leather or lincrusta seen in thornefield zefirellis jane eyre (1996) and in onegins distinctly english looking country estate in eugen onegin (1998)
maisy - 21.11.2010, 20:44
Those are great, anna. At last we know the origin of Mr. Knightley's waistcoat! I've spotted similar waistcoats before, but never a match.
Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in Micawber (2001) wearing a sapphire-blue evening gown previously seen on Trevyn McDowell as Rosamond Vincy in Middlemarch (1994).
maisy - 27.11.2010, 15:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Samantha Morton as Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 97, and Victoria Hamilton as Queen Victoria in Victoria and Albert (2001).
I've found it again, seen here on Natalie Press as Caddy Jellyby in Bleak House (2005).
and I've found this costume on Ada in Bleak House.
I'm pretty sure this plaid cape worn by Mali Harries as Ann Rood in Byron (2003) is the same one worn by Lilo Bauer as Hortense, Lady Dedlock's maid, in Bleak House (2005).
Adminette - 29.11.2010, 00:31
i really like, how the grey dress looks so differently, worn by jane eyre/queen victoria and caddy. plus it hink i remember having noticed the brownish dress on that meyrick girl, ada and dotty stanbury some time ago, when maggie was still doing the reused costumes. looks familiar at least. though, i've never seen the glass virgin or the dress in it.
apropos familiar: i think i might have found margaret hales iconic striped train dress again on an extra in tim burton's sweeney todd.
at the very least, it's the same fabric on a very similar top of a mid-victorian costume.
maisy - 29.11.2010, 22:58
I like your idea posted on katie's site about Billie Piper's suit in Shadow in the North. Look at these hi-res images. (At least 4 have good close-up of the collar.)
Adminette - 30.11.2010, 23:50
seen them. unfortunatly, although it's been in three high profile BBC productions, i can't find any highres. piccies of margarets dress.
billie's is "just" a pretty tight fitted jacket, it even strains on billie, who is smaller than the other lady. and the collar is decorated with some rather elaborate, not flashy but still eye-caching stitching/machine embroidery around it, and it looks like it consists only of two flaps fitted to the frontal neckline (sadly, i have found no pictures showing the backside).
in sweeney todd there's a whole ensemble, probably a single dress. the collar is a real collar, visible at the switched back, and it's edges have a deeper v-cut, than billie's faux-collar. this might point to margaret's dress. but then, i believe, the sleeves have a different fringe, not as wide and switched as margaret's but rather narrow, as was normal for the later victorian decade sweeney todd is set in. that would leave us with a third striped dress... but... i find that somehow unlikely and so am still undecided.
EDIT: ah. there. found some. not the same, myself none the wiser for it. :wink:
maisy - 02.12.2010, 00:38
Nice job on the research, anna. :)
Well, we know there is plenty of that fabric available, since it's been used in several productions (including recently in Garrow's Law). Is it possible they built new outfits for the extras in Sweeney Todd?
Adminette - 10.12.2010, 21:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
lucy steeles (S&S 08) tanzt ohne schwarze verzierungen auch schon auf mrs. carterets london ball (S&S 95)
here it is again on former fanny dashwood harriet walter as lady whose name i shamefully forgot in "from time to time".
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Caroline's gown from the Mitchell & Webb Darcy Disco sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Also seen on an extra in Byron (2003).
i think, this is it again on an extra dancing at fanny's first ball an patricia rozema's mansfield park (1999).
anna hat folgendes geschrieben: the overgown worn by amanda price/jemima rooper here in lost in austen was worn before by nancy steele/daisy haggard in S&S08. and i believe the fabric is the very same one this small bustle-waistcoat-thingy of mrs. weston/greta scacchi for emmaGP was made of.
- -
i think the overgown originates from mansfield park as well. there it was worn by justine waddell as julia bertram.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And this teal pelisse worn by an extra at church (left) is from Becky Sharp/Natasha Little in Vanity Fair 1998, Rosie Hammond in RHP (2004), an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), an extra in the Assembly Room in Persuasion 2007, and a character in BYRON (2003).
as well on a party guest in "from time to time".
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Richenda Carey as Mrs. Priestly wears this costume previously seen on Anna Chancellor as Mrs. Peake in Princess Caraboo (1994), Sheila Gish as Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park '99, an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), Mrs. Croft (Marion Bailey) in Persuasion 2007, and an extra in Goya's Ghosts (2006).
And you (Anna) found it in Vanity Fair 1998 on Janine Duvitski as Mrs. Bute Crawley.
and again worn by an extra at the arrival of mrs. maria oldknows party guests in "from time to time".
the last one for today: i believe, mrs. maria oldknow (carice van houten) wears one of fanny price's (frances o'connor) longsleeved dresses from rozema's mansfield park for her firey dinner party in "from time to time". unfortunately i can't find pictures of better quality from both films. so i's go for fanny's light or dark brown gown, which might have been redyed or differently lighted for the younger film.
- -
maisy - 12.12.2010, 02:39
Nice finds in FTTT. I noticed a couple of those, but it's so difficult on streaming video of that quality. You are good! :)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: as well on a party guest in "from time to time".
Denise Stephenson as Mrs. Carbery.
Harriet Walter's character is named Lady Gresham.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this daydress worn by Debbie Bowen as Harriet Smith in Emma 1972 is seen on Kate Ashfieldas Ella the maid in Princess Caraboo.
Also worn by the maid at Hunsford Parsonage in P&P80.
Here's the same dress on Suzanna Hamiltonas Harriet Wantage in Barbara Cartland's Duel of Hearts (1991).
And here it is again, on Daisy Lewis as Rose the maid in From Time to Time (2009).
I also recently noticed that an extra at the wedding in Bleak House (2005) wears a burgundy dress with floral print that was previously seen on Abigail Cruttenden as Blanche Ingram in Jane Eyre (1997).
P.S. Loved your finds from MP99 too.
maisy - 14.12.2010, 02:57
Julia Sawalha as Mercy Pecksniff in Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wearing the same dress as Victoria Hamilton as Queen Victoria in Victoria & Albert (2001).
Adminette - 14.12.2010, 20:27
aw. she look so young in that picture, doesn't she? the dress on the other girl also feels familiar. might it have been on miss poole in cranford?
PS: ahh. thanks for the dress from maid sarah or even before harriet smith. i was wondering about it.
maisy - 01.01.2011, 23:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Ashfield as Ella, the Worrell's maid in Princess Caraboo (1994); Sylvestra Le Touzel as Fanny Price in Mansfield Park (1983).
Elisabeth Barat as Maria, Lady Caroline's maid in Duel of Hearts (1991).
I was watching the Meridian Television Emma (1996-tv) and noticed that this same costume is worn by Samantha Morton as Harriet Smith. (Followed by more caps from Mansfield Park and Princess Caraboo.)
And here's a high resolution promo image from Emma at Shootastic.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: the dress on the other girl also feels familiar. might it have been on miss poole in cranford?
Could be! I'll have to re-watch it soon and let you know. :-)
Adminette - 04.01.2011, 21:32
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: great.
i have only one small addition: that loveley red jumper with a bow attached to the neckline, that what first seen on romola garai as anne keyes in stephen poliakoffs "glorious 39" and after that on jaime winstone as sheila webb in "poirot: the clocks"
lady persy (claire foy) wears the jumper as well in the second episode of the new upstairs/downstairs series.
and i think i have seen this dress from itv's emma in a trailer for the latest BBC oliver twist. it was on his mother (probably lindsay marshall) being cast down, running through the rain. at least it was the print, but i believe it was a sleeveless version of it. did we have another version of the dress? perhaps in the sharpe-series? anyway, the trailer can be viewed here, the dress is right at it's beginning. i have no better image with me though i have seen the trailer in DVD-quality and i am pretty sure it's the same fabric.
maisy - 04.01.2011, 22:55
I love that jumper. I haven't watched up/down yet; I'm saving it for next week.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i think i have seen this dress from itv's emma in a trailer for the latest BBC oliver twist. it was on his mother (probably lindsay marshall) being cast down, running through the rain. at least it was the print, but i believe it was a sleeveless version of it. did we have another version of the dress? perhaps in the sharpe-series? anyway, the trailer can be viewed here, the dress is right at it's beginning. i have no better image with me though i have seen the trailer in DVD-quality and i am pretty sure it's the same fabric.
I posted this on 6 August 2010: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is the find I mentioned yesterday.
Julia Sawalha as Dorcas Lane in Lark Rise to Candleford (series 2, ep. 5, 2009) wears a dressing gown previously seen on Elaine Cassidy as Maud Lilly in Fingersmith (2005).
I think the same fabric from the above costume is also used on the following pieces: Kate Beckinsale as Emma Woodhouse in Emma (1996-TV), Lucy Brown as Celia Burroughs in Sharpe's Challenge, and Ruth Wilson as Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 2006. The same fabric appears yet again on a costume worn by Helena Bonham-Carter as Serena Staverley in A Hazard of Hearts (1987).
The fabric appears yet again on this costume, used as a prop in Oliver Twist (2007). I suspect that this might be one of the costumes pictured above, but I can't tell which one--it could be any of them!
Later, I realized that the dress in Jane Eyre was also in Bleak House: Zitat: It seems as though the same fabric was used again for this dress worn by Anna Maxwell Martin as Esther Summerson in Bleak House (2005), and by Ruth Wilson as Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 2006.
The same fabric also appears on another costume in Bleak House (2005) on a guest attending the wedding.
What do you think?
p.s. maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Donald Sutherland in 1970 as Charles (pretending to be Pierre) in Start the Revolution Without Me. Five years later, an extra in Poldark series 1 (1975) wears the same coat to the Truro Ball.
The same coat also appears in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) on an extra attending the Prince Regent's garden party.
maisy - 08.01.2011, 20:12
I think the dress worn by Mariah Gale as Agnes (Oliver's mother) in Oliver Twist (2007) is the one worn by Lucy Brown as Celia Burroughs in Sharpe's Challenge (2006). The bodice, neckline, and sleeve details seem consistent with the costume from Sharpe.
DVD screencaps from Oliver Twist (2007):
Lucy Brown as Celia Burroughs in Sharpe's Challenge (2006):
Adminette - 09.01.2011, 00:06
and i think, that you are very right. thanks for the clarification. i couldn't see, that the dress in sharpe had short sleeves.
i have seen these earrings again in "upstairs/downstairs". in the first episode they were to be seen in the jewellery case bestowed on lady agnes by her mother in law and in the third episode they were worn by an extra at the dinner table.
Julia - 09.01.2011, 16:01
Das Thema hat mittlerweile offenbar die britische Boulevardpresse erreicht ... :wink:
Adminette - 09.01.2011, 20:07
ich werd euch denn berichten, wenn hollywood bei mir anklopft ;D
maisy - 09.01.2011, 21:48
LOL, I saw the article too. :)
Nice find on those earrings, anna.
Adminette - 09.01.2011, 22:34
huu. katie just put this fantastic find of kelseas up. i instantly recognized it from the tirelli-site. it was advertet there as being especially made for monica belucci for the 2005 film "io e napoleon". well, let's hope, she won't be too upset to learn, that this cannot be the case, as it was not only worn by the extra in "napoleon" from 2002. i also remember having seen this lovely dress, that is a tad more worldly than the usual empire muslin, long before on valeria golino as giulitetta guicciardi in "immortal beloved" from 1994. in the DVD-features miss golino mentiones a very similar blue gown as being especially made for her character, so i'd say, this one was done for her as well.
plus: the upgraded tirelli site now offers a really great 360° look around the dress in a HighRes-pictureshow here.
maisy - 09.01.2011, 23:50
Fantastic sleuthing, anna. What a gorgeous gown that is. I thought so when I saw it yesterday in Katie's update. Thanks for posting the tirelli link; I really enjoyed seeing the details closely.
P.S. That reminds me of how Maratier has an image from Brotherhood of the Wolves of this costume on their website but we know it appeared before that in Catherine the Great. (Although they do not claim that it was created for Brotherhood of the Wolves.)
maisy - 14.01.2011, 17:28
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: While watching Jane Eyre (1983) with Timothy Dalton as Rochester, I spotted a couple of familiar costumes.
Zelah Clark as Jane Eyre wears this paisley dress seen years later on Annette Crosbie as Mrs Bedwin in Oliver Twist (1999).
I believe this is the same dress, seen here on Vickery Turner as Charlotte Brontë in The Brontës of Haworth (1973).
P.S. Here it is again on Judy Cornwell as Bessy Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (1978).
And again, on Rachel Power as Mary Garth in Middlemarch (1994).
And again, on an extra working in Madame Mantalini's/Miss Knag's establishment in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001).
And here it is most recently in Little Dorrit (2008) on Freema Agyeman as Tattycoram.
Susan Hampshire as Signora Madeline Neroni in The Barchester Chronicles (1982) wears a floral gown later seen on Victoria Hamitlon as Queen Victoria in Victoria & Albert (2001).
Here is Selina Griffiths as Caroline Tomkinson in Cranford (2007) wearing a dress seen years earlier on Susan Edmonstone as Charlotte Stanhope in The Barchester Chronicles (1982).
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
P.S. maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I also recently noticed that an extra at the wedding in Bleak House (2005) wears a burgundy dress with floral print that was previously seen on Abigail Cruttenden as Blanche Ingram in Jane Eyre (1997).
I believe this is the same costume, seen in Cranford (2007) on Lisa Dillon as Mary Smith.
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
maisy - 15.01.2011, 14:21
Another Cranford costume:
Debra Gillett as Mrs. Johnson in Cranford (2007) wears a print dress seen years earlier on Barbara Hicks as Aunt Glegg in The Mill on the Floss (1978).
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
A guest at the Easter ball in Wives and Daughters (1999) wears a light print dress with bold red trim that appears later on a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001).
maisy - 18.01.2011, 19:34
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Barbara Shelley as Mrs. Gardiner in P&P80 in her "apricot silk with the long sleeves." Eleven years later we find it on Virginia McKenna as Lady Brecon in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Here is the apricot silk again, on an extra in the opening scenes of Wives and Daughters.
(See the sleeve detail in the 3rd image--behind Miss Sally Browning/Barbara Flynn.)
P.S. I also spotted the apricot silk in I Remember Nelson (1982) on Geraldine James as Lady Emma Hamilton.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: an extra in Persuasion 71 at Elizabeth Elliot's evening party at Camden Place in Bath
Here it is on extras in Emma 72 and P&P80.
Here it is again, this time on an extra in ATV's 1972 mini series about The Strauss Family . (Digital photo taken of vhs on tv screen.)
I've found this one in Wives and Daughters too. Here it is on an extra in the flashback scenes of the festival young Cynthia attends.
maisy - 19.01.2011, 18:20
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis. (I'll have to get a screen shot of that one, too!)
10 October 2010: Here is the screencap.
The same cradle appears again in The Cazalets (2001), for Zoe's baby.
This prop also appeared in series 1 of the original Poldark (1975), at Nampara, for baby Julia.
And in series 2 of Poldark (1977) for baby Ursula.
maisy - 20.01.2011, 02:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Barbara Hicks as Lady Bullingham in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a lilac costume with paisley print previously seen on Anna Massey as Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park (1983).
I spotted the lilac paisley on an extra in Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe (1985).
Rosamund Greenwood as Mrs. Crackenthorpe in Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe (1985) wears a mauve gown previously seen on Anna Massey as Lady Frances Nelson in I Remember Nelson (1982).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: who, harriet or emma, might be wearing this coral necklace seen on jane bennet/susannah harker before?
Do you think Jenny Agutter as Nancy Lammeter in Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe (1985) might be wearing the same necklace? (With matching earrings!)
And I think I might have found this mustard shawl again. Here it is on Harriet Walter as George Eliot in George Eliot: A Scandalous Life (2002).
maisy - 20.01.2011, 19:48
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I'm pretty sure this plaid cape worn by Mali Harries as Ann Rood in Byron (2003) is the same one worn by Lilo Bauer as Hortense, Lady Dedlock's maid, in Bleak House (2005).
I also spotted this cape on Christine Anderson as Mrs. Walton in The Rag Nymph (1997).
maisy - 29.01.2011, 18:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: a pelisse is worn by an extra in Sharpe's Justice (1997), an extra in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) and an extra in Mansfield Park (1983).
Here it is on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion 1971.
I found the same scalloped pelisse even earlier. Here it is on Marilyn Taylerson as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair (1967) [Digital photo taken of tv playing VHS.] (Yay! I finally got to watch this version!)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: fanny price muss wirklich ganz olle kamellen auftragen:
amelia sedley im 1967er vanity fair - MP 99
I remembered your post and spotted this Spencer jacket while watching VF67!
I also finally got to watch Madame Bovary (2000), but only on VHS. (I had seen only bits of it on tv years ago.) And I watched The Golden Bowl (1972), and Gulliver's Travels (1996), and The Forsyte Saga (1967). (It's really cold here and I've been sick, but I'm feeling much better now!)
maisy - 29.01.2011, 23:22
I recall you mentioning that you have Madame Bovary (2000), so perhaps if you have time, you might check this costume for me, and make some screencaps?
I think this blue dress, worn by Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) might have been made for Geraldine James for the cinematic film All Forgotten (2000).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Emma Ferguson as cousin Edith Lennox in North & South (2004) wears a blue gown previously seen on Julie Cox as Dora Spenlow in David Copperfield (2000, Hugh Dancy version).
Also worn by an extra in All Forgotten (2000).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I also recently noticed that an extra at the wedding in Bleak House (2005) wears a burgundy dress with floral print that was previously seen on Abigail Cruttenden as Blanche Ingram in Jane Eyre (1997).
I believe this is the same costume, seen in Cranford (2007) on Lisa Dillon as Mary Smith.
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
Here it is again, worn by Julie Walters as Princess Zasyekin in All Forgotten (2000).
Adminette - 30.01.2011, 13:20
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I recall you mentioning that you have Madame Bovary (2000), so perhaps if you have time, you might check this costume for me, and make some screencaps?
I think this blue dress, worn by Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) might have been made for Geraldine James for the cinematic film All Forgotten (2000).
"all forgotten"? cool. i'ver never heard of that film. or indeed of nick stahl playing in a period drama. how was it? although i have to say that the trailer looks very much like the title induces the viewer to do just that after the viewing experience!??
anyways. unfortunately i do not have the DVD with me, and i really cannot say, when i will ever be home again. okay, that sounds a tad melodramatic, but there's so much to do still before i can think of a home-holiday... the dress surely looks to be the same, even from your screencap the details are visibly the same.
maisy - 30.01.2011, 19:26
Don't get too excited, All Forgotten isn't very good. I got it free with another DVD a long time ago. Julie Walters and Geraldine James give great performances, but even they couldn't save the film. When I watched Madame Bovary last week, I thought the blue dress might have been the same. Thank you anyway about the screencap. :-)
P.S. This isn't a recycled costume (yet) but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns up again. It seems all the recent pre-wwii dramas are including a red sweater with ornamental bow. This one is from Any Human Heart.
[ADDED 31 January]
LOL, what a coincidence! I was watching Poirot last night when I recognized this sweater/jumper from Katie's website. Here is Natasha Little as Ann Shapland in Poirot: The Cat Among the Pigeons (2008).
maisy - 01.02.2011, 20:58
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this dress worn by Anna Maxwell Martin as Esther Summerson in Bleak House (2005).
This fabric again. I think this dress worn by Billie Piper as Sally Lockhart in The Shadow in the North (2007) is a match for the dress Anna Maxwell Martin as Esther wears in Bleak House.
Hannah Storey as Tilda Price in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a print dress seen the same year on Victoria Hamilton as Queen Victoria in Victoria & Albert (2001).
Adminette - 04.02.2011, 00:35
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S. This isn't a recycled costume (yet) but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns up again. It seems all the recent pre-wwii dramas are including a red sweater with ornamental bow. This one is from Any Human Heart.
yes, i thought so as well when i saw charity wakefields jumper. though i've only seen the first episode of "any human heart". i thought ms wakefield had some very lovely pieces of wardrobe on her. including this fetching hat:
anyways, here is mrs. allen (sylvestra le touzel) in "northanger abbey 07" wearing the very same coral necklace that was seen on this extra in a tavern scene from "immortal beloved". the necklace appears to have lost two coral drops from the elements framing the middle.
and i believe, eleanor tilney's (catherine walker) bonnet originates from that latter movie as well. at least there is this brief appearance of an extra with it.
last but not least there is another "immortal beloved" extra (second on the left) with a blueish dress that strikes me as quite familiar. i think it was worn in one of the old BBC "sense and sensibility" dramatisations. probably by irene richard as elinor dashwood. have to check back on that, when i get home.
maisy - 09.02.2011, 04:09
Great finds, anna. :-)
The bluish dress reminds me of a costume in the Omid Djalili sketch, Pride and Racial Prejudice (but I don't think it is a match).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: I have spotted this green and black dress 3 times:
On Jemma Redgrave as Lady Bertram in 2007 Mansfield Park, then on Jean Marshas Mrs. Ferrars in 2008 Sense and sensibility, with a new front panel and lace edging, then lastly on Cara Kelly playing Agnes Williams in 2009 in Garrow's Law
I think this must be the same costume, seen here on Emily Bruni as Catherine II in BBC's 2005 documentary Catherine the Great.
I think I might have found where this costume originated. It was probably made especially for Emily Bruni in series 2 of The Scarlet Pimpernel starring Richard E. Grant (2000). So when she wore it in 2005 as Catherine II, she had already worn it in 2000 as Annette de Martignac in The Scarlet Pimpernel: Ennui.
maisy - 09.02.2011, 21:29
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra attending Fanny and Edmund's wedding in Mansfield Park 07 wears this paisley jacket previously seen on Natasha Little as Augusta Leigh in Byron 2003.
The paisley jacket might have originated in The Scarlet Pimpernel: A Good Name (2000); here it is worn by Caroline Carver as Claudette de Bridoire.
maisy - 13.02.2011, 20:41
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Debra Gillett as Mrs. Johnson in Cranford (2007) wears a print dress seen years earlier on Barbara Hicks as Aunt Glegg in The Mill on the Floss (1978).
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
The same costume also appears in episode 9 of Dickens of London (1976), on Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens (Charles' mother).
I spotted this costume again while watching The Duchess of Duke Street.
Adminette - 14.02.2011, 10:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis. (I'll have to get a screen shot of that one, too!)
10 October 2010: Here is the screencap.
This prop also appeared in series 1 of the original Poldark (1975), at Nampara, for baby Julia.
And in series 2 of Poldark (1977) for baby Ursula.
oh, look, what i've just found on ebay :kreuz:
maisy - 14.02.2011, 14:16
LOL anna, that's so funny! :lol:
maisy - 07.03.2011, 17:29
Vivien Heilbron as Mary Taylor in ep. 2 of The Brontës of Haworth (1973) wears a print dress seen a few years later on Freda Dowie as Rachel Wardle in The Pickwick Papers (1985).
maisy - 09.03.2011, 19:48
Marvel's comic book of Austen's Emma seems to have used costumes and ideas from the 2009 BBC adaptation: Emma's military-style red pelisse, Emma trimming the topiary at Hartfield.
Adminette - 09.03.2011, 20:16
ahh. thanks for pointing that out. i hadn't even noticed, that there was an "emma"-comic in preparition. you certainly seem right in respect to the military pelisse.
did i already mention the S&S-comic, that uses elinors S&S08 DVD-cover-dress for it's first cover?
well. these comics must have been so successful for nancy butler, she will soon be sorry, that there are only six major austen novels :wink: until then, i'll be very much looking forward to another "northanger abbey" comic :yay:
maisy - 10.03.2011, 22:23
The other day I was watching Granada Television's 1997 documentary, Victoria and Albert, and realized that Louise Rea as Queen Victoria wears a costume I had previously seen on Beatie Edney as Louisa Gradgrind in Hard Times (1994).
Adminette - 13.03.2011, 00:14
love in the time of cholera
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here is the same waistcoat worn by an uncredited actor as James McHenry in John Adams: Unnecessary War (ep 6) (2008).
i have recently rewatched "jefferson in paris" which has to die for gorrrgeous costumes. in fact, i believe the whole decors to be the best researched and recreated ones for that period on a feature film (the servants livrees at versailles, textiles, wallpapers everything, really) so far. btw: the livree of the palace guards is reused in other versailles movies such as "marie antoinette" and "the affair of the necklace". anyway, one of greta scacchis costumes is made of the fabric. and it will probably end up as one of my favourite movie costumes to date, including, of course, that alien of a hat :heiss:
i believe, in "love in the times of cholera" (2007) fermina urbino (giovanna mezzogiorno) has been wearing the dress previously seen on georgie glenn as ruskin's mother in "desperate romantics" (2009).
Adminette - 13.03.2011, 00:38
love in the time of cholera II
and the second one for today:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: in "casanova's return" marcolina/elsa lunghini wears a dress made of the famous rubelli strawberry fabric already seen on fairuza balk/cecile de volanges in valmont, uma thurman/cecile de volanges in dangerous liaisons, catherine zeta jones as catherine the great, some extra in the affair of the necklace and finally as well on kirsten dunst as marie antoinette
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: You won't believe what I am currently watching...Bogdanovich's Daisy Miller (1974). Shepherd's performance is grating, but the costumes are lovely. I just popped in here to refresh my memory about the Rubelli strawberry fabric. I wonder if this is it, on Cloris Leachman as Mrs. Miller?
here's the (green version of the) rubelli strawberry-fabric again. on rubria negrao as rosalba in "love in the time of cholera". the dress is only shown very, very briefly. the time period would point to the daisy miller dress, but if so, it must have been heavily altered (different neckline, red velvety decors and so on). on the other hand: perhaps it's only briefly shown to conceal the fact, that it actually is a reused rococo-gown from the aforementioned movies, not a neo-rococo bustle gown that would have been required for "littoc".
maisy - 14.03.2011, 13:05
Nice finds in Love in the Time of Cholera.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis.
This prop also appeared in series 1 of the original Poldark (1975), at Nampara, for baby Julia Poldark. And in series 2 of Poldark (1977) for baby Ursula Warleggan, at Penrice.
The same cradle appears again in The Cazalets (2001), for Zoe's baby.
Look what I've found again. Here it is in Cambridge Spies (2003), used for the son of Donald Maclean (Rupert Penry-Jones).
Adminette - 17.03.2011, 10:39
you know, i wish i could return the compliment and call this a nice find. but that thing still ... freaks me out. even more so when i think of it as still in use. with an actual baby in there just 8 years ago :kreuz: :wink:
anyway, from what it looks like, this years red nose day period drama spoof "uptown downstairs abbey" seems to reuse the exact same costumes, that were in the original downton abbey series:
maisy - 19.03.2011, 13:33
LOL, that's great anna. And there are more, too.
Part 1
Part 2
Adminette - 19.03.2011, 16:27
hey, thanks. :ja:
humm. remarkable, how very much of ITV's DA was spoofed, and how much of the BBC's upstairs/downstairs. suppose, they (the Beeb) still brim with envy. now, that is really amuseing. even though i'm not much of a DA-fan myself.
maisy - 04.04.2011, 13:26
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and last but not least: this green striped under gown first seen on anna chancellor as caroline bingley reused in "a royal scandal as well" on bridget mcconnell as "lady"
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... only the screenshots bruki made of it.
Bruki :bruki:
Here is the dress I was referring to, as seen on an extra at the Meryton Assembly Ball in P&P95 (ep. 1).
P.S. LOL, I just noticed in my misc. costume thread that I had also spotted this same dress on Natasha Little as Becky Sharpe in Vanity Fair 1998.
This costume from P&P seems to match the costume you spotted in A Royal Scandal, so it seems that there are two different costumes after all!
Looking through some old postings, I noticed that an actress in Vanity Fair 2004 wears this dress too.
Adminette - 05.04.2011, 21:51
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
Looking through some old postings, I noticed that an actress in Vanity Fair 2004 wears this dress too.
which one do you mean?
i've found timothy west's crown from "ever after" (1998) again on claudius (donald sumpter) in "rosencrantz an guildenstern are dead" from 1990.
plus: the baret on this henry, which ever one's of david starkey's documentary henry VIIIs he may be, looks like it originates from "anne of the thousand days", seen on richard burton's henry VIII and on others of starkey's henrys. although i'm not entirely convinced as the starkey pics are so small and the shapes formed by rows of pearls on burton look differently, as does the entire shape of the cap and the dimension of the trimmings. but the starkey's wear the same cap, of that i am sure.
- -
maisy - 05.04.2011, 22:11
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: which one do you mean? In Vanity fair 04, the lady in the background with the long black gloves. (Isn't that the same dress seen on Natasha Little in Vanity fair 98?)
Nice royal spotting, Anna. :-)
Geraldine McEwan as Jane Marple in Marple: The Body in the Library (2004) wears a hat previously seen on Fiona Lawrence as Beth Cairey in Campion: Look to the Lady (1989).
Remember this shawl you posted to Maggie's website? Doran Godwin as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 72, and Rosanna Lavelle as Lady Middleton in S&S 2008. Here is the same shawl on Jean Anderson as Belle Lafcadio in Campion: Death of a Ghost (1989).
-- --
hi-res image from S&S 08
Adminette - 08.04.2011, 17:49
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: which one do you mean? In Vanity fair 04, the lady in the background with the long black gloves. (Isn't that the same dress seen on Natasha Little in Vanity fair 98?)
sorry, but i don't think so. the skirt seems plaincolored rather than striped, doesn't it?
what's campion about?
attentive spotting of the hat. i think, there are as many reused early 20th century costumes in all those marple and poirot films as there are in the austens and dickens. only, i don't watch them that carefully. or more than once. and maybe also, because i somewhat know those clothes by sight from actual older people and thus do not tend to find them as exotic and attention catching. :nixweiss:
maisy - 08.04.2011, 20:50
Zitat: sorry, but i don't think so. the skirt seems plaincolored rather than striped, doesn't it?'re right. (What was I thinking?) lol @ myself :lol:
Zitat: what's campion about?
It's another detective series, but not as quaint as Poirot or Marple. The main character is quite eccentric, and the stories and characters have a highly-stylized feel. It's kind of hit-or-miss: some episodes are very entertaining while others are not.
Zitat: i somewhat know those clothes by sight from actual older people and thus do not tend to find them as exotic and attention catching. :nixweiss:
P.S. Check your private messages.
Bruki - 14.04.2011, 12:02
Kuckt mal, welche Restauratorin hier welche Kleider durch London paradiert :rofl:...
Bruki :bruki:
PS: Das ist aus der neuen BBC-Serie "If Walls Could Talk - The History of the Home"...
...und hier ist noch ein Kleid aus der Serie (in detail)...
Adminette - 14.04.2011, 15:47
nu, ich kenne weder restauratorin noch kleid. but... and there is a but in it: here's another dress worn by amanda hale as mrs. rackham in "the crimson petal and the white" that was previously worn by nan st george/carla cugino before in "the buccaneers" (1995).
and i'm not entirely sure as the picture quality's not much. but i think the bedroom wall paper in sugars new lodgings might be the same one seen before in "north and south" (especially chosen by the hale ladies for the new drawing room) 2004 , "lilies" (2007), "the secret life of mrs. beeton" (2006) and "the young victoria" (2009).
- - -
maisy - 14.04.2011, 20:30
Oh Good, anna. I just finished watching The Crimson Petal pt. 2 and recognized Nan's dress too. So glad you posted it. (I'll re-post your images in the other forum, so kiteflier sees them.) :-)
maisy - 21.04.2011, 01:51
Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997) and Gabrielle Lloyd as Felicite in Madame Bovary (1975).
Adminette - 03.05.2011, 19:14
i know, we've had some of those girlish red capes before. did we mention, that emily (elizabeth hurran) from 2003s "in search of the brontës" wears the cape seen before on louisa musgrove (emma roberts) in the 1996 "persuasion"?
maisy - 03.05.2011, 23:30
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i know, we've had some of those girlish red capes before. did we mention, that emily (elizabeth hurran) from 2003s "in search of the brontës" wears the cape seen before on louisa musgrove (emma roberts) in the 1996 "persuasion"?
No, we had not examined this cape before. Lovely! And thanks for the reminder about the Brontë documentary; I've had it bookmarked on Youtube for a long time (more than a year!) and had forgotten all about it. I'm watching it right now and it's quite good. :-)
maisy - 11.05.2011, 14:19
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this dinner guest in P&P 1980 is wearing the same necklace as Samantha Bond as Mrs. Weston in Emma 96-tv.
I've spotted this necklace again. Here it is on Geraldine Alexander as Marianne Nicholson in Florence Nightingale (1985). The same necklace also appears on an extra in I Remember Nelson (1982). (Lower right corner of image)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in a street scene in ep. 5 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wears a red plaid dress later seen on Selena Griffiths as Caroline Tompkinson in series one of Cranford (2007).
Seen here on a street extra in ep. 5 of Dombey & Son (1983).
This plaid dress also appears on an extra in The Old Curiosity Shop (1979).
The same red plaid dress appears on an extra playing the Nightingale's servant in Florence Nightingale (1985).
maisy - 15.05.2011, 02:49
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I'm pretty sure this plaid cape worn by Mali Harries as Ann Rood in Byron (2003) is the same one worn by Lilo Bauer as Hortense, Lady Dedlock's maid, in Bleak House (2005).
I also spotted this cape on Christine Anderson as Mrs. Walton in The Rag Nymph (1997).
I've spotted the cape again, on Joanna Scanlan as Bessie in Jane Eyre (1997).
Adminette - 15.05.2011, 17:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Jodhi May as Mrs. Weston wears a spencer previously seen on Lady Elizabeth Devonport in Regency House Party.
I also found this spencer in Vanity Fair 98, on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp. And Lady Devonport must have shared this spencer with another chaperone, Mrs. Rosemary Enright, during Regency House Party.
the spencer was possibly worn as well by an extra in the pump rooms in ITVs 2007 persuasion (left, behind anne/sally hawkins), am not entirly sure, though.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The wedding attire worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) was previously seen on Annabelle Apsion as Emma Micawber in ep. 1 of Micawber (2001).
the bonnet on mariana belcombe/anna madeley was also worn in the most rescent version of persuasion by mrs. clay/mary stockeley
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Blue floral waistcoat on Henry Cavill as Albert Mondego in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) and an extra in Byron (2003).
do you think, this might be the same waistcoat worn by the netherfield ball extra in the background of "pride and prejudice 05"?
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I immediately recognized Aunt Lister/Gemma Jones's gold trimmed evening gown as one worn by Chaperone/Hostess Mrs. Rogers in Regency House Party (2004).
here it is worn by lady dalrymple/tilly tremayne in ITV's persuasion.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. augusta elton née hawkins (christina cole) has even more pink in her closet than emma. ouhhhff! exhausting. but for her first outing she wears this very bonnet, royaled by emily blunts young victoria. her yellow, a bit clownish looking spencer is great! i wonder, were they've found it.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I thought the yellow spencer was a nice touch too. I have no idea where they found it, but I recognize the dress. Francesca Martin wore it in The Regency House Party (2004). You might recall hearing her talk about how she didn't know how to sew, and she was afraid she would ruin the dress. Miss Martin and Miss Connick were the ladies who did not purchase new gowns for the ball; they added new trimmings to their "old" dresses. The 1st image is Miss Martin sewing the new trim on the gown, in preparation for the ball on RHP. The second image is what the gown looked like before the trim was added. Incidentally, Miss Martin did not wear this gown to the ball after all; she wore a pink gown instead.
I also found this dress in Vanity Fair 98, on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp.
I made a screen cap of Francesca Martin wearing this dress in RHP.
Also found in Supersizers Go: Regency (2008) worn by Sue Perkins.
this dress was worn by a bystanding extra (left side) in the upper picture of "persuasion".
maisy - 15.05.2011, 18:24
Anna, these are great. I'm really enjoying them. :-)
(deleted information on brown spencer -- I see you have edited/corrected.) :-)
I'm not sure about the blue vest/waistcoat. It's so difficult to tell! :-)
Adminette - 15.05.2011, 18:45
not yet finished :wink:
here's the bonnet originating from one persuasion's mrs. clay (1995) to another persuasion's (2007) pump room extra:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
bonnet und spencer von mrs clay (ausgerechnet) / persuasion 1995 - bonnet auf mrs frank churchill in der GP emma / bonnet und spencer on fanny dorrit
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: pfirsichfarbenes kleid an becky sharp/natasha little (vanity fair 1997) und an zenobia? na jedenfalls der unfeinen jungen dame aus "to the ends of the earth"
this might be the same dress on mary musgrove/amanda hale in ITV's persuasion.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anyway, i think mr. bennet/hugh bonneville from lost in austen wears mr. louis trevelyans/oliver dimsdales (he knew he was right) dressing gown.
here it is in trevor nunn's "twelft night" (1996) on nigel hawthorne as malvolio.
and last but not least, i've put two'n two together:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: back to some more formal chic: some gowns that are in aristocrats and in fanny hill 2007:
frock worn by horace wallpole (? actor uncredited) and that very enthusiastic father, whose son was to be "educated" by fanny.
I've recently been watching Aristocrats again, and the character wearing that coat is George Selwyn (played by Frank Kelly) who is introduced to Lady Sarah in the same scene with Horace Walpole. The character wearing the coat in Fanny Hill is Tim Wallers as Mr. Harding.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: carpet-like ensemble worn by valmont/john malkovich in DL and by lord kildare/ben daniels in aristocrats. or so i think. still have to find fuller view of it on valmont.
valmonts ensemble might not be the same, but i'm pretty positive, that lord kildare's (aristocrats) is the one seen later (2007) in "fanny hill" - and, strangely enough, again on horace walpole in aristocrats.
maisy - 17.05.2011, 01:14
Geraldine Alexander as Marianne Nicholson in Florence Nightingale (1985) and Julie Cox as Dora Spenlow in David Copperfield (2000).
An extra in Florence Nightingale (1985) wears a floral and pale green stripe silk gown later seen on Emily Hamilton as Agnes Wickfield in David Copperfield (2000).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This aquamarine gown, worn by Poppy Miller/Isabella Knightley in Emma 09, was previously worn by an extra at the London ball in S&S 08.
Also on Sue Perkins in The Supersizers Go: Regency (2008).
P.S. I just noticed your second post on Persuasion 2007's costumes. Very nice. :-)
Mrs. Clay's bonnet, yes I had noticed that before. There's a discussion about that bonnet in a Persuasion thread on the other website. :-)
maisy - 19.05.2011, 21:00
Valerie Whittington as Emily Wardle in The Pickwick Papers (1985) and Joanna Page as Dora Spenlow in David Copperfield (1999).
maisy - 24.05.2011, 20:44
I've found this costume in another title. Here it is in Cribb: Invitation to a Dynamite Party (1981), worn by Jeananne Crowley as Rossanna McGee.
maisy - 26.05.2011, 13:09
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The first image shows the livery worn by Nicholas Warleggan's footmen at the Truro Ball in the original Poldark series (1975), episode 6. The second and third images are Lord and Lady Grenville's footmen wearing the same livery, as seen in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Here is the same livery, this time in BBC's 1972 mini series War and Peace (ep. 1).
I've found the same livery yet again, this time seen in BBC's four-part mini series Madame Bovary (1975), starring Francesca Annis. Here the livery is worn by extras playing the footmen at the marquis' ball in episode one.
The same livery also appears in an episode from the first series of the original Upstairs, Downstairs: I Dies from Love (1972), worn by Tom Marshall as William, Mrs. Van Groeben's footman (a memorable and tragic episode!).
maisy - 30.05.2011, 21:21
This is a good example illustrating how lighting can affect how the color of the costume appears on film. It's hard to believe, at first glance, that these images are of the same costume. Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
maisy - 31.05.2011, 21:13
I spotted this one last night while re-watching He Knew He Was Right.
Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997) and Amy Marston as Priscilla Stanbury in He Knew He Was Right (2004).
Adminette - 31.05.2011, 21:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
that's a cool one. but are you sure it's all due to lighting? that would be a really crass difference. could it not be due to dyeing?
maisy - 01.06.2011, 01:27
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: that's a cool one. but are you sure it's all due to lighting? that would be a really crass difference. could it not be due to dyeing?
A good question. :-)
The reason why I think it's lighting (and perhaps color filtering or some other movie magic) is that everything in that short scene appears tinted that way. See how the man and his costume look different? (lighting, coloring) It's because he is standing in a beam of sunlight.
I also spotted the following costume while watching He Knew He Was Right last evening.
Here is Barbara Flynn as Mrs. French in He Knew He Was Right (2004) wearing what appears to be a perfect match for this costume seen on the cover art of an audiobook download version of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. According to some fans of N&S04, the woman pictured on the packaging is the character Margaret Hale as portrayed by actress Rosalind Shanks in the 1975 BBC adaptation of North and South.
Adminette - 01.06.2011, 16:04
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Barbara Flynn as Mrs. French in He Knew He Was Right (2004) wearing what appears to be a perfect match for this costume seen on the cover art of an audiobook download version of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. According to some fans of N&S04, the woman pictured on the packaging is the character Margaret Hale as portrayed by actress Rosalind Shanks in the 1975 BBC adaptation of North and South.
hey. that's even cooler. i would so like to see the old N&S version. i remember having googled rosalind shanks some time ago, to make sure the picture shows the 75 margaret hale. according to other pictures of the actress i would say, it's definitly her. pity there are only two pictures to be found of the the old production. the other one beeing patrick stewart with hair, looking a little unfamiliar but nothing like a huge big revelation of a thornton.
as to the lighting of the pelisse: i would still argue, that it might have been dyed to make the really stark pink colour bearable for the modern viewers eye :wink: i am not sure, that any amount of lighting or filter in front of the lense would be able to reduce the pink in that way, while other blue and red colours remain largely naturalistic, as visible in the painting on the wall between the actors.
maisy - 01.06.2011, 18:10
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i would so like to see the old N&S version.
Me too. I've read that there's a BBC studio library in London where one can watch old tv episodes such as this, by request.
Zitat: the other one beeing patrick stewart with hair, looking a little unfamiliar but nothing like a huge big revelation of a thornton.
LOl, I know what you mean. It was a bit of a shock seeing that image of Stewart, after having seen images of his physique as Oberon for the RSC. :wink:
Zitat: as to the lighting of the pelisse: i would still argue, that it might have been dyed to make the really stark pink colour bearable for the modern viewers eye :wink: i am not sure, that any amount of lighting or filter in front of the lense would be able to reduce the pink in that way, while other blue and red colours remain largely naturalistic, as visible in the painting on the wall between the actors.
Okay, you've convinced me. :-)
maisy - 02.06.2011, 14:52
Another costume from He Knew He Was Right:
Here is Carey Mulligan as Ada Clare in Bleak House (2005) wearing a dress seen the previous year on Claudie Blakley as Camilla French in He Knew He Was Right (2004)
maisy - 03.06.2011, 01:50
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997) and Gabrielle Lloyd as Felicite in Madame Bovary (1975).
And again on Anne Stallybrass as Anne Onedin in series 1 of The Onedin Line (1971).
maisy - 06.06.2011, 13:43
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
Adminette - 07.06.2011, 22:54
i have found this dress again. as freshly blue as it looks, it dates back as far as 1981 where it was worn in "the french lieutenant's woman" by ernestina, jeremy iron's finacee/lynsey baxter.
maisy - 08.06.2011, 13:06
Hey, that's a great find. Nice job. :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Barbara Flynn as Mrs. French in He Knew He Was Right (2004) wearing what appears to be a perfect match for this costume seen on the cover art of an audiobook download version of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. According to some fans of N&S04, the woman pictured on the packaging is the character Margaret Hale as portrayed by actress Rosalind Shanks in the 1975 BBC adaptation of North and South.
I've spotted the plaid dress again on Christine Kavanagh as Rosina Lagrange in The Glass Virgin (1995).
maisy - 08.06.2011, 19:09
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Blue floral waistcoat on Henry Cavill as Albert Mondego in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) and an extra in Byron (2003).
do you think, this might be the same waistcoat worn by the netherfield ball extra in the background of "pride and prejudice 05"?
I knew I had posted this waistcoat before. I just found it in a Byron thread on the other website, dated 15 July 2009.
Zitat: A male extra in Byron (2002) (left, background) wears a waistcoat found in several productions.
Albert Mondego (Henry Cavill) in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Now, if only I could remember where else I've seen this! :)
I found it....on an extra at the Netherfield ball in 2005's P&P.
Adminette - 09.06.2011, 16:48
ahh. that's why it felt so familiar... tell me, are you able to reach the "recycled movie costumes" site? because i'm only relocated to some debt consolidation site. same with serveral other blogs. maybe the blog provider dropped? :nixweiss:
maisy - 09.06.2011, 21:23
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ahh. that's why it felt so familiar... tell me, are you able to reach the "recycled movie costumes" site? because i'm only relocated to some debt consolidation site. same with serveral other blogs. maybe the blog provider dropped? :nixweiss:
It was out for approx. 24 hours, but I noticed it came back up about an hour or so ago. LOL, I really missed it during that 24 hours! :lol:
maisy - 11.06.2011, 01:10
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The bassinet used by Susan Hampshire for her son, Lord Silverbridge in The Pallisers is the same one used in Emma 1972.
There is a similar bassinet in The Barchester Chronicles.
I also noticed that the same bassinet from The Pallisers and Emma appears again the BBC's 1975 mini series Madame Bovary starring Francesca Annis.
This prop also appeared in series 1 of the original Poldark (1975), at Nampara, for baby Julia Poldark. And in series 2 of Poldark (1977) for baby Ursula Warleggan, at Penrice.
The same cradle appears again in The Cazalets (2001), for Zoe's baby.
Look what I've found again. Here it is in Cambridge Spies (2003), used for the son of Donald Maclean (Rupert Penry-Jones).
And here it is again, cradling the future king in Edward the Seventh (1975), and at Hartfield in Emma (1996-tv), for Isabella Knightley's baby, Emma.
And again, in The Forsyte Saga (2002), used for baby Fleur (sans bonnet).
That makes eleven productions! (Sorry, I know you don't like this piece.) :wink:
maisy - 11.06.2011, 20:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
I think this might be the same gown, but I'm not sure. This is an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1995.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
I think this is also the same gown, worn by Geraldine James as Emma, Lady Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982). I think this is the same costume, seen here on Irene Richard as Maria Fitzherbert in A Royal Scandal (1996).
I believe I have found it again, on an extra at the Assembly Rooms in Persuasion (1995).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate David as Bessie, Mrs. Reid's house maid in Jane Eyre (1983), wears this print dress seen a few years earlier on Priscilla Morgan as Mrs. Bennet in P&P80. Also seen a few years later on Elisabeth Barat as Maria, Lady Caroline's maid, in Duel of Hearts (1991).
--- ---
This same costume appears again, on Mrs. Rook (Mrs. Smith's nurse) in Persuasion (1995).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Do you think Jenny Agutter as Nancy Lammeter in Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe (1985) might be wearing the same necklace? (With matching earrings!)
I think the same earrings are worn by Amanda Root as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1995).
maisy - 12.06.2011, 00:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Barbara Flynn as Mrs. French in He Knew He Was Right (2004) wearing what appears to be a perfect match for this costume seen on the cover art of an audiobook download version of North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell. According to some fans of N&S04, the woman pictured on the packaging is the character Margaret Hale as portrayed by actress Rosalind Shanks in the 1975 BBC adaptation of North and South.
I've spotted the plaid dress again on Christine Kavanagh as Rosina Lagrange in The Glass Virgin (1995).
I wanted to check this film earlier this week but couldn't get the DVD until today. Here is Jaclyn Smith as Florence Nightingale in Florence Nightingale (1985).
P.S. I have also updated my post on the previous page with yet another sighting if the famous bassinet. :wink:
Adminette - 12.06.2011, 15:20
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: last but not least for today: gown on sophie thompson as mrs. hogarth in "a harlot's progress" and on mrs. dickinson (i think it's her, but i couldn't find an actress listed for such a part) in the beginning of the second episode of "john adams".
i believe the dress was also to be seen on an extra behind lady elizabeth foster/hayley atwell in "the duchess" during her first meeting with said duchess in bath. unfortunazely i do not have sharper piccies.
maisy - 14.06.2011, 00:01
Claire Bloom as Fanny Nightingale (Florence's mother) in Florence Nightingale (1985), Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997), and Jodhi May as "Miss" in The Turn of the Screw (1999).
--- ---
Jodhi May also wears the blue jacket, seen above on Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997), in another scene from The Turn of the Screw (1999).
maisy - 15.06.2011, 15:36
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in Oliver Twist (1999) wears an orange-ish pelisse seen two years later on Annabelle Apsion as Mrs. Emma Micawber in Micawber (2001).
The orange pelisse likely originated in P&P-95, on Alison Steadman as Mrs. Bennet. (Images from the "digitally restored" DVD of P&P-95 -- quite an improvement, eh?)
maisy - 17.06.2011, 13:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rosalind March as Miss Knag in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a dress also seen on an extra in Middlemarch 1994.
A sighting of this costume from an earlier production: Margaret Ward as Mrs. Nupkins in The Pickwick Papers ep. 7 (1985).
maisy - 17.06.2011, 18:14
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The other day I was watching Granada Television's 1997 documentary, Victoria and Albert, and realized that Louise Rea as Queen Victoria wears a costume I had previously seen on Beatie Edney as Louisa Gradgrind in Hard Times (1994).
Here is the same costume again, on an uncredited actress playing Martha Bannaman's companion, Miss Freeman, in A Dinner of Herbs (2000).
maisy - 21.06.2011, 03:13
Sam Spruell as Lord Newcastle in ep. 4 of City of Vice (2008) wearing a coat previously seen on Tom Mullion as Thomas Conolly in Aristocrats (1999).
maisy - 22.06.2011, 03:19
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Actress in Napoléon (2002) wears this familiar velvet costume we have seen before.
Here is the same costume, used in the ITV/Masterpiece Theatre co-production series, The Bretts (1987). This is Belinda Lang as Martha Brett, in costume for the role of Empress Josephine for a silent film production that features in the plot of episode 5, "Moving Pictures".
maisy - 25.06.2011, 23:00
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
And here's the proof that it was a dye job after all. :wink:
Christina Cole as Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008).
Adminette - 22.07.2011, 14:49
almost a whole month without reused numbers? this... has got to stop! thank heavens for the BBC :wink:
i think claire foy as helen giniver wears the same dressing gown in this year's "the night watch" that was seen before on ruth wilson as queenie in "small island" (2009).
maisy - 26.07.2011, 21:51
LOL anna. Nice spotting. :)
Here is Kathleen Harrison as Henerietty Boffin in BBC's 1976 mini series of Our Mutual Friend wearing an ensemble seen 21 years later on Val McLane as Aggie Winkovski in The Rag Nymph (1997).
Adminette - 04.08.2011, 15:27
i think, i've scried this dress again. it will be seen later this year on a courtier at young elizabeth's court in "anonymous".
maisy - 05.08.2011, 18:52
Nice one, Anna. I'm looking forward to this film.
Did you notice that we have a new member? Katie has joined the forum. Welcome, Katie! :lshow:
Just wondering if either of you have ever watched the fete episodes of Mapp & Lucia (1985)? The first episode, called Village Fete, has a couple of Shakespearean costumes in it. I think those same costumes, along with many others, appear in the following episode called Battle Stations.
maisy - 06.08.2011, 16:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
And here's the proof that it was a dye job after all. :wink:
Christina Cole as Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008).
Can you believe that this pelisse was dyed a second time, after it was worn in LOST IN AUSTEN? I'm pretty certain it was dyed again, to this shade of (Venetian?) red; possibly it was dyed this color specifically for The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010). I believe this is the same costume, worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe. Madeley wore at least two costumes in this shade of red for the production. (NOTE the closure button details and the cuff details in the last two images.)
Adminette - 07.08.2011, 14:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Can you believe that this pelisse was dyed a second time, after it was worn in LOST IN AUSTEN?
well. needs must, needs must. great find!
Zitat: Did you notice that we have a new member? Katie has joined the forum. Welcome, Katie!
indeed i did. although i think, katie has visited us before but was now forced to join the club due to closing the forum for the public. anyhow, of course you're welcome katie and i'd be very glad to hear (well read) from you anytime you like. :ja:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Link
hey. i haven't seen the series (or heard of it before, for that matter). but thanks for the heads up. i'd argue, that the costumes were reused from one of the feature films from the 40ies, not from the big BBC-series on shakespeare or elizabeth that were shot during the 70ies, as they had much more elaborate costumes. perhaps by the by we'll find the origins. but it's funny, that you mention the clip. just today i've stumbled upon some film-tid-bits from "east/west" which show catherine deneuve in period costumes that were most certainly reused. one's an elizabethan dress. here they are:
maisy - 08.08.2011, 00:53
Wow, those are beautiful costumes; and C. Deneuve is beautiful too (as always!).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I'm pretty certain that this ivory gown, worn by Geraldine James as Lady Emma Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982), was modified and then appeared in Little Dorrit (2008) on Ruth Jones as Flora Finching.
Also worn by an extra at the Assembly Room in Persuasion 1995, by an extra (bottom, left) in P&P 95, and by an extra at the Crown Inn Ball in Emma 96-tv.
It seems this costume wasn't modified specifically for Ruth Jones in Little Dorrit, as I have found it, already modified, in P&P 2005, on an extra at the Netherfield Ball.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Actress in Napoléon (2002) wears this white sparkly gown previously seen on Phoebe Cates as Princess Caraboo in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Also worn by an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 2005.
P.S. I guess this was my weekend for spotting modified costumes, lol. :wink:
Adminette - 14.08.2011, 00:23
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
stark pink anglaise worn by lady sarah/jodhi may in "aristocrats" and by mary collins/zoe tapper in "a harlot's progress".
here it is again on konstanze breitebner as actrice suzette natier in the first part of the gloriously bad german TV-movie "das unbezähmbare herz".
^another stark pink gown, worn by lena olin as marquise in "the night and the moment" (1995) and by gesche tebbenhoff as marquis de beaumarchais in "das unbezähmbare herz" in which the following gown:
Zitat: dress on the same woman in "aristocrats" (probably a sister in law to the lennox girls) and on mrs. hogarth/sophie thompson in a "harlot's progress"
can be seen as a whole and from the back:
this dress also appears on extras in "das unbezähmbare herz (1)" (2004) and "the duchess" (2009):
i'll leave the rest for tomorrow :wink:
Adminette - 14.08.2011, 18:27
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in Oliver Twist (1999) wears an orange-ish pelisse seen two years later on Annabelle Apsion as Mrs. Emma Micawber in Micawber (2001).
the extra from oliver twist wears the same bonnet, freema agyeman's tattycoram wore in 2008's "little dorrit"
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've found some 18th century gowns too.
Lady Emily/Geraldine Somerville in Aristocrats and Catherine II/Emily Bruni in the BBC documentary Catherine the Great (2005)
I think this might be the same costume worn by an extra near the beginning of Garrow's Law, episode 1.
Here is another view of the gown from Aristocrats, this time with the same stomacher seen in Garrow's Law.
here it is again on bettina zimmerman as angelique labiche in "das unbezähmbare herz". it looks a tad more voluminous around the torso, even though zimmerman isn't. plus the picture quality is... as you see it. but i think, it's the same dress.
maisy - 14.08.2011, 18:55
There are great, anna. :-)
MTA: I had taken another screen shot a while ago of the same extra in episode 2 of Garrow's Law (series 1, 2009). This image shows more of the stomacher.
maisy - 27.08.2011, 15:30
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The first image shows the livery worn by Nicholas Warleggan's footmen at the Truro Ball in the original Poldark series (1975), episode 6. The second and third images are Lord and Lady Grenville's footmen wearing the same livery, as seen in The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982).
Here is the same livery, this time in BBC's 1972 mini series War and Peace (ep. 1).
I've found the same livery yet again, this time seen in BBC's four-part mini series Madame Bovary (1975), starring Francesca Annis. Here the livery is worn by extras playing the footmen at the marquis' ball in episode one.
The same livery also appears in an episode from the first series of the original Upstairs, Downstairs: I Dies from Love (1972), worn by Tom Marshall as William, Mrs. Van Groeben's footman (a memorable and tragic episode!).
I think I have discovered which production this livery originates from. Here it is in 1968 in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, worn by the many footmen (12, I think) in Baron Bomburst's castle. (Nearly everything is purple!)
The purple livery turns up yet again in Anna Karenina (2012).
maisy - 29.08.2011, 02:24
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Christopher Biggins as Osborne Whitworth in Poldark 1977 (ep. 11) wearing a floral suit later seen on an extra about to be guillotined in The Scarlet Pimpernel 1982.
Also worn by an extra in The Bounty (1984).
maisy - 29.08.2011, 14:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here's an Emma 09 costume
Mrs. Bates wears Mrs. Norris' dress from Mansfield park 2007.
This dress is also worn by Ashley Jensen as Maggie Jacobs in Extras: Ross Kemp (2005).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i believe, lady althorpe (jacqueline pearce) is wearing in that very scene from princess caraboo a dress, that is also on vanessa redgrave in byron and on the paintress elisabth vigee lebrun in french&saunders' "let them eat cake".
I think this might be the same gown, but I'm not sure. This is an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1995.
I think this is also the same gown, worn by Geraldine James as Emma, Lady Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982).
I think this is the same costume, seen here on Irene Richard as Maria Fitzherbert in A Royal Scandal (1996).
I believe I have found it again, on an extra at the Assembly Rooms in Persuasion (1995).
Here it is again, on Natasha Little playing (an actress playing) Lady Hamilton in Extras: Ross Kemp (2005).
P.S. I've made new screencaps of this costume from Princess Caraboo (1994).
and Maggie Steed in Let Them Eat Cake: The Portrait (1999).
I've also spotted it in Sense and Sensibility (1995) worn by an extra playing Miss Grey's companion at the London ball.
maisy - 29.08.2011, 19:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PS: the spencer at least is not used on anna madeley again but on another actress.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Eileen O'Higgins as Miss Martin #1 in Emma (2009) wears a Spencer to Harriet's wedding that was previously seen on Lisa Braund in The Regency House Party (2004). Anna Madeley/Lucy Steele wears the same Spencer in S&S 08.
I think this is Anna Madeley in Ann Lister wearing the same spencer she wore in S&S 2008.
Perhaps this spencer was originally made for Lucy Briers as Mary Bennet in P&P 1995?
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rosamund Stephen as Henrietta Musgrove in Persuasion 2007 wears a pink velvet Spencer worn by Justine Waddell as Julia Bertram in Mansfield Park 1999.
Sarah Ovens as Miss Martin #2 in Emma (2009) is wearing the same pink Spencer.
Polly Maberly as Kitty Bennet in the same images from P&P 1995 is wearing this pink spencer. And I've also spotted this spencer on an extra in Emma 1996-tv.
Adminette - 04.09.2011, 15:56
so many reused things from the Beebs own household. i'm really courious about the new "great expectations" and if they used at least some new pieces... :ja:
charley brown mentioned reused costumes from downton abbey and an interview snippet, where costume designer susannah buxton, poor thing, needed to defend the fact, that practically no current TV-production can afford to do every costume "from scratch" but simply has to hire and alter a good amount of them. therin she mentioned a jetbeaded gown made for nicole kidman aprox. ten years ago now reused for lady mary/michelle dockery. i wonder, if we'll find it. can only originate from "moulin rouge" or "the hours", and as moulin rouge calls for far more elegant pieces and i'd say jet beading is very elegant, i think i'll go and rewatch it sometime soon. also: the hours is quite an intelligent downer. not the right thing for me just now. :wink:
liebe grüße.
maisy - 05.09.2011, 22:02
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: charley brown mentioned reused costumes from downton abbey and an interview snippet, where costume designer susannah buxton, poor thing, needed to defend the fact, that practically no current TV-production can afford to do every costume "from scratch" but simply has to hire and alter a good amount of them.
I have wondered if the reason Buxton was put on the spot like that is due to that snarky article in the Daily Mail last January? I wonder if that's what started it?
Zitat: therin she mentioned a jetbeaded gown made for nicole kidman aprox. ten years ago now reused for lady mary/michelle dockery. i wonder, if we'll find it. can only originate from "moulin rouge" or "the hours", and as moulin rouge calls for far more elegant pieces and i'd say jet beading is very elegant, i think i'll go and rewatch it sometime soon.
I've never seen Moulin Rouge. Go for it, anna. I hope you spot something that looks familiar from DA. :-)
Zitat: also: the hours is quite an intelligent downer. not the right thing for me just now. :wink:
liebe grüße.
Now you know why I have only watched it once. :wink:
maisy - 07.09.2011, 20:37
Thanks to a tip posted by a visitor on Katie's website, I spotted Uma Thurman as Maid Marian wearing this costume for the betrothal scene in Robin Hood (1991), and Ione Skye as Eleanor Grey in (episode six of) Covington Cross: Blinded Passions (1992).
maisy - 12.09.2011, 01:24
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: the pink salmon gown worn by lady motley/jerry hall in "princess caraboo" shows up again on an extra at the highbury ball in ITVs emma
Jerry Hall as Lady Motley in Princess Caraboo (1994) was wearing a recycled gown! :wink:
Here it is three years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
Another view of Jerry Hall
Adminette - 12.09.2011, 12:11
what is covington cross?
i have one typical case of type-costuming: in both, zefirellis jane eyre (1996) and in ITV's jane eyre (1997) blanche ingram (either elle macpherson or abigail cruttenden) rode into the scene wearing the very same showy, posh and purple riding habit.
as to their mothers, i'm not certain but i believe miranda forbes, the lady ingram of the zefirelli movie, might wear this dress as well, only with another canezou. mrs. jamieson (barbara flynn, cranford, 2006) wore it with the very same canezou as richenda carey as lady ingram, but in 2006 the meander ornament at the front seams of the skirt (still visible in the first two pictures of the dress on katie's site) a have disappeared.
- -
maisy - 12.09.2011, 14:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: what is covington cross?
Wikipedia has a description. It's actually not bad (except for Ione Skye). I watched it because a visitor on Katie's website posted that she had seen the costume in both productions. You can see episodes of CC on YouTube.
I believe you are correct about that black dress in Jane Eyre. And did you notice the dog wearing a matching outfit in Cranford? LOL :lol:
Adminette - 12.09.2011, 22:33
here's a lovely velvet jacket in a great shade of blue seen on lucy whybrow as lucy deane in "the mill on the floss" (1997) and on jennie jaques ans annie miller in "desperate romantics" (2009)
grey dress worn by emily watson as maggie tulliver in "the mill on the floss" and frances o'connor as emma bovary in.. well "madame bovary" (2000)
paisley gown worn by charlotte attenborough as mary rivers in zefirelli's jane eyre (1996) and by cheryl campbell as lucy tulliver, mill on the floss, 1997.
i think, this is not the same dress on jessica turner as jane glegg in the mill on the floss and on jane booker as aunt shaw in north & south (2004), but it certainly seems to be the same fabric.
Adminette - 12.09.2011, 23:24
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I recall you mentioning that you have Madame Bovary (2000), so perhaps if you have time, you might check this costume for me, and make some screencaps?
I think this blue dress, worn by Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) might have been made for Geraldine James for the cinematic film All Forgotten (2000).
here, on emily watson as maggie tulliver in "the mill on the floss" from 1997, is a dress very similar to the one on frances o'connor as emma bovary (2000) but the jacket is shorter than the one on geraldine james (only maximum 5 buttons in a row and the lace collar is not sewn to the neckline of the dress) so :nixweiss:
dress on joanna david as sophy deane in "the mill on the floss" and on lesley manville as mrs. hale in "north and south" (i remember i had prepared that once before, but i couldn't find it in the thread).
maisy - 13.09.2011, 01:13
Wow Anna! I really enjoyed looking at your screen captures. Great finds.
That blue dress is a puzzler, indeed. :-)
Here is a new screenshot I took of Cheryl Campbell as Bessy Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (2000) (from the DVD).
The dress worn by Cheryl Campbell as Bessy Tulliver looks very much like this one (Maybe you could check it?): maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The other day I was watching Granada Television's 1997 documentary, Victoria and Albert, and realized that Louise Rea as Queen Victoria wears a costume I had previously seen on Beatie Edney as Louisa Gradgrind in Hard Times (1994).
Here is the same costume again, on an uncredited actress playing Martha Bannaman's companion, Miss Freeman, in A Dinner of Herbs (2000).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra at the Crown Ball wears a plaid dress previously worn by Julia Davis/Elizabeth ELliot in Persuasion 2007.
extra at the scottish open-air ball in st. ives '98
I've spotted this plaid dress again, on an extra at the London ball in Sense and Sensibility (1995). (On the left side of the image.)
Also, I've found that ivory gown again, so I'm editing my post near the top of this page with one more sighting from S&S95.
Adminette - 13.09.2011, 14:44
found this dress again on an extra in "the golden bowl" (2000), the other picture shows the dress from behind on maria bertram/michelle ryan in mansfield park 2007.
as to mama tulliver's dress: looks the same to me. :ja:
maisy - 13.09.2011, 21:35
Nice one on that striped dress in The Golden Bowl. :-)
And thanks for checking the dress from Mill on the Floss. I thought it was probably the same one. Glad you confirmed it. :-)
Adminette - 14.09.2011, 11:08
und fast alles sehr chic und noch immer tragbar. bis auf die 1910er. und natürlich ein gros der 70er. daran war offenbar so garnix zeitloses :ürks:
maisy - 16.09.2011, 17:43
If you still have Jane Eyre 1996 at hand, I'm pretty sure this costume appears in the scene shortly after the Ingram party arrives at Thornfield. First when they are dancing in the garden, and again during the scene the morning after Mason's attack, when the Ingrams are in the sitting room. I'm not sure who wears it, but it's not Blanche.
Adminette - 16.09.2011, 18:27
good catch, i remember the dress you mean and will check back.
maisy - 17.09.2011, 01:36
These waistcoats might/might not be the same costume, but at the very least they are made from the same fabric. Jim Broadbent as Mr. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994) and Ian MacNeice as Mr. Limbkins in Oliver Twist (2005).
Adminette - 18.09.2011, 15:50
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: If you still have Jane Eyre 1996 at hand, I'm pretty sure this costume appears in the scene shortly after the Ingram party arrives at Thornfield. First when they are dancing in the garden, and again during the scene the morning after Mason's attack, when the Ingrams are in the sitting room. I'm not sure who wears it, but it's not Blanche.
here it is on one of the extras.
here's a necklace worn by jaqueline bisset as countess andrenyi in "murder at the orient express" (1974) an by laura pyper as jane fairfax in "emma" (2009)
more later.
Adminette - 19.09.2011, 22:22
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: If you still have Jane Eyre 1996 at hand, I'm pretty sure this costume appears in the scene shortly after the Ingram party arrives at Thornfield. First when they are dancing in the garden, and again during the scene the morning after Mason's attack, when the Ingrams are in the sitting room. I'm not sure who wears it, but it's not Blanche.
here it is on one of the extras.
here's a necklace worn by jaqueline bisset as countess andrenyi in "murder at the orient express" (1974) an by laura pyper as jane fairfax in "emma" (2009)
more later.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: good catch! apropos emma: here's one of mr. knightley's/johnny lee millers paisley waistcoats, definitely seen before on ralph fiennes as eugen onegin.
here it is again on tom hiddleston/mr. plumtre in "miss austen regrets" (2008).
anna hat folgendes geschrieben: arguably the same, due to the different lighting and it's effect on the structure: a spanish wall/screen made out of leather or lincrusta seen in thornefield zefirellis jane eyre (1996) and in onegins distinctly english looking country estate in eugen onegin (1998)
and here is it again, surely covering something unsuitably modern in jane eyre 1997.
light blue dress on lucy whybrow as lucy deane in "the mill on the floss" (1997) and on zoe tapper as selina dawes in "affinity" (2008).
maisy - 22.09.2011, 02:24
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Caroline Corrie as Louisa Catherine Adams in John Adams: Peacefield (2008) (ep. 7) wears a dress seen the previous year on Bernadette McKenna as Mrs. Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 2007.
Here is the same costume, on another wedding guest / extra in Wuthering Heights (2009).
I think this costume might have originated in Copying Beethoven (2006). Here it is on Diane Kruger as Anna Holtz.
And here's a hi-resolution image.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Also in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997), Jane Sharpe (Abigail Cruttenden) wears a yellow Spencer previously seen on Sarah Dubreton (Helena Michell) in Sharpe's Enemy (1994).
I've spotted this costume again, too; here it is on an extra in Copying Beethoven (2006).
maisy - 22.09.2011, 03:06
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I knew I had posted this waistcoat before. I just found it in a Byron thread on the other website, dated 15 July 2009.
A male extra in Byron (2002) (left, background) wears a waistcoat found in several productions.
Albert Mondego (Henry Cavill) in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Now, if only I could remember where else I've seen this! :)
I found it....on an extra at the Netherfield ball in 2005's P&P.
Here is the same waistcoat on Unax Ugalde as Ángel Bilbatúa in Goya's Ghosts (2006).
maisy - 22.09.2011, 20:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: These waistcoats might/might not be the same costume, but at the very least they are made from the same fabric. Jim Broadbent as Mr. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994) and Ian MacNeice as Mr. Limbkins in Oliver Twist (2005).
Christopher Benjamin as Sir William Lucas in P&P95 wearing the same waistcoat seen above on Jim Broadbent in Princess caraboo.
Adminette - 22.09.2011, 23:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Christopher Benjamin as Sir William Lucas in P&P95.
lovely family picture. very touching. :shock:
maisy - 23.09.2011, 00:40
lol anna. :wink:
Here's Diane Kruger as Anna Holtz in Copying Beethoven (2006) wearing a brown pelisse seen the following year on Catherine Walker as Eleanor Tilney in Northanger Abbey (2007).
And here's Carey Mulligan as Isabella Thorpe in Northanger Abbey (2007) wearing a floral print dress seen two years later on a guest at Cathy's wedding in Wuthering Heights (2009).
maisy - 24.09.2011, 00:29
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The wedding attire worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe in The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010) was previously seen on Annabelle Apsion as Emma Micawber in ep. 1 of Micawber (2001).
Also worn by an extra in Venice in Byron (2003). (The second image below is a longer view from Micawber.)
Sally Tatum as Anna Austen Lefroy in Miss Austen Regrets (2008).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: mrs. eltons pink ball gown looks very familiar to me, just can't place it somewhere now.
you were correct that Mrs. Elton's Crown Ball gown is familiar. I suddenly realized it's the same one Lucy Steele wears to the London Ball in S&S08.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i'd like to know, how many gowns mrs. elton actually wears here. so in character for her. my count stands at 3 now, which makes one more than on lucy steele/anna madeley in S&S 08. 2 gauze dresses and a pink one. the upper gauze dress is worn as a nighty/negligée by st. ives' french maitresse/cécile pallas in st. ives 98.
What do you think about this dress, worn by an extra playing the sister of Harris Bigg in Miss Austen Regrets (2008)?
EDIT: I'm pretty sure it is the same costume. Look at this hi-res image from S&S.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in Oliver Twist (1999) wears an orange-ish pelisse seen two years later on Annabelle Apsion as Mrs. Emma Micawber in Micawber (2001).
The orange pelisse likely originated in P&P-95, on Alison Steadman as Mrs. Bennet. (Images from the "digitally restored" DVD of P&P-95 -- quite an improvement, eh?)
Here it is again, on an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008).
Rosemary Enright in The Regency House Party (2004) wearing a print dress seen four years later on Sylvie Herbert as Mme. Bigeon in Miss Austen Regrets (2008).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Pennie Downie as Lady Judith Milbanke in Byron (2003) wears a paisley pelisse also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrell in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Also worn by an extra in the pump room in Persuasion 07.
I've found it again on an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008).
Adminette - 26.09.2011, 11:37
though carefully altered on lady crawley, the designs and fabrics/colours are so similar, i'm quite convinced those two are the same: day dress on uma thurman as charlotte stant in "the golden bowl" (2000) and on elizabeth mcgovern as lady crawley in "downton abbey" season 2 episode 2 (2011).
maisy - 26.09.2011, 19:31
I think you're right, anna. Great spotting. :)
What did you think about this costume I posted above from Miss Austen Regrets? Did you have a chance to compare? Just wondering if you think it might be one of the layers worn by Mrs. Elton and Lucy Steele. :)
maisy - 27.09.2011, 01:29
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Remember this shawl you posted to Maggie's website? Doran Godwin as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 72, and Rosanna Lavelle as Lady Middleton in S&S 2008. Here is the same shawl on Jean Anderson as Belle Lafcadio in Campion: Death of a Ghost (1989).
-- --
hi-res image from S&S 08
Here is a black stole that looks remarkably similar (but not quite the same) to the blue one above. This is Embeth Davidtz as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park (1999).
And here's another black stole, similar to the one in Mansfield Park, but not the same. This is Diana Rigg as Lady Harriet Vulcan in A Hazard of Hearts (1987).
And another similar sheer black shawl on Dame Peggy Ashcroft as Queen Mary in Edward & Mrs. Simpson (1978).
maisy - 01.10.2011, 03:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a blue pelisse later seen on Abigail Thaw as Jane Osborne in Vanity Fair (1998), and Deborah Findlay as Miss Phoebe in Wives and Daughters (1999).
--- ---
This is an extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville in Princess Caraboo wears a yellow and green gown to the Prince Regent's ball that is also seen in Vanity Fair 1998 on Frances Tomelty as Mrs. O'Dowd.
And Lady Neville's turban/hat from the above image appears in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) on Jacqueline Tong as Mrs. Crummles, and on an extra in Ever After (1998).
Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller wears the same yellow and green evening gown, with matching cap, in Duel of Hearts (1991).
I also spotted this costume on an extra in The Count of Monte Cristo (2002).
Here it is again, on an extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Pennie Downie as Lady Judith Milbanke in Byron (2003) wears a paisley pelisse also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrell in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Also worn by an extra in the pump room in Persuasion 07.
I've found it again on an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008).
An extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
And here's the proof that it was a dye job after all. :wink:
Christina Cole as Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008).
Can you believe that this pelisse was dyed a second time, after it was worn in LOST IN AUSTEN? I'm pretty certain it was dyed again, to this shade of (Venetian?) red; possibly it was dyed this color specifically for The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010). I believe this is the same costume, worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe. Madeley wore at least two costumes in this shade of red for the production. (NOTE the closure button details and the cuff details in the last two images.)
Flora Montgomery as Jenny Lind in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: And speaking of Catherine's gowns, can someone please explain how THIS monstrosity was chosen to appear on Felicity Jones as Catherine Moreland in Northanger Abbey 07? Oh. My. Goodness.
Guess what I found on an extra (bottom left corner) in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: If you still have Jane Eyre 1996 at hand, I'm pretty sure this costume appears in the scene shortly after the Ingram party arrives at Thornfield. First when they are dancing in the garden, and again during the scene the morning after Mason's attack, when the Ingrams are in the sitting room. I'm not sure who wears it, but it's not Blanche.
here it is on one of the extras.
Flora Montgomery as Jenny Lind in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy - 01.10.2011, 05:05
Part 2
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Susan Hampshire as Signora Madeline Neroni in The Barchester Chronicles (1982) wears a floral gown later seen on Victoria Hamitlon as Queen Victoria in Victoria & Albert (2001).
An extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and last but not least: this green striped under gown first seen on anna chancellor as caroline bingley reused in "a royal scandal as well" on bridget mcconnell as "lady"
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... only the screenshots bruki made of it.
Bruki :bruki:
Here is the dress I was referring to, as seen on an extra at the Meryton Assembly Ball in P&P95 (ep. 1).
P.S. LOL, I just noticed in my misc. costume thread that I had also spotted this same dress on Natasha Little as Becky Sharpe in Vanity Fair 1998.
This costume on an extra from P&P 95 seems to match the costume you spotted in A Royal Scandal, so it seems that there are two different costumes after all!
An extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Sarah Finch as Arabella Allen in ep. 8 of The Pickwick Papers (1985). So now we know that Molly's dress has been around as early as 1985.
I have also spotted this costume again on Carolyn Pickles as Mrs. Dickens in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
Victoria Hopkins in The Regency House Party (2004), and Emily Hamilton as Jette (who appears as Gerda in "The Snow Queen" montage) in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
I've also made a new screenshot of this costume on Emily Hamilton as Jette in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Francesca Annis as Mrs. Kirkpatrick in Wives and Daughters (1999) wears a lilac and mauve costume from Princess Caraboo 1994, worn by Annabel Brooks as Lady Neville.
Also worn by Amy Dorrit in Little Dorrit 2008.
Flora Montgomery as Jenny Lind in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: found another (more shining) example for a dress made from that fabric: it's on harriet walter in "eugen onegin" (1999).
Caroline Harker as Crown Princess in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
And finally, I think this dress on Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) is likely the same one on Zoe Tapper as Selina Dawes in Affinity (2008).
(Possibly a couple more sightings later from Hans Christian Andersen.)
maisy - 02.10.2011, 15:31
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Caroline's gown from the Darcy Disco sketch in That Mitchell and Webb Look 2009. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity Fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Also seen on an extra in Byron (2003).
also worn by an extra playing a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
i think, this is it again on an extra dancing at fanny's first ball an patricia rozema's mansfield park (1999). Here it is again, from 1994's Princess Caraboo, seen on an extra at the Prince Regent's ball.
And again, on an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991).
maisy - 04.10.2011, 22:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: French and Saunders must have reused costumes from The House of Eliott in their spoof The House of Idiot (1993). Here is Jennifer Saunders as Beatrice Idiot wearing the same jacket worn by Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott (from episode 2.2, dated 1993).
This is Eleanor Tremain as Dorothy Manners in the pilot episode of The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries: Speedy Death (1998).
Adminette - 05.10.2011, 18:09
phew. you've been busy. how's that andersen-movie for a watch?
anyway. i've been realizing, that i most certainly watch too many costume movies for too many reused costumes. why? i've startet to dream of movies, that have never been made with costumes that never graced any screen. i've even imagined a fabric with a print i probably have never actually seen before. whoo. cranky.
but while we're at it: hat seen on an extra next to miss grey in S&S 95 and on poppy miller as isabella woodhouse/knightley in emma 09
do you remember what we found out about elinors imprisonment dresses from S&S 08?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: during looking for nancy's dress, it struck me, that both edward and elinor often wear striped fabrics as to underline the imprisoned emotions.
in S&S 95 elinors dress is not only prison-bar-striped, the fabric contains at least a double-layer of squares. clear case of fierce emotional locking :wink:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: And finally, I think this dress on Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) is likely the same one on Zoe Tapper as Selina Dawes in Affinity (2008).
did we not have that one before? though i cannot find it via search (too many threadpages!) but i remember having captured it very vividly because i've found selinas dancing in that dress quite enchanting.
maisy - 05.10.2011, 22:19
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: phew. you've been busy.
Yes, husband recovering from knee surgery. Movie time. :)
Zitat: how's that andersen-movie for a watch?
I thought it was lovely (sweet little film). HCA as a character was a little odd, but charming and innocent. There are some beautiful montage scenes ("The Nightingale" in a Chinese Pavilion!!!!!).
Zitat: i've startet to dream of movies, that have never been made with costumes that never graced any screen. i've even imagined a fabric with a print i probably have never actually seen before. whoo. cranky.
LOL! Nope, not me. I'm still having a great time watching my costume films. Husband has been catching up on Inspectors Lewis and Lynley. :)
Zitat: do you remember what we found out about elinors imprisonment dresses from S&S 08?
[quote="Anna"]during looking for nancy's dress, it struck me, that both edward and elinor often wear striped fabrics as to underline the imprisoned emotions. [...]
in S&S 95 elinors dress is not only prison-bar-striped, the fabric contains at least a double-layer of squares. clear case of fierce emotional locking :wink:
Zitat: did we not have that one before? though i cannot find it via search (too many threadpages!) but i remember having captured it very vividly because i've found selinas dancing in that dress quite enchanting.
I didn't see it. At first I thought it might have been the dress on Priscilla Stanbury in He Knew He Was Right (similar fabric).
Nice find in S&S. :)
maisy - 07.10.2011, 23:08
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Elodie Kendall as Mercer Elphinstone in Byron (2003) wears this peacock ruff/collar previously worn by Megan Dodds as Marguerite De Ghent in Ever After (1998).
The gown worn above by Elodie Kendall as Mercer Elphinstone in Byron (2003) is the same costume worn by Emma Watson as Pauline Fossil (appearing in a film as Henrietta, sister of Charles II) in The Ballet Shoes (2007). (Note that Watson wears it without the stomacher seen on Kendall.)
maisy - 10.10.2011, 16:41
Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Countess of Grantham in series one of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a gown previously seen on Catherine Zeta-Jones as Victoria Chapman in The Cinder Path (1994).
Adminette - 10.10.2011, 18:02
nice find. have you seen the CZJ-film? how is it?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And this teal pelisse worn by an extra at church (left) is from Becky Sharp/Natasha Little in Vanity Fair 1998, Rosie Hammond in RHP (2004), an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), an extra in the Assembly Room in Persuasion 2007, and a character in BYRON (2003).
as well on a party guest in "from time to time".
i think, this is it on a bystander in the third part of "napoleon" (2001)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Nice finds!
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anna madeley/mariana belcombe is wearing this redingote in "the secret diairies of miss anne lister", previously seen on phoebe nicholls as elizabeth elliot in "persuasion"
Yes, that collar is very distinctive, isn't it? I also noticed this coat on an extra in Persuasion 2007, at the end, during Anne's run through Bath.
it was also in the same scene of "napoleon". right next to this light blue pelisse with the distinctive white collar. i have found it as well in the london scenes of "sense and sensibility" but i think, we've had found it before, i just couldn't find it in our thread. which brings me to the point. i'm really trying to figure out a way to store the costume sightings by costume, similar to katie's site, so it will be easier to add sighting without going through all 26 threads which is quite time consuming.
maisy - 10.10.2011, 18:46
I've been watching TCP on youtube.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: it was also in the same scene of "napoleon". right next to this light blue pelisse with the distinctive white collar. i have found it as well in the london scenes of "sense and sensibility" but i think, we've had found it before, i just couldn't find it in our thread. which brings me to the point. i'm really trying to figure out a way to store the costume sightings by costume, similar to katie's site, so it will be easier to add sighting without going through all 26 threads which is quite time consuming.
- yes, that blue pelisse was spotted several times, here: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears this blue pelisse with white lapels previously seen on Anna Massey as Lady Nelson in I Remember Nelson (1982), and later seen on extra in Sense and Sensibility 1995 (right, just above Mrs. Jennings' shoulder), and Victoria Hopkins in The Regency House Party (2004).
It is difficult to find the costumes sometimes. I have been going on this page and then using the >EDIT >FIND function in Firefox Mozilla to locate costumes. But you have to know the film or some other details that were posted about the costume, or the mozilla search won't help.
Adminette - 10.10.2011, 19:13
yes. i always use the board-intern search option. but it remains that some kind of a keyword is needed, and even then a finding remains shakey. for example i had an inkling about your first-time discovery of the blue-white pelisse in sense and sensibility. still with those key words (pelisse and S&S 95) the engine didn't show the posting you've quoted above. so i'm still considering putting my finds and yours, if you'll allow, on an archive similar to katie's. i just need to know, where and how to do it. and of course time. i would need time...
maisy - 10.10.2011, 19:23
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: so i'm still considering putting my finds and yours, if you'll allow, on an archive similar to katie's. i just need to know, where and how to do it. and of course time. i would need time...
Oh, I will allow, absolutely. That's fine. It seems like such a large amount of work!
maisy - 10.10.2011, 22:25
Here's one I bet you'll like. :-) (This is my 2nd DA costume posted today!)
Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mary McGarvie in Death Defying Acts (2007) and Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in series 2, episode 4 of Downton Abbey (2011).
According to this article, a red gown worn by Catherine Zeta Jones in the aforementioned film will be worn this series by Michelle Dockery. I don't think we've seen her wear it yet. I think it will be this red dress from the dance scene in the film.
maisy - 11.10.2011, 12:23
I was watching The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) and realized that the fancy livery tunics worn by the stage hands at Margeurite's Theatre are from The Slipper and the Rose (1976).
maisy - 15.10.2011, 23:31
Anna, I think it was you who realized earlier that Mark Williams as Sir John Middleton in S&S 2008 wears a waistcoat that is also seen on Nicholas Jones as the Merdles' butler in Little Dorrit (2008). (It's on Maggie's website.) I have just spotted it again on Paul Brooke as Mr. Grimwig in Polanski's Oliver Twist (2005).
Link to large high resolution image from S&S.
Kathrynethegreat - 15.10.2011, 23:45
*comes out of Lurking mode*
I'm actually thinking Mary's red dress that she shared with Catherine Zeta Jones might be this dress very heavily made over, but I'm not sure.
What do you guys think?
maisy - 15.10.2011, 23:53
Glad you de-lurked!
I actually considered this dress earlier this week, but then it seemed that I might have seen Mary's dress before, somewhere else. I'd like to wait and see what else she wears this series (it's not over yet!). :-)
maisy - 16.10.2011, 14:45
Another Downton Abbey costume:
Here is Jessica Brown Findlay as Lady Sybil Crawley in series 1, episode 2 of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a costume previously seen on Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in episode 1 of The Wingless Bird (1997).
Link to large hi-res image from Downton Abbey.
maisy - 17.10.2011, 00:55
And another...
Anne Reid as Alice Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997) wears a coat also seen on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1 of Downton Abbey (2010).
Link to hi-res image in DA.
maisy - 18.10.2011, 01:17
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in a street scene in ep. 5 of Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) wears a red plaid dress later seen on Selena Griffiths as Caroline Tompkinson in series one of Cranford (2007).
Seen here on a street extra in ep. 5 of Dombey & Son (1983).
This plaid dress also appears on an extra as the bearded lady in The Old Curiosity Shop (1979).
The same red plaid dress appears on an extra playing the Nightingale's servant in Florence Nightingale (1985).
Here it is again, on Beth Goddard as Ellen Ross in Tilly Trotter (1999).
Adminette - 18.10.2011, 15:29
tilly trotter? looks interesting. is it any good?
PS @ katherynethegreat: yes, do please feel free and welcome to delurk as often as you like. even if my slight catherine-zeta-jones-incompatibility prevents me of beeing of any help on a subject, she is and remains just one catherine out of many more. :wink:
maisy - 18.10.2011, 17:29
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: tilly trotter? looks interesting. is it any good?
It's another Cookson adaptation, which means: downtrodden heroine; violent, abusive men; a manly hero; and poverty (of course!).
Zitat: PS @ katherynethegreat: yes, do please feel free and welcome to delurk as often as you like. even if my slight catherine-zeta-jones-incompatibility prevents me of beeing of any help on a subject, she is and remains just one catherine out of many more. :wink:
Your comments are always welcome, Katie!
maisy - 18.10.2011, 21:10
Yet another DA costume.
Here is Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2, episode 6 of The Duchess of Duke Street: Your Country Needs You (1977) wearing a two piece outfit seen later on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1, episode 5 of Downton Abbey (2010).
Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2, episode 8 of The Duchess of Duke Street: The Reluctant Warrior (1977) wearing a two-piece outfit later seen on Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1999)
Adminette - 20.10.2011, 14:09
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: having done the gentlepeople's costumes, there is this waistcoat first seen on barnaby kay as master nol in shakespeare in love (i think he later plays benvolio in the piece), later again in joseph fiennes' (this time as bassanio) circle on his taylor and after that, again in "la serenissima" on an extra in "dr. who: the vampires of venice" (2010)
- -
the waistcoat, then suitably run down, was worn as well by the late heath ledger as tony in "the imaginarium of dr. parnassus" (2009).
and i swear i have seen this beautifully embroided silk shirt before. problem is: i just don't know, where or if i've even seen it on ledger and just forgot everything about it until yesterday, when i actually got to watch the movie. if it is reused, it probably came from "the other boleyn girl" 2008 for which sandy powell used silken rather than linen shirts. perhaps it was even worn by a woman. will check on that. gah, drives me mad right now.
EDIT: no, if anything, "the other boleyn girl" it was not. the shirts there where much simpler, due to the time- and cost-constraints powell had to face, i think. and they where all creped. perhaps "the golden age" then, no?
EDIT2: No! humpf!
maisy - 24.10.2011, 17:36
Nice one, Anna. :)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anne Reid as Alice Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997) wears a coat also seen on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1 of Downton Abbey (2010).
Link to hi-res image in DA.
Isobel/Penelope Wilton wears this coat in series two, also. From last night's (6th) episode (2011).
maisy - 25.10.2011, 23:13
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Debra Gillett as Mrs. Johnson in Cranford (2007) wears a print dress seen years earlier on Barbara Hicks as Aunt Glegg in The Mill on the Floss (1978).
Hi-resolution image from Cranford
The same costume also appears in episode 9 of Dickens of London (1976), on Diana Coupland as Mrs. Catherine Dickens (Charles' mother).
Pauline Winter as Mrs. Garland in ep. 3 of The Old Curiosity Shop (1979).
maisy - 27.10.2011, 22:16
Re: love in the time of cholera
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here is the same waistcoat worn by an uncredited actor as James McHenry in John Adams: Unnecessary War (ep 6) (2008).
i have recently rewatched "jefferson in paris" which has to die for gorrrgeous costumes. in fact, i believe the whole decors to be the best researched and recreated ones for that period on a feature film (the servants livrees at versailles, textiles, wallpapers everything, really) so far. btw: the livree of the palace guards is reused in other versailles movies such as "marie antoinette" and "the affair of the necklace". anyway, one of greta scacchis costumes is made of the fabric. and it will probably end up as one of my favourite movie costumes to date, including, of course, that alien of a hat :heiss:
i believe, in "love in the times of cholera" (2007) fermina urbino (giovanna mezzogiorno) has been wearing the dress previously seen on georgie glenn as ruskin's mother in "desperate romantics" (2009).
I found the fabric from Mrs. Ruskin's dress again. Here it is on Nadia Cameron-Blakey as Florence Bravo in Julian Fellowes Investigates: A Most Mysterious Murder: The Case of Charles Bravo (2004).
This cloth covering the piano in episode 1 of Downton Abbey (2010) appears to be the same as this one in Margaret Haslemere's bedroom in series 2, episode 4 of The Duchess of Duke Street: Winter Lament (1977).
maisy - 03.11.2011, 19:22
Another two-piece outfit worn by Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977). Here it is again, on an extra in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Elliott (1991).
Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1, episode 2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a black evening gown later worn by Elspet Gray as Grace Farrier in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Here is Nancie Herrod as a Housekeeper in series 1, episode 2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume seen previously on Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977).
maisy - 05.11.2011, 14:23
Vanessa Redgrave as Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing the famous "silver-green mermaid's dress" mentioned in Virginia Woolf's novel. Apparently it wasn't designed for the film though, as here it is several years earlier on Amanda Elwes as Rose Gillespie in series 1, episode 10 of The House of Eliott (1991). The color of the under-gown really makes a difference in the final look of the gown, doesn't it?
maisy - 05.11.2011, 22:41
Diana Morrison as Frances Duglass in series 2, episode 3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing what appears to be the same Mackintosh worn by Amanda Drew as Miss Killman in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
I suspect it's the same Mackintosh that was worn by Francesca Folan as Penelope Maddox in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Adminette - 07.11.2011, 12:35
you're really into the edwardians now, aren't you? yay. and michael fassbender in a julian fellowes murder mystery? how was that? more like downton or more like gosford park? apart from the fact, that of course, he had to play a... tragic part :cool:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i swear i have seen this beautifully embroided silk shirt before. problem is: i just don't know, where or if i've even seen it on ledger and just forgot everything about it until yesterday, when i actually got to watch the movie. if it is reused, it probably came from "the other boleyn girl" 2008 for which sandy powell used silken rather than linen shirts. perhaps it was even worn by a woman. will check on that. gah, drives me mad right now.
EDIT: no, if anything, "the other boleyn girl" it was not. the shirts there where much simpler, due to the time- and cost-constraints powell had to face, i think. and they where all creped. perhaps "the golden age" then, no?
EDIT2: No! humpf!
:high: :high:
got it. one more proof to follow ones first instincts!. it was, of course, worn by my favourite vincenzo (vincent cassel) as the absolutely ill-behaved and decadent duc d'anjou in the first "elizabeth" in 1998. should have known, because my favourite dress from that film also bears - for a movie costume - very intricate embroidery.
maisy - 07.11.2011, 13:23
Nice job solving your shirt mystery. :)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: you're really into the edwardians now, aren't you? yay. and michael fassbender in a julian fellowes murder mystery? how was that? more like downton or more like gosford park? apart from the fact, that of course, he had to play a... tragic part :cool:
The Fellowes Investigates programs are pretty good. Fellowes researches real, unsolved murders from the 19th and early 20th century, adding his own theories on who committed the crimes. None of the episodes are very similar to Gosford or Downton, as they are presented a few scenes at a time, with Fellowes narrating between segments and through voice overs. (Also, I don't recall that any of the cases took place on a grand estate.)
Re: Edwardians. Yes, I'm revisiting some old favorites. Something to watch while I'm on the treadmill. :)
maisy - 07.11.2011, 22:03
Here is Helen Ryan as Olive Bradford in The Duchess of Duke Street: Blossom Time (1977) wearing a dress seen later on an extra as a dancer in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Katie Carras Elizabeth Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing a white jacket with embroidered trim seen later on Beatriz Batarda as
Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) (FS series II).
maisy - 10.11.2011, 21:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Also in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997), Jane Sharpe (Abigail Cruttenden) wears a yellow Spencer previously seen on Sarah Dubreton (Helena Michell) in Sharpe's Enemy (1994).
I've spotted this costume again, too; here it is on an extra in Copying Beethoven (2006).
I've spotted it again in a US television version of Frankenstein (1992) starring Patrick Bergin. Here is a photo I took off the tv screen of Jacinta Mulcahy as Justine wearing the yellow Spencer.
Adminette - 14.11.2011, 18:55
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here's a necklace worn by jaqueline bisset as countess andrenyi in "murder at the orient express" (1974) an by laura pyper as jane fairfax in "emma" (2009)
now i know, were i've seen this oone before: it was also in "love in the time of cholera" (2007) on giovanna mezzogiorno as fermina.
maisy - 15.11.2011, 01:19
That is a lovely necklace. Nice find (again). :)
I've located a DVD of The Wingless Bird so I replaced my earlier screenshots from youtube (on the previous page) with clearer images.
I also noticed that the coat Joanne Froggatt as Anna Smith in series 2, episode 8 of Downton Abbey (2011) wears to her wedding was previously seen on Amanda Royle as Elaine Dawson Porter in The Wingless Bird (1997).
And the red coat Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley wears to ask Carlisle for help in ep. 2.5 of Downton Abbey (2011) is the same one worn by Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997). Note that velvet was added to the collar and sleeves before the garment was worn in Downton Abbey.
maisy - 15.11.2011, 20:18
Olivia Grant as Lady Henrietta Armistead in ep. 3.1 of Garrow's Law (2011) wears this pink dress previously seen on Keira Knightley as Georgianna, Duchess of Devonshire, in The Duchess (2008).
maisy - 16.11.2011, 01:58
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Katie Carr as Elizabeth Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing a white jacket with embroidered trim seen later on Beatriz Batarda as Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) (FS series II).
It turns out this piece was made for the 3rd series of The House of Eliott (1994). Here is an image from milliner Louise Macdonald's website. This is Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott. Macdonald made the cloche hat she's wearing, and a colleague from Cosprop made the coat "from an original 1920's embroidered table cloth!"
Screenshots from ep. 3.5:
maisy - 17.11.2011, 02:43
I've added screencaps to my previous post.
Carey Mulligan as Elsie Kipling in My Boy Jack (2007) wearing a dress previously seen on Amanda Royle as Elaine Dawson Porter in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Also worn by an extra in Titanic (2012), and by Maryam d'Abo as Amalia Guishar in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
This coat, worn by Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994), was later worn by an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
maisy - 17.11.2011, 13:32
Helen Lawrence as Amelia Egerton in ep. 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a silk dress later worn by a guest at Clarissa's party in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Adminette - 17.11.2011, 16:05
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Olivia Grant as Lady Henrietta Armistead in ep. 3.1 of Garrow's Law (2011) wears this pink dress previously seen on Keira Knightley as Georgianna, Duchess of Devonshire, in The Duchess (2008).
very neat one! not, that the other's aren't... but i always had a soft spot for this dress. but softer for the dress sporting that contrasting sashy thing.
maisy - 17.11.2011, 21:10
I knew you would enjoy that one. :)
Mrs. Partini's assistant in ep. 1.3 of The House of Eliott (1991) wears a blouse seen a few years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
The blouse appears again in The House of Eliott (1991) when Judy Flynn as Madge Howell wears it in episode 1.9.
maisy - 19.11.2011, 14:56
Re: pink
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ^another stark pink gown, worn by lena olin as marquise in "the night and the moment" (1995) and by gesche tebbenhoff as marquis de beaumarchais in "das unbezähmbare herz" in which the following gown:
Zitat: dress on the same woman in "aristocrats" (probably a sister in law to the lennox girls) and on mrs. hogarth/sophie thompson in a "harlot's progress"
can be seen as a whole and from the back:
It seems to also have been worn by an extra in Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005).
kiteflier also spotted it in Dangerous Liaisons .
Also seen on an extra in The Marriage of Gustav III (2001) .
Sophia Myles as Agnes Fleming in Oliver Twist (1999) and Emily Hamilton as Jette Collin in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
maisy - 23.11.2011, 01:19
I found a DVD of Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005) so I replaced the image above from youtube with a better screenshot and added a few more.
Lynne Griffin as Lady Templeton in Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005) wearing a costume previously seen on Serena Gordon as Lady Caroline in Aristocrats (1999).
(Worn with a different stomacher.)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: finally the very shoes for two of the greatest seducers known to mankind (not my day for understatment). and very much like man's antique louboutins they appear: shown to the vicomte sébastien de valmont/john malkovich in dangerous liaisons and worn by giacomo girolamo casanova/alain delon in le retour de casanova
I wonder if these are the same shoes on Julian Fellowes as the Duke of Richmond in Aristocrats (1999)?
I think this dress, worn by Jodhi May as Lady Sarah in Aristocrats (1999), might be the same costume seen on this woman in The Abduction Club (2002) .
maisy - 26.11.2011, 15:55
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: According to this article, a red gown worn by Catherine Zeta Jones in the aforementioned film will be worn this series by Michelle Dockery. I don't think we've seen her wear it yet. I think it will be this red dress from the dance scene in the film.
Since the final episode of DA series 2 aired, I've wondered if perhaps this dress would turn up in the Christmas Special. It now seems that it might. Some images from the servants' ball scene of the Christmas Special have been released. This red gown worn by Michelle Dockery might be a candidate for the mystery dress worn by Catherine Zeta-Jones in the film Death Defying Acts (2007).
The group image is obviously photoshopped. The fabric doesn't appear that shiny in the photo of Mary dancing. Perhaps the sheen was added to the dress for that picture, by the graphic designer who photoshopped the image?
The color looks right, and the fabric of the under-gown of the original costume does too. I'm thinking they removed the sheer over-gown fabric, shortened the straps to bring the bodice up higher, then re-cut the neckline. Perhaps they redistributed come of the fabric in the skirt, and maybe took some fabric from a double of this costume made for the film? This is all speculation, but I feel this servants' ball gown is a better candidate for the Zeta-Jones costume than that orangish-red dinner dress Mary wore over and over (and over!) again in series 2.
I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to know for sure. (Maybe we should contact Costume Designer Susannah Buxton and ask her?) :wink:
More images above, and a link to a huge, hi-res collage of images from the Christmas Special.
maisy - 28.11.2011, 04:51
An extra in the background of these images from Felicity: An American Adventure (2005) is wearing a green beaded gown seen two years later on Alison Steadman as Mrs. Brown in Fanny Hill (2007).
P.S. Kiteflier has posted more reused costumes from series 3 of Garrow's Law on the other site.
maisy - 29.11.2011, 01:09
I re-watched The Supersizers Eat the French Revolution (2009) on youtube and noticed that Giles Coren is wearing a coat previously seen on Richard E. Grant as Sir Percy Blakeney in The Scarlet Pimpernel: A Good Name (2000). (I believe this coat was made for Grant specifically for series 2 of this program.)
maisy - 30.11.2011, 13:21
I've added some screencaps to Katie's page for this costume from Love in the Time of Cholera. I'm interested to read your thoughts about this dress, Anna.
Adminette - 30.11.2011, 21:09
was the behind-the-scenes pic from the "guest"-post actually posted by you? if so, cool, where did you find it?
about the full or not so full skirt: it's a pity, hildebranda always bears her arm in front of the bodice-skirt-line during the photo-session. on jenny jason leigh the full skirt appears to be worn over the bodice, where the less full version is worn under the bodice as is visible in N&S and the upper street-crowd-picture of hildebranda. also, i would find the use of two dresses/versions of a dress for a minor character in just one scene of N&S quite odd. but then again, who knows. maybe jo joyner spilled some of that fake red whine during shooting :wink:
maisy - 30.11.2011, 23:04
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: was the behind-the-scenes pic from the "guest"-post actually posted by you? if so, cool, where did you find it?
Yes, lol. I didn't realize I had lost my cookie so posted as guest. :)
I found the photo on c19 (where else, lol?).
Zitat: about the full or not so full skirt: it's a pity, hildebranda always bears her arm in front of the bodice-skirt-line during the photo-session. on jenny jason leigh the full skirt appears to be worn over the bodice, where the less full version is worn under the bodice as is visible in N&S and the upper street-crowd-picture of hildebranda.
Yes, I have been thinking the same thing!
Zitat: also, i would find the use of two dresses/versions of a dress for a minor character in just one scene of N&S quite odd. but then again, who knows. maybe jo joyner spilled some of that fake red whine during shooting :wink:
Or perhaps the dress comes with all pieces when it is hired by the costume designer for a production?
After posting all that information on katie's site, and then thinking it over for a bit, I wonder if the less full version can be worn as just tea length, or with the lower tiers of the skirt underneath, in full-length. Perhaps that's what Jo Joyner wore: the less-full version, with the added tiers to make it full length (and full at the bottom of the dress).
(I've only ever watched a few scenes in Washington Square, when it aired on tv a long time ago. I haven't found it at a library yet. CHOLERA is a new addition at one of my libraries, so I of course borrowed it right away!) :)
I just found WS streaming online. Video quality isn't the best, but I've finally gotten a glimpse of the dress in the film. I'm not sure, but perhaps there really is only one dress after all? Maybe it really is just a HUGE, FULL petticoat beneath it, making it look like more fabric is gathered in at the waistline (I think you had suggested this way back?) Check this image and let me know what you think.
P.S. #2
I've added more images from the Downton Abbey Christmas Special to my post above.
maisy - 02.12.2011, 03:38
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Somerville as Lady Emily in Aristocrats and Kate Beckinsale in Emma. I noticed yesterday that Sian Philips (as the older Lady Emily) also wears the necklace.
I found the necklace again. Here is Jennifer Saunders as Colombine, la Comtesse de Vache in Let Them Eat Cake (1999) (ep. 1, "The Pox").
Here it is again, worn by Moira Redmond as Nessy Forrester in The Wingless Bird (1997).
maisy - 02.12.2011, 14:23
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Mrs. Partini's assistant in ep. 1.3 of The House of Eliott (1991) wears a blouse seen a few years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
The blouse appears again in The House of Eliott (1991) when Judy Flynn as Madge Howell wears it in episode 1.9.
And here it is again on an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Adminette - 02.12.2011, 20:10
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: According to this article, a red gown worn by Catherine Zeta Jones in the aforementioned film will be worn this series by Michelle Dockery. I don't think we've seen her wear it yet. I think it will be this red dress from the dance scene in the film.
Since the final episode of DA series 2 aired, I've wondered if perhaps this dress would turn up in the Christmas Special. It now seems that it might. Some images from the servants' ball scene of the Christmas Special have been released. This red gown worn by Michelle Dockery might be a candidate for the mystery dress worn by Catherine Zeta-Jones in the film Death Defying Acts (2007).
The group image is obviously photoshopped. The fabric doesn't appear that shiny in the photo of Mary dancing. Perhaps the sheen was added to the dress for that picture, by the graphic designer who photoshopped the image?
The color looks right, and the fabric of the under-gown of the original costume does too. I'm thinking they removed the sheer over-gown fabric, shortened the straps to bring the bodice up higher, then re-cut the neckline. Perhaps they redistributed come of the fabric in the skirt, and maybe took some fabric from a double of this costume made for the film? This is all speculation, but I feel this servants' ball gown is a better candidate for the Zeta-Jones costume than that orangish-red dinner dress Mary wore over and over (and over!) again in series 2.
I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to know for sure. (Maybe we should contact Costume Designer Susannah Buxton and ask her?) :wink:
More images above, and a link to a huge, hi-res collage of images from the Christmas Special.
mhh. i dunno. isn't it a bit much alteration for one dress? i mean in relation to the other reused gowns from the series? and both designs being so simple yet different from the start, that it seems to me, it would have been more economical to sew the second dress from scratch. also, from the photos, shopped or not, the fabric looks a tad darker with a touch more blue in it and it appears to be heavier and stiffer than zeta jones' dress, which might be a crepe de chine/de georgette. but as you say, we shall wait and see :wink:
PS: is buxton up for talk?
Adminette - 03.12.2011, 19:27
you may have seen it before in the shakespeare thread, so, just for the record as i seem so very negligent of my recycling-detecting-duties: it appears that the BBC's production of "richard II" will reuse the slightly recarpentered throne that was put under elizabeth's royal... well buttocks for "the golden age" (2007). the original design of that "stool" is just one of those means used in the film to present the queen elizabeth as the anglican madonna of her people by way of traditionally catholic iconography. it strongly resembles solomons lion throne respectively the sedes sapientiae/the seat of wisdom.
and after such a deep art-historical excourse something more lightwight: the tiara-like decoration in fanny dorrit/sparkles (emma pierson) wedding-hairdo from "little dorrit" (2008) may have been reused on estella for this years "great expectations" mini series. of course, just judging from the first official stills for said projects. as always, we'll have to wait and see to be certain :wink:
maisy - 04.12.2011, 22:41
Cool finds, Anna. :)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: this dinner guest in P&P 1980 is wearing the same necklace as Samantha Bond as Mrs. Weston in Emma 96-tv.
I've spotted this necklace again. Here it is on Geraldine Alexander as Marianne Nicholson in Florence Nightingale (1985). The same necklace also appears on an extra in I Remember Nelson (1982). (Lower right corner of image)
Also worn by Radha Mitchell as Mary Ansell Barrie in Finding Neverland (2004).
maisy - 07.12.2011, 21:12
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mary McGarvie in Death Defying Acts (2007) and Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in series 2, episode 4 of Downton Abbey (2011).
I think this is the same blouse, worn by Emma Thompson in the Oscar-winning role as Margaret Schlegel in Howard's End (1992).
promo image from DA
Adminette - 07.12.2011, 21:19
yes. could very well be. is there a still of thompson with her whole person visible? or at least with a little wider angle?
maisy - 10.12.2011, 01:22
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: yes. could very well be. is there a still of thompson with her whole person visible? or at least with a little wider angle?
Sadly, I could find no promotional stills, but I did take a few caps with a wider angle. You can see the buttons down the front. (Screencaps added to previous post.)
maisy - 11.12.2011, 02:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: According to this article, a red gown worn by Catherine Zeta Jones in the aforementioned film will be worn this series by Michelle Dockery. I don't think we've seen her wear it yet. I think it will be this red dress from the dance scene in the film.
You were right about Mary's red tiered dress in Downton Abbey. It's not the dress from Death Defying Acts. Apparently mary will wear two red gowns in the Christmas Special. She will wear Catherine Zeta-Jones's dress too. See it in this youtube video (10 seconds).
Kathrynethegreat - 11.12.2011, 20:38
Aha, excellent! Mystery solved!
maisy - 11.12.2011, 21:09
Kathrynethegreat hat folgendes geschrieben: Aha, excellent! Mystery solved!
Yes! No doubt about it, this time. :)
I've also added another image above to the post re: blouse in Howard's End, Death Defying Acts, and Downton Abbey. The new image of Dockery I've added makes it pretty clear these are the same costume.
maisy - 15.12.2011, 23:28
White coat worn by Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991), later worn by an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
maisy - 16.12.2011, 01:48
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Countess of Grantham in series one of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a gown previously seen on Catherine Zeta-Jones as Victoria Chapman in The Cinder Path (1994).
It seems that Samantha Bond (Lady Rosamund) will be wearing this gown in the DA Christmas Special.
maisy - 22.12.2011, 00:59
Helena Bonham Carter as Helen Schlegel in Howard's End (1992) wearing a teal blue dress seen five years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in ep. 1.9 of The Duchess of Duke Street: The Outsiders (1976) wearing a costume seen more than a decade later on Megan Follows as Anne Shirley in Anne of Avonlea (1987).
And I have spotted this costume again.
maisy - 27.12.2011, 20:23
Here is Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 1.6 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a blouse seen a dozen years later on Amanda Ryan as Hollie (Forsyte) Dartie in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
And I'll be replacing my youtube images from the Downton Abbey Christmas Special with better screencaps later today.
Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977) wearing a beaded gown later worn by Jessica Brown Findlay as Lady Sybil Crawley in ep. 1.5 of Downton Abbey (2010). Note that Jones wears a gold chemisette beneath the bodice, which Findlay does not wear.
Lady Sybil also wears this gown in series 2, ep. 2.
Adminette - 27.12.2011, 23:17
i have rediscovered some elizabethan costumes in the documentary "king james' bible - the book that changed the world".
the costumes - as far as there are allready entries for them on kathy's site, are here, here and here. though i'm sure, i could track back more costumes. one at least, i'm sure was worn by colin firth' wessex in "shakespeare in love". just don't have time to look for it now. sorry.
PS: oh. cool find on lady sybil. although it looks rather dowdy on her, what was much more fetching on gemma jones.
maisy - 27.12.2011, 23:27
Nice, Anna. I recognized the actress playing QE1 so I posted her name on katie's site.
EDIT: Thanks. :)
Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a gown seen the following year on Monica Grey as Lady Brewton in series 2, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Costume worn by Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in Downton Abbey Christmas Special (2011) was previously seen on Pippa Brill as Margaret in ep. 2.1 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Sarah Flind as Babs Carew in ep. 1.2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Jessica Stevenson Hynes as Charlotte Parker in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Francesca Folan as Penelope Maddox in ep. 1.8 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Natalie Morse as Mary Page in ep. 3.9 of The House of Eliott (1994). (LOL, both of these characters are the younger sister to the husband of the Eliott sisters.)
Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Judy Campbell as Lady Maude Westlake in ep. 3.9 of The House of Eliott (1994).
maisy - 29.12.2011, 16:06
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anne Reid as Alice Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997) wears a coat also seen on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1 of Downton Abbey (2010).
Link to hi-res image in DA.
Isobel/Penelope Wilton wears this coat in series two, also. From last night's (6th) episode (2011).
Also worn by Eileen Atkins as Princess Dragomiroff in Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express (2010).
maisy - 29.12.2011, 22:00
Both appear in the same year, but perhaps the film (Enchanted April) was shot first? Miranda Richardson as Rose Arbuthnot in Enchanted April (1992) and Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
maisy - 30.12.2011, 18:55
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Mrs. Partini's assistant in ep. 1.3 of The House of Eliott (1991) wears a blouse seen a few years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
The blouse appears again in The House of Eliott (1991) when Judy Flynn as Madge Howell wears it in episode 1.9.
And here it is again on an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
A while back, I noticed that Emma Thompson wore it as Dora Carrington in the film Carrington (1995), but I couldn't find a copy of the DVD. These images I found online.
maisy - 30.12.2011, 22:11
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Katie Carr as Elizabeth Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing a white jacket with embroidered trim seen later on Beatriz Batarda as Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) (FS series II).
It turns out this piece was made for the 3rd series of The House of Eliott (1994). Here is an image from milliner Louise Macdonald's website. This is Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott. Macdonald made the cloche hat she's wearing, and a colleague from Cosprop made the coat "from an original 1920's embroidered table cloth!"
Screenshots from ep. 3.5:
I've also spotted it the pilot for The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries: Speedy Death (1998), on Eleanor Tremain as Dorothy Manners (who wears it as her wedding outfit.)
Dorothy's wedding outfit is complete with a cloche hat, previously seen on Judy Flynn as Madge Althorpe in episode 3.5 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Also from The House of Eliott (1991), here is Louise Lombard in ep. 1.8 wearing a blouse seen a few years later on Juliet Aubrey as Sarah Thorman in The Moth (1997).
maisy - 31.12.2011, 17:40
Miranda Richardson as Rose Arbuthnot in Enchanted April (1992) wearing a brown jacket later seen on Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
maisy - 03.01.2012, 23:49
Phyllida Law as Edith Duglass in episode 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown later seen on the French Ambassador's dinner partner in The Lost Prince (2003).
Holly Aird as Elspeth Grant in The Flame Trees of Thika (1981)] wearing a pink dressing gown later worn by Sarah Polley as Sara Stanley in ep. 1.13 of Road to Avonlea: Nothing Endures But Change (1990).
maisy - 05.01.2012, 14:18
I've spotted one, two, three more recycled costumes in Persuasion 2007.
And I have emailed Katie about a recycled costume in the classic Doctor Who episode(s), "The Celestial Toymaker", which I read about online.
maisy - 06.01.2012, 01:42
Re: love in the time of cholera
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This cloth covering the piano in episode 1 of Downton Abbey (2010) appears to be the same as this one in Margaret Haslemere's bedroom in series 2, episode 4 of The Duchess of Duke Street: Winter Lament (1977).
Here it is again in episode 1.9 of The Bretts: The Actress and the Bishop (1987).
maisy - 09.01.2012, 21:25
A friend in England sent me the text of an article that appeared in The Times online discussing the recycled costumes in Downton Abbey. There are links to Katie's website, and most of the recycled costumes from DA which are posted on Katie's site are mentioned. Article title:
Τнε dαяк sεcяετ σғ Ðσωητσηs pεяiσd нαηd-mε-dσωηs
It's rather a fun article, as it refers to the questionable morals of the characters who wore the outfits prior to the ladies of Downton! :wink:
Adminette - 09.01.2012, 22:55
sounds fun.
maisy - 09.01.2012, 23:01
Τнε dαяк sεcяετ σғ Ðσωητσηs pεяiσd нαηd-mε-dσωηs
Cατнεяiηε Zετα-Jσηεs iη 1994; Εℓizαвετн McGσvεяη iη 2010
Lεғτ, Εℓizαвετн McGσvεяη αs Cσяα, Cσuητεss σғ Gяαητнαm iη Ðσωητση Αввεy. Яigнτ, Cατнεяiηε Zετα-Jσηεs αs Vicτσяiα Cнαpmαη iη Τнε Ciηdεя Pατн
Cατнεяiηε Zετα-Jσηεs iη 1994; Εℓizαвετн McGσvεяη iη 2010
вy Jεηηy ßσστн
Τнε mαкεяs σғ Ðσωητση Αввεy mαy нαvε τнσugнτ τнεy ωεяε вεiηg suвτℓε ωнεη τнεy sετ αвσuτ sαviηg mσηεy вy яεcycℓiηg pαяτs σғ cσsτumεs ωσяη iη στнεя pεяiσd dяαmαs.
Sσmε нσpε. Τнεy нαvε вεεη ғσuηd σuτ вy εαgℓε-εyεd viεωεяs ωнσ εmαiℓ iη τσ τнε ωεвsiτε τσ яεpσяτ ωнεη σℓd cσsτumεs gετ α ηεω σuτiηg.
Τнus Cσяα, Cσuητεss σғ Gяαητнαm, τнε αяisτσcяατic Αmεяicαη-вσяη ℓαdy σғ τнε mαησя, нαs вεεη нumвℓεd αғτεя вεiηg spσττεd iη α vαяiετy σғ нαηd-mε-dσωηs. Αηd τнε mσяαℓs σғ τнε pяεviσus ωεαяεяs ωεяε ғαя ғяσm up τσ Ðσωητση sταηdαяds.
Iη σηε scεηε sнε ωεαяs ℓαcε σvεяdяεss pяεviσusℓy sεεη ση Cατнεяiηε Zετα-Jσηεs αs τнε нεαяτℓεss αηd pяσmiscuσus вεαuτy Vicτσяiα Cнαpmαη iη 1994s ΤV miηi-sεяiεs Τнε Ciηdεя Pατн.
Viεωεяs cℓαim τσ нαvε idεητiғiεd α sεcσηd Lαdy Cσяα σuτғiτ pяεviσusℓy ωσяη вy Umα Τнuяmαη, pℓαyiηg τнε яσℓε σғ pεηηiℓεss, scнεmiηg vixεη Cнαяℓσττε Sταητ, iη Mεяcнαητ Ivσяys 2000 ғiℓm Τнε Gσℓdεη ßσωℓ.
Lαdy Mαяy Cяαωℓεy, τнε Lαdy Cσяαs εℓdεsτ dαugнτεя, нαs вεεη яεmαякεd iη αη εℓαвσяατε jετ ηεcкℓαcε ωнicн нαs pяεviσusℓy вεεη sεεη αяσuηd τнε ηεcк σғ Syℓviα, αη Iταℓiαη cσuяτεsαη iη τнε ℓσcαℓ вяστнεℓ iη τнε 2001 pεяiσd нσяяσя ғiℓm ßяστнεянσσd σғ τнε Wσℓғ.
Micнεℓℓε Ðσcкεяy, ωнσ pℓαys Lαdy Mαяy, нαs αℓsσ вεεη spiεd iη τнε sαmε sℓεεvεℓεss, вεαdεd, яεd dяεss sεεη ση Cατнεяiηε Zετα Jσηεs αs τнε uηεducατεd Scσττisн cση αяτisτ Mαяy McGαяviε iη 2007s supεяηατuяαℓ яσmαητic τняiℓℓεя Ðεατн Ðεғyiηg Αcτs. Lαdy Mαяy is яεvεαℓεd τσ нαvε sнαяεd α ғℓσяαℓ вℓσusε ηστ σηℓy ωiτн Zετα-Jσηεs iη Ðεατн Ðεғyiηg Αcτs вuτ αℓsσ ωiτн Εmmα Τнσmpsση αs Mαяgαяετ Scнℓεgεℓ, τнε cuℓτuяεd αηd iητεℓℓigεητ pяσταgσηisτ σғ τнε 1992 ғiℓm Нσωαяds Εηd.
Α нigн-ωαisτεd, cяεαm, ℓαcε dяεss pяεviσusℓy sεεη ση Εℓαiηε Cαssidy αs Lucy Нσηεycнuяcн iη 2007s Α Яσσm Wiτн Α Viεω нαs яεcεητℓy яεsuяғαcεd вεiηg ωσяη вy Lαuяα Cαяmicнαεℓ, pℓαyiηg middℓε dαugнτεя Lαdy Εdiτн Cяαωℓεy iη Ðσωητση.
Sσmε σғ τнε cσsτumεs usεd iη Ðσωητση нαvε α vεηεяαвℓε нisτσяy. Syвiℓ Cяαωℓεy, Lαdy Cσяαs yσuηgεsτ dαugнτεя, pℓαyεd вy Jεssicα ßяσωη Ƒiηdℓαy, is sεεη iη σηε scεηε iη α вℓαcк sεquiηεd dяεss ωσяη вy Gεmmα Jσηεs iη 1977 τσ pℓαy τнε нστεℓiεя нεяσiηε σғ Τнε Ðucнεss σғ Ðuкε Sτяεετ.
Εvεη Mαggiε Smiτн, αs Viσℓετ, Ðσωαgεя Cσuητεss σғ Gяαητнαm, is ηστ immuηε, αppεαяiηg iη α gяεεη dαmαsк cσατ pяεviσusℓy spσяτεd вy Τнuяmαη iη Τнε Gσℓdεη ßσωℓ.
Τнε σuτғiτs αяε яεητεd ғяσm spεciαℓisτ cσsτumiεяs sucн αs Αηgεℓs, ωнicн нαs τнε ℓαяgεsτ cσℓℓεcτiση σғ cσsτumεs αηd αccεssσяiεs αηyωнεяε iη τнε ωσяℓd, αяяαηgεd αℓσηg εigнτ miℓεs σғ нαηgiηg яαiℓ. Τнε Lσηdση-вαsεd cσsτumε нσusε нαs вεεη iη εxisτεηcε ғσя 170 yεαяs.
Mαηy mσviεs нαvε vεяy smαℓℓ cσsτumε вudgετs, ωнicн mεαηs τнατ iηsτεαd σғ mαкiηg αℓℓ σғ τнε cσsτumεs, τнε dεsigηεя is ғσяcεd τσ яεητ cσsτumεs ғяσm α cσsτumε нσusε, τнε ғσuηdεя σғ εxpℓαiηs iη αη εdiτσяiαℓ.
Sσmετimεs cσsτumεs αяε αℓτεяεd sigηiғicαητℓy τσ givε iτ α ηεω ℓσσк, αηd sσmετimεs τнε dяεss is usεd αs iτ αppεαяεd τнε ғiяsτ τimε.
Adminette - 09.01.2012, 23:16
ohh. the author of the article is quite up to date with the latest reused entries, isn't she? :wink: but honestly, is there even a big budget costume movie that hasn't any rentals, where it "only" for extras? i'm sure even "the other boleyn girl" could at least rent some gown. creating EVERY piece of costume from scratch would be an insane amount of work, wouldn't it?
BTW: i'm not so sure about lady mary's gagath necklace. lately i've seen some necklace much like it in a place unlikely to have made the effort of using one of the great costume houses. if i only could remember where i saw it. but i remember thinking, that it must have been a common design for a necklace which was en vogue short time after the release of baz luhrmans "moulin rouge" with it's huge brilliant choker and the not very long lasting renaissance of all things "fin de siecle".
maisy - 09.01.2012, 23:29
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ohh. the author of the article is quite up to date with the latest reused entries, isn't she? :wink: but honestly, is there even a big budget costume movie that hasn't any rentals, where it "only" for extras? i'm sure even "the other boleyn girl" could at least rent some gown. creating EVERY piece of costume from scratch would be an insane amount of work, wouldn't it?
Not only a huge undertaking, but it would require an enormous costume budget to create all new costumes for every project.
I didn't interpret the article as critical of Downton for reusing costumes. I rather think that all filmmakers and costume designers hope viewers won't spot the recycled costumes. (And honestly, most viewers don't. Not everyone is as obsessed...erm... interested as we are.) :wink:
I like that the writer used a fun angle. Last year, The Daily Mail tried to pull off a straightforward exposé about the recycled costumes in DA. (How ridiculous!) When one thinks about it, it is rather comical that so many of the previous "wearers" were decidedly not "ladies" like the characters on Downton. :-)
P.S. How ironic that The Times won't let everyone have access to their content. One must pay to see it, yet they have no scruples lifting content (for free) from other people's work, such as Katie's website. Just a thought.
Adminette - 09.01.2012, 23:47
and just the right one. even more so, considering, that there is not much else to the content.
PS: yeah. but the idea of the daily mail pulling of any straight exposé is a fun undertaking in it's own right and right from the very first synapse-flash, isn't it?
maisy - 10.01.2012, 22:03
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: but the idea of the daily mail pulling of any straight exposé is a fun undertaking in it's own right and right from the very first synapse-flash, isn't it?
LOl, so true. No wonder everyone calls it the Daily Fail. :wink:
And guess what they've posted on their website today? A re-hash of last year's exposé!
maisy - 16.01.2012, 17:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2, episode 6 of The Duchess of Duke Street: Your Country Needs You (1977) wearing a two piece outfit seen later on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1, episode 5 of Downton Abbey (2010).
Here is the same coat, worn by Cheryl Campbell as Lady Boynton in Poirot: Appointment with Death (2008).
And I've spotted this costume again.
Adminette - 16.01.2012, 20:08
yes i do, but not within reach, at the moment, why?
Bruki - 16.01.2012, 20:27
I do, and it's right on my hard drive :wink:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 16.01.2012, 23:09
And feel free to delete these messages, if you'd like.
maisy - 20.01.2012, 01:18
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The first two images show Anne Stallybrass as Anna Strauss in The Strauss Family (1972) wearing a day dress with vandyked collar, followed by an image of Adrienne Burgess as Catherine Hogarth Dickens (Charles's wife) wearing the same day dress in Dickens of London (1976).
This dress is also worn by a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe, Henrietta Petowker (played by Cathryn Harrison) in the RSC production of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1982). And another member of the troupe also wears the same dress repeatedly throughout the production (2nd image).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rosalind March as Miss Knag in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a dress also seen on an extra in Middlemarch 1994.
A sighting of this costume from an earlier production: Margaret Ward as Mrs. Nupkins in The Pickwick Papers ep. 7 (1985).
This dress also appears as a prop in Mme. Mantalini's shop in the RSC production of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1982).
(1st image - pictured with Janet Dale as Miss Knag.)
maisy - 22.01.2012, 22:29
A hat worn by a wedding guest in ep. 1.8 of ITV's The Grand (1997) is seen the same year on Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (19987). Also worn by an extra in Brideshead Revisited (1981).
--- ---
Victoria Scarborough as Ruth Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wears a black dress with red bead work previously seen on Debra Beaumont as Emma Casson in ep. 2.10 of The House of Eliott (1992).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Sarah Flind as Babs Carew in ep. 1.2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Jessica Stevenson Hynes as Charlotte Parker in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Also seen on a guest at the political rally in ep. 2.3 of The Grand (1998).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Francesca Folan as Penelope Maddox in ep. 1.8 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Natalie Morse as Mary Page in ep. 3.9 of The House of Eliott (1994). (LOL, both of these characters are the younger sister to the husband of the Eliott sisters.)
This cardigan is also seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in ep. 1.4 of The Grand (1997).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: French and Saunders must have reused costumes from The House of Eliott in their spoof The House of Idiot (1993). Here is Jennifer Saunders as Beatrice Idiot wearing the same jacket worn by Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott (from episode 2.2, dated 1993).
This is Eleanor Tremain as Dorothy Manners in the pilot episode of The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries: Speedy Death (1998).
I've just spotted this coat again in ep. 2.4 of The Grand (1998). This is Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman.
P.S. #2
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Helen Lawrence as Amelia Egerton in ep. 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a silk dress later worn by a guest at Clarissa's party in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Also seen on Rosy Clayton as Rosie Skinner in ep. 2.6 of The Grand (1998).
Christine Mackie as Mrs. Harvey in ep. 2.6 of The Grand (1998), and Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 1.9 of The House of Eliott (1991).
maisy - 23.01.2012, 02:08
That post was getting too long so I'm starting a second one for today. :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Katie Carr as Elizabeth Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing a white jacket with embroidered trim seen later on Beatriz Batarda as Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) (FS series II).
It turns out this piece was made for the 3rd series of The House of Eliott (1994). Here is an image from milliner Louise Macdonald's website. This is Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott. Macdonald made the cloche hat she's wearing, and a colleague from Cosprop made the coat "from an original 1920's embroidered table cloth!" I've also posted screenshots from ep. 3.5:
I've also spotted it the pilot for The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries: Speedy Death (1998), on Eleanor Tremain as Dorothy Manners (who wears it as her wedding outfit.)
Dorothy's wedding outfit is complete with a cloche hat, previously seen on Judy Flynn as Madge Althorpe in episode 3.5 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Back to the coat: Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness wears this piece as a dressing gown (without the matching scarf) in series 2 of The Grand (1998).
This costume is also seen on Juliet Aubrey as Elizabeth, Duchess of York, in Bertie and Elizabeth (2002).
And it looks as though Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Countess of Grantham is going to be wearing that embroidered jacket from The House of Eliott in series 3 of Downton Abbey (2012). See how the scarf has been wrapped around her hat?
DAs3 images from here. Caution: there are spoilers in the article and images! :-)
Update: Here's a screenshot from episode 3.3 of Downton Abbey (2012).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Phyllida Law as Edith Duglass in episode 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown later seen on the French Ambassador's dinner partner in The Lost Prince (2003).
Also worn by Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in ep. 2.9 of The Grand (1998).
maisy - 23.01.2012, 21:36
A couple more costumes from The Grand.
Here is Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wearing a black evening dress previously seen on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 1 and 2 of The House of Eliott (1991, 1992). This dress also appears on an uncredited actress playing the Duchess of Marlborough in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Arkie Whiteley as Madame Euphrasine de Bourg D'Oisans in ep. 2.5 of The Grand (1998) wearing a black coat also previously seen on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Apparently this piece was also worn in series one. Here it is on Anne Lambton as Susie Hofman (cousin Arthur's business partner in the shady night club) in ep. 1.4 of The House of Eliott (1991).
maisy - 24.01.2012, 02:13
Here is Amanda Mealing as Ruth Manning in series 1 of The Grand (1997) wearing a coat with embroidered trim previously seen on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Emily Hamilton as Christina Lloyd-Price in ep. 2.3 of The Grand (1998) wearing a costume previously used as a prop in ep. 3.2 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in ep. 2.1 of The Grand (1998) wearing a costume previously seen on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Also seen on an extra in The Forsyte Saga II: To Let (2002).
maisy - 24.01.2012, 20:21
Ifan Meredith as Stephen Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wears a paisley dressing gown seen a year earlier on Edward Atterton as Charles Farrier in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Here is Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997) wearing a jacket seen a few years earlier on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 3.7 of The House of Eliott (1994).
maisy - 26.01.2012, 17:01
I've updated the black dress with slit sleeves posted on the previous page with images from Mrs. Dalloway.
This bare-shouldered dress appears on an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) and in the same year on an extra in series 1 of The Grand (1997). Also worn by Lucy Aston as Dorothy (Gilles Caragnac's London lover) in ep. 2.1 of The House of Eliott (1992). Also worn by Cathryn Harrison as Violet Keppel in Portrait of a Marriage (1990).
--- --- ---
Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a dress seen a few years later on Sarah Badel as Lady Rosseter (née Sally Seton) in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in teh same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
maisy - 27.01.2012, 22:33
Kim Braden as Julia Darbyshire in To Serve Them All My Days (1980) wearing a day dress seen previously on Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Nancie Herrod as a Housekeeper in series 1, episode 2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume seen previously on Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977).
Also worn by Kim Braden as Julia Darbyshire in To Serve Them All My Days (1980).
Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wearing a coat seen later on Sarah Miles as Lucy Angkatell in Poirot: The Hollow (2004). Also worn by Beatriz Batarda as Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
maisy - 28.01.2012, 23:42
Gina McKee as Irene Forsyte in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a black coat previously seen on Caroline Blakiston as Isobel Crawford in series 2 of The Grand (1998).
Emma Griffiths Malin as Fleur Forsyte in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a white blouse previously seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
Amanda Root as Winnifred Dartie in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a dress previously seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
Also worn by an extra in the audience in ep. 1.2 of The Bretts (1987), by an extra at a reception in Out of Africa (1985), and and by an extra in Brideshead Revisited (1981).
--- ---
I've also updated an earlier post on the previous page with a new image of that embroidered linen coat (publicity photo found on Forsyte DVD).
And to the previous post I've added an image of Fleur's mother in Forsyte.
maisy - 30.01.2012, 00:46
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Both appear in the same year, but perhaps the film (Enchanted April) was shot first? Miranda Richardson as Rose Arbuthnot in Enchanted April (1992) and Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Also worn by June Whitfield as Mrs. Lancaster in Marple: By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2006).
maisy - 31.01.2012, 00:21
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Helen Lawrence as Amelia Egerton in ep. 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a silk dress later worn by a guest at Clarissa's party in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Also seen on Rosy Clayton as Rosie Skinner in ep. 2.6 of The Grand (1998).
Also worn by Rosemary Martin as Lady Wickham in ep. 1.2 of Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990).
Note that Rosemary Martin as Lady Wickham in ep. 1.2 of Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990) and Rosy Clayton as Rosie Skinner in ep. 2.6 of The Grand (1998) are wearing the same necklace, too.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a dress seen a few years later on Sarah Badel as Lady Rosseter (née Sally Seton) in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Also worn by Rosemary Martin as Lady Wickham in ep. 1.2 of Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990).
Ruth Burnett as Beryl in ep. 1.3 of Jeeves and Wooster: The Village Sports Day at Twing (or, the Gambling Event) (1990) wearing a coat seen two years later on Linda Davidson as Kitty in ep. 2.12 of The House of Eliott (1992).
maisy - 02.02.2012, 21:14
Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1997) wearing a dress previously seen on Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991). Note: Now I understand why this dress looked so ill-fitting on St. John: it should have had some kind of stiffener in the gold applique shoulder flange. Instead of standing up like it should, it droops and looks baggy, as though she's wearing something much too large for her.
Also worn by an extra in Chéri (2009).
The lady (an extra) next to Aunt Lydia in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) is wearing Sarah Badel/Sally Seton's turban from Mrs. Dalloway (1997). Also worn by Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994).
--- ---
Michelle Ryan as Rose Waters in Marple: By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2006) wearing a floral dress seen the same year on a different character (in another Marple), Kelly Brook as Elsie Holland in Marple: The Moving Finger (2006).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a dress seen a few years later on Sarah Badel as Lady Rosseter (née Sally Seton) in Mrs. Dalloway (1997). Also worn by Rosemary Martin as Lady Wickham in ep. 1.2 of Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990).
--- ---
Perhaps this dress was made especially for Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in the much-celebrated 1981 series from Granada Television of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. Followed by Pauline Larrieu as Yvette Caragnac in ep. 2.1 of The House of Eliott (1992).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in teh same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Claire Bloom again as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981). Note: This is another example of a costume that looks completely different, depending on the color and fabric of the undergown.
Also worn by Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in Mapp & Lucia: The Village Fete (1985).
Also worn by an extra in Bertie & Elizabeth (2002).
Also seen on Elke Sommer as Isabel Von Hohenstauffen in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) .
maisy - 04.02.2012, 15:37
This darling little jacket has had the honor of being worn by three very gifted English actresses: Geraldine Somerville as Lady Stockbridge in Gosford Park (2001), Juliet Stevenson as Gwenda Vaughn in Marple: Ordeal by Innocence (2007), and Samantha Bond as Lady Rosamund Painswick in Downton Abbey: Christmas Special (2011).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Both appear in the same year, but perhaps the film (Enchanted April) was shot first? Miranda Richardson as Rose Arbuthnot in Enchanted April (1992) and Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Also worn by June Whitfield as Mrs. Lancaster in Marple: By the Pricking of My Thumbs (2006).
Maggie Smith as Lady Trentham in Gosford Park (2001).
Also worn by Emilia Fox as Mrs. de Winter in Rebecca (1997).
Adminette - 07.02.2012, 20:04
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i have rediscovered some elizabethan costumes in the documentary "king james' bible - the book that changed the world".
the costumes - as far as there are allready entries for them on kathy's site, are here, here and here. though i'm sure, i could track back more costumes. one at least, i'm sure was worn by colin firth' wessex in "shakespeare in love". just don't have time to look for it now. sorry.
as promised and owed, here's the cape, first on colin firth as wessec in "shakespeare in love" 1998 an after that on an extra in said documentary on the "king james' bible" 2011.
PS: er, as much as i enjoy your finds, and i really do, can we please, please agree to use no more than one or two significant pictures? especially for the quotes of older finds? i think that would make it much easier to survey and less overwhelming :wink:
maisy - 08.02.2012, 01:42
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PS: er, as much as i enjoy your finds, and i really do, can we please, please agree to use no more than one or two significant pictures? especially for the quotes of older finds? i think that would make it much easier to survey and less overwhelming :wink:
Sure, no problem. I was just trying to keep the images together so when we're looking them up, we can see the different angles. (Sometimes I never know what the bottom of a frock looks like because I can't find (or we don't have) an image of it from that angle.) I'm sure I've gotten carried away with multiple images. It's difficult to predict sometimes which one Katie might prefer for her website. I'll cut back from now on. :-)
maisy - 13.02.2012, 15:27
Rosalind Knight as Dame Daphne Winkworth in Jeeves & Wooster: Bertie Takes Gussie's Place at Deverill Hall (or, Right Ho! Jeeves) (1992) and Victoria Scarborough as Ruth Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998).
And I've spotted this hat again in Jeeves and Wooster.
Helen Ryan as Queen Alexandra in Edward the Seventh: King at Last (1975) wearing a costume also seen on (I think this is?) Carole Bollard as Tresje in Raffles: A Bad Night (1977). (I thought the costume looked familiar when I was watching Raffles a while ago, so I grabbed a screenshot, but then I forgot to label who it was!)
Here are some costumes from the 70's/80's Jane Austen adaptations which I have also spotted in some of the episodes of Thomas Hardy's Wessex Tales (1973). (Some of the Austen costumes were previously posted on Maggie's website.)
Yvonne Antrobus as Gertrude Lodge in Wessex Tales: The Withered Arm (1973) wearing a white floral print previously seen on Doran Godwin as Emma Woodhouse in Emma (1972), and seen several years later on Sabina Franklyn as Jane Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
--- ---
Yvonne Antrobus as Gertrude Lodge in Wessex Tales: The Withered Arm (1973) wearing a cloak also worn by Tessa Peake-Jones as Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
An extra/dancer in Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973) wearing a gown also worn by Fiona Walker as Mrs. Elton in Emma(1972), and by Jennifer Granville as Mrs. Hurst in Pride and Prejudice (1980). Also worn by an extra at the Duchess of Richmond's Ball in Vanity Fair (1998).
--- --- ---
Joanna McCallum as Barbara Grebe in Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973) wearing a floral print also seen on Constance Chapman as Miss Bates in Emma (1972), and on Clare Higgins as Kitty Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
--- ---
Joanna McCallum as Barbara Grebe in Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973) wearing a striped day dress also worn by Tessa Peake-Jones as Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This extra (right) in Princess Caraboo is wearing Mrs. Weston's (Ellen Dryden) gown from the Crown Ball in Emma 1972. Also seen on an extra at the Netherfield Ball in P&P 1980, on Mrs. Kenwig in The Royal Shakespeare Company's 1982 stage presentation of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, in Quills on an extra (center) attending the play, and on an extra at the Crown Ball in 1996-tv Emma.
Also seen on an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991).
And on Sheila Allen as Lady Grebe in Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973).
maisy - 17.02.2012, 22:54
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Helena Bonham Carter as Helen Schlegel in Howard's End (1992) wearing a teal blue dress seen five years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Also worn by Sophie McShera as Daisy in ep. 1.4 of Downton Abbey (2010). Note: The collar was changed.
maisy - 07.03.2012, 13:38
This next find is from Brooke, who noticed that Maria Doyle Kennedy as Vera Bates in series 2 of Downton Abbey (2011) wears the same coat previously seen on Samantha Bond as Lady Rosamund Painswick in episode 1.7 of Downton Abbey (2010).
maisy - 10.03.2012, 21:47
Amanda Root as Winifred Dartie in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a beaded gown previously seen on a guest at Aunt Lydia's New Year's Eve party in ep. 1.5 of The House of Eliott (1991). Also worn by Janet McTeer as Vita Sackville-West in 1990's Portrait of a Marriage.
--- ---
Victoria Scarborough as Ruth Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wearing a floral costume previously seen on an extra in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Melanie Ramsay as Grace Keeble in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a costume seen years earlier on Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981).
Note: At first I wasn't sure if they were the same, but then i realized that Bloom wears the neckline opened and folded over into a sort-of collar (which is embroidered on both sides).
A guest at the Manderley fancy dress party in Rebecca (1997) wears a jacket previously seen on Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Samantha Bond as Lady Rosamund Painswick in Downton Abbey: Christmas Special (2011) wearing a black gown previously seen on a guest at Julia's engagement party in Brideshead Revisited (2008).
Tara Fitzgerald as Betty from Cardiff in The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995) wearing a blouse seen a few years later on Gillian Kearney as June Forsyte in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
maisy - 16.03.2012, 22:36
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Mrs. Partini's assistant in ep. 1.3 of The House of Eliott (1991) wears a blouse seen a few years later on Michelle Charles as Jessie Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997).
The blouse appears again in The House of Eliott (1991) when Judy Flynn as Madge Howell wears it in episode 1.9. And here it is again on an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
A while back, I noticed that Emma Thompson wore it as Dora Carrington in the film Carrington (1995), but I couldn't find a copy of the DVD. These images I found online.
It might have been made for Meryl Streep as Karen Blixen in Out of Africa (1985).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wearing a coat seen later on Sarah Miles as Lucy Angkatell in Poirot: The Hollow (2004). Also worn by Beatriz Batarda as Annette Forsyte (Fleur's mother) in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
--- ---
An extra at a reception in Out of Africa (1985).
maisy - 22.03.2012, 22:00
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Vanessa Redgrave as Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing the famous "silver-green mermaid's dress" mentioned in Virginia Woolf's novel. Apparently it wasn't designed for the film though, as here it is several years earlier on Amanda Elwes as Rose Gillespie in series 1, episode 10 of The House of Eliott (1991). The color of the under-gown really makes a difference in the final look of the gown, doesn't it?
Also worn by an extra in Chaplin (1992).
maisy - 24.03.2012, 00:31
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2, episode 6 of The Duchess of Duke Street: Your Country Needs You (1977) wearing a two piece outfit seen later on Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in series 1, episode 5 of Downton Abbey (2010). Also seen on Cheryl Campbell as Lady Boynton in Poirot: Appointment with Death (2008).
--- ---
Also worn by Celia Imrie as Grace Rushton in ep. 2.1 of Titanic (2012). Note: They've either placed another costume over the top of the coat, or theyve removed the collar, cuffs, pocket accents, belt, etc. to use with this piece. (The stitching looks terrible!)
Sarah Solemani as Lady Mary Crawler in the Red Nose Day spoof, Uptown Downstairs Abbey (2011) wearing a dress also seen on Perdita Weeks as Georgiana Grex in Titanic (2012).
Kim Cattrall as Lady Grantham in Uptown Downstairs Abbey (2011) wearing a dress also seen on Elizabeth McGovern as Lady Grantham in series one of Downton Abbey (2010), and on Diana Kent as Eleanor Widener in Titanic (2012). Also worn by Jacqueline Bisset as Lady Lewis in Britannic (2000).
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Elizabeth McGovern as Lady Grantham in series one of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a costume also seen on Kim Cattrall as Lady Grantham in Uptown Downstairs Abbey (2011). Also worn by Anne Orwin as Betty Felton in The Wingless Bird (1997).
--- ---
Bruki - 24.03.2012, 10:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Also worn by Celia Imrie as Grace Rushton in ep. 2.1 of Titanic (2012).
Great work, maisy... :hurra:
Bruki :bruki:
maisy - 24.03.2012, 10:44
Thanks, Bruki. :thanx:
P.S. I've replaced some of those blurry screenshots with promo images.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Carey Mulligan as Elsie Kipling in My Boy Jack (2007) wearing a dress previously seen on Amanda Royle as Elaine Dawson Porter in The Wingless Bird (1997).
--- Also worn by an extra in Titanic (2012), and by Maryam d'Abo as Amalia Guishar in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
Perdita Weeks as Lady Georgiana Grex in Titanic (2012) wearing a white gown previously seen on Michelle Dockery as lady Mary Crawley in series one of Downton Abbey (2010).
I suspect that this suit on an extra standing in the background during the "introductions before dinner" scene in Titanic (2012) is this orangeish costume previously seen on Laura Carmichael as Lady Edith Crawley in series one of Downton Abbey (2010).
maisy - 25.03.2012, 00:13
This next one is from hanne, who was watching BBC's Portrait of a Marriage from 1990 and noticed that Cathryn Harrison, who played Violet Keppel, wears the same green dress Lavinia Swire [played by Zoe Boyle] is wearing the first time she comes to Downton Abbey (2011) in the first episode of S2.
maisy - 25.03.2012, 15:00
(from 7 October 2011 - more images there)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Elodie Kendall as Mercer Elphinstone in Byron (2003) wears this peacock ruff/collar previously worn by Megan Dodds as Marguerite De Ghent in Ever After (1998).
That gown above worn by Elodie Kendall as Mercer Elphinstone in Byron (2003) is the same costume worn by Emma Watson as Pauline Fossil (appearing in a film as Henrietta, sister of Charles II) in The Ballet Shoes (2007). (Note that Watson wears it without the stomacher seen on Kendall.)
The gown above worn by both Kendall and Watson comes from Ever After (1998) as well. It's seen on Virginia García as Princess Gabriella, the loudly sobbing bride in the wedding scene. (No stomacher here, either.)
maisy - 26.03.2012, 22:02
Janet McTeer as Vita Sackville-West in Portrait of a Marriage (1990) wearing a jacket seen the following year on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series one of The House of Eliott (1991).
Janet McTeer as Vita Sackville-West in Portrait of a Marriage (1990) in tweed seen the following year in series one of The House of Eliott (1991) on Francesca Folan as Penelope Maddox.
Cathryn Harrison as Violet Keppel in Portrait of a Marriage (1990) wearing a costume also seen on Jayne Ashbourne as Celia Sutton in ep. 1.3 of The Grand (1997).
Cathryn Harrison as Violet Keppel in Portrait of a Marriage (1990) wearing a blouse later worn by Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in ep. 2.2 of Downton Abbey (2011).
Adminette - 26.03.2012, 22:09
nice find in ever after. i always wonder, that those costumes don't turn up more often. anyway, here's what i've found in andrea arnolds "wuthering heights":
waistcoat used on russell tovey as john chivery in little dorrit (2008) and on solomon glave as the younger heathcliff.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: es tanzen diverseste kleider aus S&S 95 auf dem ball in meryton in P&P 05
zum beispiel auch dieses:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
und noch mehr modische rivalitäten in liebesdingen: lucy steele (anna madelay) trägt doch ernsthaft zum besuch bei elinor (hattie morahan) elinors (emma thompson) altes kleid auf :eek:
here it is on nicola burley as isabella linton, who interestingly only wears hand-me-downs from previous productions.
just like this chequered dress first seen on emma thompson as elinor dashwood as well. or this pinkish velvet spencer seen on many a young lady afore.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: lady catherine looks like mrs. ferrars at her dinner party (again, observe the posture):
and last but not least: there is this green striped piece of upholstery previously inhabited by the terrifying mrs. ferrars (jean marsh) in the last S&S (2008). although i know a third production i've seen it in lately. just cannot decide, which one. maybe little dorrit.
oh. and the very last, just for the sake of completeness: this pale blue ... umm ... francaise, yes? was worn by an extra at the servant's ball in episode 5 of the 2nd new "upstairs downstairs" season. i'm sure elizabeth I'st dressy there was reused as well.
maisy - 26.03.2012, 23:06
Nice, Anna. Plus I've really been wanting to see these. :-)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: nicola burley as isabella linton, who interestingly only wears hand-me-downs from previous productions.
I recognize her coat as this one:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Freema Agyeman as Tattycoram in Little Dorrit (2008), Ruby Bentall as Mary Bennet in Lost in Austen (2008), and Julie Cox as Annabella Millbanke in Byron (2003).
Adminette - 26.03.2012, 23:25
can you place her white spencer, worn with the chequered dress as well? i know it looks familiar, just can't put my finger on it. perhaps some bridal garment?
PS: i've just realised, that in the last emma (2009) harriet (louise dylan) wears the same bonnet for her wedding, the bride (anna lefroy?) at the beginning of "miss austen regrets" (2008) donned before. which i suspected has been worn on a previous emma as well. have to check on that, piccies later. n8yn8.
maisy - 27.03.2012, 00:27
I knew you were going to ask me that, lol. Yes, I'm sure we've seen it before but I cannot picture on whom. I was thinking Isabella/Carey Mulligan in NA-07, or Harriet/Samantha Morton in Beckinsale Emma. But those are just guesses.
Sometimes if I look through images on shootastic, or here, it helps jog my memory.
P.S. I'm picturing the back of that Spencer with a little "tail"? Does that sound right?
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: And the red coat Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley wears to ask Carlisle for help in ep. 2.5 of Downton Abbey (2011) is the same one worn by Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997). Note that velvet was added to the collar and sleeves before the garment was worn in Downton Abbey.
Also worn by Imelda Staunton as Ethel Graydon in Another Life (2001).
Adminette - 27.03.2012, 13:47
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I knew you were going to ask me that, lol. Yes, I'm sure we've seen it before but I cannot picture on whom. I was thinking Isabella/Carey Mulligan in NA-07, or Harriet/Samantha Morton in Beckinsale Emma. But those are just guesses.
Sometimes if I look through images on shootastic, or here, it helps jog my memory.
P.S. I'm picturing the back of that Spencer with a little "tail"? Does that sound right?
yes, it does. and: yes, it does. here it is on felicity jones as catheine morland in "northanger abbey" 2007 and once more in isabelle linton with the small back visible.
maisy - 27.03.2012, 20:10
Excellent, Anna. (And I'm glad I wasn't imagining the tail!) :wink:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: this years red nose day period drama spoof "uptown downstairs abbey" seems to reuse the exact same costumes, that were in the original downton abbey series:
Before it was worn by the Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey (2010) and Uptown Downstairs Abbey (2011), this costume was seen on Briony Glassco as Lady Constance Lamson-Scribener in Berkeley Square (1998).
Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998) and Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Bruce in Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998).
Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998), Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Bruce in Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998), and Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in The Duchess of Duke Street (1976).
--- ---
maisy - 28.03.2012, 15:38
Perdita Weeks as Lady Georgiana Grex in Titanic (2012) and Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in series one of Downton Abbey (2010).
maisy - 30.03.2012, 20:43
Penny Downie as Judy Trenor in The House of Mirth (2000) wearing a costume previously seen on Victoria Smurfit as Hannah Randall Berkeley Square (1998).
maisy - 03.04.2012, 22:40
Emma Thompson as Margaret Schlegel in Howard's End (1992) wearing a cardigan seen a few years later on Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Waterbury in The Railway Children (2000). Previously worn by Billie Whitelaw as Mrs. Hall in Maurice (1987).
--- ---
I've also spotted this necklace again on an uncredited actress playing Florence Ismay in Titanic: Birth of a Legend (2005).
maisy - 07.04.2012, 20:17
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: nicola burley as isabella linton
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I knew you were going to ask me that, lol. Yes, I'm sure we've seen it before but I cannot picture on whom. I was thinking Isabella/Carey Mulligan in NA-07, or Harriet/Samantha Morton in Beckinsale Emma. But those are just guesses.
P.S. I'm picturing the back of that Spencer with a little "tail"? Does that sound right?
yes, it does. and: yes, it does. here it is on felicity jones as catheine morland in "northanger abbey" 2007 and once more in isabelle linton with the small back visible.
- I've just remembered where else I've seen this white spencer. Here it is on Naomi Watts as Alice Fairfield in The Wyvern Mystery (2000). (See the tail on the back?)
I've spotted this 18th century gown again in an episode of Midsomer Murders.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in the background of these images from Felicity: An American Adventure (2005) is wearing a green beaded gown seen two years later on Alison Steadman as Mrs. Brown in Fanny Hill (2007).
--- Also worn by an extra in Midsomer Murders: They Seek Him There(2007).
Rachael Stirling as Avis Graydon in Another Life (2001) wearing a dress previously seen on Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in series 2 of Mapp & Lucia (1986).
Henrietta Voigts as a Suffragette in The Lost Prince (2003) wearing a gown seen a few years earlier on Sonya Walger as Lady Frances in All the King's Men (1999).
Adminette - 09.04.2012, 22:50
some dresses reseen in "anonymous":
this grey gown first seen on elizabeth I /cate blanchett accepting the regent's ring in 1998 and less well fitting on a courtier talking to southhampton 2011
and lady violas/gwyneth patrow's dressing gown from "shakespeare in love" seen again on an extra attending serveral performances.
have to say (again :wink:): i really loved the original costumes lisy christl made for that movie.
PS: i think elizabeth's (vanessa regrave) quatrefoil hand mirror is the same one that was used by the young lady emily (hayley griffiths) in "aristocrats" (1999)
maisy - 10.04.2012, 03:18
I love those pieces too, Anna. Lovely. :-)
Rosalind Knight as Great-Aunt Effie in Berkeley Square (1998) wearing a black gown seen a few years later on an extra in The Magnificent Ambersons (2002).
maisy - 16.04.2012, 12:29
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Phyllida Law as Edith Duglass in episode 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown later seen on the French Ambassador's dinner partner in The Lost Prince (2003).
Also worn by Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in ep. 2.9 of The Grand (1998).
Also worn by Linda Kash as Mrs. Brown in ep. 4 of Julian Fellowes' Titanic (2012), and by an extra in All the King's Men (1999).
Adminette - 16.04.2012, 21:27
one reused item from me: the following painting (some kind of venus and eros i presume?) was prominently used in last years "jane eyre". i found it again in daddys private part of the house in "the glass virgin" 1995
maisy - 02.05.2012, 03:56
Constance Novis as Cora Bellinger in Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990) wearing a costume later seen on Eileen Atkins as Madame Fidolia in Ballet Shoes (2007).
Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a costume later seen on Eileen Atkins as Madame Fidolia in Ballet Shoes (2007).
It looks as though Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Countess of Grantham is going to be wearing that embroidered jacket from The House of Eliott in series 3 of Downton Abbey (2012). See how the scarf has been wrapped around her hat?
DAs3 images from here. Caution: there are spoilers in the article and images! :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Ifan Meredith as Stephen Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wears a paisley dressing gown seen a year earlier on Edward Atterton as Charles Farrier in The Wingless Bird (1997).
--- Also worn by Tom Hiddleston as Randolph Churchill in The Gathering Storm (2002) and by Richard Lintern as Daniel Page in ep. 3.7 of The House of Eliott (1994), and by Nathaniel Parker as Chris Davidson in Poirot: The Affair at the Victory Ball (1991).
--- ---
maisy - 11.05.2012, 13:51
Charles Knode designed costumes for BBC's 1971 Sense and Sensibility mini series and for BBC's 1972 War & Peace mini series, so it's no wonder that so many costumes have appeared in both productions. I noticed another recycled costume when this pretty pink gown caught my eye.
Here is Jo Kendall as Charlotte Palmer in Sense and Sensibility (1971) wearing a gown seen the following year on Candida Fawsitt as Julie Karagina in War & Peace (1972).
Adminette - 12.05.2012, 21:18
just saw "a royal affair" in the theatre and think i've caught this, this and perhaps this dress first seen on lady emily/geraldine somerville in "aristocrats" 1999 on serveral extras. unfortunatly i can't find them on public shots of the movie so i cannot provide any pictures just yet. but when the DVD comes out, i'm sure even more sightings will occur. :ja:
PS: just like this one, because: isn't this the dress, the queen caroline mathilde/alicia vikander wears in the trailer (0:41)?
maisy - 14.05.2012, 13:26
Wonderful, Anna. :-)
How did you enjoy the film? (We have to wait until autumn!)
James Fleet as Sir Harry St. Columb in Frenchman's Creek (1998) wearing a costume also seen on Rupert Graves as George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham in Charles II: The Power & the Passion (2003).
Adminette - 17.05.2012, 13:41
nice find in the men's closet :wink:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: How did you enjoy the film? (We have to wait until autumn!
well, it started off quite ambitiously if a little too prying on "marie antoinettes" sensibilities. liked the way it solely and successfully (!) portrayed the thoughts and feelings via the actors eyes. the "mad" king was really pretty well played. the part was quite a rope to walk and judging from the trailers it felt bad. but the berlinale jury was right, mikkel boe følsgaard nailed it. at times he was the only sympathetic character for his anarchic vulnerability.
but it went on and ended a little too formulaic and the queen, who was the story's teller, was a tad too uninteresting and unlikable (king was right when he complained about her lack of spirit and sense of humour). nevertheless, not a bad watch.
maisy - 18.05.2012, 03:20
Thanks, Anna. And thank you for the review. :-)
Celia Imrie as Grace Rushton in Titanic (2012) wearing a beaded gown previously seen on Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in The House of Eliott (1991). Also worn by the soprano at the concert in Wallis & Edward (2005).
--- ---
And I've also spotted this brown costume again in Britannic.
maisy - 19.05.2012, 03:00
Minnie Driver as Mary in The House of Eliott (1991) models a coat seen a few years later on Victoria Scarborough as Ruth Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998).
maisy - 21.05.2012, 00:57
Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a beaded top seen a few years later on Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 2 of The Grand (1998).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rachael Stirling as Avis Graydon in Another Life (2001) wearing a dress previously seen on Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in series 2 of Mapp & Lucia (1986).
--- Also seen on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) .
maisy - 22.05.2012, 22:06
Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same suit seen a few years later on Frances de la Tour as Maud Dane Calthrop in Marple: The Moving Finger (2006).
maisy - 31.05.2012, 00:10
Jodhi May as "Miss" the governess in The Turn of the Screw (1999) and Siobhan Flynn as Hannah Boyle in Catherine Cookson's The Girl (1996).
maisy - 02.06.2012, 22:37
Trini Alvarado as Miss Elinor Hartley in American Friends (1991) and Siobhan Flynn as Hannah Boyle in Catherine Cookson's The Girl (1996).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I think this dress on Frances O'Connor as Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary (2000) is likely the same one on Zoe Tapper as Selina Dawes in Affinity (2008).
--- Also seen on Trini Alvarado as Miss Elinor Hartley in American Friends (1991) and Carey Mulligan as Ada Clare in Bleak House (2005).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997) and Amy Marston as Priscilla Stanbury in He Knew He Was Right (2004).
--- Also seen on Connie Booth as Miss Caroline Hartley in American Friends (1991).
Adminette - 02.06.2012, 23:30
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Trini Alvarado as Miss Elinor Hartley in American Friends (1991) and Siobhan Flynn as Hannah Boyle in Catherine Cookson's The Girl (1996).
oh. i remember this one. it was worn by the lovely dorothy stanbury made humaine by caroline martin in 2004's "he knew he was right".
Adminette - 08.06.2012, 21:43
one small addition: dress worn by kate winslets iconic (if you ask me :wink:) marianne dashwood in ang lees "sense and sensibility". but, as far as i know, it could only be seen during the making of as there mostly was a close up of winslets face/upper bust in the actual scene (drawing willoughbys profile).
the very same year it was filling up the lines at the netherfiel ball in "pride and prejudice" - not for the prettier. some rather hiddy puffy sleeves have been added on top of the actual ones.
maisy - 11.06.2012, 02:31
Those are great, Anna. I knew I'd seen the plaid more recently, but thought it was on Carey Mulligan in Bleak House. No wonder I couldn't find it, lol.
Nice find in S&S/P&P!
The lovely Pippa Guard as Maggie Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (1978) and Gabrielle Lloyd as Mrs. Garth in Middlemarch (1994) and Rosemary McHale as Emily Bronte in The Brontës of Haworth (1973).
--- ---
Lynn Farleigh as Mrs. Outhouse in He Knew He Was Right (2004) and Hilary Gish as Rosalie Bannaman in A Dinner of Herbs (2000).
It looks like the coral necklace and earrings might have been worn again by Trevyn McDowell as Rosamond Vincy in Middlemarch (1994).
And I've found this dress again, and this one, and another dress, and this skirt.
maisy - 13.06.2012, 22:52
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Constance Novis as Cora Bellinger in Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990) wearing a costume later seen on Eileen Atkins as Madame Fidolia in Ballet Shoes (2007).
Also worn (with poofy sleeves!) by Susan Denaker as Connie Thaw in The Woman He Loved (1988).
Joely Richardson as Wallis Simpson in Wallis & Edward (2005) wearing a replica of Simpson's Mainbocher wedding dress which was also worn by Andrea Riseborough as Wallis Simpson in W.E. (2011).
This article discusses how the same costume appeared in both film projects.
Duke and Duchess of Windsor wedding portraits (for comparison).
Two more replicas of Simpson's iconic gown: Cynthia Harris from Edward & Mrs. Simpson (1978), and Jane Seymour from The Woman He Loved (1988).
maisy - 14.06.2012, 17:48
Kay Mellor as Mrs. Cooper (the shopkeeper) in Jane Eyre (1997), Claudia McNulty as Mrs. Quinton in in The Rag Nymph (1997), and Jill Baker as Anne Thornton in The Girl (1996).
--- ---
Judy Cornwell as Bessy Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (1978) and a wedding guest in Tilly Trotter (1999), and Sylvie Herbert as Sophie in Impromptu (1991).
--- ---
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Remember this shawl you posted to Maggie's website? Doran Godwin as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 72, and Rosanna Lavelle as Lady Middleton in S&S 2008. Here is the same shawl on Jean Anderson as Belle Lafcadio in Campion: Death of a Ghost (1989).
-- --
hi-res image from S&S 08
Also worn by Dame Peggy Ashcroft as Queen Mary in Edward & Mrs. Simpson (1978).
Adminette - 24.06.2012, 19:19
what fun finds about the simpson dress. interesting also, that there are at least 3 different (!) replicas. all stored in british costume houses :ja:.
also: great to see the blue stola again.
heres my crop off "the princess of montpensier". but i'm sure, there are more reused dresses, as most probably only the main personal's garments were originally designed for the film. they were all alike in the fact, that they were all based on rather pure hues of colour and simple rather than intricate detailing. so, anyway, let's start:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: some dresses reseen in "anonymous":
this grey gown first seen on elizabeth I /cate blanchett accepting the regent's ring in 1998 and less well fitting on a courtier talking to southhampton 2011
here it is again worn by the lady in waiting on the far right at queen cathérine de medicis court.
then there's this costume previously worn by helen mirren as "elizabeth I" and natalie dormer as anne boleyn in season 2 of "the tudors" on an extra as a courtier talking to henry de guise (gaspard ulliel).
- -
attached to this yellow gown worn by an extra/courtier might be beth throckmorton (abbie cornish)'s collar from "elizabeth - the golden age". even though i do not think the dress matches. but the collar seems to have been attached to elizabeth (cate blanchett)'s silverish robe as well.
- -
then there is a tiny glimpse of this dress as well, worn by - as you've guessed - an extra as a courtier (far right, next to the candelabre).
and finally there's this dress, worn as well by an extra at court.
there are some more gowns that look decidedly like having been made for "elizabeth I" in 2005, i just can't place them yet as my copy's at home.
maisy - 26.06.2012, 22:44
Nice, Anna. Those are great. While I was watching the Princess of Montpessier last winter, I kept thinking you would recognize some of the costumes for sure. :-)
I've seen around half of anonymous and I need to hurry up and finish watching it soon.
I've spotted this embroidered costume again on Juliet Aubrey. (I've updated the earlier msg because there are so many images in that post.)
maisy - 28.06.2012, 02:55
Pippa Guard as Maggie Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (1978) and Vicky Ireland as Barbara in Jane Eyre (1983).
maisy - 28.06.2012, 19:52
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Francesca Folan as Penelope Maddox in ep. 1.8 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume worn three years later in the same series by Natalie Morse as Mary Page in ep. 3.9 of The House of Eliott (1994). This cardigan is also seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in ep. 1.4 of The Grand (1997).
--- ---
Also worn by Carmen Ejogo as Rose-Angela Patterson in Catherine Cookson's Colour Blind (1998).
maisy - 02.07.2012, 00:04
Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 1 of The Grand (1997) and ten years later we have Sophie Thompson as Charlotte Bartlett in A Room with a View (2007) wearing the same coat. Also worn by Maryam d'Abo as Amalia Guishar in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
--- ---
Shirley Cain as Mrs. Philips in Pride and Prejudice (1980) and Susan Dury as Maria Bassatt in Jamaica Inn (1983).
maisy - 10.07.2012, 22:00
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Ruth Burnett as Beryl in ep. 1.3 of Jeeves and Wooster: The Village Sports Day at Twing (or, the Gambling Event) (1990) wearing a coat seen two years later on Linda Davidson as Kitty in ep. 2.12 of The House of Eliott (1992).
--- The same coat is also seen on Nicola Walker as Gypsy Jones in A Dance to the Music of Time (1997).
Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown seen a few years later on an extra in A Dance to the Music of Time (1997).
Amanda Mealing as Ruth Manning in series 1 of The Grand (1997) and an extra in A Dance to the Music of Time (1999).
[/b]Emma Fielding as Eleanor Bing in The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries: Speedy Death (1999) wearing a dress previously seen on Debra Beaumont as Emma Casson in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Also worn by Shebah Ronay as Jessica Armstrong in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994) and by Belinda Lang as Martha Brett in series one of The Bretts: The King Shall Not Die (1987).
maisy - 14.07.2012, 00:19
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Tara Fitzgerald as Betty from Cardiff in The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995) wearing a blouse seen a few years later on Gillian Kearney as June Forsyte in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
Victoria Hamilton as Ruby Pratt in ep 1.4 of Lark Rise to Candleford (2008).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 1.6 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a blouse seen a dozen years later on Amanda Ryan as Hollie (Forsyte) Dartie in The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003).
I've also spotted this blouse in a surprising place; here it is on the fiddler at Zilla's birthday party in ep. 1.10 of Lark Rise to Candleford (2008).
And I also spotted this 18th century gown in A Dance to the Music of Time.
maisy - 17.07.2012, 21:57
And yet another blouse. :wink:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Emma Griffiths Malin as Fleur Forsyte in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a white blouse previously seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
Also worn by Sara Stewart as Miss Barnes, Beacon Reporter in The Winslow Boy (1999).
Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in ep 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) and an extra in Easy Virtue (2008). Also worn by an extra in s1 of The Grand (1997).
--- ---
maisy - 24.07.2012, 22:43
Kitty Aldridge as Kitty Hall in Maurice (1987) wearing a white gown with blue buttons seen years later on Amanda Royle as Elaine Dawson Porter in The Wingless Bird (1997). Also worn by Lucy Gutteridge as Eve de Lancel in Till We Meet Again (1989).
--- ---
An extra in Maurice (1987) and Jane Danson as Monica Jones in The Grand (1997).
maisy - 02.08.2012, 00:22
I've spotted a couple of recycled costumes in Omid Djalili's sketch comedy about Henry VIII. I've posted them on katie's site here and here. I thought you might like to look at the sketch, too.
There are other episodes of the sketch in other episodes of Djalili's show. Some of them are still on youtube, in case you want to check around more.
Adminette - 03.08.2012, 21:33
tihi. thanks for those. i'd say, after what, 10 seasons of the tudors, THIS was quite a refreshening approach :engel: they've reused more tudor gowns from the 70ies , didn't they? (sorry, no time to browse through youtube for more :confused: ).
Adminette - 04.08.2012, 15:41
i have found this dress again on an extra in the trailer for the BBC's "the paradise". a production that looks very promising to boost new recycled listings :wink:
maisy - 09.08.2012, 15:36
Nice spotting Anna and thanks for the tip. I wonder if they will use costumes from The Pallisers?
Joanna McCallum as Barbara Grebe in BBC's Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973) wearing a dress seen again a few years later on Marsha Fitzalan as
Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
And I found a better quality video of the Omid Djalili show
I - Catherine of Aragon here
(The sketch begins at approx 11 minutes 15 seconds.)
More clips from Omid Djalili's Henry VIII:
II Anne Boleyn - (7 mins 35 secs)
IV - Anne of Cleaves (7 mins 44 secs)
VI - Katherine Parr (starts at beginning of clip)
I didn't locate the clip for sketch III - Jane Seymour, despite having found all three clips for episode 3. (I didn't watch the clips, but I did scroll the cursor from left to right across the bottom of the player. I didn't see the sketch, but it might be there?) *give up*
No clips at all for ep 5, which I'm assuming contains sketch V - Kathryn Howard.
Adminette - 12.08.2012, 17:50
thank you for digging the sketches up for me :ja:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a blue pelisse later seen on Abigail Thaw as Jane Osborne in Vanity Fair (1998), and Deborah Findlay as Miss Phoebe in Wives and Daughters (1999).
--- ---
This is an extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
here it is again on an extra at "molland's" in the 1995 "persuasion".
and during browsing through this here thread i have found the following bonnet on an extra in vanity fair 1997, oliver twist 1999 and on tattycoram/freema agyeman in little dorrit 2008. though i am not 100%sure about tatty's example as it seems to sport a different lining of the screen and another ribbon. but why would anyone change the ribbon if not for a differing appearance and yet choose such a similar colour?
- -
maisy - 12.08.2012, 18:02
That's a good one, Anna. It looks as though they took it apart and then put it back together again afterward.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997) wearing a jacket seen a few years earlier on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 3.7 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Also seen on Geraldine Somerville as Daphne Du Maurier in Daphne (2007).
And I spotted this necklace in Daphne, too.
Adminette - 12.08.2012, 18:12
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: That's a good one, Anna. It looks as though they took it apart and then put it back together again afterward.
which one? the pelisse/spencer? or the bonnet. if the first: maybe two versions existed of which one has been altered. and if so, i'd vote for those two examples originating from the "duel of hearts" as i suspect due to the casting of chaplin, that her part was bigger and it also was a feature film with a probably bigger costume-budget. maybe it was also always a detachable spencer to be worn over a longsleeved dress? speculating of course :wink:
as to the necklace: seems somerville simply couldn't part with it. :lol:
maisy - 12.08.2012, 19:47
Yes, the pelisse. :-)
Duel of Hearts was a television film of a Barbara Cartland novel. :shock:
(Amazingly, there were many original costumes in these films, they were shot on location at beautiful stately homes, and the casts included some big-name stars despite the Mills & Boon story-telling.) :wink:
Joan Ellacott (Pride and Prejudice 1980, The Pallisers, Emma 1972) designed the costumes for three of the four [1980's & 1990's] Cartland films. Costumes for A Hazard of Hearts were designed by Julie Harris (The Slipper and the Rose, and some Sean Connery-era Bond films.) Rather astonishingly, several characters in each of these Cartland films seem to have had special costumes designed specifically for them. The bustle gowns in A Ghost in Monte Carlo are especially gorgeous, as are the restoration-era costumes in The Lady and the Highwayman.
All of these Cartland films were developed by the same production team who had earlier worked on the classic series The Avengers and the classic series The Saint. So perhaps that is how they were able to lure actors like Christopher Plummer, Diana Rigg, Anna Massey, Eileen Atkins, Geraldine Chaplin, Michael York, Oliver Reed, Sarah Miles, Samantha Eggar, and Claire Bloom? (Just some observations I've made since finding these DVDs at my library.) :wink:
Adminette - 12.08.2012, 19:58
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Yes, the pelisse. :-)
Duel of Hearts was a television film of a Barbara Cartland novel. :shock:
ahh. okay. then the imdb simply forgot to put the "(TV)" behind the production title. NOO. no wait, now i've found it. my imdb-surface is simply remodeled, that's why i didn't see the "TV"-note. would have been surprised that these adaptations should have been made for cinema. but one never knows. for example the 1995 persuasion was played in german theatres at that time. of course, this TV-film was made with entirely different aspirations.
anyway, as you say, the cartland films seem to have been made with a slightly bigger than average budget for costumes, props and the like.
maisy - 12.08.2012, 20:00
anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maybe it was also always a detachable spencer to be worn over a longsleeved dress?"
Ohh, I like that idea!
maisy - 22.08.2012, 23:08
This isn't a costume but another prop.
The blankets used in Downton Abbey for Matthew and the other convalescing officers have been used in earlier productions. Here are two in the 1987 film Maurice. (James Wilby and Rupert Graves under the covers.)
maisy - 25.08.2012, 16:42
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a gown seen the following year on Monica Grey as Lady Brewton in series 2, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Also worn by Clare Higgins as Lady Claudine in Parade's End (2012), and by an extra in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Cathryn Harrison as Violet Keppel in Portrait of a Marriage (1990) wearing a costume also seen on Jayne Ashbourne as Celia Sutton in ep. 1.3 of The Grand (1997).
So lovely on Anne-Marie Duff as Edith Duchemin in Parade's End (2012).
maisy - 26.08.2012, 19:30
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Henrietta Voigts as a Suffragette in The Lost Prince (2003) wearing a gown seen a few years earlier on Sonya Walger as Lady Frances in All the King's Men (1999).
Also worn by an extra in Rasputin (1996) and by Caroline Langrishe as Lady Carnarvon in Egypt: The Search for Tutankhamun (2005)..
Adminette - 26.08.2012, 21:13
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: in Parade's End (2012)
so at least the first episode already aired? what did you think of it?
maisy - 26.08.2012, 21:58
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: in Parade's End (2012)
so at least the first episode already aired? what did you think of it?
I liked it very much. It's complex, well-acted, well-written, and BC is amazing. Though I must confess I have not read the novels, I think it is a superb production. I look forward to the next episode.
Amy Irving as Anna Anderson in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) and Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 1.1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
And I've spotted Clare Bloom's black gown from Brideshead again, on Elke Sommer. (I updated an earlier post because there are so many images from other sightings.)
Amy Irving as Anna Anderson in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986), and Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Helen Ryan as Olive Bradford in The Duchess of Duke Street: Blossom Time (1977) wearing a dress seen later on an extra as a dancer in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by Rachel Gurney as Grand Duchess Victoria in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: From The House of Eliott (1991), here is Louise Lombard in ep. 1.8 wearing a blouse seen a few years later on Juliet Aubrey as Sarah Thorman in The Moth (1997).
Also worn by Amy Irving as Anna Anderson in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
maisy - 28.08.2012, 14:35
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Gaye Brown as Anne Beaumont in ep. 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) wearing a dress seen a few years later on Sarah Badel as Lady Rosseter (née Sally Seton) in Mrs. Dalloway (1997). Also worn by Rosemary Martin as Lady Wickham in ep. 1.2 of Jeeves and Wooster: Bertie Is in Love (or, Golf Tournament) (1990).
--- ---
Perhaps this dress was made especially for Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in the much-celebrated 1981 series from Granada Television of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited. Followed by Pauline Larrieu as Yvette Caragnac in ep. 2.1 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Rebecca Hall as Sylvia Tietjens is going to wear this in an upcoming episode of Parade's End (2012). I noticed her wearing it while watching the BBC "making of" program, called The World of Parade's End, on youtube.
maisy - 01.09.2012, 20:32
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Amanda Root as Winnifred Dartie in series II of The Forsyte Saga: To Let (2003) wearing a dress previously seen on Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
Also worn by an extra in the audience in ep. 1.2 of The Bretts (1987), and by an extra at a reception in Out of Africa (1985).
Also seen on Sarah Miles as Lucy Angkatell in Poirot: The Hollow (2004).
I've just spotted it again on an extra in ep 2 of Parade's End (2012).
And I spotted this dress again in Evita.
maisy - 05.09.2012, 03:36
Shirley MacLaine as Martha Levinson in series 3 of Downton Abbey (2012) wearing the same coat previusly seen on Joséphine de La Baume as Madame Aubart in Titanic (2012) and Moira Redmond as Nessy Forrester in The Wingless Bird (1997).
--- ---
And in episode 4 of Parade's End (2012), I noticed that Rebecca Hall as Sylvia Tietjens wears the same coat.
maisy - 05.09.2012, 15:40
(In case you missed it, I've spotted Shirley MacLaine's coat from Downton Abbey. Screencaps on the previous page.)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: [In Emma 2009] mrs. goddard/veronica robert is wearing hill/marlene sidaway's dress from P&P95
This dress also appears in S&S 08 on a maid at Sir John Middleton's house (Barton Park).
[In The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010)] gemma jones [as Aunt Lister] appears shockingly old. but she wears the dress from hill-P&P95 that was also on mrs. goddard in emma and a servant in S&S'08
I have spotted it again on Catherine Bailey as Zoe in Egypt: The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone (2005).
I've also spotted this bonnet again and this waistcoat.
A few years ago, Anna noticed that Billie Piper as Fanny Price in Mansfield Park (2007) wears a black print muslin previously seen on Gemma Jones as Mrs. Dashwood in S&S 95. I have now spotted it on an extra in Egypt: The Temple of the Sands (2005).
--- ---
samitude previously noticed that Felicity Dean as Mrs. Clay in Persuasion 1995 wears the same bonnet later seen on Emma Pierson as Fanny Dorrit in Little Dorrit (2008). Then I had noticed that Greta Scacchi as Mrs. Weston wears that bonnet in Emma 1996, and I had spotted it on an extra in Persuasion 2007. Now I have spotted it on an extra in Egypt: The Temple of the Sands (2005).
--- --- --- ---
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This striped dress is worn by Alison Fiske as Mrs Price in the 1983 version of Mansfield Park, by Sophia Myles as Susan Price in Mansfield Park 1999, and by an extra playing a kitchen servant in Eroica 2003.
Also worn by Tania Emery as Rosine Champollion in Egypt: The Secrets of the Hieroglyphs (2005).
maisy - 07.09.2012, 03:49
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Nancie Herrod as a Housekeeper in series 1, episode 2 of The House of Eliott (1991) wearing a costume seen previously on Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977). Also worn by Kim Braden as Julia Darbyshire in To Serve Them All My Days (1980).
--- ---
Brooke noticed that Jessica Brown Findlay as Lady Sybil was shown wearing this in a picture for the book, The World of Downton Abbey.
Modified to ad: I noticed the riders in the background, so on a hunch I checked ep 1.3 (Pamuk comes for the hunt) and sure enough, there is Sybil in the background wearing this costume. So she wore it in series 1 (2010).
maisy - 14.09.2012, 02:38
Lucy Gutteridge as Eve de Lancel in Till We Meet Again (1989), and Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997) wearing the same coat and hat.
Adminette - 17.09.2012, 22:05
so. downton abbey, s3ep1, what's the verdict? loads and loads of reused numbers, i should imagine. i'm a bit rushed, as always now. but here's what i took from my glympse into the episode:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Somerville as Lady Emily in Aristocrats and Kate Beckinsale in Emma. I noticed yesterday that Sian Philips (as the older Lady Emily) also wears the necklace.
I found the necklace again. Here is Jennifer Saunders as Colombine, la Comtesse de Vache in Let Them Eat Cake (1999) (ep. 1, "The Pox").
Here it is again, worn by Moira Redmond as Nessy Forrester in The Wingless Bird (1997).
necklace on lady cora.
and hasn't this fur'n'brocade on shirley maclaine been worn by sylvia tietjens (rebecca hall, so really great in parade's end, and her therefore gowns) just last friday?
PS: really love that dress, sylvia wore at the general's dinner (the one from "finding neverland"/"downton abbey s1").
maisy - 18.09.2012, 01:31
Oh, nice spotting on that necklace, Anna. :-)
I had already noticed the coat in the Downton previews and in Parade's End. (I posted it a page back, I believe.) It was also used earlier this year in Fellowes' Titanic, and a while ago in The Wingless Bird.
Thanks to a tip charleybrown received from one of her facebook followers, Caroline, I made a screencap of Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess in series one of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a costume previously seen on Barbara Flynn as Helen Potter in Miss Potter (2006).
maisy - 18.09.2012, 22:18
Sasha Waddell as Glorvina in Parade's End (2012) wearing a costume previously seen on Susannah Harker as Laure de Lancel in Till We Meet Again (1989).
P.S. Here's a clearer image of the necklace you spotted. :-)
maisy - 19.09.2012, 18:33
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Trini Alvarado as Miss Elinor Hartley in American Friends (1991) and Siobhan Flynn as Hannah Boyle in Catherine Cookson's The Girl (1996).
oh. i remember this one. it was worn by the lovely dorothy stanbury made humaine by caroline martin in 2004's "he knew he was right".
Also worn by Laura Dos Santos as Agnes in Fingersmith (2005).
maisy - 25.09.2012, 02:10
SPOILERS in this Preview for episode 3.3
In this clip you can just barely see Elizabeth McGovern wearing this embroidered costume (at 04 seconds, on the far right edge of the screen). So it seems we shall see her in it next week! I love this costume, and I love knowing that it was made from a vintage table cloth. :-)
Adminette - 26.09.2012, 21:13
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: billie piper/sally lockhart in "the ruby in the smoke" and anne marie duff/georgiana longstaffe in "the way we live now".
oh, look, it will return in "the paradise" (the woman on right next to elaine cassidy. as i am sure, many another gown will.
maisy - 26.09.2012, 22:45
LOL anna. I spotted it too and I've just posted it in comments on katie's website.
James has also spotted gowns from The Pallisers and Anna Karenina 1977 (comments on facebook).
Adminette - 27.09.2012, 00:27
here's a closer look at it.
and here is on denise/ joanna vanderham a dress previously seen on maxine peake as ruby ruggles in "the way we live now" 82001).
and one worn by ruby bentall as tweety pauline and by paloma baeza as hetta carbury in "the way we live now". (quite sure, we've had this one before, but i do not remember were and o not have the time to look for it in the vastness of this here our thread, sorry :-( )
then there's this slightly altered dress on elaine cassidy as catherine glendenning, seen before (and better off without the bows) on romola garai as gwendolen harleth in "daniel deronda" 2002.
i think there were even more reused dresses on the extras and notatbly so, if only partly reused, slightly changed or blurredly shown, on elaine cassidy's character. like this one from the "buccaneers".
or this white one from "the forsyte saga". if i remember correctly, she wore it at the dinner table presenting her mothers engagement ring to emun elliot's murray.
maisy - 27.09.2012, 12:36
Oh, those are great! Love seeing them. I knew there must be quite a few, and I was hoping you would post some. ( bustle gowns are not my specialty :wink:)
Kiteflier spotted some as well, some of which are the same ones you posted. I'm sure she won't mind me reposting them here. kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: I spotted several reused costumes in The paradise last night.
spotted in Daniel Daronda
Also from DD I believe this cream jacket has been re purposed, with orange trim, as it has the same number of buttons on the back and also the small collar at the back
this gown previously seen in Buccaneers and The Crimson was seen on an extra in The Paradise
and then there is this dress, also in the Buccaneers also spotted on an extra in The Paradise Using I player, I don't always get great screencaps, so if anyone can get better ones?
Then this dress shot in the dark (again bad screencap), I suspect this dress with the shining buttons and the lace lapel, to be the same gown again from Daniel Daronda, and The Way We Use To Live
I wonder what the next episode will bring!
(this is where I player bugs me) I don't always get clear screencaps,
Oh, and here's a link to BBC's gallery for The Paradise. There are some promotional images of some of the costumes.
maisy - 29.09.2012, 16:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: and a pelisse is worn by an extra in Sharpe's Justice (1997), an extra in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) and an extra in Mansfield Park (1983).
-- --
Here it is on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion 1971 and Marilyn Taylerson as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair (1967) .
Also worn by Nicola Pagett as Elizabeth Fanschawe in Christopher Isherwood's Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Spencer worn by Jackie Smith-Wood as Mary Crawford in Mansfield Park 1983 and Amira Casar as Catherine in Sharpe's Siege, and an extra in Vanity Fair 1998.
--- ---
Also worn by Nicola Pagett as Elizabeth Fanschawe in Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Maria (Julia Sawalha) in Horatio Hornblower: Loyalty (2003) wears Lucille's (Cécile Paoli) print gown from Sharpe's Waterloo (1997).
Jane Seymour as Agatha in Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra at at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a black paisley print seen on Gabrielle Daye as Mrs. Rooke in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by a dancer in the Granada Television production The Strauss family (1972).
-- --
Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Blair in Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
maisy - 01.10.2012, 22:05
In Downton Abbey last night, Laura Carmichael as Lady Edith wore the same coronet worn by Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary two weeks ago. (It makes sense. The viewers are probably supposed to think it's a family piece.)
And we finally got to see Elizabeth McGovern wearing this embroidered costume.
Adminette - 03.10.2012, 11:59
ahh, yes. poor edith. at least her dress was prittier. shinier.
Adminette - 03.10.2012, 21:37
Re: love in the time of cholera II
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and the second one for today:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: in "casanova's return" marcolina/elsa lunghini wears a dress made of the famous rubelli strawberry fabric already seen on fairuza balk/cecile de volanges in valmont, uma thurman/cecile de volanges in dangerous liaisons, catherine zeta jones as catherine the great, some extra in the affair of the necklace and finally as well on kirsten dunst as marie antoinette
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: You won't believe what I am currently watching...Bogdanovich's Daisy Miller (1974). Shepherd's performance is grating, but the costumes are lovely. I just popped in here to refresh my memory about the Rubelli strawberry fabric. I wonder if this is it, on Cloris Leachman as Mrs. Miller?
here's the (green version of the) rubelli strawberry-fabric again. on rubria negrao as rosalba in "love in the time of cholera". the dress is only shown very, very briefly. the time period would point to the daisy miller dress, but if so, it must have been heavily altered (different neckline, red velvety decors and so on). on the other hand: perhaps it's only briefly shown to conceal the fact, that it actually is a reused rococo-gown from the aforementioned movies, not a neo-rococo bustle gown that would have been required for "littoc".
at last we get to see it in almost all of its glory. the rubelli strawberry bustlegown with the comperatively clumsy adornments on the bustier is worn again throughout episode 2 of "the paradiese" by olivia hallinan as unhappy mrs. brookmire.
maisy - 04.10.2012, 21:37
I'm so glad you posted the Rubelli fabric dress, Anna. I thought it might be the same fabric, but I hadn't recalled the bustle gown. It's gorgeous (except for those tacked on adornments, lol).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998) and Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Bruce in Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998).
Also worn by Amanda Root as Winifred Dartie in ep 5 of The Forsyte Saga (2002), and by Jennifer Daniel as Eleanor in ep 1.9 of The Duchess of Duke Street: The Outsiders (1976).
I also spotted this dress again in Forsyte.
And I spotted the green dress from Finding Neverland again, this time in Coco Before Chanel.
P.S. I also noticed that this extra in Coco Before Chanel (2009) is wearing a gown seen on Samantha Bond as lady Rosamund Paineswick in Downton Abbey's Christmas Special (2011).
And I've seen this iconic costume Maggie Smith wore in series 1 of Downton Abbey, on Barbara Flynn as Emily Forsyte in The Forsyte Saga (2002).
maisy - 06.10.2012, 14:31
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: In Downton Abbey last night, Laura Carmichael as Lady Edith wore the same coronet worn by Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary two weeks ago.
The article in The Daily Mail (linked lower in this post) refers to the tiara as the Myrtle Tiara, but elsewhere on the Internet I've seen this tiara referred to as the Diamond Flower Spray Tiara. This tiara is made up of two pieces: a brooch and a headband. It is worn differently in Downton Abbey than in the images below of HRH Louise, as explained in this piece in the newsletter of jewelers Bentley & Skinner, current owners of the tiara. (The tiara was taken off the frame for its appearance on Downton Abbey.)
Her Royal Highness Princess Louise wearing the Diamond Spray Tiara circa 1905.
Petronella Wyatt wearing the Myrtle tiara for a photo to accompany her article about the tiara in The Daily Mail.
Here are a couple of quotations from the article:
Zitat: Now known as the Myrtle Tiara after its leaf motif, it was a gift from the Sassoon family to HRH Princess Louise, the Princess Royal, eldest daughter of King Edward VII, on her marriage to the 6th Earl Fife in 1889.
Downton Abbeys jewellery and costume designer Caroline McCall:
We were looking for a family heirloom, so it had to be old. Nothing we found was quite right. In the 1920s, when our wedding was set, big tiaras werent the fashion. Then I saw this on Bentley & Skinners website. It was perfect because it was Georgian but unusually simple.'
If Fellowes really does follow up Downton Abbey the series with a prequel about Robert and Cora, perhaps we'll see this tiara again on whomever plays young Cora.
maisy - 12.10.2012, 00:25
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Amy Irving as Anna Anderson in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986), and Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 1 of The Grand (1997).
I've spotted it again on Amanda Root as Winifred Dartie in The Forsyte Saga II: To Let (2002).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Arkie Whiteley as Madame Euphrasine de Bourg D'Oisans in ep. 2.5 of The Grand (1998) wearing a black coat also previously seen on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Apparently this piece was also worn in series one. Here it is on Anne Lambton as Susie Hofman (cousin Arthur's business partner in the shady night club) in ep. 1.4 of The House of Eliott (1991).
The same interesting black coat appears on Jennifer Tilly as Louella Parsons in The Cat's Meow (2001), and on Barbara Murray as Lydia Wheatley in The Bretts (1987).
maisy - 14.10.2012, 15:30
The Daily Mail published another article about Downton's recycled costumes (MacLaine's brocade coat). They did not give credit to Katie's website, though.
Zitat: from the article:
Male stars are also having to make do with hand-me-downs. In tonight's episode of Downton Abbey, Kevin McNally, who plays the gruff Horace Bryant, will be seen wearing a scarf previously sported by Rupert Everett [as Mark Tietjens] in Parade's End.
Here it is.
Adminette - 17.10.2012, 23:23
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: from "the shadow in the north": light blue walking gown on georgiana king/lady mary and the second american woman in "he knew he was right"
worn again by an extra on glendenning's lawn in episode 4 of "the paradise".
maisy - 23.10.2012, 17:37
Nice Anna. I'm enjoying seeing the bustle gowns you've been spotting in The Paradise. :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
Flora Montgomery as Jenny Lind in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
Christina Cole as Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008).
Can you believe that this pelisse was dyed a second time, after it was worn in LOST IN AUSTEN? I'm pretty certain it was dyed again, to this shade of (Venetian?) red; possibly it was dyed this color specifically for The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010). I believe this is the same costume, worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe. Madeley wore at least two costumes in this shade of red for the production.
I was looking through the book The Making of Pride and Prejudice when I spotted this costume again. I believe this will solve the mystery of when this costume was dyed from pink to brown. As you can see in the above images, when it appeared in Persuasion 1995 it was still pink. But here it is in brown for Pride and Prejudice 1995, which must have filmed very soon after Persuasion, wouldn't you think? Notice in the second image the same wide ribbon trim woven through the skirt just above the hem.
Adminette - 25.10.2012, 23:58
was persuasion shot before P&P95? well. it certainly looks like it.
do you remember this spencer? i think it was worn as well by the refreshing vicky krieps as johanna gauss in the german feature film "die vermessung der welt" / "measuring the world". you can also see it in the trailer around 1:00'.
maisy - 27.10.2012, 13:37
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: was persuasion shot before P&P95? well. it certainly looks like it.
Or the Bath scenes in Persuasion were shot before the double wedding scene in p&p.
Zitat: do you remember this spencer? i think it was worn as well by the refreshing vicky krieps as johanna gauss in the german feature film "die vermessung der welt" / "the measuring of the world". you can also see it in the trailer around 1:00'.
Oh, that's a really fun and interesting find Anna. And you've got a better screencap too, than the one posted on katie's site. Nice! (The film looks good too.)
I spotted Shirley MacLaine's coat again in The Grand.
maisy - 29.10.2012, 02:36
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Amy Irving as Anna Anderson in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) and Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in ep. 1.1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
A new character (Shrimpie's daughter) arrives at Downton Abbey next week, wearing a familiar costume: Lily James as Lady Rose MacClare in ep 3.8 of Downton Abbey (2012).
(I'll replace this screencap when I get a better one.) :-)
Adminette - 31.10.2012, 22:50
here i am, thinking myself quite growing in to old ability concerning my attention and concentration. but then: who is shrimpie? :mhh:
maisy - 01.11.2012, 14:29
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here i am, thinking myself quite growing in to old ability concerning my attention and concentration. but then: who is shrimpie? :mhh:
LOL, Shrimpie is Violet's nephew the Marquess of Flintshire. She called him in series 2 on the telephone (a "device of torture"). It seems that Shrimpie will finally appear in the Christmas Special, played by Peter Egan. His wife will be played by Phoebe Nicholls.
simone - 04.11.2012, 17:59
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Shrimpie is Violet's nephew the Marquess of Flintshire... It seems that Shrimpie will finally appear in the Christmas Special, played by Peter Egan. His wife will be played by Phoebe Nicholls.
Will there be a christmas special again this year? I didn't know. I'm looking forward to the season finale today. Fresh faces sounds good :wink: .
maisy - 04.11.2012, 19:48
simone hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Shrimpie is Violet's nephew the Marquess of Flintshire... It seems that Shrimpie will finally appear in the Christmas Special, played by Peter Egan. His wife will be played by Phoebe Nicholls.
Will there be a christmas special again this year? I didn't know. I'm looking forward to the season finale today. Fresh faces sounds good :wink: .
Yes there will.
Some of the 2012 Christmas Special has been filmed at a castle in Scotland.
maisy - 15.11.2012, 14:08
Kiteflier posted some costumes from the Paradise on c19.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: dress on the companion of the blonde love interest of lord silverbridge/anthony andrews in episode 22 [of the Pallisers]
and in the buccaneers:
kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: Spotted this one in The Paradise this morning,
seen on an extra
And from The Buccaneers on Gertrude
I thik it has been seen on this thread somewhere before, but I can't remember which of the 30 pages to look on (sorry I havn't the time) and I couldn't see it listed on the main Recycled costumes site either :-* )
kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: I am doing a rewatch of the Paradise while it is still on Iplayer while working, and I spotted this out the corner of my eye in episode one.
The same gown on the mannequin in The paradise is use on Nichole Kidman in A portrait of a lady.
kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: And another one.
a cream, lined dress seen on another mannequin in The paradise is used in the way we live now (don't remember the characters name - sorry) [Anne-Marie Duff as Georgiana Longestaffe]
Adminette - 18.11.2012, 13:58
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: I am doing a rewatch of the Paradise while it is still on Iplayer while working, and I spotted this out the corner of my eye in episode one.
The same gown on the mannequin in The paradise is use on Nichole Kidman in A portrait of a lady.
hey, wow. that's a great find. thanks for sharing :ja: i had only spotted the green-beige one by myself :wink:
maisy - 19.11.2012, 14:47
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i'm really trying to figure out a way to store the costume sightings by costume, similar to katie's site, so it will be easier to add sighting without going through all 26 threads which is quite time consuming
What about something like this?
Adminette - 22.11.2012, 22:15
i really can't say, as i know next to nothing about wikia. and given my current lack of time, it sadly isn't likely, that i will get into it or will be able to reorganize my closet :wink: but thank you so much for the heads up. who knows.
anyway, something that i had spotted a while ago only to forget all about it and rediscover it today: one of the first recycled dresses i have ever spotted (elinors "barred" dress) is likely to have been used again. tellingly so for the austen-recycling film "austenland" of stephanie meyers' production company. it's worn by georgia king as lady amilia heartwright. there will surely be much more to be spotted, once more material is released.
maisy - 27.11.2012, 00:55
Nice, Anna. :)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Joanna McCallum as Barbara Grebe in Wessex Tales: Barbara of the House of Grebe (1973) wearing a striped day dress also worn by Tessa Peake-Jones as Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (1980).
Also seen on Kate O'Malley as Sarah, the maid in Pride and Prejudice (1995).
maisy - 28.11.2012, 13:35
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Amanda Mealing as Ruth Manning in series 1 of The Grand (1997) wearing a coat with embroidered trim previously seen on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Soon to be seen on Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Countess of Grantham in the 2012 Downton Abbey Christmas Special.
maisy - 30.11.2012, 02:07
Julia McKenzie as Lottie Crump in Bright Young Things (2003) and Penelope Wilton as Isobel Crawley in Downton Abbey Christmas Special (2011).
Adminette - 30.11.2012, 20:51
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: anyways, speaking of S&S08, i think that year's miss grey (uncredited but very fierce looking actress) is rewearing the dress previously ssen on cecile varens (uncredited as well) in the 2006 jane eyre.
here it is again on kerry russel as jane heyes in "austenland" and i'd like to see more of jj feilds waistcoat as it reminds me of one colin firth has worn as darcy.
maisy - 04.01.2013, 18:31
A while back, Brooke had contacted me about a costume she recognized in Downton Abbey and The House of Eliott. I think I have spotted it again on Gina McKee as Irene Forsyte in The Forsyte Saga II: To Let (2003).
Brooke had previously spotted it on Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey (2011), and on Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in The House of Eliott (1991).
maisy - 07.01.2013, 22:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998) and Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Bruce in Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998).
Also worn by Amanda Root as Winifred Dartie in ep 5 of The Forsyte Saga (2002), and by Jennifer Daniel as Eleanor in ep 1.9 of The Duchess of Duke Street: The Outsiders (1976).
And on Zoe Tapper as Ellen Love in Mr. Selfridge (2013).
maisy - 11.01.2013, 01:47
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Shirley MacLaine as Martha Levinson in series 3 of Downton Abbey (2012) wearing the same coat previusly seen on Joséphine de La Baume as Madame Aubart in Titanic (2012) and Moira Redmond as Nessy Forrester in The Wingless Bird (1997).
--- ---
And in episode 4 of Parade's End (2012), I noticed that Rebecca Hall as Sylvia Tietjens wears the same coat.
Pauline Larrieu as Yvette Caragnac in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992). (James had previously seen it in series 3.)
maisy - 16.01.2013, 21:51
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kim Braden as Julia Darbyshire in To Serve Them All My Days (1980) wearing a day dress seen previously on Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977).
--- Cheryl Campbell as Vera Brittain in Testament of Youth (1979), and Beatie Edney as Nancy Ellis in Lost Empires (1986).
maisy - 19.01.2013, 03:16
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in teh same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981). Note: This is another example of a costume that looks completely different, depending on the color and fabric of the undergown.
Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in Mapp & Lucia: The Village Fete (1985).
Also worn by an extra in Bertie & Elizabeth (2002).
Elke Sommer as Isabel Von Hohenstauffen in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) .
And here it is yet again on Gwen Watford as Dora Sorrell in Sorrell & Son (1984).
maisy - 21.01.2013, 01:00
I don't think they had a very large costume budget for Mr. Selfridge; Zoe Tapper has worn that same dress (posted on previous page) in every episode so far.
Adminette - 23.01.2013, 21:29
i have yet to see more than the first episode, but from what i have seen i would say: yes. they've made good of it but they obviously didn't have the biggest costume lending budget. maybe i'll find some time for some (massive) catching up on costumey film thingies next but one weekend. hope to be able to add sth. then.
maisy - 01.02.2013, 15:55
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Thanks to a tip charleybrown received from one of her facebook followers, Caroline, I made a screencap of Maggie Smith as the Dowager Countess in series one of Downton Abbey (2010) wearing a costume previously seen on Barbara Flynn as Helen Potter in Miss Potter (2006).
Also seen on Madlena Nedeva as Sonya in Mr. Selfridge (2013).
from kiteflier:
kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: Saw this costume on Miranda Richardson in the Phantom of the Opera today while working, and noticed it is the same dress used in Mr Selfrige on the actress Amanda Abbingdon [as Miss Mardle].
maisy - 09.02.2013, 20:20
LOL, I noticed that the costume designer for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon sort of copied Edith's wedding gown and the Grantham Tiara for the latest installment of their spoof sketch "Downton Sixbey."
Adminette - 09.02.2013, 20:25
just as promised: here's the first tidbit: by the look of the fabric of the sleeve, this dress first seen on cate blanchett as elizabeth I might be reused - altered - for camille rutherfords mary, queen of scots. oh the ignomies that woman had to endure. first the handmedowns, than the death warrant... :wink: and a shame, because i actually really liked shape and functionality of the black vest-thingy.
Adminette - 09.02.2013, 20:28
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: LOL, I noticed that the costume designer for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon sort of copied Edith's wedding gown and the Grantham Tiara for the latest installment of their spoof sketch "Downton Sixbey."
:kreuz: ughh. who's that girl? at first i thought it was david walliams, but i'd think he'd managed feminine way better :wink:
maisy - 09.02.2013, 20:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: LOL, I noticed that the costume designer for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon sort of copied Edith's wedding gown and the Grantham Tiara for the latest installment of their spoof sketch "Downton Sixbey."
:kreuz: ughh. who's that girl? at first i thought it was david walliams, but i'd think he'd managed feminine way better :wink:
It's Saturday Night Live's Fred Armisen as Lady Hedith. I'll embed the youtube clips in the Downton Abbey thread.
maisy - 11.02.2013, 23:10
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown seen a few years later on an extra in A Dance to the Music of Time (1997).
Also worn by an extra in ep 3.8 of Downton Abbey (2012).
maisy - 18.02.2013, 15:05
Frances O'Connor as Rose Selfridge in Mr. Selfridge (2013) wearing a costume previously seen on Elizabeth McGovern as Cora, Lady Grantham in s2 of Downton Abbey (2011).
Adminette - 24.02.2013, 21:22
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: from "the shadow in the north": light blue walking gown on georgiana king/lady mary and the second american woman in "he knew he was right"
worn again by an extra on glendenning's lawn in episode 4 of "the paradise".
also on an extra attending the horse race in joe wrights "anna karenina" (2012) (far left):
PS: might this actually be the same costume? unfortunatly there aren't images sharp enough to see details of the sleeve and so on.
Adminette - 24.02.2013, 21:56
and some tidying: i think the light blue one from "the paradise" is actually two dresses. first this one: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here's a closer look at it.
the neckline is a bit higher so i believe it is not the one worn as well by billy piper as sally lockhart but this one worn by barbara flynn:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: cheryl campell/lady carbury in "the way we live now" and anna steel/catherine arrowpoint (not sure about character and actor name) in "daniel deronda"
probably the same: lightblue evening gown on extra in "the way we live now" and i suppose it was georgie glan as lady mallinger (background, middle) again in "daniel deronda"
and after all, this one one lady balantine/catherine glendenning's (elaine cassidy's) lady friend would be the one worn by billie piper and anne marie duff.
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: billie piper/sally lockhart in "the ruby in the smoke" and anne marie duff/georgiana longstaffe in "the way we live now".
and: i believe it is also worn by anothe extra attending the horse race in "anna karenina" 2012 (middle row, on the left).
maisy - 09.03.2013, 14:57
Those are great, Anna. (I haven't seen this film yet-- redbox will have it starting on 19 March.)
maisy - 16.03.2013, 20:14
Miranda Richardson as Mrs. Wannop in Parade's End (2012) wears a costume previously seen on Charmion King as Aunt Josephine Barry in Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987).
Barbara Murray as Leonie Alsager in Affairs of the Heart: Leonie (1975) wearing a grey gown seen years later on an extra playing Alice Bell in Anne of Green Gables (1985).
I've also spotted this dress again, as well as this one.
maisy - 17.03.2013, 19:23
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998) and Jenny Agutter as Mrs. Bruce in Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998).
Also worn by Amanda Root as Winifred Dartie in ep 5 of The Forsyte Saga (2002), and by Jennifer Daniel as Eleanor in ep 1.9 of The Duchess of Duke Street: The Outsiders (1976).
And on Zoe Tapper as Ellen Love in Mr. Selfridge (2013).
Anna Palk as Kitty Westlake in Affairs of the Heart: Bessie (1974).
maisy - 18.03.2013, 22:18
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Helen Ryan as Olive Bradford in The Duchess of Duke Street: Blossom Time (1977) wearing a dress seen later on an extra as a dancer in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by Rachel Gurney as Grand Duchess Victoria in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
Here it is again, on Rachel Gurney as Mrs. Agnes Foster Jones in Lost Empires (1986). (This is the second project in which Rachel Gurney wears this costume!)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra in Maurice (1987) and Jane Danson as Monica Jones in The Grand (1997).
Also worn by Pamela Stephenson as Lily Farris in Lost Empires (1986).
maisy - 19.03.2013, 20:32
This purple livery is in Anna Karenina.
maisy - 21.03.2013, 22:16
Kiteflier noticed that an extra in ep 10 of Mr. Selfridge (2013) wears an evening gown also seen on Natascha McElhone as Young Clarissa in Mrs. Dalloway (1997), and by an extra in An Ideal Husband (1999).
--- ---
maisy - 24.03.2013, 11:44
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This coat, worn by Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994), was later worn by an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
The same coat was worn years earlier by Rosalind Ayres as Christabel Carstairs in Father Brown: The Head of Caesar (1974).
maisy - 29.03.2013, 21:50
I spotted this costume again in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
Hermione Norris as Victoria St. John in Berkeley Square (1998), and I'm not sure who this is in The Lost Prince (2003).
Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in The Duchess of Duke Street (1976), Helena Bonham Carter as Lucy Honeychurch in A Room with a View (1985), and Georgina Cates as Emily in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
--- ---
Emma Thompson as Margaret Schlegel in Howard's End (1992) and Prunella Scales as Aunt Agnes in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
Emma Thompson as Margaret Schlegel in Howard's End (1992) and Catherine Zeta-Jones as Victoria Chapman in The Cinder Path (1994).
maisy - 31.03.2013, 22:24
Prunella Scales as Aunt Agnes in Stiff Upper Lips (1998) and also in that same year, Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 2 of the Grand (1998).
Adminette - 06.04.2013, 21:18
here's that enviably pretty blue coat worn first by fanny brawne/abbie cornish in "bright star" in 2009 and by clara barley /sophie rundle in mike newell's "great expectations" 2012
Adminette - 07.04.2013, 23:33
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and i have solved the "mister weston's waistcoat"-mystery. at least for me: i had seen the fabric of his emma09 waistcoat before on mother ruskin's daydress in "desperate romantics".
I have found it! Here is the very same waistcoat on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999), and again on Anthony Green as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes in The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999).
Here is the same waistcoat worn by an uncredited actor as James McHenry in John Adams: Unnecessary War (ep 6) (2008).
i have recently rewatched "jefferson in paris" which has to die for gorrrgeous costumes. in fact, i believe the whole decors to be the best researched and recreated ones for that period on a feature film (the servants livrees at versailles, textiles, wallpapers everything, really) so far. btw: the livree of the palace guards is reused in other versailles movies such as "marie antoinette" and "the affair of the necklace". anyway, one of greta scacchis costumes is made of the fabric. and it will probably end up as one of my favourite movie costumes to date, including, of course, that alien of a hat :heiss:
the waistcoat made of the fabric is worn again by a member of the finches/the gentlemen's club in mike newell's "great expectations" 2012.
maisy - 09.04.2013, 19:15
Those are lovely, anna. :-)
I've spotted this blue dress again in The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: The Horse of the Invisible (1971).
Adminette - 04.05.2013, 15:22
found this dress again on charlotte gainsbourgh as brigitte in "confessions of a child of the century".
maisy - 09.05.2013, 01:02
Great, Anna. I love that dress. :-)
I'd never heard of that film before. I started watching it a few days ago but I haven't had time to finish it yet. I noticed another recycled costume:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Honeysuckle Weeks as Millie Forester in The Rag Nymph (1997) and Gabrielle Lloyd as Felicite in Madame Bovary (1975).
And again on Anne Stallybrass as Anne Onedin in series 1 of The Onedin Line (1971).
Charlotte Gainsbourg as Brigitte in Confession of a Child of the Century (2012) .
These are from kiteflier: kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: Watching Dr Who - The Crimson Horror this evening and spotted a dress that I have seen popping up over the years but haven't gotten round to posting up.
I first saw it on Samantha Bond in The Black Candle (1991)
Then on an extra in The Secret (TV 2000)
Seen on another extra in The Forsyte Saga (2002)
and the one from Dr Who The Crimson Horror (2013)
maisy - 09.05.2013, 02:40
One more.... maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Rosalind March as Miss Knag in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001) wears a dress also seen on an extra in Middlemarch 1994.
A sighting of this costume from an earlier production: Margaret Ward as Mrs. Nupkins in The Pickwick Papers ep. 7 (1985).
This dress also appears as a prop in Mme. Mantalini's shop in the RSC production of The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1982).
(1st image - pictured with Janet Dale as Miss Knag.)
I'm pretty sure this is the same costume on an extra in Confession of a Child of the Century (2012) .
Adminette - 12.05.2013, 13:13
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: she wouldn't even have needed a green spencer to convey that envy. her face speaks volumes... :fies:
quite another thing i've noticed a while ago:
guy ritchie probably (not 100% sure) used props (window curtains) from P&P 05 for his feature film "rock'n'rolla" (!!!) plus one of the gangsters is watching P&P 05 (and the remains of the day) in his pimped car :lol: still madonna's "british to the upper lip" influence?
not sure but here it probably is again in stanleys office/home in "stephen poliakoff's dancing on the edge". these people, why can they never close their curtains :wink: anyway, i'm sure there are a lot more reused 30ies garments.
Adminette - 19.05.2013, 15:13
today a more "exotic" find: a set of jewellery seen on the second princess barbara (dietlinde turban) in the 1983 fairytale of "the salt prince"/"sol nad zlato", some kind of a king-lear-retelling. and after that, punky princess anna (adriana tarábková) famously gives it all away for just one baked fish in the lovely 1984 version of "king thrushbeard/král drozdia brada".
Adminette - 19.05.2013, 15:51
and there's another piece of jewellery - i'm so glitzy today :wink:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
rather expensive looking necklace on lady emily/geraldine somerville in "aristocrats" and as legacy of her in-laws on tess durbeyfield-clare/gemma arterton
although i unfortunately fail to provide sharper pics because my DVD's again at home and this one is simply taken from a youtube-music-video if the soundtrack, i think anette bening's queen is wearing this very necklace in the devilishly elegant 1995 film of shakespeares "richard III" in the first scene of the victory-ball. and i'm sure, there is much more to pick up from this movie that as sadly and inexplicably passed into obscurity.
maisy - 26.05.2013, 21:31
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Sasha Waddell as Glorvina in Parade's End (2012) wearing a costume previously seen on Susannah Harker as Laure de Lancel in Till We Meet Again (1989).
--- Here it is again on Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones in Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Jackal (1992).
I also spotted this dress again in the same episode.
maisy - 29.05.2013, 12:27
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Helen Ryan as Olive Bradford in The Duchess of Duke Street: Blossom Time (1977) wearing a dress seen later on an extra as a dancer in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by Rachel Gurney as Grand Duchess Victoria in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
Here it is again, on Rachel Gurney as Mrs. Agnes Foster Jones in Lost Empires (1986). (This is the second project in which Rachel Gurney wears this costume!)
This is Susannah Doyle as Maggie Lemass in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (1993).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Henrietta Voigts as a Suffragette in The Lost Prince (2003) wearing a gown seen a few years earlier on Sonya Walger as Lady Frances in All the King's Men (1999).
Also worn by an extra in Rasputin (1996) and by Caroline Langrishe as Lady Carnarvon in Egypt: The Search for Tutankhamun (2005)..
Here it is again on Jennifer Ehle as Empress Zita of Austria in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Austria, March 1917 (1992).
And I've spotted this gown again in another episode of YIJC, and this dress.
maisy - 30.05.2013, 13:15
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra (bottom left corner) in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003) and Felicity Jones as Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey (2007).
[NA screencaps by noone]
--- Sarah Berger as Madame Derville in Scarlet & Black (1993).
This red and white dress worn by Sarah Berger as Madame Derville in Scarlet & Black (1993) was previously spotted by Anna on Catherine Walker as Eleanor Tilney in Northanger Abbey (2007), and on an extra in Emma (1996).
--- ---
maisy - 30.05.2013, 13:44
And kiteflier has another find, too:
kiteflier hat folgendes geschrieben: I saw a fraction of The amazing Mr Blunden on tv (1970) today, and saw this blue coat on actress Lynne Frederick and knew I had seen it from The Railway Children 1970 on Jenny Agutter! I could only find on photo with it on, and cannot get a good screen cap of either either drama (TAMB I obtained from You tube)
I looked up both on imdb. Lynne Frederick plays Lucy Allen in Mr. Blunden; Jenny Agutter plays Roberta Waterbury in railway Children 1970.
maisy - 30.05.2013, 22:29
One more...
An extra playing Madame Joubert in Scarlet & Black (1993) wears a brown evening dress also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994).
Just realized I had already spotted this costume before in PC.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I've been saving this one until I had a chance to look it up. This extra in Micawber (2001) is wearing the same brown evening gown previously seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994).
maisy - 31.05.2013, 21:20
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears the green plaid dress seen on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1971). Also seen on an extra in the street in Vanity Fair (1998).
-- --
Emma Fielding as Mary Wordsworth in Pandaemonium (2000).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Phyllida Law as Edith Duglass in episode 2.3 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a beaded gown later seen on the French Ambassador's dinner partner in The Lost Prince (2003).
Also worn by Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in ep. 2.9 of The Grand (1998).
Also worn by Linda Kash as Mrs. Brown in ep. 4 of Julian Fellowes' Titanic (2012), and by an extra in All the King's Men (1999).
Here it is again on an extra in Carrington (1995), and an extra in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Celia Imrie as Grace Rushton in Titanic (2012) wearing a beaded gown previously seen on Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in The House of Eliott (1991). Also worn by the soprano at the concert in Wallis & Edward (2005).
--- ---
Jacqueline Pearce as Mrs. Annabelle Levi in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Paris, 1916 (1993).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1997) wearing a dress previously seen on Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by an extra in Chéri (2009).
And again on an extra in Carrington (1995).
maisy - 01.06.2013, 00:38
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and last but not least: this green striped under gown [...] reused in "a royal scandal as well" on bridget mcconnell as "lady"
Bruki hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ... only the screenshots bruki made of it.
Bruki :bruki:
Here is the dress I was referring to, as seen on an extra at the Meryton Assembly Ball in P&P95 (ep. 1).
This costume on an extra from P&P 95 seems to match the costume you spotted in A Royal Scandal, so it seems that there are two different costumes after all! So it is, after all, the costume worn by Emma Pierson as Fanny Dorrit in Little Dorrit.
P.S. LOL, I just noticed in my misc. costume thread that I had also spotted this same dress on Natasha Little as Becky Sharpe in Vanity Fair 1998.
An extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
And an extra in Scarlet & Black (1993).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Vanessa Redgrave as Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing the famous "silver-green mermaid's dress" mentioned in Virginia Woolf's novel. Apparently it wasn't designed for the film though, as here it is several years earlier on Amanda Elwes as Rose Gillespie in series 1, episode 10 of The House of Eliott (1991). The color of the under-gown really makes a difference in the final look of the gown, doesn't it?
Also worn by an extra in Chaplin (1992).
And on an extra in Carrington (1995).
maisy - 01.06.2013, 04:10
I've been posting so many of my own finds that I forgot to share this one from kiteflier! :-)
Felicity: An American Girl Adventure
Costume seen on Janine Theriault as Miss Manderly
Garrow's Law
Costume seen on Olivia Grant as Lady Henrietta Armistead
A Royal Affair
Costume seen on Alicia Vikander as Caroline Mathilde
A month or so ago Katie's website was mentioned in an article on Yahoo. At that time, I noticed the following in the comments section: Jody hat folgendes geschrieben: I was watching the Batman movie with Val Kilmer the other night and noticed in the circus scene there is an extra ( seated behind Nicole Kidman ) wearing the notorious black dress from Indecent Proposal. Odd, because that Batman movie came out long before Indecent Proposal.
Jody was incorrect about the dates, though; Batman Forever came out after Indecent Proposal.
I found these images online of Demi Moore as Diana Murphy in Indecent Proposal (1993).
I found a poor quality clip of Batman Forever (1995) online and made these screencaps
What do you think?
Adminette - 02.06.2013, 11:28
could this have been a designer dress of the early ninties, that was sought out more than once by stylists/costume "designers"?
anyway, thanks for sharing the load. i'm curious to see, what else might be popping up from "the royal affair". what is "scarlet & black"? is it a must-see? watchable or forgettable?
Adminette - 02.06.2013, 19:44
quoted from here:
Zitat: Zitat: extra at versailles (JiP) wearing the francaise seen on mme. de volanges/swoosie kurtz in "dangerous liaisons" before.
i think this (on the left) is it again. and again on a crowdmember hallooing the royal family. this time the british and therefore considerably grumpier one in "the madness of king george".
this year this costume can most likely be seen again on the big silver screen in amma asantes movie "belle", where - according to the poster - it is worn by sarah gadon's elizabeth. a main character. so my guess is, that there a several other finds waiting to be made by us.
maisy - 02.06.2013, 22:11
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: could this have been a designer dress of the early ninties, that was sought out more than once by stylists/costume "designers"?
anyway, thanks for sharing the load. i'm curious to see, what else might be popping up from "the royal affair". what is "scarlet & black"? is it a must-see? watchable or forgettable?
I don't recall seeing that dress until Demi wore it, and have only seen "similar" dresses appearing recently on celebrities who like to stir up publicity.
I watched A Royal Affair a few days ago (during our rainy, RAINY week!). I was pleased to finally see it and enjoyed it very much.
Scarlet & Black is an adaptation of Stendhal's novel. The story was interesting with good performances (I always enjoy watching Alice Krige and Rachel Weisz), but it started to lose me near the end. I fast-forwarded through the last 15-20 minutes, just to get the main points of the ending. So I say watchable once, but not one to watch over and over.
Love your find in Belle. I'm looking forward to that one; I hope it's done well. (I love that costume you spotted. It's one of my favorites!)
P.S. I came across this article about the dress,,311575,00.html
Adminette - 02.06.2013, 23:05
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Scarlet & Black is an adaptation of Stendhal's novel.
ah. of course. the scarlet was misleading as it is simply "red and black" in german. with scarlet i initially still think of o'hara. or fever. :wink: but rachel weisz. that sounds good. i think i'll try to get my hands on this one. thanks :ja:
maisy - 04.06.2013, 22:56
Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Florence, 1908 (1993), and Georgina Cates as Emily in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Florence, 1908 (1993), and Prunella Scales as Aunt Agnes in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Susan Hampshire as Esme Harkness in series 1 of The Grand (1997) and ten years later we have Sophie Thompson as Charlotte Bartlett in A Room with a View (2007) wearing the same coat.
Also worn by Maryam d'Abo as Amalia Guishar in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
maisy - 08.06.2013, 01:14
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Carey Mulligan as Elsie Kipling in My Boy Jack (2007) wearing a dress previously seen on Amanda Royle as Elaine Dawson Porter in The Wingless Bird (1997).
Also worn by an extra in Titanic (2012).
Lucy Russell as Nora Howe-Nevinson in Angel (2007), and Maryam d'Abo as Amalia Guishar in Doctor Zhivago (2002).
And I've spotted this blouse again in both Doctor Zhivago and Angel.
maisy - 14.06.2013, 20:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Miranda Richardson as Mrs. Wannop in Parade's End (2012) wears a costume previously seen on Charmion King as Aunt Josephine Barry in Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel (1987).
This costume must be one of the original designs made especially for Francesca Annis as Lillie Langtry in Lillie (1978).
maisy - 18.06.2013, 16:45
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: The other day I was watching Granada Television's 1997 documentary, Victoria and Albert, and realized that Louise Rea as Queen Victoria wears a costume I had previously seen on Beatie Edney as Louisa Gradgrind in Hard Times (1994).
Here is the same costume again, on an uncredited actress playing Martha Bannaman's companion, Miss Freeman, in A Dinner of Herbs (2000).
Cheryl Campbell as Bessy Tulliver in The Mill on the Floss (2000).
Here it is again on an extra playing a nursery maid in Edward the Seventh (1975).
maisy - 09.07.2013, 22:42
Georgia King as Lady Amelia Heartwright in Austenland (2013) wearing a red pelisse (or spencer?) previously seen on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair (1998).
I have a sneaking suspicion that Jane Seymour as Mrs. Wattlesbrook in Austenland (2013) is wearing this red pelisse, re-trimmed (over-trimmed, in my opinion, as in keeping with many of the other regency-style fashions appearing in this film). :wink:
Hmmm....I don't think that same pelisse was dyed red after all. Here it is in 1996 on Juliet Stevenson as Mrs. Elton in Miramax's Emma. It even appears to have the same ribbon trim above the hem! Probably the same one was used in ANNE LISTER for Anna Madeley.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Hannah Yelland as Beth Sturgeon in episode one of Micawber, ("Micawber Learns the Truth") (2001), wearing a pelisse seen 10 years earlier on Alison Doody as Lady Caroline Faye in Duel of Hearts (1991).
--- ---
The pink pelisse also appears on an extra in the Pump Room scenes in Persuasion (1995).
Flora Montgomery as Jenny Lind in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
Christina Cole as Caroline Bingley in Lost in Austen (2008).
Can you believe that this pelisse was dyed a second time, after it was worn in LOST IN AUSTEN? I'm pretty certain it was dyed again, to this shade of (Venetian?) red; possibly it was dyed this color specifically for The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister (2010). I believe this is the same costume, worn by Anna Madeley as Mariana Belcombe. Madeley wore at least two costumes in this shade of red for the production.
I was looking through the book The Making of Pride and Prejudice when I spotted this costume again. I believe this will solve the mystery of when this costume was dyed from pink to brown. As you can see in the above images, when it appeared in Persuasion 1995 it was still pink. But here it is in brown for Pride and Prejudice 1995, which must have filmed very soon after Persuasion, wouldn't you think? Notice in the second image the same wide ribbon trim woven through the skirt just above the hem.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: do you probably have a picture of caroline bingleys dress from the darcy-disco-freestyle clip? not sure, but this dress on the left extra from "vanity fair '98" looks very similar apart from the poor lighting that perhaps makes it darker, than it really is and the military strips/clasps on it.
Here's is Sarah Hadland as Caroline Bingley in That Mitchell & Webb Look's 2009 "Darcy Disco Dancing" sketch. Yes, I believe you're right; it's the same gown from Vanity fair 1998.
The same black and gold costume is seen in Micawber ep. 4 on Marion Bailey as Lady Macefield.
Also seen on an extra in Byron (2003).
Also worn by an extra playing a member of Mr. Crummles's acting troupe in The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001), and by an extra in Duel of Hearts (1991), and by an extra in Sense and Sensibility (1995).
--- ---
Here it is again, from 1994's Princess Caraboo, seen on an extra at the Prince Regent's ball.
And an extra in Emma (1996-Miramax).
Jane Seymour as Mrs. Wattlesbrook in Austenland (2013) is wearing the same black gown.
And an extra in The Deceivers (1988).
maisy - 10.07.2013, 15:32
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: These waistcoats might/might not be the same costume, but at the very least they are made from the same fabric. Jim Broadbent as Mr. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994) and Ian McNeice as Mr. Limbkins in Oliver Twist (2005).
Christopher Benjamin as Sir William Lucas in P&P95 wearing the same waistcoat seen above on Jim Broadbent in Princess caraboo.
Also worn by Rupert Vansittart as Mr. Wattlesbrook in Austenland (2013).
Georgia King as Lady Amelia Heartwright in Austenland (2013) wearing this bright pelisse previously seen on Christina Cole as Mrs. Elton in Emma (2009) (and Mrs. Hurst in P&P95).
maisy - 10.07.2013, 19:19
One more.......
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This one really surprised me, as the two women have very different body types, but here is the evidence that Jane Fairfax's blue dress was previously worn by Hayley Connick in Regency House Party (2004).
Also worn by Jools Newman as Mrs. Wattlesbrook's maid in Austenland (2013).
maisy - 13.07.2013, 13:06
I suspect Jennifer Coolidge as Miss Elizabeth Charming in Austenland (2013) is wearing this hat, seen on Cécile Pallas as Mathilde in St. Ives (1998).
maisy - 13.07.2013, 22:10
Georgia King as Lady Amelia Heartwright in Austenland (2013) and an extra in Emma (1996-Miramax), and on an extra in Sense and Sensibility (1995).
--- ---
maisy - 15.07.2013, 22:45
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here's a necklace worn by jaqueline bisset as countess andrenyi in "murder on the orient express" (1974) an by laura pyper as jane fairfax in "emma" (2009)
now i know, were i've seen this oone before: it was also in "love in the time of cholera" (2007) on giovanna mezzogiorno as fermina.
Greta Scacchi as Juliana in The Serpent's Kiss (1997).
maisy - 19.07.2013, 20:07
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Remember this spencer on Olivia Williams as Jane Fairfax in Emma 1996-tv? Here it is on an extra playing Reverend Cray's daughter in The Wyvern Mystery (2000).
Helena Michell as Sarah Wilson in Merchant & Ivory's The Deceivers (1988).
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Geraldine Chaplin as Mrs. Miller in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears a blue pelisse later seen on Abigail Thaw as Jane Osborne in Vanity Fair (1998), and Deborah Findlay as Miss Phoebe in Wives and Daughters (1999).
--- ---
This is an extra in Hans Christian Andersen: My Life as a Fairy Tale (2003).
here it is again on an extra at "molland's" in the 1995 "persuasion". [worn as a Spencer]
Helena Michell as Sarah Wilson in The Deceivers (1988).
And I added another sighting (from The Deceivers) of the same gold and black dress I recently spotted again on Jane Seymour in Austenland (see post above).
I also spotted this dress again in The Deceivers.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra playing Madame Joubert in Scarlet & Black (1993) wears a brown evening dress also seen on Wendy Hughes as Mrs. Worrall in Princess Caraboo (1994).
This extra in Micawber (2001) is wearing the same brown evening gown.
Helena Michell as Sarah Wilson in The Deceivers (1988).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Flora Finching/Ruth Jones wears a [made-over] dress that was previously worn by Geraldine James as Lady Emma Hamilton in I Remember Nelson (1982). The same gown is also worn by by an extra at the Assembly Rooms in Persuasion 1995, an extra (left) in P&P 95 and also worn by an extra at the Crown Inn Ball in Emma 96-tv. Also worn by an extra in Sense and Sensibility (1996).
It seems this costume wasn't modified specifically for Ruth Jones in Little Dorrit, as I have found it, already modified, in P&P 2005, on an extra at the Netherfield Ball.
An extra in The Deceivers (1988).
P.S. I have also edited a post above, adding new information about the bright pink pelisse that I thought had been dyed twice. Perhaps not after all. There is a red one very much like it in Emma 1996.
Adminette - 20.07.2013, 12:10
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S. I have also edited a post above, adding new information about the bright pink pelisse that I thought had been dyed twice. Perhaps not after all. There is a red one very much like it in Emma 1996.
huhc. now that's become a tough one. maybe it is a case of one design being made into servereal garments in different colors for more actual and artistic choice and then all of them were independently reused in different productions. are there sharper, more revealing pictures ofit in anne lister? and are there other reused garments in the hollywood emma? i'm quite surprised, they've so obviously reused one on so central a character.
maisy - 21.07.2013, 03:18
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: P.S. I have also edited a post above, adding new information about the bright pink pelisse that I thought had been dyed twice. Perhaps not after all. There is a red one very much like it in Emma 1996.
huhc. now that's become a tough one. maybe it is a case of one design being made into servereal garments in different colors for more actual and artistic choice and then all of them were independently reused in different productions. are there sharper, more revealing pictures ofit in anne lister? and are there other reused garments in the hollywood emma? i'm quite surprised, they've so obviously reused one on so central a character.
That's what I'm saying, sort of.
I still believe it's likely that the bright pink one was dyed brown, but the red one looks like it might be slightly different. (Something about the sleeves seems slightly different on Mrs. Elton's red pelisse.) So I suspect that the pelisse in Anne Lister could be the one from Emma. Sadly we don't get a very good look at it during Anne Lister, and even in Emma, the scenes were so dark I had to brighten the images quite a bit (I had to brighten them too much, but it was necessary to pick up the details).
maisy - 26.07.2013, 18:49
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Peter Clay (center) as Unwin Trevaunance in Poldark, episode 9 of series 1 (1975) wearing a green-striped coat. Eleven years later, here's Jonathan Coy as John Thorpe in Northanger Abbey 1986. Notice that he is wearing a coordinating striped waistcoat. And in 1999, the green-striped coat appears again, sans striped waistcoat. Here it is on an extra in a party scene from The Scarlet Pimpernel 1999 (first installment of the series).
--- ---
Here's just the waistcoat, this time in Poldark series 2, episode 10 (1977), seen on Christopher Biggins as Rev. Osborne Whitworth.
Michael York as Gervaise Warlingham in Duel of Hearts (1991) wears both the green striped coat, and the striped waistcoat.
An extra in Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story (1987) wears both the coat and the waistcoat.
Amanda Root as Anne Elliot in Persuasion (1995) and Stella Gonet as Mrs. Musgrove in Persuasion (2007) both wear the same pelisse.
maisy - 04.08.2013, 03:08
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Ruth de Sosa as Anna Jones in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Florence, 1908 (1993), and Prunella Scales as Aunt Agnes in Stiff Upper Lips (1998).
Also worn by Lisa Harrow as Beatrice Graham in The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: The Secret of the Fox Hunter (1973).
Adminette - 04.08.2013, 14:38
where did you find the napoleon+josephine movie? (pleaso don't say library :wink:) are there any clips/pics/trailers available?
i am guessing, that these gowns, first on diana quick as lady louisa in aristocrats (1999) then on tamsin greig as miss bates in emma (2009) might be one and the same. minus the velvety trimming near the neckline. what do you think? could the taille be lifted that much simply by lacing the (probable front) wrapping tighter?
maisy - 04.08.2013, 23:19
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: where did you find the napoleon+josephine movie? (pleaso don't say library :wink:) are there any clips/pics/trailers available?
Preview clip (better quality than the other segments posted lower)
The TV film is uploaded in separate segments. Here is the first part. (Unfortunately, the YT member has not uploaded all of the program yet; there are seven segments available at present)
There are also many clips from Napoleon and Love (1974) on youtube as well. They are easily found with the search function. :-)
Zitat: i am guessing, that these gowns, first on diana quick as lady louisa in aristocrats (1999) then on tamsin greig as miss bates in emma (2009) might be one and the same. minus the velvety trimming near the neckline. what do you think? could the taille be lifted that much simply by lacing the (probable front) wrapping tighter?
It could be! It does look to be the same fabric. Do you have any images that show more, or are of better quality? I have the souvenir book for Aristocrats, perhaps there's a better image. I'll look for it. There might be better images from Emma online.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Georgia King as Lady Amelia Heartwright in Austenland (2013) wearing a red pelisse (or spencer?) previously seen on Natasha Little as Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair (1998).
It seems this same piece will also be making an appearance later this year in PD James' Death Comes to Pemberley (2013). This is Jenna Coleman as Lydia Wickham.
Adminette - 05.08.2013, 00:00
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: It seems this same piece will also be making an appearance later this year in PD James' Death Comes to Pemberley (2013). This is Jenna Coleman as Lydia Wickham.
cool, are there more shots from dctp where that lydia one came from? per chance of lizzie?
as to emma: unfortunatly the gown is shown only very briefly. maybe an owner of the DVD or bluray (is there a bluray? probably not.) can see more. right now i cannot find better pics. but thanks for the napoleon clips :ja: uhh. have i asked for that one before? i vaguely remember my disappointment over bissets ...erm ... stylish? wardrobe.
Adminette - 05.08.2013, 00:11
ah. yey. found some/your piccies. could this be worn by the woman standing on the left at wickhams hanging? btw, what is goode doing there? a hangman's dance? funny photo.
maisy - 05.08.2013, 14:36
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: ah. yey. found some/your piccies. could this be worn by the woman standing on the left at wickhams hanging?
You are too quick for me, lol. I spotted that one yesterday, but wasn't sure so I wanted to ask your opinion. I had found a better image online here, but I wanted to enlarge it before posting. I think it might be the same...what do you think? The actress is Rebecca Lindley, but I don't know what role she is playing (or perhaps she is an extra).
In the video clip with that article about filming, we see one of the striped dresses from p&p95, but I'm not sure which one it is, yet, as both have decorations on the perhaps it is not even one of those? We will have to wait and see. :-)
No images of Elizabeth Darcy yet, although she can be seen in one of the behind-the-scenes clips I found online yesterday (not close up, though).
LOL about Bisset's costumes. They really glammed her up, eh? :oelig:
Adminette - 05.08.2013, 20:16
oh, i have found a piccie of lizzie in one of the links from c19 (i've linked back to it in the jane austen thread), though no second bts-clip with the stripey gown. i think it was georgiana, not lizzie in the BBCnews clip. but: where did you find the one of lydia in the riding habit? any chance for more pics? :heiss:
as for the green coat, i am quite positive it is the very one.
maisy - 05.08.2013, 22:00
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: where did you find the one of lydia in the riding habit? any chance for more pics? :heiss:
It was one of the Jenna-Louise Coleman blogs or tumbler sites (there are a few)
Digital Spy has this
maisy - 12.08.2013, 02:09
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Helen Ryan as Olive Bradford in The Duchess of Duke Street: Blossom Time (1977) wearing a dress seen later on an extra as a dancer in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by Rachel Gurney as Grand Duchess Victoria in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986).
Here it is again, on Rachel Gurney as Mrs. Agnes Foster Jones in Lost Empires (1986). (This is the second project in which Rachel Gurney wears this costume!)
This is Susannah Doyle as Maggie Lemass in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (1993).
Also seen on Jennifer Kendal as Mrs. Saunders in Merchant & Ivory's Heat and Dust (1983)
P.S. Also worn in Tommy and Tuppence: The Secret Adversary (1983) , costume seen on Toria Fuller as Jane Finn .
Adminette - 12.08.2013, 23:52
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: and arguably the same, due to the different lighting and it's effect on the structure: a spanish wall/screen made out of leather or lincrusta seen in thornefield zefirellis jane eyre (1996) and in onegins distinctly english looking country estate in eugen onegin (1998)
here is the spanish wall again in king richards bedchamber in the 9th episode of the "white queen" plus a better view on in the 1996 jane eyre. and then there is another rather peculiar item, which i came across serveral times, i just cannot remember half of them. once here in the 2011 jane eyre and in the 3rd season of "game of thrones" in the HQ of the ironborn. even though these two do not seem to be exactly the same (see the handle) i really have my fun with those lighting props.
maisy - 14.08.2013, 20:32
You have a really good eye for those sets, Anna. :-)
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: i have some more from the upcoming emma. some parts of "typecostuming" or "typedressing" that is: miss bates seems to wear the "it-dress" for elderly, slightly clownish women (previously seen on aunt norris/anna massey in mansfield park 83, mrs. price/lindsey duncan in mansfield park 09, mrs. bates/phyllida law (!) in GB emma, mrs. jennings in the most recent version of sense and sensibility and lastly on mrs. meagles in "little dorrit")
Someone will be wearing this one in Death Comes to Pemberley, too.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: nichola burley as isabella linton [in Wuthering Heights], who interestingly only wears hand-me-downs from previous productions.
I recognize her coat as this one:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Freema Agyeman as Tattycoram in Little Dorrit (2008), Ruby Bentall as Mary Bennet in Lost in Austen (2008), and Julie Cox as Annabella Millbanke in Byron (2003).
Also in Death Comes to Pemberley.
Adminette - 14.08.2013, 20:39
hey. :lol: hey was just going to post about this spencer i found in the york press. THANKs for the ton of other pics :ja:
maisy - 14.08.2013, 20:50
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: hey. :lol: hey was just going to post about this spencer i found in the york press. THANKs for the ton of other pics :ja:
:-) We're on the same wavelength.
P.S. I remember seeing that you had found a better image of the spencer in "die vermessung der welt"/"the measuring of the world" (2012)? It's not posted in the comments on katie's site.
Adminette - 14.08.2013, 20:58
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: remember seeing that you had found a better image of the spencer in "die vermessung der welt"/"the measuring of the world" (2012)? It's not posted in the comments on katie's site.
i don't think i have found a better one than you have already posted. the film is out on bluray now, but i don't have it. or a bluray-player for that matter. and the publicity shots were not that HQ either.
Adminette - 14.08.2013, 21:03
PS: does this picture help with the confirmation of the striped dress?
maisy - 14.08.2013, 21:10
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: PS: does this picture help with the confirmation of the striped dress?
Yes, it does help. I don't think it's either of the two p&p dresses I had in mind. :-)
Thank you!
maisy - 14.08.2013, 21:14
Posted: 25.10.2012, 18:58
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
do you remember this spencer? i think it was worn as well by the refreshing vicky krieps as johanna gauss in the german feature film "die vermessung der welt" / "measuring the world". you can also see it in the trailer around 1:00'.
Adminette - 16.08.2013, 23:17
yes i know, but you've already posted it in the comment's section, didn't you?
EDIT: ah okay, it was yet another image... corrected.
anyway, here's another reused one from "death comes to pemberley" (dear me, we both should at least have the decency to wait until the thing has aired before we tear the wardrobe to bits :wink:)
purple striped gown worn by fanny dashwood/claire skinner in "sense and sensibility" 08 and probably by an extra crossing the street (:wink:) in said "death comes to pemberley"
maisy - 25.08.2013, 00:30
Well done, Anna. :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Lucy Gutteridge as Eve de Lancel in Till We Meet Again (1989), and Claire Skinner as Agnes Conway in The Wingless Bird (1997) wearing the same coat and hat.
Francesca Annis as Tuppence Beresford (undercover as an eccentric Russian ballerina, no less!) in Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime: The Case of the Missing Lady (1984).
maisy - 23.09.2013, 02:13
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This coat, worn by Louise Lombard as Evangeline Eliott in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994), was later worn by an extra in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
The same coat was worn years earlier by Rosalind Ayres as Christabel Carstairs in Father Brown: The Head of Caesar (1974).
Laura Carmichael as Lady Edith Crawley in episode 4.1 of Downton Abbey (2013).
maisy - 24.09.2013, 21:32
An extra in ep 4.1 of Downton Abbey (2013) wears a costume (with a distinctive back) previously seen on an extra in ep 2.11 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Jana Shelden as Harriet Jeffard-Hendry in ep 2.11 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing a gold gown later seen in the same series on Lindy Alexander as Miriam Sargisson in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994).
maisy - 08.10.2013, 23:15
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mary McGarvie in Death Defying Acts (2007) and Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in series 2, episode 4 of Downton Abbey (2011).
This is the same blouse, worn by Emma Thompson in the Oscar-winning role as Margaret Schlegel in Howard's End (1992).
Here it is on Maggie Smith as Lady Myra Naylor in The Last September (1999).
I've also spotted this white dress again in the same film.
maisy - 14.10.2013, 20:27
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Arkie Whiteley as Madame Euphrasine de Bourg D'Oisans in ep. 2.5 of The Grand (1998) wearing a black coat also previously seen on Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in series 2 of The House of Eliott (1992).
Apparently this piece was also worn in series one. Here it is on Anne Lambton as Susie Hofman (cousin Arthur's business partner in the shady night club) in ep. 1.4 of The House of Eliott (1991).
The same interesting black coat appears on Jennifer Tilly as Louella Parsons in The Cat's Meow (2001), and on Barbara Murray as Lydia Wheatley in The Bretts (1987).
Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary Crawley in ep 4.4 of Downton Abbey (2013).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in the same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981). Note: This is another example of a costume that looks completely different, depending on the color and fabric of the undergown.
Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in Mapp & Lucia: The Village Fete (1985).
Also worn by an extra in Bertie & Elizabeth (2002).
Elke Sommer as Isabel Von Hohenstauffen in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) .
And here it is yet again on Gwen Watford as Dora Sorrell in Sorrell & Son (1984).
Here it is on an extra in ep 4.4 of Downton Abbey (2013).
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Stella Gonet as Beatrice Eliott in ep 3.4 of The House of Eliott (1994) and an extra in Easy Virtue (2008). Also worn by an extra in s1 of The Grand (1997).
--- ---
An extra in ep 4.4 of Downton Abbey (2013).
Adminette - 14.10.2013, 22:43
that's a fun-find on the dowager and lady mary :lol:
i have found serveral costumes from "shakespeare in love" 1998 once more in "dr. who - the shakespeare code" 2007 like this one and this one and last but not least this one, first on an extra sacrificing his cape for the queen elizabeth when she only goes to put her petticoat at least six inches deep in mud and than on i know not which actor as i know not which actor in the first scene at the globe. and i could have sworn i have seen that costume somewhere else. only then i thought it was first worn by tom wilkinson as hugh fennyman (SiL) and when i couldn't place it on him, i've dropped it...
Adminette - 14.10.2013, 22:59
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: from "the merchant of venice" (2004)
the french nobleman "lebon" courting portia (tom leick) wears christopher marlowes' (rupert everett) whole costume from "shakespeare in love" and the duke of anjous (my favourite vincent cassel) barret from "elizabeth" whose remaining costume is worn by the english nobleman falkenbridge (pieter riemens) courting portia as well, but alas, keeping his breath to cool his porridge. oh. and the hat he wears appears to be the retrimmed one from the french courtier standing in for anjou at the arriveal.
having done the gentlepeople's costumes, there is this waistcoat first seen on barnaby kay as master nol in shakespeare in love (i think he later plays benvolio in the piece), later again in joseph fiennes (this time as bassanio) circle on his taylor and after that, again in "la serenissima" on an extra in "dr. who: the vampires of venice" (2010)
- -
it's only there for a glimpse and the picture quality is not much. but i believe the actor (from "dr. who - the shakespeare code") on the left wears everetts "marlowe"-costume as well. at least the cape. at least it would not have been the firs SiL costume reused in both, "the merchant of venice" and dr. who.
maisy - 15.10.2013, 02:42
Thanks. I liked Mary's coat, too.
I always enjoy seeing your finds from that period. Very nice. :-)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Vanessa Redgrave as Clarissa Dalloway in Mrs. Dalloway (1997) wearing the famous "silver-green mermaid's dress" mentioned in Virginia Woolf's novel. Apparently it wasn't designed for the film though, as here it is several years earlier on Amanda Elwes as Rose Gillespie in series 1, episode 10 of The House of Eliott (1991). The color of the under-gown really makes a difference in the final look of the gown, doesn't it?
Also worn by an extra in Chaplin (1992).
And on an extra in Carrington (1995).
Here it is on an extra in Campion: Death of a Ghost (1989).
I've also spotted this evening gown again in a different episode of Campion.
maisy - 15.10.2013, 18:24
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Ruth Burnett as Beryl in ep. 1.3 of Jeeves and Wooster: The Village Sports Day at Twing (or, the Gambling Event) (1990) wearing a coat seen two years later on Linda Davidson as Kitty in ep. 2.12 of The House of Eliott (1992).
The same coat is also seen on Nicola Walker as Gypsy Jones in A Dance to the Music of Time (1997).
Rosalie Crutchley as Lisa in Campion: Death of a Ghost (1990).
And I've spotted this blouse in another episode of the same series.
maisy - 21.11.2013, 02:35
I think I'll have a little fun with this next one. :wink:
Barbara Murray as Lydia Wheatley in (ep 1.6) The Bretts: Broadway, Here I Come (1987), wearing an interesting, geometric color-block dress.
Flash forward seven years:
Melanie Ramsay as Grace Keeble in The House of Eliott (1994) (ep 3.1) is a young designer trying to get her big break; she convinces Evie and Bea to purchase two of her designs as sketches, including a color-block dress, which she has sewn herself and is wearing when she visits their office.
However, a little while later, Evie is concerned when she learns that a client recognizes Grace's sketch as a dress she has seen in a shop window in Kensington!
Evie visits the shop to investigate, and sure enough, there is the dress in the shop window! (What is this Grace Keeble playing at?!) :wink:
maisy - 21.11.2013, 22:38
While posting screencaps of the color-block dress last night, I realized that I also recognized the black dress worn by the shop mistress. Here is Barbara Murray as Lydia Wheatley in (ep 1.5) The Bretts: Moving Pictures (1987) wearing a costume seen later on Avril Clark as Miss Pemberton in ep 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Adminette - 08.12.2013, 00:38
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: although the film has not yet been shown by the BBC i've found some new piccies and it looks like the foolowing costumes will be reused in "the secret diaries of anne lister":
1st the lovely red gown worn by kelly reilly as caroline bingley in P&P05, on anna madeley/mariana belcombe.
i think this is it again on jenna l coleman as lydia wickham in "death comes to pemberley"
maisy - 19.12.2013, 21:39
Pretty one, anna. :)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Victoria Scarborough as Ruth Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1998) wearing a floral costume previously seen on an extra in series 3 of The House of Eliott (1994).
Also worn by an extra in ep 4.6 of Downton Abbey (2013).
maisy - 27.12.2013, 18:48
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This gown Jennifer Higham as Louisa Musgrove wears on the long walk to Winthrop in Persuasion (2007) is the same gown Gwyneth Paltrow wears as Emma Woodhouse in Emma 96 miramax.
--- Also worn by Eleanor Tomlinson as Georgiana Darcy in Death Comes to Pemberley (2013).
Adminette - 28.12.2013, 10:23
ah thank you. i had already wondered :ja:
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: nice find. have you seen the CZJ-film? how is it?
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: maisy hat folgendes geschrieben:
And this teal pelisse worn by an extra at church (left) is from Becky Sharp/Natasha Little in Vanity Fair 1998, Rosie Hammond in RHP (2004), an extra in Miss Austen Regrets (2008), an extra in the Assembly Room in Persuasion 2007, and a character in BYRON (2003).
as well on a party guest in "from time to time".
i think, this is it on a bystander in the third part of "napoleon" (2001)
here it is on jane bennet (name of the actress not yet given via imdb) in the second episode of "death comes to pemberley".
after her marriage to darcy she also wears this spencer previously seen on charlotte lucas, no less... shame, that it's short back does not fit her dress.
Adminette - 28.12.2013, 10:31
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: reused costumes, bright star edition - once more, and after all, only to confirm: remember this brown dress at a ball-extra in emma09? i think, it's definetly one of fanny ensembles from bright star. she wears the brown jumper througout with various chemises/shift dresses under it and the turkish vest/sashes over it. in emma it is seen with the goldenish shift dress that is tied at the wrists by ribbons.
this is probably the brown jumper-dress again on jane bingley in the 2nd episode of "death comes to pemberley".
Adminette - 29.12.2013, 11:52
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: for comparison: lyndsay marshal's dress from garrow's law:
the fabric in st. ives seems to be rather blue, but the colors in the film are very unnatural and high pitched. and the fabric looks rather glossy, too. similar to those the regency dresses in these comments are made of. due to details in the cut of the dresses i'd say it is not a altered version of miranda richardson's dress on lindsay marshall. although the fabric print looks very similar to the victorian dresses from N&S, tSitN and bleak house.
worn again by mrs. younge during a flashback to the pride and prejudice plot in the last episode of "death comes to pemberley".
a bonnet seen on anne hathaway as jane austen in "becoming jane" (2007) and on anna maxwell martin as elizabeth darcy in "death comes to pemberley"
and i am pretty sure, i have seen mrs. bennets dark red dress displayed prominently somewhere before. i thought maybe mrs. jennings (BBC 2008) but it wasn't. do you know it?
Adminette - 29.12.2013, 12:05
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: purple striped gown worn by fanny dashwood/claire skinner in "sense and sensibility" 08 and probably by an extra crossing the street (:wink:) in said "death comes to pemberley"
big fat spoiler: the extra is not an extra but has a proper speaking role and is even a character originally invented by austen. and she does not make it to the other side of the street but instead reveals: it does not seem to be the same dress after all as the front/bodice are not accentuated as on fanny dashwood's dress. yet it is peculiar, two so similiar dresses in that fabric (striped... again). maybe an unfinished model to fanny's costume?
maisy - 29.12.2013, 17:04
Those are all great anna. I loved seeing them. I didn't recognize any of those except for the brown one, which I knew you would post. :-)
I found a couple of others, but no time to post them now. Check back later (perhaps tonight, or not until tomorrow).
What did you think of the program?
Adminette - 29.12.2013, 19:22
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: What did you think of the program?
we've discussed it (well. kind of) here in the austen-thread. i liked it more than i didn't. mostly due to the brilliant cast and the lovely tone, locations and photography. but i have to say, i would consider some serious crime to be able to see, what that cast would have done with a text and story as good as the original one. i really really liked the harder and more grown up approach shown in the flashback scenes selected for this sequel :ja:
so. i'll be looking forward to what you have found. until then
PS: i've posted some more additions here and here.
maisy - 30.12.2013, 17:43
Aha, I just noticed that you also posted Jane's blue pelisse, her Spencer, and Lizzy's Spencer. I had also spotted those and made these screenshots. (Your shot of Jane's Spencer [borrowed from 1995's Kitty] is better than mine! I found the actress for Jane listed on IMDB's page for episode 2 of Death Comes to Pemberley.)
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: This one really surprised me, as the two women have very different body types, but here is the evidence that Jane Fairfax's blue dress was previously worn by Hayley Connick in Regency House Party (2004).
Also worn by Jools Newman as Mrs. Wattlesbrook's maid in Austenland (2013).
Also worn by an extra as a kitchen maid in Death Comes to Pemberley.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Remember this costume on Victoria Wood as Miss Tweed in the sketch, "Plots & Proposals" from her 2000 Christmas special called, Victoria Wood with All the Trimmings? I think it must have been from 1999 David Copperfield, on Pauline Quirk as Pegotty. Also worn by Eleanor McCready as Mrs. Bunting in Sense and Sensibility (1995).
--- ---
I was looking through my book about the making of Emma (1996-tv) and noticed a photo of Prunella Scales as Miss Bates in which I'm pretty sure she is wearing this same dress.
Also worn by Teresa Churcher as Mrs. Piggott in Death Comes to Pemberley.
One or two more to come. :-)
maisy - 30.12.2013, 23:46
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: I recognized this gown, worn by an extra at the masked ball in St. Ives (1998), from Quills (2000), worn by an extra attending the play. Also worn by an extra in Byron (2003).
Also worn in a flashback scene (a previous Lady Anne Ball at Pemberley) by Anna Maxwell Martin as Elizabeth Darcy in Death Comes to Pemberley (2013).
An extra in the courtroom in Death Comes to Pemberley (2013) wears the same green pelisse previously seen on Natasha Little as Augusta Leigh in Byron (2003) and Juliet Stevenson as Mrs. Elton in Emma (1996 Miramax).
--- ---
P.S. In that same courtroom image, there's also an extra wearing this plaid Spencer.
And I have replaced some of my screencaps with better ones from Grande Caps.
(Here are some of Mrs. Younge, which give a better look at the costumes!) :-)
maisy - 04.01.2014, 16:53
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in the same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981). Note: This is another example of a costume that looks completely different, depending on the color and fabric of the undergown.
Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in Mapp & Lucia: The Village Fete (1985).
Also worn by an extra in Bertie & Elizabeth (2002).
Elke Sommer as Isabel Von Hohenstauffen in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) .
And here it is yet again on Gwen Watford as Dora Sorrell in Sorrell & Son (1984).
Here it is on an extra in ep 4.4 of Downton Abbey (2013).
Here it is again on Ciaran Madden as Theo in The Agatha Christie Hour: Magnolia Blossom (1982). (Sorry about the youtube screengrab; if I locate a DVD I'll replace it.)
maisy - 08.01.2014, 21:37
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Another two-piece outfit worn by Gemma Jones as Louisa Trotter in series 2 of The Duchess of Duke Street (1977). Here it is again, on an extra in series 1, episode 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by Emma Piper as Sylvia Carslake in The Agatha Christie Hour: In a Glass Darkly (14 Sep. 1982)
Adminette - 12.01.2014, 20:42
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: here's that enviably pretty blue coat worn first by fanny brawne/abbie cornish in "bright star" in 2009 and by clara barley /sophie rundle in mike newell's "great expectations" 2012
here are some - hopefully - clearer caps from "great expectations". at least the allow a look to the detailing on the blue velvet cuffs and the matching buttons on front and back.
maisy - 20.01.2014, 02:28
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Julia St. John as Sarah Bannerman in series 2 of The Grand (1997) wearing a dress previously seen on Barbara Jefford as Lady Lydia Eliott in series 1 of The House of Eliott (1991).
Also worn by an extra in Chéri (2009).
And again on an extra in Carrington (1995).
Polly Walker as Delphine Day in series 2 of Mr. Selfridge (2014).
maisy - 21.01.2014, 23:04
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: and a pelisse is worn by an extra in Sharpe's Justice (1997), an extra in Sharpe's Waterloo (1997) and an extra in Mansfield Park (1983).
-- --
Here it is on Ann Firbank as Anne Elliot in Persuasion 1971 and Marilyn Taylerson as Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair (1967) .
Also worn by Nicola Pagett as Elizabeth Fanschawe in Christopher Isherwood's Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
I strongly suspect this piece was altered slightly and used again in Vanity Fair (1967) for another character. This is Sarah Harter as Lady Jane Crawley (née Sheepshanks). It seems that the costume dept. tacked some marabou trimming along the scalloped edge of the costume in order to disguise it.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: An extra at at Fezziwig's ball in Scrooge (1970) wears a black paisley print seen on Gabrielle Daye as Mrs. Rooke in Persuasion (1971). Also worn by a dancer in the Granada Television production The Strauss family (1972).
-- --
Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Blair in Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
Also worn by Barbara Leake as Mrs. Sedley in Vanity Fair (1967).
I think this green dress is worn by extras in both Vanity Fair (1967) and Frankenstein: The True Story (1973).
Adminette - 27.01.2014, 00:27
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben:
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: earrings worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren in "the madness of king george" and lady caroline/serena gordon in aristocrats.
same earrings on hayley atwell as elizabeth foster in "the duchess".
also on rose byrne as yolande de polignac in marie antoinette
Du Barry also wears these earrings in Marie Antoinette. I see that Polignac and du Barry wear them differently from queen charlotte/helen mirren and lady caroline/serena gordon. The top stone hangs below the ear lobe instead of directly on the front of the ear lobe.
Here are two paintings of Queen Charlotte wearing girandole earrings similar to the two pair you have found in multiple films.
i think they're also worn by susan lynch as caroline von braunschweig in "a royal scandal", a 1996 movie that also reuses the other ensemble, including the matching necklace, worn by helen mirren as queen charlotte on frances barber as lady jersey.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: another pair worn by queen charlotte/helen mirren and king george II wife/lover/daughter whatever in aristocrats.
those were also on catherine zeta jones as catherine the great.
I found the same girandole earrings in The Affair of the Necklace (2001), worn by on extra attending the spiritualism gathering conducted by Christopher Walken's character.
earrings and necklace have been worn as well in "E=mc² - einstein's big idea" in 2005 by emilie de châtelet and an extra.
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Here is Ronan Vibert as Robespierre in The Scarlet Pimpernel: The Scarlet Pimpernel and the Kidnapped King (1999). This costume can also bee seen on a tailor's form in the shop of Robespierre's tailor in the previous installment, The Scarlet Pimpernel Meets Madame Guillotine (1999).
also: the justaucorps worn by ronan vibert as robespierre in 1999's "scarlett pimpernel" is worn by julian rhind-tutt as antoine lavoisier.
maisy - 29.01.2014, 02:07
Cool! (I've always loved those earrings.)
(Sorry about the quality of the first two images, from youtube.)
This is Imelda Staunton as Edith in ep 1.3 of Ladies in Charge: Double Act (1986) wearing a shiny silver and blue dress found years later on Jayne Ashbourne as Celia Sutton in ep 1.3 of The Grand (1997).
maisy - 15.02.2014, 00:20
An extra in Princess Caraboo (1994), an extra in Pride and Prejudice (1995) and Margaret Courtenay as Miss Pinkerton in Vanity Fair (1987). (There's a trailer of poor quality available on youtube.)
--- ---
maisy - 17.02.2014, 00:01
maisy hat folgendes geschrieben: Kate Fahy as Alice Burgoyne in ep. 2.7 of The House of Eliott (1992) wearing the same gown seen two years later in the same series on Tricia George as Mrs Armstrong in ep. 3.1 of The House of Eliott (1994). Also worn by Richenda Carey as Lady Bradshaw in Mrs. Dalloway (1997).
Claire Bloom as Lady Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (1981). Note: This is another example of a costume that looks completely different, depending on the color and fabric of the undergown.
Geraldine McEwan as Lucia Lucas in Mapp & Lucia: The Village Fete (1985).
Also worn by an extra in Bertie & Elizabeth (2002).
Elke Sommer as Isabel Von Hohenstauffen in Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna (1986) .
And here it is yet again on Gwen Watford as Dora Sorrell in Sorrell & Son (1984).
Here it is on an extra in ep 4.4 of Downton Abbey (2013).
Here it is again on Ciaran Madden as Theo in The Agatha Christie Hour: Magnolia Blossom (1982). (Sorry about the youtube screengrab; if I locate a DVD I'll replace it.)
An extra as Lady Somerset in Marple: The Secret of Chimneys(2010).
(That makes 11 appearances -- so far!) :-)
Adminette - 27.09.2014, 22:25
phuhh. it's gotten rather dusty in here. not to speak of the odeur de mothball. so. some new sightings from "a royal affair" (2012) and "belle" (2014).
let's start with queen caroline mathilde's wardrobe, shall we? not only are the first scenes o fthe film VERY much (nearly shot by shot by mood by shot) inspired by coppolas "marie antoinette" but also at least one the queens milina canonero disigned dresses has made it into... well, the queens wardrobe: see this regal yet playfull, womanly yet youthful peachy gown:
then there's this at first glance inconspicuous but then intricately designed and coloured gown on alicia vikander's caroline mathilde worn for the masked ball scene that leads to the "royal affair" of the title and in which there is a dance reminiscent of darcy's and elizabeth's netherfield dance in 2005's P&P. two years later it was worn by sarah gadon as elizabeth murray in this years "belle"
EDIT: oh i see. that's the one designed by michael o'connor (i might have known, inconspicuous but intricate with subdued, unusual colour combinations - that's a lot of what he's about) and worn by kiera knightley for "the duchess". and it was found to be in belle by wataya before. well. at least my picture's pretty :wink:
dancing at the very same royal ball with the very same royal person is an extra wearng a bright red velvet justaucorps previously seen on rip torn as louis XV in "marie antoinette".
another dress worn by caroline mathilde/alicia vikander fits gugu mbatha-raws dido elizabeth "belle" just as well. yeah. that rhymed... :engel:
then there is this waistcoat worn with backfolded flaps, i think, by jason schwartzman's louis XVI in "marie antoinette" and by tom felton's john ashford with a dashing wig in "belle".
- -
and then there is this nicely caped caraco worn by laura bro as louise von plessen, queen caroline mathildes lady in waiting and again by gugu mbathaw's belle. and again that pop of colour in the lining of the cape plus the great fit and the intricate embellishments... maybe this one was in "the duchess" first as well?
Adminette - 28.09.2014, 00:51
Anna hat folgendes geschrieben: just saw "a royal affair" in the theatre and think i've caught this, this and perhaps this dress first seen on lady emily/geraldine somerville in "aristocrats" 1999 on serveral extras. unfortunatly i can't find them on public shots of the movie so i cannot provide any pictures just yet. but when the DVD comes out, i'm sure even more sightings will occur. :ja:
PS: just like this one, because: isn't this the dress, the queen caroline mathilde/alicia vikander wears in the trailer (0:41)?
remember this posting from the may the 12 in 2012? well, seems my memory wasn't that bad. since this dress has been proven to be sashaying through "the royal affair" time and time again on an extra.
and as you can see above: it IS the dress seen first on geraldine somerville/lady emily in aristocrats. the green bows on the stomacher seem to have been ironed.
the greenish dress above, again on geraldine somerville as lady emily may have been worn by the extra standing on the right in this still of a royal affair, what do you think?
i am more certain that this gown (not the blue one i have suspected in the initial post) worn by jodhi may as lady sarah in "aristocrats" is also worn bei laura pro/louise von plessen in the "royal affair"
and lastly for now: dress worn by anne marie duff as lady louisa in "aristocrats" and by harriet walter as augusta, princess of wales in "a royal affair"
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